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为了找到热研4号王草(Pennisrtum purpureumxp typhoidevm‘Reyan No.4’)在河南省黄河滩区营养和产量俱佳的刈割利用方式,从苗高80cm开始,在留茬15~20cm的情况下,采用每隔30d、40d、60d和全年1次性的刈割方式,研究不同刈割方式对王草生长、产量和营养水平的影响,为当地草食家畜的发展提供优质且稳定的饲草。研究表明:刈割会限制茎长,增加茎粗,有利于植株的分蘖及降低倒伏率;过频刈割会降低茎叶比(S/L ratio),叶面积指数(LAI)和生长速度,不利于饲草生产;适度的刈割有利于提高鲜干比(F/D ratio)、单株分蘖数和生长速度,有利于牧草的高产。另外,刈割次数对热研4号王草粗蛋白质和粗纤维含量有显著影响,而对粗脂肪、粗灰分和无氮浸出物含量影响不显著,多次刈割会提高粗蛋白质含量、降低粗纤维含量,每隔30d与40d刈割1次与1年仅割1次相比,粗蛋白质含量分别提高5.47%(P0.05)和2.80%,粗纤维含量分别降低6.67%(P0.05)和5.54%(P0.05),而每隔60d刈割1次和1年仅割1次相比,饲草营养没有显著差异。综合评价结果表明:每隔60d刈割1次,一年刈割2次,留茬15~20cm,牧草生长良好,粗蛋白质含量可达到13.01%,全年产草量达到29.83tDM·hm-2,均达到理想水平。  相似文献   

通过由刈割高度(留茬高度为5,10,15,20 cm)和刈割频率(1次性和每隔60,40和30 d刈割)组成的双因子试验,来研究不同刈割频率和刈割高度对地处温带的河南黄河滩区皇竹草的生长特点和生产性能的影响,以便解决该草在黄河滩区种植中存在的利用期短、产量低、品质差、易倒伏的难题。研究证明,刈割对皇竹草的生长和生产有显著的影响,1年多次刈割会降低茎叶比(S/L ratio)和叶面积指数(LAI),适度的刈割有利于提高鲜干比(F/D ratio)、单株分蘖数和生长速度,过频过低刈割(留茬高度为5 cm,每隔30 d刈割)有利有弊,有利的方面是能显著地提高鲜干比和单株分蘖数,能显著降低倒伏率;不利的方面是会显著降低皇竹草刈割后的再生速度,不利于饲草的生长和生产。试验证明,在中原地区种植皇竹草适宜每隔60 d刈割1次,一年刈割2次,留茬15~20 cm为宜,全年产草量为31.58~32.41 t DM/hm2,均显著地高于其他刈割组合,和一次性刈割相比,提高14.26%~17.34%(P<0.05),另外,适度刈割有利于减轻皇竹草的倒伏,减少收获中营养和能量的损失和浪费。总之,在河南黄河滩区种植皇竹草是非常必要,也是可行的,在科学种植,合理灌溉和及时施肥的基础上,保持合理刈割高度和适当的刈割次数是优化和协调生长和生产各指标的重要措施,减少不必要的产量和营养损失,有利于高产和稳产。  相似文献   

以海狮苏丹草(Sorghum sudanense)为材料研究在留茬5、10、15 cm条件下,其植株高度、分蘖及单位面积产量等的动态变化情况,并通过构造一年生苏丹草刈割株高生长线性模型来分析其单作群落植物个体生长情况与整体生物量的关系。结果表明,在一个生长周期内,不同刈割区海狮苏丹草单作群落的总生物量在一定范围内达到相对稳定状态;不同刈割时期内植株个体生长速率与生长潜力呈显著负相关,表明苏丹草单作群落个体有通过平衡自身生长速率与生长潜力的关系使群落总生物量在一定范围内维持相对稳定状态的倾向。  相似文献   

通过研究干热河谷坚尼草不同刈割周期及留茬高度对其生产性能的影响,结果表明:随着刈割周期延长,坚尼草产草量、株高和分蘖数逐渐增加,以20~30d刈割产草量相对较高,分蘖强,差异不显著,但生长高度与10~15d刈割差异显著;不同刈割高度对坚尼草产草量没有显著影响,随着刈割高度增加,产草量和分蘖数逐渐降低,而生长量增加,刈割高度为10~20cm时,其产草量、分蘖数和生长性较好。为促进其分蘖、生长和提高产草量,其刈割周期与刈割高度分别25~30d和10~20cm为宜。  相似文献   

