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胡文杰1,2, 江香梅,等1
1.江西省林业科学院 国家林业局樟树工程技术研究中心;2.井冈山大学 生命科学学院
【目的】比较油樟和异樟根(主根和侧根)精油的化学组成成分,为其化学利用提供参考。 【方法】将油樟和异樟根(主根和侧根)样品处理后进行水蒸气蒸馏,对精油组分进行GC-MS分析,按峰面积归一化法计算各组分的相对含量。【结果】从油樟主根和侧根精油中共鉴定出31种化合物,相对含量之和分别占其根中精油总量的95.14% 和 93.60%;从异樟主根和侧根精油中共鉴定出39种化合物,相对含量之和分别占其根中精油总量的92.64%和 91.86%。油樟根(主根和侧根)精油中相对含量较高的成分有黄樟油素、1,8-桉叶油醇、樟脑、α-松油醇;异樟根(主根和侧根)精油中相对含量较高的成分有黄樟油素、樟脑、异-橙花叔醇、1,8-桉叶油醇、甲基丁香酚。油樟和异樟根精油共有组分有20种,非共有组分有30种。【结论】油樟和异樟根(主根和侧根)精油的主要化学组分是醚类、醇类和酮类物质,且黄樟油素是二者根精油中的绝对主导成分,具有较大的开发利用价值。
关键词:  油樟  异樟  精油  黄樟油素  GC-MS分析
Comparison of essential oil components from roots of cineol type and isonerolidol type in Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl
HU Wenjie,JIANG Xiangmei,et al
【Objective】The chemical components of essential oil from roots of cineol type and isonerolidol type in Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl were compared to provide reference for utilization of essential oil.【Method】The roots of cineol type and isonerolidol type were distilled with hot water steam to obtain essential oils and the chemical components were analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS).【Result】A total of 31 compounds were identified from tap root and lateral tap root of cineol type, accounting for 95.14% and 93.60% of crude essential oil.A total of 39 compounds were identified from tap root and lateral tap root of isonerolidol type,accounting for 92.64% and 91.86% of crude essential oil.The major compounds of cineol type included safrole,1,8 Cineole,camphor,and α-Terpineol,and those of isonerolidol type included safrole,camphor,iso nerolidol,1,8 Cineole, and methyl eugenol.Twenty compounds were found in both cineol type and isonerolidol type,while 30 compounds were special to one type. 【Conclusion】Ethers,alcohols and ketones were the main components in oils from roots (tap root and lateral tap) of cineol type and isonerolidol type in C.camphora (L.) Presl.Safrole was the dominant component with great utilization value.
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