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澳大利亚南部暴发牛炭疽病疫情澳大利亚南部维多利亚州日前发生牛炭疽病疫情,这次牛炭疽病疫情是在古尔本山谷中发现的。这起疫情已导致29头奶牛死亡。澳大利亚有关部门已发出警告,要求公众对疫情加倍警惕,任何不明原因死亡的牛都要按突发事件向上报告。  相似文献   

正尼泊尔发生牛结节性皮肤病疫情7月29日,据世界动物卫生组织(OIE)消息,尼泊尔农业与畜牧业发展部向OIE报告称,尼泊尔发生3起牛结节性皮肤病疫情。这次疫情发生于尼泊尔的莫兰县(Morang)、奇旺地区(Chitwan)和Rautahat区,疫情于2020年7月27日得到确认。疫情源头未知或不确定。经临床与实验室检测发现,具体发病品种是牛,确诊牛1220头,死亡12头,疑似病例8400头,发病率14.52%,病死率0.98%,动物损失率0.14%,疫情尚未结束,尼泊尔农业与畜牧业发展部将提交后续疫情报告。  相似文献   

2007年12月-2008年1月,H5N1型高致病性禽流感疫情在全球范围内继续暴发,东南亚、中亚地区先后发生口蹄疫疫情,加拿大和日本再次发现疯牛病病例,法国继续发生蓝舌病,日本、蒙古马流感疫情持续。越南再度发生蓝耳病疫情,赞比亚和巴西分别发生非洲猪瘟和牛狂犬病。  相似文献   

近期。湖北武汉、新疆、上海等地,陆续发生牛口蹄疫疫情。国家口蹄疫参考实验室确诊三地类似口蹄疫疫情为A型口蹄疫疫情。  相似文献   

牛结节性皮肤病(LSD)是一种由牛结节性皮肤病病毒(LSDV)引起的牛全身性感染疾病,临床上以皮肤出现结节为显著特征.该病的易感动物为各品种牛,严重影响牛的正常生产发育.2020年7月百色市乐业县和田林县相继发生LSD疫情,本文梳理了这两起疫情的发病原因、流行状况及疫情处置经验,提出通过采取监测排查、扑杀无害化处理、消毒灭虫及紧急免疫接种等综合防控措施,阻止疫情蔓延扩散.  相似文献   

2020年7月19日,云南省临沧市在开展牛结节性皮肤病紧急监测排查中发现,镇康县一养牛户饲养的黄牛发生疑似牛结节性皮肤病。省、市、县各级疫病控制机构立即组织相关人员开展现场调查,同时采集发病牛全血、皮肤结节以及痂皮、口腔及眼鼻棉拭子样品进行荧光PCR检测。结合临床症状、流行病学特征、实验室检测结果,并经中国动物卫生与流行病学中心复检,确认该起疫情是由牛结节性皮肤病病毒感染引起的牛结节性皮肤病疫情。调查认为,此次疫情由养殖户跨省调运活牛引发,为典型的输入性疫情,养殖户防控意识淡薄导致疫情进一步扩散。建议加强牛只移动监管以及蚊蝇等虫媒的控制和扑灭,及时切断传播途径,同时加强对养殖户牛结节性皮肤病防控知识的宣传和培训,做到早发现、早报告、早扑灭。  相似文献   

正农业农村部新闻办公室2月20日发布,内蒙古自治区赤峰市巴林左旗发生一起牛O型口蹄疫疫情。2月20日,农业农村部接到中国动物疫病预防控制中心报告,经国家口蹄疫参考实验室检测确认,巴林左旗一养殖小区饲养的牛发生O型口蹄疫疫情。该养殖小区存栏牛85头,发病45头,死亡35头。  相似文献   

牛结节性皮肤病又称牛结节性皮炎、牛结节疹或牛疙瘩皮肤病。临床上以发热、皮肤出现水肿、消瘦、淋巴结肿大、局部溃疡、可形成坚硬的结节为主要特征,世界动物卫生组织将该病列为法定报告的动物疫病。该病潜伏期长,病毒流行传播快不易发现;发病急,是严重影响养牛业健康发展的疫病之一。加强生物安全的综合防控措施,强化动物检疫工作,可以最大限度地减少疫情的传播。牛结节性皮肤病的发生,早诊断、早处置,对控制疫情的蔓延极为重要。各地畜牧兽医部门应建立内部疫情通报制度,落实疫情报告责任,使疫情地区接壤的相关区域尽快建立免疫隔离区,防止疫病的蔓延和传播。  相似文献   

