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程智慧1, 孟焕文2
1.西北农业大学 园艺系;2.陕西省农科院蔬菜所
关键词:  大蒜,管叶现象,栽培技术
A Primary Research on Tube-leaf Phenomenon in Garlic
Cheng Zhihui Meng Huanwen
The position of tube-leaf on garlic (cv.Ciang Shan) plant and the effects of tube-leaf phenomenon on the scape and bulb characters were studied. The relationships among tube-leaf plant rate and seed clove size, pre-planting storage conditions (temperatures, relative humidities and light and darkness) of seed cloves, planting dates and soil water conditions were also investigated. The results showed that there was usually one tube-leaf on a tueb -leaf plant, it appeared mostly at the 3rd or 4th leaf numbered from scapes. Scapes were short and bulbs were small on tube-leaf plants, the yields of which decreased by 29.7% and 30.3% respectively. The pre-planting cold storage of seed cloves or the selection of cloves with large size can increase 1 ' e-leaf plant rate,but the late planting in right time or the high relative water [content in soil during the whole growing stage can reduce the occurence of tubeleaves. After the occurence of tube leaves, spliting them can also reduce the yield losses of scapes and bulbs caused by tube leaves.
Key words:  garlic, tube-leaf phenomenon, cultural technique