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本研究以中小规模肉鸡养殖场为研究对象,采用自然沉降法对不同日龄消毒前后鸡舍内空气细菌数量进行检测,研究消毒前后鸡舍内空气细菌数量变化规律。试验结果表明,肉鸡饲养中期鸡舍内空气细菌含量和物体表面细菌数量较前期和后期高;带禽消毒可以显著降低鸡舍内空气细菌含量。  相似文献   

随机抽取浙江省2家洗消中心,每家洗消中心随机抽检5辆运猪车辆,每个车辆采集检测车轮、挡泥板、车厢内壁、车厢外壁、驾驶室等7个部位,车辆表面消毒前后,用拭子样本测定其细菌总数,测算细菌杀灭率和消毒有效率。结果表明:洗消中心A消毒有效率为23.08%,洗消中心B消毒有效率为65.38%。  相似文献   

本试验旨在观察自动化养殖场人员入场消毒风淋,喷雾消毒效果观察试验。本试验将营养琼脂平板涂布接种细菌后,置于半自动化、自动化养殖场入场消毒室内进行消毒,将消毒后的琼脂平板37℃恒温培养24~36 h,计数平板上菌落数,计算平均杀菌率。结果表明:半自动化喷雾消毒在0.1%浓度5min消毒杀菌率为53.55%,自动化风淋消毒在20 s除菌率达到29.80‰,自动化喷雾消毒在0.1%30 s时杀菌率最高达53.26%。  相似文献   

为评价养禽场入场车辆消毒效率以及阐明消毒后细菌未灭活的原因,研究了常用消毒剂对入场车辆表面微生物的杀灭效果、消毒池内消毒剂存放时间对消毒效果的影响以及未灭活细菌对消毒剂的耐药情况,对消毒前后轮胎和车身表面的微生物进行监测,检测项目包括菌落总数、大肠菌群数、霉菌数、金黄色葡萄球菌数和沙门菌数,测定未杀灭细菌对消毒剂的最小杀菌浓度(MBC)。结果显示:养禽场入场车辆消毒效果明显,通过消毒池和车辆消毒通道消毒后,轮胎和车身的微生物含量均显著下降;消毒池内消毒剂使用1 d后消毒效果显著降低;未杀灭分离菌大部分对消毒剂耐药。结果提示:对养禽场入场车辆进行消毒很有必要,为保证消毒效果,入场车辆应预先彻底冲洗后再进行消毒,并且每天更换消毒剂,科学合理使用消毒剂。  相似文献   

为探究幻影360°消毒、熏蒸法消毒和喷雾消毒这3种不同消毒方式对猪舍自然菌的现场消毒效果。本研究参考中华人民共和国农业部《兽用消毒剂技术规范》(1992年版),幻影360°分子悬浮消毒机使用25%戊二醛消毒,烟熏宝使用二氯异氰尿酸钠烟熏剂消毒,喷雾器使用过硫酸氢钾和氯化钠复合物消毒。通过自然沉降法采集猪舍消毒前、消毒后1 h、3 h和6 h猪舍内的细菌总数,并计算杀菌率,比较这3种消毒方式的消毒效果。结果显示,消毒前,三种消毒方式均无显著差异(P>0.05),消毒1 h、3 h和6 h后,3组间细菌总数均存在显著差异(P<0.05),幻影360°消毒组<熏蒸消毒组<喷雾消毒组;消毒1 h后幻影360°消毒组、熏蒸消毒组和喷雾消毒组的杀菌率分别为95.21%、77.14%和55.13%,消毒后3h后幻影360°消毒组的杀菌率最高(91.84%),喷雾消毒组最低(39.93%);消毒6 h后幻影360°消毒组、熏蒸消毒组和喷雾消毒组杀菌率分别为90.35%、60.99%和20.93%。幻影360°消毒组的杀菌率均在90%以上,消毒效果最优,而喷雾消毒6 h后的杀菌率...  相似文献   