澳大利亚南部维多利亚州日前发生牛炭疽病疫情,这次牛炭疽病疫情是在古尔本山谷中发现的。这起疫情已导致29头奶牛死亡。澳大利亚有关部门已发出警告,要求公众对疫情加倍警惕,任何不明原因死亡的牛都要按突发事件向上报告。古尔本山谷是澳洲一个主要的奶制品产地。  相似文献   

8月初,辽宁省海城市牛庄镇南关村发生牛炭疽病,发病牛4头,其中2头死亡,病牛及死牛已全部按规定进行无害化处理。另外,追溯性分析疑似病牛5头。8月初,海城市和岫岩先后发生人皮肤炭疽传染病疫情,截至8月18日20时,海城市牛庄镇南关村炭疽疫情已累计发生病例35例,其中,海城市26例、岫岩县4例、东港市5例;临床诊断病例4例,疑似病例31例。  相似文献   

Between September 1979 and May 1982, 50 of 177 swamp buffaloes became sick and died S3 to 719 days (mean 271) after being transferred to a research facility and housed in quarters adjacent to where sheep and goats were kept. The major clinical signs were anorexia, fever, conjunctivitis, scleral hyperaemia, ocular discharge, hyperaemia of skin, enlargement of lymph nodes and depression. Postmortem and histopathological lesions were observed in most of the tissues and organs of the body. A vasculitis with adventitial mononuclear cell infiltration and lymphoreticular reactions suggested a relationship to malignant catarrhal fever. The occurrence of serofibrinous epicarditis and myocarditis, which was seen in buffaloes in all cases, has not been a common finding in ruminants with malignant catarrhal fever.  相似文献   

Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is a pestivirus that infects mainly bovine cattle. Nevertheless, there are several reports about infections in other members of the Artiodactyla order including serological studies, that indicate infection of BVDV in buffaloes. The aim of this article is to study the presence of BVDV in three young water buffaloes, displaying nonspecific clinical signs, compatible with the BVDV infection. Both immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR confirmed the presence of BVDV in the animals. The sequence analysis on RT-PCR amplicons revealed high identity with reference strains of genotypes 1a and 1b. Although BVDV was unequivocally identified in the sick animals, it has not been proved it is responsible for the clinical signs. Further studies are needed to clarify the pathogenic role of BVDV infection in this animal species, and the role of buffaloes in the epidemiology of BVDV infection.  相似文献   

Eleven virus isolations were made from the blood of 45 free living healthy African buffaloes by long term cocultivation of their leucocytes with bovine thymus or spleen cells. The isolates were indistinguishable from each other or from herpesviruses isolated from a severely ill buffalo calf and from a dead buffalo. These viruses possessed the characteristics of the bovine herpesvirus-3 (BHV-3) group and were indistinguishable by serology and restriction endonuclease analysis from the BHV-3 type strains Movar 33/63 and DN599. There was a 93.6 per cent prevalence of indirect immunofluorescent antibody to BHV-3 in the sera of 94 buffaloes in the sample population. No clinical signs or viraemia were detected in five cattle inoculated with 10(8.7) log10 TCID50 of the isolate from the sick buffalo calf. Two of three cattle hyperimmunised with this virus resisted challenge with malignant catarrhal fever herpesvirus, which proved fatal for the other immunised animal and for three control cattle.  相似文献   

Present pilot study is the first attempt in the country to estimate sero-prevalence of Bovine Johne's disease (BJD) by screening cattle and buffaloes representing large population belonging to farmer's and farm herds in the home tracts (Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Punjab) of Hariana cattle and Murrah buffaloes in North India. Indigenous and in-house plate ELISA kit (using protoplasmic antigen from native Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis 'Bison type' strain of goat origin), originally developed for goats and sheep was standardized in bovines and used for screening. For this study, 33 villages of south and west UP were randomly selected and surveyed from 2001 to 2003. There were 7943 farmer's families having 38,251 livestock, including cattle, buffaloes, goats and sheep (per family 4.8% livestock). Numerically, buffaloes and cattle were 54.7% and 22.1%, respectively. Serum samples were collected from 726 animals (4.2% of 16, 981 livestock with 4375 farmer's families) located in 33 randomly surveyed villages. Serum samples (699), submitted to Epidemiology Department of Veterinary College (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana), in the year 2004 by farmer's and organized farm herds (Buffaloes, 372, Cattle, 327), were screened by this ELISA kit. Soluble protoplasmic antigen was prepared from Map (S 5) 'Bison type' strain isolated from a terminally sick goat with Johne's disease. Of the total 1425 bovine (Buffaloes and cattle) serum samples screened using indigenous ELISA kit, sero-prevalence of Johne's disease was 29.0% (28.6% in buffalo and 29.8% in cattle) in Northern India. State-wise sero-prevalence was 31.9% and 23.3% in UP and Punjab, respectively. In UP, of the 601 randomly sampled buffaloes, sero-prevalence was 40.3% (16.6% in young and 40.9% adults) and 25.5% (10.5% in young and 26.3% adults) in south and west UP, respectively. Of the 125 cattle screened, sero-prevalence was 42.6% (nil in young and 44.4% adults) and 30.0% (nil in young and 30.6% adults) in south and west UP, respectively. Of the 699 serum samples screened from Ludhiana, Punjab, sero-prevalence of BJD was 23.0%. Sero-prevalence was 23.3% (12.1% in young and 24.4% in adults) and 26.9% (27.2% in young and 26.8% in adults) in buffaloes and cattle, respectively. High prevalence of BJD in buffaloes in native tract of Murrah breed, and Hariana breed of cattle correlated with poor per-animal productivity and BJD may be the major cause. Indigenous ELISA kit was rapid, economic and sensitive test for large-scale screening of buffaloes and cattle population against incurable BJD.  相似文献   

