引用本文:焦念元,汪江涛,张 均,付国占,李友军. 化学调控和施磷对玉米/花生间作磷吸收利用和间作优势的影响[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2015, 23(9): 1093-1101
JIAO Nianyuan,WANG Jiangtao,ZHANG Jun,FU Guozhan,LI Youjun. Effects of chemical regulation and P fertilization on P absorption and utilization in maize/peanut intercropping system[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2015, 23(9): 1093-1101
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焦念元, 汪江涛, 张 均, 付国占, 李友军
河南科技大学农学院 洛阳 471003
摘要:  为了研究化学调控和磷肥对玉米/花生间作体系磷营养的调控效应, 于2012—2013年在河南科技大学农场进行田间试验, 试验设单作玉米、单作花生、玉米/花生间作和玉米/花生间作+化学调控4种种植方式, 分别施磷[180 kg(P2O5)·hm–2]和不施磷共8个处理, 研究了间作玉米和间作花生不同器官磷含量、磷积累分配的特点, 分析了化学调控和施磷对间作体系磷间作优势的影响。结果表明: 间作显著提高了玉米籽粒磷含量、茎和籽粒磷积累量, 促进了磷向籽粒分配; 明显降低了花生各器官磷含量、磷积累量, 不利于磷向果仁分配; 与单作玉米和单作花生相比, 间作提高了玉米/花生间作体系磷吸收量, 磷吸收间作优势为15.99~19.54 kg(P)·hm–2。在玉米小口期喷施化学调控剂提高了间作玉米籽粒磷含量, 降低了茎、叶和籽粒的磷积累量, 提高了磷向籽粒分配比例; 提高了间作花生果仁磷含量和茎、叶和果仁磷积累量, 促进了磷向果仁分配。化学调控间作玉米施磷肥显著增加了间作玉米和花生各器官的磷含量以及磷积累量, 提高了磷向玉米籽粒和花生果仁分配比例, 促进了间作体系对磷的吸收; 磷吸收间作优势为19.50~22.00 kg(P)·hm–2, 比不施磷提高16.51%~57.51%, 达到显著差异水平。这表明玉米/花生间作具有明显磷间作优势, 化学调控间作玉米再施磷有利于间作体系磷吸收量增加, 显著提高磷间作优势。因此, 生产上可以采用化学调控同时施磷肥来进一步提高磷间作优势。
关键词:  玉米/花生间作 化学调控 磷肥 磷积累 磷分配 磷间作优势
Effects of chemical regulation and P fertilization on P absorption and utilization in maize/peanut intercropping system
JIAO Nianyuan, WANG Jiangtao, ZHANG Jun, FU Guozhan, LI Youjun
College of Agriculture, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, China
Abstract:  In order to investigate the effects of chemical regulation and phosphorus (P) fertilization on P in maize/peanut intercropping system, a field experiment was conducted in 2012 and 2013 in the farm of Henan University of Science and Technology. P content, accumulation and distribution in different organs of intercropped maize and peanut were determined and the effects of chemical regulation and P fertilization on intercropped maize/peanut analyzed. The experiment included eight treatments — monocultured maize, monocultured peanut, intercropped maize/peanut with chemical regulation, and intercropped maize/peanut without chemical regulation of 4 planting models with and without P fertilizer application [P fertilizer dose was 180 kg(P2O5)·hm–2]. Results showed that compared with monocropping system of maize, maize/peanut intercropping system increased seed P content and accumulated P in stem and seed of maize. Also while intercropping enhanced P distribution in maize seed, it obviously limited P content and accumulation in different organs of peanut and P distribution to nuts. Compared with monoculture systems, intercropping improved P uptake with obvious P intercropping advantages of 15.9919.54 kg(P)·hm–2. During the little bell mouth stage, spraying chemical regulator to intercropped maize increased P content in maize seed, decreased P accumulation in maize stem, leaf and seed, and then promoted P distribution in maize seed. However, spraying chemical regulator to intercropped maize obviously increased P content in seed, P accumulation in stem, leaf and nut, and then promoted P distribution in nut of peanut intercropped with maize. Compared with spraying chemical agent to intercropped maize without P fertilization, spraying chemical agent to intercropped maize with P fertilization significantly enhanced P content and accumulation in different organs of maize and peanut, increased P distribution in maize seed and peanut nut. Also compared with none-P intercropping, intercropping with P fertilization improved P absorption of the system, and increased P intercropping advantage to 19.5022.00 kg(P)·hm–2, representing an increase of 16.51%57.51%. This suggested that the application of P fertilizer had a significant advantage in term of P availability under maize/peanut intercropping system. Chemical regulation with P fertilization enhanced P uptake, thereby bringing significant advantage of maize/peanut intercropping system.
Keyword:  Intercropped maize/peanut  Chemical regulation  Phosphorus fertilization  Phosphorus accumulation  Phosphorus distribution  Phosphorus intercropping advantage
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