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基于WF的杉木人工林交互式疏伐可视化模拟技术   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以湖南攸县黄丰桥国有林场为试验区,以杉木人工林为试验对象,测定林木胸径、树高、冠幅等测树因子及林木位置信息。利用WF技术,在定义林分生长模型、林分结构分析与林分疏伐模型等5种活动的基础上,利用人机交互方式,以图形形式建立了林分生长、林分结构与林分疏伐间交互的可视化工作流模型,实现了林分交互式疏伐可视化模拟。采用GDI+绘图技术与MOGRE渲染引擎技术,实现了林分结构、林分2维状态与林分3维场景的可视化模拟。结果表明:林分生长、林分结构与林分疏伐间的交互关系得到了直观的可视化模拟,此方法面向经营者具有可操作性强的特点。林分疏伐前后的林分结构、2维状态与3维场景得到了形象与逼真的模拟。应用交互式疏伐可视化模拟技术,可实现林分疏伐过程、效果以及林分未来状态的可视化模拟,实现对林分疏伐的实时监管,提高林分疏伐数字化管理水平。  相似文献   

基于林分特征的林木个体信息估算可视化模拟技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以湖南攸县黄丰桥国有林场为试验区,以6块典型的杉木人工同龄纯林为研究对象,研究林木径阶与其Voronoi多边形面积间的对应关系。以模拟样地为例,在林木株数、林分算术平均胸径与样地大小设定的前提下,研究林木空间分布格局特征,建立计算机模拟点阵生成算法;利用Weibull分布模型对样地内林木径阶分布进行估算,根据林木Voronoi多边形面积与其径阶间的对应规律,对林木胸径进行分配,参考林木测树因子估计模型对林木树高与冠幅因子进行估算;采用ArcgisEngine10开发技术,开发样地Voronoi多边形分析模块,结合GDI+与MOGRE技术,建立基于林分特征的林木个体信息估算可视化模型。结果表明:林木Voronoi多边形面积的算术平均值与所对应径阶间总体呈正相关关系;林木空间格局生成算法高效且适用;林木胸径因子分配考虑了空间环境的影响,贴近林木生长规律;可视化模拟技术可直观表现以上过程与结果,增强可操作性。此方法可用于解决由林分整体特征估算林木个体信息的难题,可为林业科学研究提供基础数据,可为森林可视化模拟提供技术参考。  相似文献   

基于Weibull分布的林分结构可视化模拟技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林分结构是林分生长和林分经营的理论基础,具有重要的生产实践和科研价值。以杉木人工林为研究对象,以30 m×30 m样地大小为例,以Weibull分布拟合林分直径结构,并进行x2检验。在已知林木算术平均胸径和林木株数的前提下,以C#语言为基础,结合Weibull分布模型、测树因子间关系模型、生物量估计模型、GDI+技术与MOGRE技术,实现了林分结构统计图表可视化模拟,并对林分进行了2维3维可视化模拟。结果表明:Weibull分布可有效拟合林分直径结构分布,可视化模拟技术使林分结构得到了更加直观高效的表达,为研究林分结构提供了新的技术手段,为提高森林经营管理水平提供了可视化决策平台。  相似文献   

针对现有林分可视化方法表现林木多样性不足的问题,以林分调查数据为基础,提出多样性林木三维模型构建方法,实现林分三维模型实时建立,对可视化直观反映林分三维结构状况具有重要意义。提出林木树干三维模拟方法,建立10参数的幂函数冠形控制曲线,形成林木多方向冠形控制模型,基于贝塞尔曲线构建10种形态类型的枝干模型,提出冠形控制下的林木枝干生成算法以及树叶模拟方法,实现了林木多样性三维模型实时构建。以每木调查数据为基础,根据林木形态数据,实时建立了林分三维模型。结果表明:林木冠形多样性模型得到有效构建,林分调查数据可直接为林分三维建模提供数据支持。该方法可实现林木多样性形态与林分特征因子的直观三维模拟。  相似文献   