Eight cattle immunized with cattle-derived Theileria parva Boleni stabilate together with six susceptible controls were released in Dombawera Game Park on the Highveld of Zimbabwe. This coincided with Rhipicephalus appendiculatus nymphal activity. The cattle grazed together with African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer) and were not treated against tick infestation. The nymphal tick infestation was high, and seven of the eight immunized cattle and three of the controls had severe and fatal reactions. Subsequently, two stocks of Theileria parva to be tested for their immunizing abilities were prepared-one from adult ticks which were fed as nymphs on one of the sick control animals (Dom 268) and the other from adult ticks collected from pastures grazed by buffaloes (Bv-1). Two groups of cattle were immunized with either the Dom 268-derived strain (eight animals) or the Bv-1-derived strain (four animals). These together with three non-immunized controls, were released in Bally Vaughaun Game Park in the Highveld, where buffaloes are present, during the season of nymphal tick activity. A third group of five cattle, immunized with stabilate Bv-1, and three non-immunized controls were released at the same site during the season of adult tick activity. The nymphal and adult tick infestations of the cattle were large and more than 2000 nymphs and 1000 adult ticks were counted per animal. Cattle were treated with a pyrethroid pour-on preparation to control the tick infestation and screw-worm strike. The immunized cattle in the three groups survived the theileriosis challenge for a period of 18 months, but the non-immunized control cattle suffered a severe and fatal theileriosis 19-23 days after being placed on the pasture.  相似文献   

试验旨在比较尼里-拉菲水牛及海子水牛瘤胃液中产甲烷菌的多样性,选取成年雌性尼里-拉菲水牛及海子水牛各3头作为试验动物,采用口腔导管法收集瘤胃液,提取瘤胃液总DNA,采用产甲烷菌特异性引物Met86F/Met1340R扩增16S rDNA,构建16S rDNA基因克隆文库。结果显示,从尼里-拉菲水牛和海子水牛中分别获得73、100条有效序列,均以Methanobrevibacter属为主。其中尼里-拉菲水牛有70条序列(17个OTUs)与已知菌的16S rDNA序列相似性 ≥ 97%,占总序列的95.89%,有3条序列(3个OTUs)与已知菌16S rDNA序列相似性处于93%~96%;海子水牛有70条序列(15个OTUs)与已知菌16S rDNA序列相似性 ≥ 97%,占总序列的70%,有30条序列(18个OTUs)与已培养菌16S rDNA序列相似性处于84%~96%。尼里-拉菲水牛和海子水牛瘤胃中的SGMT簇序列、RO簇序列所占总序列比例分别为76.71%、21.91%和76.00%、19.00%。系统进化树分析表明,所有序列分别聚集于两大分支上,其中海子水牛有16个OTUs代表序列和尼里-拉菲水牛8个OTUs代表序列聚集在进化树顶端的同一分支上,且系统发育距离与古菌中任何已知相似序列都相隔较远。综上所述,在本试验同等日粮条件下,尼里-拉菲水牛及海子水牛瘤胃内产甲烷菌序列均以Methanobrevibacter属为主,两水牛品种的SGMT簇序列比例基本一致,但尼里-拉菲水牛中的RO簇序列比例更高,海子水牛瘤胃内存在更多的未知产甲烷菌。  相似文献   

