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简述云南天然橡胶产业现状及在云南省经济中的地位与作用、产业发展面临的主要问题,提出利用西部大开发的机遇和世贸组织的“绿箱政策”, 加快天然橡胶优良品种的更新换代和推广种植,加大科技投入,建立云南天然橡胶产业发展基金,组建云南天然橡胶产业股份有限公司等产业发展对策。  相似文献   

本文简述了当前世界天然橡胶业的基本概况和云南植胶技术成就及生产现状;简析了云南天然橡胶业现存的若干问题,提出今后发展的对策。  相似文献   

云南具有发展天然橡胶优势条件,经过半个多世纪的努力.天然橡胶已成为云南农垦的支柱产业(占垦区经济总最70%).生产力居于世界领先水平,市场竞争力优势明显。天然橡胶产业被列为云南省十大重点整合行业范围。2004年6月云南农垦组建云南天然橡胶产业股份有限公司.开始实施内部和民营橡胶资源整合以及走出去三步战略.整合、提升、做强云南天然橡胶优势产业。  相似文献   

分析了当前云南天然橡胶产业面临的发展机遇及挑战。为适应新的形势,巩固提升云南天然橡胶产业,提出了进一步合理利用宜胶资源,加强产业体制创新、机制创新和科技创新,促进产业持续发展的意见。  相似文献   

云南德宏、临沧天然橡胶产业现状与发展意见   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对云南德宏、临沧地区天然橡胶产业的深入调研,分析了民营橡胶快速发展和国营农场体制改革、"属地"管理后天然橡胶产业发展中管理和技术层面存在的问题,提出了加快建立农民橡胶专业生产合作社和建立、完善区域天然橡胶产业技术支撑体系的发展意见。  相似文献   

根据云南天然橡胶产业发展的基本情况,分析了产业创新发展的科技需求,提出科技创新方向。  相似文献   

介绍云南金平县民营天然橡胶产业发展现状,提出了在2000年后发展中存在的问题和有关思考。  相似文献   

2006年考察了越南天然橡胶、咖啡产业迅速发展的背景和现状,分析了其产业在生产、科研和贸易方面的特点和经验,提出了云南进一步开展天然橡胶、咖啡产业和科技国际合作的建议。  相似文献   

从天然橡胶加工企业生产的角度试分析影响云南天然橡胶企业综合竞争力的原因,并从政策引导、企业定位、强化现场管理、提升产品质量、做好生产成本分析与控制、实现企业管理标准化、制度化等方面阐述了提升云南天然橡胶企业综合竞争力的举措。  相似文献   

临沧为云南天然橡胶的主产区之一,天然橡胶产业已成为临沧市的支柱产业.本文梳理分析了临沧市橡胶产业发展的形势,针对性提出完善产业发展机制、调优结构、强化产业科技支撑、培育壮大龙头企业和延伸产业链的发展思路.  相似文献   

西双版纳2009/2010年秋冬春连旱对橡胶生产的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于大气环流的异常影响,云南西双版纳州2009/2010年秋冬春气候异常,出现了本州自有气象记录以来最严重的秋冬春连旱。异常的高温干旱对橡胶树造成了严重影响:橡胶树物候异常、病虫害频发、开割时间比往年推迟10~30d、干胶减产;橡胶树抗旱定植困难大、成本高;随干旱而至的大风、冰雹灾害严重,造成严重经济损失。  相似文献   

Plant and bird diversity in the Indonesian jungle rubber agroforestry system was compared to that in primary forest and rubber plantations by integrating new and existing data from a lowland rain forest area in Sumatra. Jungle rubber gardens are low-input rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) agroforests that structurally resemble secondary forest and in which wild species are tolerated by the farmer. As primary forests have almost completely disappeared from the lowlands of the Sumatra peneplain, our aim was to assess the contribution of jungle rubber as a land use type to the conservation of plant and bird species, especially those that are associated with the forest interior of primary and old secondary forest. Species-accumulation curves were compiled for terrestrial and epiphytic pteridophytes, trees and birds, and for subsets of ‘forest species’ of terrestrial pteridophytes and birds. Comparing jungle rubber and primary forest, groups differed in relative species richness patterns. Species richness in jungle rubber was slightly higher (terrestrial pteridophytes), similar (birds) or lower (epiphytic pteridophytes, trees, vascular plants as a whole) than in primary forest. For subsets of ‘forest species’ of terrestrial pteridophytes and birds, species richness in jungle rubber was lower than in primary forest. For all groups, species richness in jungle rubber was generally higher than in rubber plantations. Although species conservation in jungle rubber is limited by management practices and by a slash-and-burn cycle for replanting of about 40 years, this forest-like land use does support species diversity in an impoverished landscape increasingly dominated by monoculture plantations.  相似文献   

基于ArcEngine 10.0在Visual Studio 2015平台中设计和构建了云南农垦江城橡胶公司橡胶园信息管理系统。系统具备胶园基本情况查询、胶园生产管理、苗木管理、割胶管理、报表统计、橡胶树营养和胶园土壤养分空间查询分析和配方施肥自动决策等多种功能。  相似文献   

