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《动物防疫法》中明确禁止经营死因不明动物,对于违法者要给予相应的处罚。通过一起经营死因不明狗案的查处,详细介绍了基层动物卫生监督的真实执法流程,包括案件来源、案件查处经过、违法事实认定、适用法律认定和处罚决定的确定等一系列过程,同时深刻剖析了案件处理过程中存在的问题和引发的思考。  相似文献   

<正>简易程序,又叫当场处罚程序,是指农业行政机关对于事实清楚、情节简单的违法行为给予法定的较轻的行政处罚时所适用的比较简单的程序。多年来,凉州区动物卫生监督所在开展畜产品质量安全专项整治和规范肉品经营市场过程中,适用简易案件查处了大量的违法《动物防疫法》和《动物检疫管理办法》的行为,简易程序成为案件查处适用最多的程序之一。本文旨在解决动物卫生监督机构行政执法人员在办理简易程序案件过程  相似文献   

国家为促进畜牧业的发展,保护人民群众身体健康,先后颁布实施了《草原法》、《动物防疫法》、《兽药管理条例》、《种畜禽管理条例》、《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》等一系列的行业法律法规,为依法治牧、依法兴牧创造了有利的环境。 当前,由于历史及执法手段落后等客观原因的影响,一些不法之徒利欲熏心,违反国家畜牧兽医行业法律法规,生产经营病死动物及其产品、假兽药、劣质种畜禽等,其行为普遍,数额巨大。违法行为出现生产经营形式多样化、作案方式隐蔽化、造假手段智能化、作案交通通讯工具现代化的明显态势。各地在对违反畜牧兽医行业法律法规案件的查处上大多是依靠群众的举报。由于各地畜牧兽医行政主管部门对违法案件的举报管理不规范,对案件查处往往不及时和查处后无回音;对举报人没有制定相应的奖励保护措施;有的甚至把举报人的情况随意向外泄露,致使举报人的人身财产名誉受到伤害,制约了群众举报违法行为的积极性,影响畜牧兽医执法工作的开展。  相似文献   

近日,黄浦江"漂浮死猪"事件闹得沸沸扬扬,这不仅反映出部分养殖户法规意识和防疫意识的淡泊,也暴露出病死猪处理监管上的漏洞。国家对病死猪的处理有相关法律条文,《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》第二十五条明确规定:禁止屠宰、经营、运输下列动物和生产、经营、加工、贮藏、运输下列动物  相似文献   

为了谋取暴利,一些动物产品加工从业人员无视《动物防疫法》、《动物检疫管理办法》等相关法律法规,收购、生产、加工、贮藏、销售死因不明动物及其产品,给公共安全造成了危害。我所根据群众举报,查处了一起非法加工贮藏及销售死因不明动物产品案件,通过查处这起案件,引起一些思考。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》(以下简称《动物防疫法》)实施以来,为动物防疫、检疫及动物卫生监督管理等项工作提供了强有力的法律依据和保障,特别是为动物防疫行政执法部门查处动物卫生违章违法案件提供了切实可行的法律依  相似文献   

近年来,田林县畜牧水产局认真贯彻执行《动物防疫法》《兽药管理条例》等畜牧兽医法律法规,注重执法队伍的建设,加大行政执法力度,取得好成效。 据统计,1998年1月至2000年8月,该县畜牧兽医执法部门共查处违反动物防疫法律、法规案件72件,罚款6 100元,行政复议2件,复议维持2件,行政诉讼3件,法院维持3件;取缔无《兽药经营许可证》经营兽药8户,没收非法经营兽药价值4 600元,没收经营假劣兽药、饲料添加剂经营户41户,货值1.98万元。促进全县畜牧业健康发展,起到了积极的作用。 (黄家勤田林县兽医卫生监督检验所)  相似文献   

《动物防疫法》明确规定,动物、动物产品的销售应当通过宰前检疫和宰后检疫,并持合格的检疫证明方可出售,但是一些不法屠户逃避检疫的现象时有发生。2008年9月,我所及时查处了一起私自加工销售病死仔猪肉案,有力地打击了私屠滥宰加工销售的违法行为。该案是新修证的《动物防疫法》实施以来,我所查处的第一起案件。现就该案的查处情况与大家进行交流。  相似文献   

