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张治科1, 吴圣勇2, 雷仲仁,等2,3
1.宁夏农林科学院 植物保护研究所;2.中国农业科学院 植物保护研究所;3.闽台特色作物病虫生态防控协同创新中心
关键词:  辣椒  西花蓟马  空间分布  聚集度指标
Spatial distribution pattern of Frankliniella occidentalis during pepper flowering stage in Ningxia
ZHANG Zhike,WU Shengyong,LEI Zhongren,et al
【Objective】Invasive species western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) is one kind of vital pests to greenhouse vegetables in Ningxia.This study investigated the spatial distribution pattern of Frankliniella occidentalis during pepper flowering stage in Ningxia to provide basis for understanding the occurrence,harm and diffusion behavior,monitoring and integrated control of Frankliniella occidentalis.【Method】The spatial distribution pattern of F.occidentalis on greenhouse pepper flowers in Ningxia was studied using fitness chi-square fitting,aggregation indexes and linear regression equation tests.【Result】The frequency distribution indicated that the population density of Frankliniella occidentalis on greenhouse pepper flowers was 0 to 7 each flower,with the highest frequencies of 0 and 1 per flower.The frequency declined significantly with the increase of population density.The spatial distribution pattern of F.occidentalis followed the negative binomial distribution and Neyman pattern and further analysis showed that they followed the Neyman pattern better.The aggregation indexes test indicated aggregative distribution caused by environmental heterogeneity.【Conclusion】This study clarified the spatial distribution pattern of F.occidentalis on greenhouse pepper flowers in Ningxia,which provides basis for developing effective control technology.
Key words:  pepper  Frankliniella occidentalis  spatial distribution pattern  aggregation index