施肥水平和不同株高刈割对王草产量和品质的影响   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
生长第1年不同刈割株高的王草Pennisetum purpureum×P.typhoideum年产草量随刈割株高增高呈增加趋势,刈割株高220 cm时鲜草、风干草产量最高,产量受施肥影响很大。茎叶比与刈割株高之间存在显著的相关性,其受施肥影响较小。营养物质中,粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分含量均随刈割株高的增加而降低,粗蛋白含量和刈割株高之间存在极显著的线性负相关,钙含量和中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)、酸性洗涤木质素(ADL)含量则随着刈割株高增加而呈增加趋势,与刈割株高呈显著正相关。从草产量、粗蛋白含量和产量角度来评价,生长第1年的王草在株高为100 cm施肥时刈割利用价值最高。  相似文献   

2016年8月(生物量高峰期)在内蒙古锡林浩特市毛登牧场大针茅草原进行野外取样,以围封(CK)为对照,对放牧、刈割两种利用方式下大针茅草原枯落物量,地上生物量,地上现存量,群落物种多样性,共优种大针茅、羊草、糙隐子草植株高度、叶面积等功能性状变化及枯落物量与物种多样性间、物种多样性与地上生物量间相关关系进行研究,结果表明:枯落物量为CK刈割放牧(P0.05),放牧和刈割均造成枯落物减少。与对照相比,放牧显著降低了地上生物量和地上现存量(P0.05),使Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数及Pielou指数显著增加(P0.05)。放牧、刈割均造成群落组成发生变化,禾本科植物地上生物量比重降低,且放牧造成多年生丛生禾草比重降低。与对照相比,放牧、刈割均造成大针茅、糙隐子草和羊草植株高度降低(P0.05),放牧使三者叶面积减小(P0.05),刈割使糙隐子草叶面积减小(P0.05)。刈割过程中,随着枯落物量增加,物种丰富度降低(P0.05);放牧过程中,随着物种丰富度增大,地上生物量降低(P0.05)。  相似文献   

以无性系植物冰草为研究对象,通过综合分析冰草的生物量分配、表型可塑性及光合效率对不同温度、水分、刈割及其交互作用的响应机制,揭示气候变化下草地无性系植物在不同水热环境下的生存策略。结果表明:(1)增温抑制冰草的生长繁殖。增温环境下,冰草株高、生物量、分蘖数均有所降低,仅在水分适中(土壤田间持水量70%)时能够维持叶片数与叶面积不减少;增温中水处理中,冰草可通过提高净光合速率、蒸腾速率及气孔导度来保持光合产物及生物量的积累;中度刈割与70%的土壤田间持水量产生协同效应,可维持冰草光合作用,促进补偿生长。(2)干旱(土壤田间持水量35%)是抑制冰草生长繁殖的最主要因素,所有环境中干旱均使冰草的叶片数、叶面积、分蘖数与生物量显著下降(P<0.05);非干旱土壤(土壤田间持水量70%和100%)常温环境中,刈割促进冰草分蘖,更多的叶片促进光合作用及生物量积累,有利于冰草的生长繁殖;水分过多(土壤田间持水量100%)在常温环境下促进冰草地上生物量积累,在增温环境下反而产生抑制。综上所述,随着气候变暖与土壤干旱,冰草生活力迅速下降,应适时进行水分及刈割调节,缓解环境胁迫对冰草生长与繁殖的抑制...  相似文献   

刈割强度对伊犁绢蒿叶功能性状及构件的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以新疆荒漠草地典型植物种伊犁绢蒿(Seriphidiumt ransiliense)为研究对象,通过生长季内多次采样方法(每30d采样一次),比较不同刈割强度比叶面积、叶干物质含量的变化及相互关系,以及对茎叶比和地下生物量变化的影响,以揭示伊犁绢蒿叶片对刈割胁迫的最佳响应机制,为建立模型估算单位面积生物生产力提供理论依据,并试图得出一个既可合理利用又利于种群更新的刈割强度阈值。结果表明,比叶面积和叶干物质含量在刈割后初期各刈割强度间存在显著性差异(P<0.05),个别达极显著差异(P<0.01),恢复一段时间后,各刈割强度间差异不显著;适度的刈割强度可增大伊犁绢蒿SLA与LDMC之间的相关性;除对照(CK)外,C2处理处于较高水平,说明适度刈割有助于伊犁绢蒿生殖枝的产生及生长,C2这种刈割强度在实际生产利用上占绝对优势;伊犁绢蒿根系干重随着刈割强度增大而增加。  相似文献   