一育雏前的准备工作进雏前,要做好鸡舍的修缮工作。鸡舍保温性能要良好,做到不透风,不漏雨,不潮湿,无鼠害。进雏前育雏舍要进行全面彻底地消毒。先把地面和墙壁冲洗干净,然后用0.3%的强力消毒灵溶液、0.5%百毒杀溶液或3%烧碱热溶液进行喷洒消毒,彻底杀灭各种病毒和细菌。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟(简称非瘟)是猪病中一种重要的疾病,严重影响养猪业的发展。因目前没有有效疫苗和治疗药物,对该病的防控主要采取消除传染源和生物安全措施。非瘟发病场消毒是清除病原的重要手段。本文对江苏某发生非瘟猪场的猪舍内进行了消毒,并评价了每个消毒环节的效果。采取的消毒措施为:清扫前消毒,清扫冲洗,之后分别用3%NaOH、5%次氯酸钠、1∶200过硫酸氢钾消毒和冲洗。干燥后火焰灼烧、白化处理(4%火碱+20%石灰水)。最后用甲醛熏蒸24 h,空舍10 d。消毒效果检测表明,经过多个环节的消毒到过硫酸氢钾作用完成时,环境细菌总数已达到200 CFU/cm~2,非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV)核酸荧光定量PCR Ct值为36,表明环境细菌总数和ASFV核酸已非常少。火焰灼烧后,排污沟细菌总数为43 CFU/cm~2,达到环境合格标准;ASFV为阴性。再经过白化、熏蒸、空舍后细菌总数达标,ASFV为阴性。本试验表明,非瘟后猪舍经过多个消毒环节,清除了环境中ASFV。本研究为非瘟后猪舍的合理消毒程序和消毒后效果检测提供参考。  相似文献   

雏鸭的饲养管理俗称育雏。快大型肉鸭的0~3周龄为育雏阶段,育雏的好坏直接影响到鸭的成活率,育成鸭和生长鸭的生长发育及成禽的生产力和种用价值,与经济效益关系十分密切。1育雏前的准备工作1.1对育雏舍应彻底进行清洁消毒消毒方法有喷洒法、熏蒸法、灼烧法等,视具体情况而定。消毒药水须强效广谱,未过期,且不腐蚀舍内设施。消毒后让育雏舍空置1周以上,以便晾干和消除异味。1.2将所有设备、用具洗净、消毒小件的可浸于消毒水中(3%克辽林或1%苛性钠等),大件的可用喷洒法。  相似文献   

研究了二氧化氯在玻璃瓶包装巴氏消毒乳生产中的应用.二氧化氯是一种安全的高效消毒剂,对改善玻璃瓶包材进入灌装线前的微生物状况有很好的效果.采用二氧化氯消毒、巴氏杀菌等工艺相结合生产保鲜奶,4℃可以保藏9 d.二氧化氯的浓度对消毒效果有着显著影响,浓度在250 mg/kg 以上可以明显改善产品的保质期.二氧化氯的作用时间超过60 s后,再延长时间对产品保质期无明显改善.采用二氧化氯消毒需对消毒前的包材和灌装前的牛奶微生物状况有所限定,包材细菌总数小于100 cfu/瓶,牛奶细菌总数小于10 cfu/mL,产品可以7℃下保藏7 d以上.  相似文献   

1育雏前的准备工作进雏前要对育雏舍进行全面彻底的消毒,先把地面和墙壁冲洗干净,然后用0.5%"百毒杀"(癸甲溴铵)溶液或3%烧碱溶液进行喷洒消毒,彻底杀灭各种病毒和细菌。进雏前几天,将鸡舍内粪便、污物清扫干净,并用清水刷洗干净,然后用0.1%的新洁尔灭喷洒消毒。  相似文献   

