引用本文:贾 丽,吴冰冰,高泽崇,张长春. 高标准基本农田建设时序安排研究——以河北省涿州市为例[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2016, 24(9): 1265-1274
JIA Li,WU Bingbing,GAO Zechong,ZHANG Changchun. Time sequence of high-standard prime farmland construction— A case study of Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2016, 24(9): 1265-1274
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贾 丽, 吴冰冰, 高泽崇, 张长春
河北农业大学国土资源学院 保定 071001
摘要:  高标准基本农田是集耕地自然质量、良好配套基础设施、高级农业技术和先进管理理念的高生产能力系统, 然而国家对于高标准基本农田建设的投资标准较低, 如何在不饱和投资的前提下科学合理地进行高标准基本农田建设, 是当下以及未来很长一段时间内需要解决的热点问题。本文以河北省涿州市为例, 采取模型法、多因素综合评价方法、配对比较法、可行性适宜性组合矩阵, 首先依据基本农田连片度状况, 进行建设区划分, 依据乡镇界线对建设区进行细化, 然后以建设区为基本评价单元, 通过建立建设可行性和生态适宜性评价指标体系, 探讨各评价单元的高标准基本农田建设状况, 并根据可行性适宜性组合矩阵进行建设时序安排。结果表明: 河北省涿州市可划分为73个高标准基本农田建设区, 其中近期建设区15个, 总面积11 241.23 hm2, 主要分布在区域社会经济发展水平较好, 区位条件较优越, 生态景观状况良好, 连片度较高的松林店镇、码头镇和刁窝乡等区域; 中期建设区50个, 总面积27 054.07 hm2, 其分布较广, 主要分布在义和庄乡等东北部, 高官庄镇、豆庄乡等东南部, 以及西部、西北部绝大部分区域; 远期建设区8个, 总面积875.98 hm2, 呈零散状分布, 且建设区平均面积较小, 仅为109.50 hm2。相关政府部门需要综合考虑建设区建设可行性、生态适宜性, 以及实际工作开展时所需要的前期和后期经费支持等社会经济因素, 进行建设时序和重点区域选择; 通过工程或技术等措施改善限制高标准基本农田建设的主要要素, 逐步扩大适宜建设区域; 需要认真决策, 选择建设强度低且生态适宜性较好的区域进行试点工作, 与此同时积极扩宽投资渠道, 从而保证高标准基本农田建设目标的顺利完成。
关键词:  基本农田 高标准 建设可行性 生态适宜性 建设时序 涿州
Time sequence of high-standard prime farmland construction— A case study of Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province
JIA Li, WU Bingbing, GAO Zechong, ZHANG Changchun
College of Land and Resources, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, China
Abstract:  High-standard prime farmlands are high production capacity systems that integrate natural quality of cultivated lands, perfect supporting infrastructures, advanced agricultural techniques and management concepts. However, national investment levels for high-standard prime farmland constructions have remained persistently low. Thus scientifically and reasonably constructing high-standard prime farmlands is critical for present and future sustainability of production. With the construction area of high-standard prime farmland as the studied unit in Zhuozhou County, Hebei Province, the paper adopted the model method, comprehensive multi-factor evaluation method, paired comparison method, and the feasibility and suitability composition matrix method to decide time sequence of high-standard prime farmland. In this article, construction areas were first divided on the basis of prime farmland contiguous condition, eliminating smaller construction areas. Then the construction areas were refined according to the ownership of the divided construction areas. On this basis, the construction areas were used as the basic evaluation units to discuss high-standard prime farmland construction conditions. The established construction feasibility and ecological suitability evaluation index system was used to ultimately determine construction time sequence according to the composition matrix of feasibility and suitability. The results divided Zhuozhou County into 73 high- standard prime farmland construction areas. This included 15 areas of recent construction with total area of 11 241.23 hm2, which mainly distributed in Songlindian Town, Matou Town, Diaowo Town, etc. In these regions, social and economic development levels were higher, location conditions superior with better ecological landscape conditions and higher degree of continuity. About 50 medium-term construction areas with a total area of 27 054.07 hm2 were widely distributed in the northeast of Yihezhuang Township, the southeast of Gaoguanzhuang Town and Douzhuang Town, and most areas was in the west and northwest of the city. Another 8 long-term construction areas with a total area of 875.98 hm2 had a scattered distribution with small average construction areas of only 109.50 hm2. In order to fully complete the number and quality goals of high-standard prime farmland construction, relevant government departments needed to consider areas that were feasible for construction and ecologically suitable, and coupled with early and late funding supports for social and economic development. The implementation of any such projects needed rationally to arrange time sequence and select key regions. This was potential in eliminating the main limiting elements through engineering or technical measures that ensured gradual expansion of suitable construction regions. In addition, policy-making should carefully choice pilot regions with low construction intensity and good ecological suitability. At the same time, it was important to broaden investment channels for successful construction of high-standard prime farmlands.
Keyword:  Prime farmland  High-standard  Construction feasibility  Ecological suitability  Construction time sequence  Zhuozhou
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