以金沙江干热河谷区常见的乡土草本植物扭黄茅(Heteropogon contortus)为试验材料,研究了不同水分、养分添加及刈割后植株的补偿生长特征。结果表明,1)植株凋落物量在进行刈割后减少,而在高频次降水或添加养分条件下有所增加。2)在添加养分条件下,经高频次降水处理的植株冠部干物质重量较高。3)扭黄茅单株及其根、茎、叶干物质重量在高频次降水、添加养分、未刈割时达到最高。4)植株的根冠比在未添加养分、刈割条件下均显著高于其他处理(P0.05),无论降水频次高、低;未添加养分、刈割处理植株在高、低频次降水下的生殖分配率(依次为1.2%、0)有显著性差异(P0.05),但均小于其他处理。5)刈割后扭黄茅植株总生物量及其根、茎、叶、花果各器官生物量的补偿生长指数均在低频次降水并进行养分添加条件下最高,但均为欠补偿生长。因此,刈割不利于扭黄茅草地凋落物的形成和生物量的积累,而适量增加降水频次和添加养分有助于缓解该不利作用,但不改变刈割后扭黄茅欠补偿生长的格局。  相似文献   

在香根草快速生长期间,适时适度的刈割有利于促进香根草的地上部和地下部健康、协调地生长。研究了不同频度和不同时间刈割处理,对香根草发育的影响,结果显示:刈割可以促进茎叶的伸长,茎叶含水量升高;适当频度的刈割可以有效地控制香根草的高度,茎叶变宽厚,延长香根草绿期,保持良好的景观效果,但过度刈割(处理Ⅰ)会使相应的效应下降;在7月中旬至9月中旬香根草快速生长期间刈割1次,不但可以明显增加地上部茎叶的产量,促进地上部分蘖的发生,同时也有利于地下部根系的生长发育,提高根茎比,但不刈割(对照处理Ⅷ)、刈割不及时(处理Ⅶ)或频繁刈割均不利于香根草的健康生长。  相似文献   

本文利用澳洲白绵羊和黑杜泊羊与湖羊开展杂交试验,对其生长发育和繁殖性能进行观测,筛选适合临夏地区肉羊最佳杂交组合,促进临夏肉羊生产提质增效,加快推进肉羊产业高产、优质、高效健康发展。实验结果表明:产羔率湖羊>黑杜湖F1>澳湖F1,繁殖成活率澳湖F1>黑杜湖F1>湖羊;羔羊初生重三个组合之间差异均不显著(t<0.05),三月龄六月龄重澳湖F1与湖羊、黑杜湖F1与湖羊差异极显著(t>0.01);杂交羔羊出生时体高、体长均不显著(t<0.05),黑杜湖F1与澳湖F1两个杂交组合的胸围与湖羊之间差异极显著(t>0.01);三月龄两个杂交组合管围与湖羊之间差异极显著(t>0.01);六月龄体高黑杜湖F1与湖羊差异不显著(t<0.05),澳湖F1与湖羊差异显著(t>0.05),体长三个组合之间差异均不显著(t>0.05),胸围和管围澳湖F1与黑杜湖F1两个杂交组合与湖羊之间差异均为显著(t>0.05)。  相似文献   

湖羊原产于江苏、浙江,是我国珍贵的地方品种之一,也是肉羊品种改良的理想品种之一。本研究通过对引入到临夏干旱山区的湖羊进行适应性观测,对纯繁羔羊在初生、一月龄、三月龄及六月龄时的生产性能进行测定发现,湖羊能较好适应临夏干旱山区自然、气候和饲草料条件,可作为改良当地肉羊的备选品种。  相似文献   

三聚氰胺的毒理学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三聚氰胺(MA)化学性质稳定,在体内代谢不活泼,能以原体或同系物形式从尿液排出体外,在F344大鼠血浆中的半衰期为2.7h,在肾脏的清除率为2.5mL/min;MA对小鼠的半数致死量(LD50)为4550mg/(kg.bw),在国际化学物质急性毒性分级中属低毒性物质,接近微毒;MA对家兔、豚鼠和人眼无刺激作用;与三聚氰酸同时存在时毒性增加,毒性作用的靶器官为膀胱和肾脏;MA致癌性研究文献较少,结果也不一致,国际癌症研究中心认为MA对动物有致癌的可能性,但没有证据表明对人类有致癌作用。目前的研究认为,MA对环境和人的潜在危险性较小。对国内外关于三聚氰胺毒性的研究概况进行了总结,并综述了MA的污染及代谢、毒性和检测方法。  相似文献   