以西双版纳东风农场为例,基于开源WebGIS软件GeoServer建立橡胶树施肥信息管理系统,实现橡胶园基础信息查询、橡胶树营养和胶园土壤养分空间查询以及橡胶树施肥配方自动判断等多种功能。  相似文献   

国内外橡胶树种质资源收集保存及其研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对世界各主要植胶国橡胶树种质资源的收集与保存、鉴定评价与利用、共享与保护现状,和分子标记技术在橡胶树种质资源鉴定评价中的运用作了综述;同时根据我国橡胶树种质资源研究与国外的差距和存在的主要问题,提出关于提高我国橡胶树种质资源保存和研究水平的建议及近期的主要研究内容。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to assess the potential of small-holder rubber cultivation in agroforestry gardens to fulfill simultaneously the goals of conservation and sustainable rural development. I examined the structure and species composition of trees in 11 rubber gardens in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, using a single 0.10 ha plot per garden. Although 41 distinct morphotypes were encountered, rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) dominated the sample of 370 trees. Richness within plots varied (3–15 morphotypes), as did the predominance of rubber (24–97% of all basal area, 24–91% of all individuals). The importance of rubber within a garden was significantly negatively correlated with the number of morphotypes present. This result suggests that tree diversity may limit potential productivity of rubber gardens. Thus, small-holders may not be willing to maintain diversity at the scale of a single garden. Although species-accumulation curves indicate that substantial tree diversity may exist across all rubber holdings, diversity is likely to be lost from the system if individual owners reduce species richness in their gardens. Rubber agroforestry as currently practiced in West Kalimantan is not an ideal model for matching rural development needs with the achievement of conservation goals. Other models, such as tengkawang- and durian-based fruit gardens, do exist in Kalimantan and elsewhere, and should be evaluated for incorporation into policy and development strategies.  相似文献   

杜仲橡胶颗粒结合蛋白的分离、纯化及抗体制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用重复漂洗,离心法分离纯化了杜仲橡胶颗粒,SDS—PAGE分析发现杜仲橡胶颗粒含有十几种蛋白,其中以56ku、30ku2种蛋白的丰度较高,分别称之为EuRPP56和EuRPP30。对杜仲雌雄株的比较表明,杜仲雌株叶片、雌株树皮及果皮中橡胶颗粒蛋白均是EuRP30含量高于EuRPP56,而雄株叶片、雄株树皮中正相反。进一步分离纯化了杜仲橡胶颗粒中丰度较高的30ku蛋白,并制备了该蛋白的抗体。免疫细胞化学分析结果表明,在叶片的含胶细胞中有阳性反应,而其它细胞无阳性反应。以上工作为研究杜仲胶粒结合蛋白功能以及阐明杜仲胶生物合成机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

Powdery mildew disease of rubber trees affects young rubber leaves, buds, inflorescences and other immature tissues reducing rubber latex yields by up to 45%. The disease is present in all rubber‐growing regions, with a high incidence rate in subtropical environments. The causal agent of powdery mildew disease of rubber trees was first described as Oidium heveae, but later research on the morphological characteristics suggests that O. heveae was in the past confused with Erysiphe quercicola. However, the most appropriate classification is still under debate between the genera Golovinomyces or Podosphaera. Molecular and phylogenetic analyses have established some relationships between rubber powdery mildew fungus and other powdery mildew species, but the generic sexual state of rubber powdery mildew fungus has not yet been established. Rubber powdery mildew conidia are wind‐spread spores that are produced in great numbers when growth conditions of the disease are favourable. The optimum conditions for conidial germination are 97–100% relative humidity and temperatures between 25 and 28°C. While some newly bred rubber clones have shown resistance to the disease, it can also be controlled with a number of fungicides and biological control agents. It is clear from recent knowledge about climate–fungus relationships that changes in weather strongly influence disease incidence and severity. The aim of this review is to highlight the classification conflicts, main causes and influencing factors behind the disease spreading, as well as draw attention to the impact of weather changes on the outbreaks of the disease. The information in this review will be helpful to adopt better control measures of the powdery mildew disease of rubber, especially in higher humidity areas, thereby minimizing the loss of rubber yields due to this disease.  相似文献   

In order to alleviate poverty in Northeast Thailand, the Thai government has promoted rubber farming, which has expanded at the expense of annual crops. Because of a long immature period, planting rubber represents a loss of income for poor farmers in the very first years. This paper analyzed how rubber intercropping during the immature period helps farmers to compensate for this loss of income. Economic performances of the most widespread rubber farming systems were analyzed using information collected from a questionnaire addressed to 35 farmers in Buriram province. A sub-sample of 22 farmers was further interviewed to estimate the contribution of rubber intercropping in the formation of the total annual income during the immature period. The results showed that interest in rubber intercropping has grown, with cassava and rice as the main associated crops. With additional costs of about 14,169 ?/ha/year over monospecific rubber plantations, rubber-cassava intercropping systems generated a gross margin estimated at 11,340 ?/ha/year for a 3-year period. Compared to a monospecific rubber plantation, rubber-cassava intercropping systems reduced management costs by 59% over the 6-year period of rubber immaturity. The cash-income drawn from intercropping ranged from 0 to 26.8% of the household’s total annual income, which can be of considerable importance for low-income farmers.  相似文献   

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