基于空间结构的杉木树冠生长可视化模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]定量研究杉木林分中不同空间结构对林木冠形生长变化的影响,实现基于空间结构的杉木树冠生长可视化模拟。[方法]以湖南省攸县黄丰桥国有林场为试验区,在林分中选择并划分空间结构单元,进行冠形和空间结构数据调查,将林木东南西北4个方向的活枝下高、冠高、冠幅作为林木冠形描述因子,将周围木影响距离、相对树高定义为水平空间结构参数Ph和垂直空间结构参数Pv,使用多元逐步回归的分析方法,分析冠形描述因子与年龄、水平、垂直空间结构参数的关系,建立不同空间结构下杉木冠形的生长变化模型。基于B样条曲线模拟杉木冠形,构建不同生长阶段的三维杉木模型,结合三维动态渲染技术,实现杉木树冠生长的可视化模拟。[结果]通过对年龄和水平、垂直空间结构参数的逐步回归分析,结果表明:林木活枝下高、冠高和年龄、垂直空间结构参数呈现显著相关关系,模型决定系数R~2分别为0.754和0.813;林木各向冠幅和年龄、水平空间结构参数呈现极显著相关关系,模型决定系数R~2为0.623。基于杉木树冠生长模型和三维动态渲染技术,实现了树冠在东南西北不同方向的生长可视化。[结论]通过划分空间结构单元的方法选择研究目标并进行数据调查,使用逐步回归的方法,分析杉木冠形数据和年龄与空间结构数据的关系,建立树冠各方向活枝下高、冠高、冠幅的生长模型,结合三维动态渲染技术,使用MOGRE三维渲染引擎作为工具,实现了基于空间结构的杉木树冠生长可视化模拟。  相似文献   

[目的]以真实林分三维场景为模型,结合计算机虚拟现实技术,实现对真实林分结构的调整优化可视化模拟。[方法]以湖南攸县黄丰桥国有林场杉木与鹅掌楸人工混交林为研究对象,采用可视化模拟技术,基于三维虚拟环境建立林分结构调整可视化模拟系统,实现对林分结构的优化调整进行可视化模拟。通过对林分的角尺度、大小比、混交度、开阔比等结构的计算分析,结合公告板显示技术和射线查询算法,在MOGRE构建的林分三维场景中对林分结构调整过程进行可视化模拟。[结果]样地林分结构经过调整后,平均树高由12.8 m变成13.6 m,平均胸径由17.1 cm变成18.6 cm;林分平均角尺度由0.449变为0.481,分布格局由调整前的均匀分布变成随机分布;林分平均大小比由0.511变为0.519,样地内林木生长更具有优势;林分平均混交度由0.093变为0.129,林分结构更加稳定,林分的整体质量也得到了提高。[结论]本研究采用可视化模拟技术和样地调查数据,构建虚拟三维森林环境,在三维场景中,森林经营者不仅能查看样地中每株林木构筑性属性,观察林分样地的整体状态,还能对林分结构进行优化调整,实现在虚拟森林环境中对样地林分结构调整进行可视化模拟。  相似文献   

果子沟林场三维建模与可视化实现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]为了提高森林景观模拟的真实性和实用性,为森林景观规划和森林经营管理提供可靠依据。[方法]以新疆霍城县果子沟林场作为试验区,以林区内主要树种雪岭云杉为树木建模对象,以小班为单位对果子沟林场进行三维可视化模拟。通过外业测量获取林木的树高、胸径、冠幅以及冠高等测树因子。从冠形和叶片角度入手对雪岭云杉的外形特征进行分析。使用单曲线方程对冠形进行模拟,使用泊松分布模型模拟树叶在树冠内的分布情况。然后,使用林相图提取小班边界。利用外业调查数据和CTS系统构建不同形态的树木模型。通过林分分布规则、小班属性以及林场内植被分布规则对林木的空间分布进行模拟。最后,使用SQL SERVER 2005作为数据管理平台,使用八叉树作为三维场景管理,结合LOD、视点替换、及地形分页等三维场景渲染及优化技术,对果子沟林场进行三维可视化模拟。模拟面积达300 km2,平均帧率20 FPS以上。[结果]模拟结果较好地反映了小班的空间分布格局,直观地体现出小班内部林木的空间位置分布,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