2017年9月,甘肃省凉州区农牧局在日常检查时,查处一公司经营的饲料产品涉嫌非法添加其他物质。经立案调查,认定该公司经营的四黄止痢颗粒、抗病毒消炎颗粒、参芪增免颗粒、感冒神奇颗粒中擅自添加国务院农业行政主管部门公布的饲料添加剂品种目录和药物性饲料添加剂品种目录以外物质的违法事实确实,根据《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》规定,依法给予了行政处罚。本文通过对案件定性、查处过程及行业规范监管策略进行讨论,提出了多视角案件定性、先行追溯核查生产企业、陈述申辩与申请听证的不同处理和规范企业生产行为的监管举措。为切实规范兽药饲料经营秩序,强化饲料及饲料添加剂生产企业监管提供参考。  相似文献   

2005年12月22日,吉林省动物卫生监督检验所所属的通化铁路动物卫生监督检验所,查处了一起违反《动物防疫法》规定、不凭检疫证明办理铁路运输动物的案件。有效的规范了动物防疫监督管理秩序,维护了《动物防疫法》的尊严。  相似文献   

In Great Britain, even the earliest tangible signs indicating the epidemiologic significance of meat and bone meal in the spreading of BSE soon gave rise to increasingly rigorous legislative measures regulating animal feedstuffs. In 1994 a ban on the feeding of animal proteins to ruminants was implemented throughout the entire EU. But until the first BSE cases were actually confirmed in locally raised cattle (November 2000), feeding practice and legislation more or less in Germany remained unaffected by the efforts undertaken in Great Britain. This situation was suddenly changed on 1 December, 2000, when the so-called "Verfütterungsverbot" was put into effect, a law which drastically extended bans regarding the feedstuffs (including fishmeal and animal fats) as well as the species concerned (all animals used in food production). In 2001 the "contamination" phenomenon (ingredients of animal origin were detected in mixed feeds) became a vital issue for the feed industry; through the media, the subject "feedstuff safety" gained a previously unseen level of public awareness. Those circles concerned with mixed feed production and animal husbandry were increasingly confronted with the consequences of the "Verfütterungsverbot" (availability and pricing of substitute ingredients; the demand for amino acids and inorganic sources of phosphorus; problems finding adequate substitutes for animal fats; poor digestibility of alternative components such as indigenous legumes or vegetable fats in calf diets; lower utilization rate of original phosphorus in mixed feeds with negative consequences for skeletal development). With the conditional approval of fishmeal (except in feeds for ruminants) the situation has eased again to a certain degree; on the EU level there are increasing signals pointing toward a political intention to reinstate the utilization of by-products of slaughtered animals qualified for human consumption (with the exception of fallen/dead animals and specific risk material) in poultry and swine feeding. In Germany, at least, the question of animal fat utilization for food-producing animals is still unsolved.  相似文献   

肖和良 《猪业科学》2020,37(3):90-91
文章收集湖南省洞口县历史上猪密螺旋体痢疾病例7例,存栏猪6475头,发病猪1185头,发病率18.3%;治疗1136头,治愈1051头,治愈率92.5%,共死亡134头,死亡率2.1%,发病致死率11.3%。其中最近病例(2018年5月中旬)洞口县茶铺茶场管理区某大型猪场存栏3978头,发病猪854头,发病率21.5%,死亡78头,死亡率2.0%,用泰妙菌素、泰乐菌素药物治疗,采取隔离消毒和科学饲养管理综合防控措施,治疗831头,治愈776头,治愈率93.4%,仍造成经济损失87960元。  相似文献   

Biosecurity and minimal disease herds.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The minimal disease concept is a way of raising pigs so that some specific diseases are absent. Many bacteria and viruses can be transferred by pigs, air, or mechanical contact. To avoid contamination, the herd location should take into consideration disease transmission possibilities. Herd health status and source herd health status should be continuously monitored. To maintain herd health status, specific rules need to be followed for herd construction and establishment, compound perimeter, people movement, down time, animal transportation, feed use and delivery, vehicle movement, material, dead animal disposition, and rodent control. All new incoming animals should go through quarantine, and in some herds, safer methods such as AI, embryo transfer, MEW, or hysterectomy and fostering need to be used.  相似文献   

