引用本文:李继云,童依平,刘秀娣,王建江,高福存. 太行山中段典型低山丘陵区土壤营养元素丰缺评价[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 1997, 5(2): 33-36
Li Jiyun,Tong Yiping,Liu Xiudi,Wang Jianjiang,Gao Fucun. Evaluation of soil nutrients availability in the typical low mountain areas in the intermediate zone of Taihang Mt.[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 1997, 5(2): 33-36
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李继云1, 童依平1, 刘秀娣1, 王建江2, 高福存2
1.中国科学院生态环境研究中心 北京 100085;2.中国科学院石家庄农业现代化研究所 石家庄 050021
摘要:  对河北省元氏县前仙乡微地域环境内不同地貌土壤中的营养元素进行了分析评价,查明有效态N含量低、P含量较低,6种微量营养元素亦严重缺乏。其中有90%以上的土壤缺Zn、Mn,80%以上的土壤缺Mo、B,60%以上的土壤缺Cu、Fe。相关统计分析表明,土壤有效态元素含量低与有机质含量低呈显著相关,不同地形影响的土壤类型差异亦是造成土壤肥力不同的重要因素。
关键词:  营养元素 有效性 丰缺评价
Evaluation of soil nutrients availability in the typical low mountain areas in the intermediate zone of Taihang Mt.
Li Jiyun1, Tong Yiping1, Liu Xiudi1, Wang Jianjiang2, Gao Fucun2
1.Research Center for Eco-environmental Sciences,CAS,Beijing 100085;2.Institute of Agricultural Modernization,CAS,Shijiazhuang 050021
Abstract:  The availabilities of nitrogen,phosphorus and six trace elements in different topographical soils at Qianxian township of Yuanshi County in Hebei Province were analysed. The results showed that the contents of alkali hydrolysis N and olsen P in topsoil were lower than the average of those in other places of China.The six trace elements were also deficient, about 90% of the land were deficient of Zn and Mn,over 80% deficient of Mo and B,and about 60% deficient of Cu and Fe. The lower availabilities of soil untrients was closely correlated with the lower contents of organic matters.Landforms and soil types were also the factors influencing soil nutrient contents.
Keyword:  Soil nutrients,Availability,Evaluation of soil nutrient supply ability
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