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投稿时间:2007-03-07  修订日期:2007-04-09  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 37
全文下载次数: 160
田海燕 石河子大学农学院农学系, 新疆兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室, 石河子, 832003  
薛飞 石河子大学农学院农学系, 新疆兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室, 石河子, 832003  
李艳军 石河子大学农学院农学系, 新疆兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室, 石河子, 832003  
孙杰 石河子大学农学院农学系, 新疆兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室, 石河子, 832003 sunjie_bce@shzu.edu.com 
中文摘要:选择北疆特早熟棉区自上世纪50年代以来不同时期5个有代表性的推广品种(系)进行主要经济性状演变趋势的研究。结果表明:随着棉花品种的更换,在其产量构成的主要因素中,结铃数、衣分、衣指逐步提高,近期品种衣分比以往品种增加7.5%~19.9%;在衣指提高的过程中,子指却在随品种更替明显下降;单铃重表现出与单株结铃数相反的趋势,铃重逐渐减轻,从早期品种的5.9 g下降到近期品种的5.3 g。纤维品质构成因素中,纤维长度增加,近期育成品种纤维长度比以往品种增加0.5~1.8 mm;随着品种的更替,纤维强度、整齐度也有上升趋势;马克隆值普遍偏大,伸长率明显下降,近期育成棉花品种中伸长率较中期下降11.6%。
中文关键词:北疆  棉花  演替规律
Research on Main Economical Characteristics Succession of Cotton Variety in Northern of Xinjiang
Abstract:Field experiments were carried out to study the succession of economical characteristics among 5 main cotton varieties that used popularly from 50's in 20th century to present.Results indicated that,with cotton varieties succession,in the primary factor of yield constitution,the number of bolls per plant,lintindex and lint per centage increased obviously,in which the number of lint percentage in modern varieties was 7.5%~19.9% higher than old varieties,along the lintindex increased the seed index obviously drops with cotton variety change;boll weight and the number of bolls per plant displays opposite tendency,there was a declined trend in boll weight,from 5.9 g in old varieties to 5.3 g in modern varieties.In the constitution factors of fiber quality,fiber length increased about 0.5~1.8 mm than old varieties,with the varieties succession,fiber strength and fiber unifor mity has a increased than old varieties,the micronaire that all varieties tested were a little higher than standardized,percentage of elongation obviously drops and declined about 11.6% than old varieties.
keywords:Northern of Xinjiang  Cotton  Succession rule
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