Comparison Test of New Early-spring Cucumber Cultivars in Plastic Greenhouse
中文关键词:  早春茬  大棚  黄瓜  品种比较
英文关键词:Keywords: early-spring cultivation  plastic greenhouse  cucumber  cultivars comparison
周 涛,高 媛,王永琦,万恩梅,廖兴茂,江 山,王旭东,简红忠 汉中市农业技术推广中心陕西 汉中 723000 
摘要点击次数: 371
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      Abstract: In order to screen out new cucumber cultivars which were suitable for early-spring planting in plastic greenhouse in Hanzhong area, the comparative test of 4 early-spring cucumber cultivars were carried out. The results showed that 'Jingyanyousheng' had best comprehensive performance, with the date of fi rst harvest on April 26, the fi rst female fl ower at 4-5 nodes and early maturity. The plant growth was strong, which height was 207.1 cm and main stem diameter was 8.9 mm. The fruit had high commodity quality, it was shown in fruit length (35.3 cm), the diameter (3.3 cm), fruit weight (225.0 g), and the shape of a short stick, green color and glossiness, moderate levels of fruit warts with dense thorns. The yield of 'Jingyanyousheng' was highest with 4 216.1 kg per 667 m2, which 4.1% higher than that of the control. It could be promoted and planted in early-spring and plastic greenhouse in Hanzhong.
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