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Status and Countermeasures of Developmentof Eel Industry Cluster in Guangdong
中文关键词: 广东省  鳗鱼  全产业链  集群发展  区域合作
英文关键词: Guangdong Province  eel  whole industrial chain  industrial cluster development  regional cooperation
基金项目:海南省重点研发计划项目(ZDYF2017060);中央级科研单位基本科研业务费项目(1630082022001, 1630082016002)
摘要点击次数: 808
全文下载次数: 595
      鳗鱼是高蛋白质、高脂肪的优质鱼类,是广东重要的出口农产品,随着消费升级,国内消费者对 鳗鱼愈加青睐。通过渔业统计数据分析和实地考察调研,发现我国 4 个鳗鱼主产区各具发展特征,福建省鳗鱼 产业集聚程度最高,具有较强竞争力;江苏省依靠独特的鳗苗资源而获得重要产业地位;江西省则凭借有利的 区位条件获得鳗鱼产业后发优势;广东省鳗鱼产业集群具有养殖条件优良和全产业链建设条件,鳗鱼产量名列 前茅。明晰广东鳗鱼产业当前发展的优势和劣势,可促进广东鳗鱼产业集群的升级优化,实现可持续发展。目 前广东鳗鱼产业区位商和集中系数分别达到 3.16 和 4.93,具有产业集中度高、生产专业化等优势;但是广东鳗 鱼产业链上游的鳗苗供应系数仅为 0.0045,而且鳗鱼产业龙头企业对产业支撑作用有待进一步提升。基于此提 出增强广东鳗鱼产业集群内龙头企业的支撑能力、加快广东鳗鱼产业服务体系建设、加强与其他鳗鱼主产区紧 密合作等发展对策。
      Eel is a kind of high-quality edible fish with high protein and fat, and it is an important export agricultural product of Guangdong Province. With the upgrading of consumption, domestic consumers are increasingly interested in this nutritious aquatic product. Through the analysis of fishery statistics and field investigation, the development characteristics of the four main eel production areas in China were found out. The eel industry in Fujian Province had the highest cluster degree with strong competitiveness. Jiangsu Province has gained an important industrial status because of its unique eel fry resources. Jiangxi obtained the late-development advantage of eel industry by virtue of favorable geographical conditions. Guangdong eel industrial cluster has excellent breeding conditions and construction conditions of the whole industrial chain, and eel output ranks first. The study aims to clarify the advantages and disadvantages of the current development of eel industry in Guangdong, which can promote the upgrading and optimization of Guangdong eel industry cluster to achieve sustainable development. Currently, the local quotient and concentration coefficient of Guangdong eel industry reached 3.16 and 4.93, showing the advantages of high industrial concentration and specialized production. However, the supply coefficient of eel fry in the upstream of Guangdong eel industry chain is only 0.0045, and the supporting role of leading enterprises in eel industry needs to be further enhanced. Based on these above, the following development countermeasures are put forward, such as strengthening the supporting capacity of leading enterprises in Guangdong eel industry cluster, speeding up the construction of eel industry service system in Guangdong Province, and strengthening the close cooperation with other major eel producing areas.
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