油茶是我国特有的木本油料树种,也是世界四大木本食用油料树种之一,以生态模型可视化模拟油茶生长规律对研究其抚育栽培模式及可持续经营管理决策有着重要意义。通过比较分析相关领域文献,整理收集了贵州、湖南、江西、福建、浙江五省60年油茶林分生长数据,借助林分水平森林生态系统模拟模型FORECAST模拟油茶纯林50年生长变化规律。模拟结果包括林分尺度的林分平均高、平均冠幅、林分株密度、林分果实生物量参数,及单木尺度的林木胸径、树高、枝下高、冠幅参数。在模拟预测油茶生长参数的基础上,本研究还借助模型可视化技术,三维再现了5年、15年、25年、45年生油茶林分空间结构,用以验证模型及辅助决策。结果表明模型FORE-CAST拟合油茶林分生长曲线效果较好,其输出参数可视化也逼真再现了林分尺度纯林场景,较好的验证了数据。  相似文献   

基于竞争势的林分生长量分配模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以湖南省攸县黄丰桥林场杉木林分2008年至2011年每木检尺调查结果为数据源,开展对开阔比数模型fo,简单竞争因子模型fH和竞争压力指数模型fCSI的研究,提出一个新的林木综合竞争因子即竞争势模型fC=1/(fo+fH+fCSI),计算结果经过残差分析方法剔除异常,以竞争势为依据将林分总体生长量分配到林木个体,构建林分生长量分配模型.为了验证模型的准确性,对比分别以fC、fH、fCSI三个模型为依据的林分生长量分配结果,计算通过模型分配到个体的生长量与个体实际生长量之间的相关指数分别为0.6,0.44,0.29.分析结果表明竞争势模型可以作为林分生长可视化模拟中林分生长量向个体分配的一个依据,为林分生长可视化模拟提供有效支持.  相似文献   

为了解决以往二维森林资源信息系统对于现实世界表达的逼真程度低的问题,为用户提供视觉上更真实的感受,让决策者对森林资源信息有更为直观、生动的了解与认识,从而提高森林场景的交互性与实时性,研究开发了可独立运行的林分3D可视化经营系统。研究结果表明,利用可视化编程工具模拟虚拟森林环境的林分经营方法,操作简单,可用性强;,设计的面向森林经营管理的国有林场林分3D可视化系统,可实现森林的漫游,二维数据的查询、统计、造林模拟和森林经营模拟等功能。  相似文献   

【目的】无人机机载激光雷达能够准确地测定单木、林分乃至大尺度森林结构参数(树高和树冠因子)。为应用无人机激光雷达技术准确估测森林蓄积量、生物量和碳储量提供计量依据和技术支撑。【方法】以150株实测马尾松生物量样本数据为研究对象,采用非线性回归估计方法和度量误差联立方程组方法,分析立木材积和地上生物量与树高、树冠因子的相关性,并在此基础上研究建立基于树高和树冠因子的立木材积与地上生物量相容模型。【结果】单株材积和地上生物量与树高因子的相关性最为紧密,其次才是树冠因子;基于树高和冠幅因子的二元材积和地上生物量模型预估精度较高,达到92%以上,再考虑冠长因子的三元模型预估精度改进不大;基于树高和冠幅因子的二元立木材积与地上生物量相容模型估计效果更好,相对于一元相容模型系统而言,二元相容模型拟合效果有较大幅度提高,预估精度达到92%以上。【结论】采用度量误差联立方程组方法可以有效解决基于树高和树冠因子的立木材积与地上生物量相容问题,并且预估精度达到92%以上,所建二元立木材积与地上生物量相容模型可为应用激光雷达技术反演森林蓄积量和生物量提供计量依据。  相似文献   

There is currently great interest in improving the applicability of forest gap models to changing environmental conditions, in order to facilitate the assessment of possible impacts of climatic change on forest ecosystems. Moreover, for the development of mitigation strategies, it is necessary to include forest management options in the models. Both the simulation of transient effects of climatic change and of forest management regimens require a realistic representation of stand structure in gap models, since tree species respond to variations in stand density in characteristic ways, depending on their ecological strategies.In this study, we compared the effect of five different height growth functions that are sensitive to stand density on simulated stand structure of the FORSKA forest gap model. We used long term observation data from a beech thinning trial at Fabrikschleichach, Bavaria, to test the alternative functions. First, we compared simulation results of the original FORSKA model with measured stand development from 1870 to 1990. Whereas simulated stand level variables (e.g. biomass, mean diameter and height) showed good correspondence with observations, individual tree dimensions and simulated stand structure were quite unrealistic. After calibrating parameters of the height growth functions with data from a lightly thinned plot at Fabrikschleichach, we ran the model with data from a heavily thinned plot for validation. All five functions considerably improved the simulation of height/diameter relationships and stand structure. However, there were distinct differences between functions. The best correspondence with measurements was shown by a function which uses the relative radiation intensity in the centre of a tree crown as an indicator of the competition status of the tree. This function is rather simple and needs only two growth parameters, which can be derived for different functional types of species, according to their shade tolerance.With the new, flexible height growth function it should be possible to extend the applicability of gap models to more realistic simulation experiments including forest management and natural disturbance. To our knowledge, this was the first attempt to employ long term forest observation data for the calibration and validation of a forest gap model. The results suggest that such data could be very useful in model testing and improvement.  相似文献   