Proteinuria was assessed in 100 randomly selected sick cats and 22 healthy cats by means of the urine protein:creatinine ratio, a traditional urine "dipstick" and a commercial ELISA-based dipstick designed to detect microalbuminuria (MA) semi-quantitatively. In addition the repeatability and reproducibility of the MA test was assessed by comparing results of five replicate tests of 26 urine samples, interpreted by two different readers. Discrepancies existed in the replicate test result in 23 and 27% of the samples examined by reader 1 and 2, respectively, and on several occasions this discrepancy was between whether the sample was "positive" or "negative" for MA. The inter-reader agreement was good (kappa=0.75), but again discrepancies were noted and part of the reason for these problems appeared to be the necessary subjectivity in the interpretation of colour changes when reading test results. Proteinuria was significantly (P< or =0.014) more prevalent in the sick than the healthy cats with 36 and 9%, respectively, having detectable MA, 34 and 5%, respectively, having a urine protein to creatinine (UPC) ratio >0.5, and 84 and 9%, respectively, having positive urine protein dipstick analysis. There was a moderate significant correlation between UPC ratio and MA concentrations (r(s)=0.68, P<0.0001). While 13/87 cats with a UPC ratio < or =0.5 had positive MA results, 10/84 cats with negative MA results had a UPC ratio >0.5, and none of these had evidence of lower urinary tract disease. This study confirmed that MA and proteinuria are commonly seen in cats with a variety of diseases, but they are not necessarily both elevated, and the UPC ratio can be elevated without an increase in MA results. Furthermore, some repeatability problems were demonstrated with the semi-quantitative MA test. These findings demonstrate that the semi-quantitative MA test should not be relied on as the sole determinant of proteinuria.  相似文献   

辽宁地区某猪场发现疑似断奶仔猪多系统综合征(PMWS),经临床症状、病理变化和PCR检测,确诊为猪圆环病毒3型(PCV3)感染;根据Gen Bank中收录的PCV3基因序列,设计2对特异性引物,从患有PMWS的仔猪内脏组织中扩增PCV3全基因序列,克隆到p MD18-T载体中,经测序、拼接获得PCV3全长c DNA序列,利用DNAStar和DNAman生物软件对全基因组进行遗传变异分析。结果显示:PCV3毒株基因组全长2 000 bp,命名为CN/Liaoning-2017 (简称LN株)(GenBank登录号:MH177453. 1),基因组有3个开放阅读框(ORF),其中2个ORF编码的蛋白与圆环病毒的复制相关蛋白(Rep)和衣壳蛋白(Cap)同源。Cap基因大小为645 bp,编码214个氨基酸。PCV3国内株可分为3大分支(3a簇、3b簇与3c簇),LN株处于3a簇分支中,与湖北株(KY354039. 1)同源性最高,达到99. 7%; LN株与PCV3a簇代表株(PCV3-USMN2016,PCV3-US-MO2015)同源性在98. 8%~99. 2%之间,与PCV3b簇代表株(PCV3-US-SD2016)的同源性为98. 8%,与PCV3c簇代表株(PCV3-China-GD-2016)同源性为98. 7%。Cap蛋白氨基酸位点分析显示,LN株在第68位发生突变,与其他代表株都不相同。以上试验结果表明,成功从患有PMWS的仔猪体内克隆了PCV3全基因,并完成了序列分析。LN株是辽宁省首次发现的PCV3毒株,这些数据将为研究PCV3的遗传变异和流行病学特征提供分子生物学依据。  相似文献   

We hypothesized that manipulating metabolism with fish oil and malate as a hydrogen acceptor would affect the biohydrogenation process of α‐linolenic acid by rumen microbes. This study was to examine the effect of fish oil and/or malate on the production of conjugated fatty acids and methane (CH4) by rumen microbes when incubated with linseed oil. Linseed oil (LO), LO with fish oil (LO‐FO), LO with malate (LO‐MA), or LO with fish oil and malate (LO‐FO‐MA) was added to diluted rumen fluid, respectively. The LO‐MA and LO‐FO‐MA increased pH and propionate concentration compared to the other treatments. LO‐MA and LO‐FO‐MA reduced CH4 production compared to LO. LO‐MA and LO‐FO‐MA increased the contents of c9,t11‐conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and c9,t11,c15‐conjugated linolenic acid (CLnA) compared to LO. The content of malate was rapidly reduced while that of lactate was reduced in LO‐MA and LO‐FO‐MA from 3 h incubation time. The fold change of the quantity of methanogen related to total bacteria was decreased at both 3 h and 6 h incubation times in all treatments compared to the control. Overall data indicate that supplementation of combined malate and/or fish oil when incubated with linseed oil, could depress methane generation and increase production of propionate, CLA and CLnA under the conditions of the current in vitro study.  相似文献   

