引用本文:谭支良,潘亚飞,王久荣,汤少勋,单计光. 洞庭湖退田还湖区畜产品质量与畜牧业发展对策[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2006, 14(1): 230-232
TAN Zhi-Liang,PAN Ya-Fei,WANG Jiu-Rong,TANG Shao-Xun,SHAN Ji-Guang. Animal product quality and developmental strategies of animal husbandry in recovery region of Dongting Lake[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2006, 14(1): 230-232
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中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所 长沙 410125
摘要:  对洞庭湖退田还湖区畜禽产品质量分析结果表明,牛肝是微量元素和重金属元素富集能力最强的副产品,而猪肾对Cd有很强的富集能力;示范区目前饲养条件下畜禽肉、蛋产品基本符合国家无公害食品卫生标准,但副产品中重金属指标Cr、Cd、Pb则普遍超标。并指出加强对畜禽饲料原料和产品质量全程监控与管理,循序渐进推动项目区畜牧业向无公害、绿色或有机方向发展,是退田还湖示范区畜牧业可持续发展的关键。
关键词:  畜产品质量 畜牧业 发展对策
Animal product quality and developmental strategies of animal husbandry in recovery region of Dongting Lake
TAN Zhi-Liang1, PAN Ya-Fei2, WANG Jiu-Rong2, TANG Shao-Xun1, SHAN Ji-Guang2
1.Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125,China;2.Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125,China
Abstract:  The animal product quality in recovery region of Dongting Lake was analyzed. The results show that the contents of major trace elements and heavy metals are the highest in cattle liver and the cadmium content is the highest in pig kidney. Under the present feeding conditions, the quality of the major animal meat and egg products are in keeping with the state sanitation standard of non-public hazard on animal products, however the contents of heavy metals, i. e., chromium, cadmium, plumbum, in animal by-products are higher than those of the state sanitation standard of non-public hazard food on animal products. The key measurements of assuring the sustainable development of animal husbandry are to enhance the control and determination of feedstuffs, animal product quality and feeding environments, and encourage the development of non-public hazard, green and organic animal husbandry in the demonstrative region.
Keyword:  Animal product quality, Animal husbandry, Developing strategies
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