Korean larch(Larix olgensis) is one of the main tree species for afforestation and timber production in northeast China. However, its timber quality and growth ability are largely infl uenced by crown size, structure and shape. The majority of crown models are static models based on tree size and stand characteristics from temporary sample plots, but crown dynamic models has seldom been constructed. Therefore, this study aimed to develop height to crown base( HCB) and crown length( CL) dynamic models using the branch mortality technique for a Korean larch plantation. The nonlinear mixed-effects model with random effects, variance functions and correlation structures, was used to build HCB and CL dynamic models. The data were obtained from 95 sample trees of 19 plots in Meng JiaGang forest farm in Northeast China. The results showed that HCB progressively increases as tree age, tree height growth(HT growth) and diameter at breast height growth( DBH growth).The CL was increased with tree age in 20 years ago, and subsequently stabilized. HT growth, DBH growth stand basal area( BAS) and crown competition factor( CCF) signifi cantly infl uenced HCB and CL. The HCB was positively correlated with BAS, HT growth and D BH growth, but negatively correlated with CCF. The CL was positively correlated with BAS and CCF, but negatively correlated with D BH growth. Model fi tting and validation confi rmed that the mixed-effects model considering the stand and tree level random effects was accurate and reliable for predicting the HCB and CL dynamics. However, the models involving adding variance functions and time series correlation structure could not completely remove heterogeneity and autocorrelation, and the fi tting precision of the models was reduced. Therefore, from the point of view of application, we should take care to avoid setting up over-complex models. The HCB and CL dynamic models in our study may also be incorporated into stand growth and yield model systems in China.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):153-161
This study developed growth models for Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. et Cham. for the Central Highlands of Angola for simulating the development of stand characteristics. The model set included dominant height, individual-tree diameter increment, individual-tree height and self-thinning models. The study was based on 7 656 radial increment observations obtained from increment cores from eight plots located in five sites in the Angolan Highlands. The model set enables the simulation of stand development on an individual tree basis. Despite the fact that site variation among the plots was small, a traditional site category index based on slope catena correlated logically with the observed diameter growth rate of the plots. The developed models showed a high level of accuracy when the simulated stand development was compared to observed development. The shape of the dominant height model is similar to earlier models developed in southern Africa.  相似文献   

The application of detailed models of canopy photosynthesis rely on the estimation of attenuation of light in the canopy. This attenuation is readily estimated with the Lambert-Beer law when the canopy is homogeneous. In reality, forest canopies are far from homogeneous, and this has led to the use of detailed light extinction models that account for grouping of foliage between and within trees. Because such models require detailed parameterization and fine resolution inputs, they are impractical in larger-scale applications. Thus, there is interest in simplified models that can be readily parameterized. We developed two equations that can be used to estimate mean annual light interception by single unshaded trees and by stands of Poisson distributed trees. Interception by single trees is a function of crown surface area, the ratio of leaf area to crown surface area, the extinction coefficient in a homogeneous canopy--which can be determined separately--and one empirical parameter that depends on the mean solar angle. The summary model was tested against a detailed model of interception, and showed good agreement, although with slight bias. The results showed that crown surface area is a good summary variable for crown size and shape, because errors are independent of crown shape (ellipsoids, cones and height:width ratios). We also tested whether canopy photosynthesis is proportional to light interception across canopies differing in structure and leaf area index, and found that light-use efficiency is influenced by canopy structure. The model is useful in larger-scale applications because it can be parameterized with available data without the need for additional empirical parameters. It can also be used to study the effect of stand structure on mean annual light interception and productivity.  相似文献   

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