Mink feed raw materials were analyzed for total bacterial count, the number of faecal streptococci, the coliform count, the number of haemolytic bacteria and the number of sulphite reducing bacteria. The investigation comprised samples from the following raw materials: four slaughter-house offal products, preserved and unpreserved slaughter blood, Baltic herring, cod filletting offal, fish silage, blood meal, fish meal, meat-bone meal, protein concentrate, brewer’s yeast and cereal feed.The slaughter-house offals and unpreserved slaughter blood had the poorest quality, in terms of all the bacterial types for which the samples were analyzed. There were statistically significant differences in bacterial contents between slaughter-house offals from different sources. The preserved slaughter blood had significantly lower bacterial contents as compared to the unpreserved slaughter blood. Single samples of the cod filletting offal, Baltic herring and the blood meal had relatively high total bacterial counts, but the specified mean bacterial counts were relatively low. The bacterial counts for the rest of the investigated raw materials were relatively low.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effectiveness of current poultry industry cleaning and disinfection procedures in broiler barns. Surface swabs were taken from a commercial broiler barn and a research broiler barn. The swabs were analyzed to determine if cleaning and disinfectant processes used would reduce the numbers of total aerobic bacteria and the total Enterobacteriaceae on the walls of the commercial barn (Experiment 1) and on the walls and floor of the research barn (Experiment 2). Microbiological analyses were used to assess bacterial loads within each barn. In Experiment 1 the mean of total aerobic bacterial counts were not affected by the cleaning and disinfectant process. However, the means of total Enterobacteriaceae counts were significantly reduced by the washing process. Disinfection with Virkon did not further reduce the numbers of Enterobacteriaceae. In general, the cleaning processes used in wood and metal barns were effective in reducing Enterobacteriaceae counts. In Experiment 2, neither the mean of total aerobic bacterial counts nor Enterobacteriaceae counts were affected by the washing process. However, disinfection with Virkon did result in a significant reduction of bacterial numbers. In summary, the disinfectant step performed in the research barn was effective in decreasing both total aerobic and Enterobacteriaceae counts.  相似文献   


AIMS: To assess the effect of two temperatures (ambient temperature and 4°C), three preservation methods (no preservative, yoghurt and potassium sorbate), and two periods of storage (3 and 7 days) on Brix and total bacterial and coliform counts of colostrum collected from New Zealand dairy farms.

METHODS: One litre of colostrum destined to be fed to newborn calves was collected from 55 New Zealand dairy farms in the spring of 2015. Six aliquots of 150 mL were obtained from each colostrum sample, with two aliquots left untreated, two treated with potassium sorbate and two with yoghurt, and one of each pair of aliquots stored at ambient temperature and the other at 4°C. All samples were tested for Brix, total bacterial counts and coliform counts before treatment (Day 0), and after 3 and 7 days of storage. The effect of preservation method and storage temperature on the change in Brix, bacterial and coliform counts after 3 or 7 days of storage was analysed using multivariable random effects models.

RESULTS: For all outcome variables there was a temperature by preservation interaction. For aliquots preserved with potassium sorbate, changes in Brix and bacterial counts did not differ between aliquots stored at ambient temperature or 4°C, but for aliquots preserved with yoghurt or no preservative the decrease in Brix and increase in bacterial counts was greater for aliquots stored at ambient temperature than 4°C (p<0.001). For aliquots preserved with potassium sorbate, coliform counts decreased at both temperatures, but for aliquots preserved with yoghurt or no preservative coliform counts increased for aliquots stored at 4°C, but generally decreased at ambient temperatures (p<0.001). There was also an interaction between duration of storage and temperature for bacterial counts (p<0.001). The difference in the increase in bacterial counts between aliquots stored at 4°C and ambient temperature after 3 days was greater than between aliquots stored at 4°C and ambient temperature after 7 days.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Use of potassium sorbate to preserve colostrum for 3 or 7 days resulted in little or no reduction in Brix and a lower increase in total bacterial counts than colostrum stored without preservative or with yoghurt added. Colostrum quality was not affected by storage temperature for samples preserved with potassium sorbate, but storage at 4°C resulted in better quality colostrum than storage at ambient temperatures for colostrum with no preservative or yoghurt added.  相似文献   

