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引用本文:宋真真,许彦腾,冯梦梦,薛金丽,孙 勇,张建新.豆渣膳食纤维的抗氧化活性[J].西北农业学报,2013,22(7):73~77
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宋真真,许彦腾,冯梦梦,薛金丽,孙 勇,张建新 (西北农林科技大学 食品科学与工程学院陕西杨凌 712100) 
中文摘要:通过体外试验探讨豆渣膳食纤维(Soybean Dregs Dietary Fiber,SDDF)的抗氧化性。以酶法制备的SDDF为试验材料,采用·OH体系、O2-[KG-1]·体系、DPPH·体系和总抗氧化能力体系对 SDDF的抗氧化性进行评价。结果表明,SDDF对·OH和O2-[KG-1]·均有较强的清除能力,其EC50分别为4.18、8.86 g/L;而对DPPH·的清除能力和总还原能力较差。与维生素C比较,SDDF对·OH、O2-[KG-1]·和DPPH·的清除能力较弱,而总还原能力较强。可见:SDDF有较强的抗氧化性,适合用作天然抗氧化剂及开发其他抗氧化功能产品。[JP]
中文关键词:豆渣  膳食纤维  清除自由基  抗氧化活性
Antioxidant Activity of Soybean Dregs Dietary Fiber
Abstract:Antioxidant activity of Soybean Dregs Dietary Fiber (SDDF) was discussed by in vitro experiments. Antioxidant activity of SDDF was evaluated by total antioxidant power system and free radical assay systems including hydroxyl, superoxide anion and the DPPH free radical systems. SDDF has a strong scavenging capacity against hydroxyl, superoxide anion free radicals with an EC50 of 4.18 g/L and 8.86 g/L respectively, but the scavenging capacity against DPPH free radicals and the total antioxidant capacity were weaker. The scavenging capacity against hydroxyl, superoxide anion and the DPPH free radicals was weaker than that of vitamin C. However, compared with vitamin C, SDDF has a stronger total antioxidant capacity. SDDF, which has a strong antioxidant capacity, can be used as a natural antioxidant to develop other antioxidant function products.
keywords:Soybean dregs  Dietary fiber  Scavenging free radicals  Antioxidant activity
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