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引用本文:刘冬芝,时 燕,赵登超,王 雪 ,侯立群.大酸枣与酸枣、枣亲缘关系的RAPD分析[J].西北农业学报,2010,19(4):160~164
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刘冬芝1,时 燕1,赵登超2,王 雪1 ,侯立群2* (1.山东师范大学 生命科学学院济南 2500142.山东省林业科学研究院济南 250014) 
中文摘要:利用RAPD分子标记技术对大酸枣、酸枣及枣等11份种质材料进行了亲缘关系和遗传多样性检测,并采用离差平方和法进行聚类分析。结果表明,16条引物共获得115条谱带,其中多态性带84条,占总扩增谱带的73.04%。表明RAPD技术能较好地用于大酸枣、酸枣及枣亲缘关系的研究。从聚类分析图得,在等值线λ= 15处,可将供试材料分为3类群:第1类包括无核小枣、金丝小枣、圆铃枣、冬枣4个枣品种;第2类包括大酸枣、s4、s5;第3类是由s1、s2、s3组成的酸枣群;表明大酸枣的分类地位处于供试酸枣和枣品种之间,推测大酸枣可能为供试酸枣与枣品种的中间类型。从欧氏距离上看出,大酸枣与供试酸枣的平均欧氏距离大于与枣品种间的平均欧氏距离,表明大酸枣与供试枣品种间亲缘关系较近。
中文关键词:  酸枣  遗传多样性  亲缘关系  RAPD  聚类分析
RAPD Analysis on Relationship of Dasuanzao, Ziziphus spinosa and Ziziphus jujuba
Abstract:The genetic diversity and systematic relationship between Dasuanzao, Ziziphus spinosa and Ziziphus jujuba were studied using RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) technique.A tree diagram was constructed by using Ward method.Totally,115 DNA fragments were amplified with 16 random primers.The polymorphic DNA fragments were 84, accounting for 73.04 % of 115 fragments.It was shown that RAPD could be used to analysis genetic relationship among Dasuanzao, Ziziphus spinosa and Ziziphus jujuba.Cluster analysis showed that, when λ= 15, the forms tested were divided into three groups.The first group included Z.jujuba cv.Wuhexiaozao, Dongzao, Yuanlingzao, and Jinsixiaozao; the second included Cuisuanzao, Tiansuanzao, Z.spinosa forms.s4, s5; the third group included 3 Z.spinosa forms.s1,s2,s3.Dasuanzao were in the middle of Ziziphus spinosa and Ziziphus jujuba and showed special classification position.Average Euclidean distance of Dasuanzao with Ziziphus spinosa was greater than that with Ziziphus jujuba, and indicated closer relationship with Ziziphus jujuba.
keywords:Ziziphus spinosa  Ziziphus jujuba  Genetic diversity  Genetic relationship  RAPD  Cluster analysis
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