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刘焕芳1,2, 程 琨1,3, 吕宏兴1,2
1.新疆兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室;2.西北农林科技大学 水利与建筑工程学院;3.石河子大学 水利建筑工程学院
针对渗渠取水过程中的压力变化以及由此引起的渗渠取水量变化,结合模型试验,运用源汇理论建立了流体力学方程。阐述了点汇是导致渗渠取水过程中压力降落的原因,而压力的减小导致渗渠取水量的降低,取水量的降低又会使得补给水头增大,缓解了因点汇形成的压力降落,这是一个动态过程。试验结果表明,渗渠运行170~250 min后达到压力平衡位置,处于稳定取水状态,且管径越大稳定用时越长,非完整式渗渠较完整式渗渠稳定用时更长。
关键词:  渗渠  取水压力变化  源汇理论
Analysis of pressure variety process during seepage channel intaking water
In view of the pressure change which resulted in the water quantity change during the seepage channel intaking water,fluid mechanics equation was established by applying source sink theory according to the model experiment.The reason that pressure drop was caused by point sink was elaborated.The decline of pressure resulted in reduction of water quantity,which caused pressure head of feed water makeup go up,and thus could alleviate the loss of pressure caused by point sink.This was a dynamic state process.The experimental results showed that after wheeling 170~250 min the seepage channel would reach the equilibrium position of pressure and it would intake water in a stable way,and the larger the caliber,the longer the stability temporal hour was needed.Besides,the partially-penetrated seepage channel needed much more time compared with the fully penetrating seepage channel.
Key words:  seepage channel  pressure variety of intaking water  source-sink theory