本试验旨在比较分析摩拉水牛及德宏水牛瘤胃液中产甲烷菌的多样性。选取健康雌性摩拉水牛及德宏水牛各3头,采用口腔导管法收集瘤胃液,酚-氯仿-异戊醇抽提法提取瘤胃液总DNA,用产甲烷菌特异性引物Met86F/Met1340R扩增产甲烷菌16S rDNA,构建16S rDNA基因克隆文库。摩拉水牛及德宏水牛各获得96个16S rDNA基因序列,均归类于Methanobacteriales目,其中德宏水牛有82个序列(18个OTUs)与已知菌的16S rDNA序列相似性≥ 97%,占总序列的85.4%,有14个序列(9个OTUs)与已知菌16S rDNA序列相似性为89%~97%;摩拉水牛有94个序列(13个OTUs)与已知菌16S rDNA序列相似性≥ 97%,占总序列的97.9%,仅有2个序列(1个OTUs)与已知菌16S rDNA序列相似性为94%。系统进化树分析表明,所有序列分别聚集于两大分支上,其中德宏水牛有13个OTUs代表序列和摩拉水牛7个OTUs代表序列聚集在进化树顶端的同一分支上,且在系统发育距离上与Methanobacteriales目中任何已知相似序列都相隔较远。德宏水牛瘤胃中的SGMT簇序列和RO簇序列所占总序列比列分别为83.3%、9.4%,摩拉水牛瘤胃中的SGMT簇序列和RO簇序列所占总序列的比列分别为51.0%、9.4%。由此可见,摩拉水牛及德宏水牛瘤胃产甲烷菌序列以Methanobacteriales目为主,其中德宏水牛拥有更多未知的产甲烷菌序列;德宏水牛瘤胃中的SGMT簇产甲烷菌序列比例要高于摩拉水牛。  相似文献   

母水牛发情周期卵泡发育动态初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用B-型超声波仪观察了自然发情的6头河流型母水牛和6头沼泽型母水牛的卵泡发育动态,发现河流型母水牛的发情周期由2个卵泡发育波组成;沼泽型母水牛以2个卵泡发育波为主(66.7%,4/6)。河流型水牛2个卵泡波分别在发情周期的第1.3、12.2天出现,其第1波征集、选择卵泡数分别为14.8和2.5个,第2波分别为14.2和3.2个;沼泽型水牛2个卵泡波分别在发情周期的第1.1、11.0天出现,其第1波征集、选择卵泡数分别为8.0和1.0个,第2波分别为7.8和1.5个。以上数据的各波征集卵泡数和选择卵泡数中,河流型水牛和沼泽型水牛之间差异显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Prolapse of vagina is one of the important maternal abnormalities during pregnancy in cattle and buffaloes. A field investigation was carried out on 26 Murrah graded buffaloes to study clinical characteristics of vaginal prolapse in buffaloes in Nepal. Fifty-seven percent of the 26 buffaloes with vaginal prolapse were either heifers or in first lactation. Sixty-five percent of the cases were in seventh month of pregnancy or later. About three quarters of the cases occurred between June and October. Twelve cases (63%) of the 19 animals excluding 7 heifers had a history of vaginal prolapse in previous gestations. A half of the buffaloes were showing prolapse of the vagina even when they were in standing position and showing moderate or vigorous straining. After the conventional treatments, twenty-three buffaloes retained the replaced vagina and calved normally. One animal aborted although the vagina was retained. Two buffaloes had severest degree of vaginal prolapse complicated with edema, injury and cyanosis, and they did not respond to the treatment. The two buffaloes had frequently recurrent prolapse and subsequently died. Early detection and prompt treatment may be imperative to control the vaginal prolapse in buffaloes.  相似文献   

The efficacy of an intranasal haemorrhagic septicaemia vaccine containing live gdhA derivative Pasteurella multocida B:2 was tested in buffaloes in Sabah. Sixty buffaloes, kept grazing in the field with minimal human intervention were devided into three groups of 20 buffaloes per group. Buffaloes of group 1 were exposed intranasal to 5 ml vaccine containing 10(6) CFU/ml of live gdhA derivative P multocida B:2. Buffaloes of group 2 were not exposed to the vaccine but exposed to PBS and were allowed to commingle and graze in the same field as the buffaloes of group 1 while buffaloes of group 3 were similarly exposed to PBS and were grazing separately. Booster was on group 1, two weeks later. Twelve months after the first vaccination, three buffaloes from each group were brought into the experimental house and challenged subcutaneously with 10(9) CFU/ml of live wild-type P multocida B:2. All challenged buffaloes of groups 1 and 2 survived with only mild, transient signs while all control unvaccinated buffaloes developed severe signs of haemorrhagic septicaemia and were euthanased between 28 hours and 38 hours postchallenge with signs and lesions typical of haemorrhagic septicaemia. These data showed that the gdhA mutant strain, given intranasally as two doses two weeks apart, successfully induced systemic immunity in exposed buffaloes and also led to spread of vaccine strain to the in-contact animals, where it acted as an effective live vaccine to protect both exposed buffaloes and in-contact buffaloes against challenge with the virulent parent strain.  相似文献   

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