Bacterial culture and cytology of semen, bacterial culture and cytology of prostatic fluid washings, urinalysis, bacterial culture of urine, and blood leukocyte counts were performed on specimens from dogs with prostatic hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis, or prostatic neoplasia. Hemorrhage was the most frequent abnormal finding in semen from dogs with prostatic hyperplasia. Inflammation was the most frequent abnormal finding in dogs with chronic prostatitis. Bacterial culture of semen was sensitive but not specific for chronic bacterial prostatitis, due to false-positive results from urethral contamination. Hemorrhage was the most frequent abnormal finding in prostatic fluid washings from dogs with prostatic hyperplasia. Inflammation was the most frequent abnormal finding in dogs with chronic prostatitis. Abnormal epithelial cells were found after prostatic massage in 4 dogs with neoplasia, although these cells were difficult to identify as neoplastic. Prostatic fluid washings were not useful for detecting chronic bacterial prostatitis, due to an inability to detect increases in bacterial counts in the fluid when urine bacterial counts were high. Hematuria was the predominant abnormal finding in urinalysis from dogs with hyperplasia and neoplasia. Pyuria was the most frequent abnormal finding in dogs with chronic prostatitis. Urine was usually culture-positive when there was prostatic infection. Blood leukocyte counts were normal in dogs with prostatic hyperplasia and usually normal in dogs with neoplasia. Leukocytosis, a left shift, and toxic white blood cells were predictive of abscessation, although the blood leukocyte count was not a very sensitive indicator for infection without abscessation.  相似文献   

The bacterial eggshell contamination of eating eggs in different commercial housing systems; two conventional cages, one organic aviary system and one barn production, were compared. The total counts of aerobic bacteria and the total counts of Gram-negative bacteria on the shell were used to detect key points where contamination occurred and to study the progress of contamination in the egg collection and transportation chains. The key points in the chain were those where eggs accumulated on a short conveyor belt, initial shell contamination in the alternative housing systems and extra nest-boxes placed on the ground. The high bacterial load of floor eggs (>6.3 log CFU total aerobic flora/eggshell) explains why they cannot be used for eating. On average higher initial shell contamination with total counts of aerobic bacteria was found for eggs from the alternative housing systems compared to the conventional systems; respectively 5.46 compared to 5.08 log CFU/eggshell. However, initial contamination with total counts of Gram-negative bacteria on the shells was less in the alternative systems: 3.31 compared to 3.85 log CFU/shell. Initial bacterial shell contamination tended to correlate positively with the concentration of bacteria in the air of the poultry houses. Storing shell eggs, whether temporarily refrigerated or not, for 9 d or more, resulted in a decrease in bacterial eggshell contamination for both bacterial variables.  相似文献   

The prevalence of subclinical mastitis in dairy goats in Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
California mastitis test (CMT), direct leukocytes counts and bacteriological examination were performed on 630 milk samples from apparently healthy mammary glands of dairy goats comprising a mixed population of German Alpine, Toggenberg, Saanen and Galla crosses to find the prevalence of subclinical mastitis. The prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 9.8% according to CMT, 9.7% according to direct leukocyte counts and 28.7% by bacterial isolation during a 3-month period. The proportion of the bacteriologically positive milk samples was significantly (P <0.01) higher than that positive for CMT and direct leukocyte counts. There was a significant (P < 0.01) correlation between CMT and direct leukocyte counts. There was no significant direct relationship between bacterial isolation and CMT Bacterial organisms were isolated in 22.5% of the 568 CMT-negative milk samples. The results suggest that bacterial organisms isolated from the CMT-negative milksamples were either latent infections or did not stimulate any significant increase in somatic cell counts that could be detected by either the CMT or direct leukocyte counts. The observations of this study indicate that the mere presence of bacteria in goat's milk does not mean that the udder is infected and so does not warrant antibiotic therapy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a one-minute chlorhexidine gluconate skin preparation protocol prior to cephalic vein catheterization. Twenty-three healthy beagle dogs had one leg aseptically prepared and the opposite leg served as a control. Twenty-six- and 77-hour time groups were studied. Chlorhexidine-treated legs had significantly lower cutaneous bacterial counts than the control legs prior to catheter insertion and prior to catheter withdrawal for both time groups. Control legs developed significantly more dermatitis than the treated legs after 77 h. A one-minute preparation with 4% chlorhexidine gluconate was an effective method for sustained reduction of cutaneous bacterial counts at peripheral intravenous catheter insertion points in dogs. Increased cutaneous bacterial counts were associated with significantly more microscopic dermatitis in untreated legs after 77 h of catheterization.  相似文献   