临夏州青贮玉米栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
粮改菜政策的推广是将玉米籽粒收获改为青贮玉米,用青贮玉米饲养牛羊可以增加饲料的利用率,增加经济收入。"粮改饲"的重点是调整玉米种植结构,开发适合牛、羊需求的大型青贮玉米。改革的重点是实行循环种植与育种相结合,引导优质饲料的种植,提高玉米生物产量,大力发展舍饲养殖,促进农业畜牧业的良性循环,优化农业产业结构,提高农业畜牧业的附加值,增加经济效益。发展食草性畜牧业,促进农业生产结构的优化。  相似文献   


Macrophage aggregate (MA) morphometry and pigment composition are believed to be dependent on the species, age, and health status of the fish. The aim of this study was to characterize a “normal” morphometry baseline of spleen and kidney MAs in blue gourami Trichogaster trichopterus and freshwater angelfish Pterophyllum scalare. Three size-classes of clinically normal fish were analyzed. Blue gourami and freshwater angelfish were obtained from three local ornamental fish farms; for each size-class, 10 fish from each farm were analyzed. Hematoxylin- and eosin-stained tissue sections were analyzed by light microscopy at 100× magnification and an image analysis program. The percentage of tissue occupied by MAs, MA size, and MA number were calculated on three arbitrarily selected fields of view from each spleen and kidney. In clinically normal blue gourami, increases in the percentage of tissue occupied by MAs and in MA size were associated with an increase in fish size, but in clinically normal angelfish no correlation was observed. Furthermore, in angelfish, a high variability in MA morphometry was observed, even among fish from the same sample group. In both species, a significant difference in the value of the morphometric parameters was observed among farms. Because iridoviruses inhibit macrophage activity and (possibly) proliferation, MAs in 25 clinical cases of iridovirus-infected blue gourami were analyzed. Preliminary data indicate that in iridovirus-infected blue gourami, there is a decrease in MA size and MA number compared with those of healthy fish.  相似文献   

The prevalence of microalbuminuria (MA) and proteinuria was evaluated in 66 cats with diabetes mellitus (DM), 35 nondiabetic cats with other illness, and 11 healthy nondiabetic cats with use of the E.R.D.-HealthScreen Feline Urine Test. The MA prevalence was higher in the diabetic than in the nondiabetic sick and healthy control cats (70%, 39%, and 18% respectively, P < .0001). In addition, prevalence of proteinuria defined by a protein/creatinine ratio (UPC) > 0.4 was significantly higher in the diabetic cat than in the control cats (70%, 35%, and 9% respectively, P < .0001). There was a significant but weak correlation between the results of MA and UPC (P < .0001, r = 0.43). Our results showed that MA is common in cats with DM. Further studies are required to evaluate the prognostic value of the presence and the severity of MA in cats with DM.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of malic acid (MA) on feed intake, milk yield and composition, blood metabolites and energy balance in early lactation Holstein dairy cows from 1 to 63 day in milk (DIM). Twenty-eight multiparous Holstein dairy cows, blocked by lactation number, previous 305-d mature equivalent milk production, and expected calving date, were arranged into four groups in a randomized block design. Treatments were: control (without MA), LMA, MMA and HMA with 70, 140 and 210 g malic acid per cow per day, respectively. The supplement of food grade MA (99.8% of MA) was hand-mixed into the top one-third of the daily ration. Cows were fed ad libitum a total mixed ration consisting of equal proportion of forage and concentrate. Milk yield increased (P = 0.04), but feed intake and milk components were not affected (P > 0.05) by MA supplementation. The energy balance, expressed as the difference between energy input and output, tended to be higher (P = 0.08) for MA supplemented cows during the 63-DIM period MA and supplemented cows showed a trend (P = 0.07) toward less loss of BW during the 63-day period, especially during the first 21-day of lactation. Concentrations of plasma glucose and serum insulin were higher for cows fed LMA, MMA, and HMA relative to control and linearly (P < 0.01) increased with increasing MA supplementation. Concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) and urine ketones were lower for MA-supplemented cows at 7, 14 and 21 DIM of lactation and linearly (P < 0.01) decreased with increasing MA supplementation. Although feed intake was not affected, milk yield increased, MA-supplemented cows experienced higher concentrations of plasma glucose and serum insulin, lower concentrations of plasma BHBA and NEFA, and lower concentrations of urine ketones, suggesting that nutrient digestibilities and energy availability may have been improved.  相似文献   

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