Placing 1-d-old chicks on used litter may lead to unexpected health problems due to high bacteriological counts. Composting litter between flocks is one possible method of decreasing bacteriological counts. At the end of two 7-wk broiler growouts, in-house composting of pine shaving litter was performed, and bacterial counts were taken. In the first trial, composted pine shavings attained an internal temperature of 55°C that lasted for 40 h. After the initial temperature gain, the composted litter maintained a steady temperature of 35°C. Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial counts were lower in composted vs. uncomposted litter. Moisture content was lower in the uncomposted pile than the compost pile. Water activity was higher in the composted pile than in the uncomposted litter. Among the 8 treatments in the second trial, litter that was composted, wetted, and covered achieved the highest internal temperatures of >50°C, which was sustained until trial termination (7 d). The other treatments did not achieve a temperature increase of this magnitude and, if not wetted, the observed temperature increase lasted <24 h. In litter that had been composted for 1 wk, moisture content was lower regardless of treatment. Water activity was highest in treatments that had water added and that were not covered. Composted, covered, not wetted pine shavings produced the lowest aerobic and anaerobic bacterial counts. The results of these 2 trials show that in-house composting of pine shaving litter can reduce bacterial counts, especially when the compost pile is covered.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a colony environment predisposes healthy cats to high bacterial counts, including counts of obligate anaerobes, in the duodenum and whether increased numbers of bacteria could be found in the duodenum of cats with signs of chronic gastrointestinal tract disease. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 20 healthy control cats (10 from a colony environment and 10 pet cats) and 19 cats with a history of chronic gastrointestinal tract disease. PROCEDURE: Undiluted duodenal fluid was quantitatively and qualitatively assessed by bacteriologic culture under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Serum concentrations of cobalamin and folate were also measured. RESULTS: Significant differences were not detected in the numbers of bacteria found in the duodenum of cats housed in a colony environment, compared with pet cats fed an identical diet prior to sampling. All healthy cats were, therefore, combined into 1 control group. Compared with healthy cats, cats with clinical signs of gastrointestinal tract disease had significantly lower counts of microaerophilic bacteria, whereas total, anaerobic, and aerobic bacterial counts were not significantly different. None of the cats with disease had total bacterial counts higher than expected from the range established in the control cats. Differences were not detected in regard to serum folate or cobalamin concentrations between diseased and healthy cats. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These findings indicated that healthy colony cats and pet cats have high numbers of bacteria in the duodenum, including high numbers of obligate anaerobes. Our findings also suggest that bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine is not a common clinical syndrome in cats with chronic nonobstructive gastrointestinal tract disease.  相似文献   

The clinical and antibacterial efficacy of two shampoos used as a sole antibacterial treatment in dogs with superficial pyoderma were investigated and compared. In a randomised, partially blinded study, a 3 per cent chlorhexidine gluconate shampoo (Chlorhex 3; Leo Animal Health) was compared against a 2.5 per cent benzoyl peroxide shampoo (Paxcutol; Virbac) in 22 dogs with superficial pyoderma. Dogs were washed two to three times weekly with a 10-minute contact time over 21 days. Clinical scores and bacterial counts were assessed on days 1, 8 and 22 and compared within and between treatment groups; overall response was assessed at the end of the study. Twenty dogs completed the study; 15 (68.2 per cent) showed an overall clinical improvement and the clinical signs resolved in three chlorhexidine-treated dogs. In the chlorhexidine-treated group, scores for papules/pustules (P<0.001), investigator-assessed pruritus (P=0.003), total bacterial counts (P=0.003) and counts for coagulase-positive staphylococci (P=0.003) were reduced after three weeks. Scores and bacterial counts did not vary significantly in the benzoyl peroxide-treated group.  相似文献   

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