For the veterinarian, drug sale is generally permitted by his licence of drug dispensing. According to the law on animal feed, feedstuffs are not regarded as drugs and thus they are not licensed to be sold by veterinarians. Drugs, however, may only be released for the treatment of individual animals, which are previously examined by the vet. The sale of animal feed is not regarded as part of veterinary practice. Only in case of a registered additional business, a veterinarian is allowed to sale feedstuffs. Dietetic animal feedstuffs are also regulated by the Animal Feed Act. Dietetic drugs, however, are regulated by the Drug Act and are strongly to be delineated from dietetic feed. Thus, the term "dietetic" alone does not automatically give any legitimatization for a sale of feedstuffs in veterinary practice.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究乳化脂肪粉对断奶仔猪生长性能的影响。选择21日龄的断奶仔猪,按体重相近原则随机分栏成为两个对照组(基础日粮)和一个试验组:试验组在基础日粮中添加20 kg/t的乳化脂肪粉,每个处理2个重复(♀和♂各一栏),每个重复15头,试验期为10 d。研究结果表明:试验组和对照组的平均日采食量分别为0.239 kg、0.257 kg和0.240 kg;平均日增重分别为0.144 kg、0.129 kg和0.131 kg;平均料肉比分别为1.66、1.99和1.80。试验组的平均日采食量和平均料肉比均比两个对照组的低,而试验组的平均日增重比两个对照组高。研究结果表明:在本次试验中,乳化脂肪粉可以增加断奶仔猪的日增重、降低料肉比、提高饲料利用率,乳化脂肪粉对断奶仔猪的生长性能可以产生正面影响。  相似文献   

为建立副猪嗜血杆菌(Hps)的感染动物模型,本试验用Hps血清5型标准菌株(Nagasaki),以2.0×10~9CFU剂量腹腔感染豚鼠,观察豚鼠发病及死亡情况.取死亡豚鼠的主要器官组织,观察其病理和组织病理变化,与猪Classer's病痛变进行比较.并同时对死亡豚鼠进行细茵分离,分离菌经PCR鉴定.实验结果显示:在接种14 h后试验组豚鼠(5/8)出现死亡,死亡豚鼠剖检时出现了与猪Classer's病相似的病变;主要组织器官组织学变化以炎性细胞浸润、纤维蛋白和红细胞渗出等变化;并通过细茵分离培养,在豚鼠大脑、心血、肺、肝、脾和肾主要器官中分离到Hps血清5型茵.实验结果表明豚鼠可以作为Hps的感染动物模型.这一结果为研究其致病机制、诊断和免疫研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

自2018年非洲猪瘟传入我国以来,生猪养殖业遭受了沉重打击。建设规模猪场密闭连廊,可有效切断非洲猪瘟等动物疫病的传播途径。广西横县通过设计和应用密闭连廊连接生活区、猪舍、物资熏蒸房、出(进)猪台及死猪出口等端口,使猪舍防疫关口前移,增加了防疫纵深,实现了多层阻断抵御病原传播。本文介绍了密闭连廊及相关设施的设计要点和使用流程,以期为规模猪场落实各项生物安全措施,防控非洲猪瘟等动物疫病提供参考。  相似文献   

In the last decade an increasing occurrence of feed intoxications of Austrian domestic animals could be observed. According to specific cases and one experimental study using fattening pigs, the clinical symptoms laboratory findings of blood and feed samples are described. Based on the case history, the clinical symptoms of the incriminated animals and by exclusion of other diseases an etiologic correlation with the feed and the course of disease, a feed intoxication could be diagnosed. By corresponding microbiologic as well as mycotoxicologic positive results of the examined feedstuffs the diagnosis "mycotoxicosis" could be confirmed.  相似文献   

Deoxynivalenol (DON), a mycotoxin produced by Fusarium spp., is a frequent contaminant of cereals. Because of their rich cereal diet, pigs could be exposed to this mycotoxin. Pigs are among the animal species showing the greatest sensitivity to DON. Effects of intermediate to high levels of DON on pigs are well known and include feed refusal, decreased feed intake, and alteration of the immune response. Effects of low levels of DON, which are commonly detected in contaminated feed, remain unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a diet naturally contaminated with a low concentration of DON (0, 280, 560, or 840 microg/kg of feed) on performance of weanling piglets and on 34 hematological, biochemical, and immune variables. Low doses of DON did not alter the animal performances (feed intake and BW gain). Such low levels of DON did not modify the 9 hematological variables measured (including white blood cell, red blood cell, and platelet counts, relative numbers of neutrophils and lymphocytes, and hematocrit and hemoglobin concentrations) or the 18 biochemical variables tested (including cations, glucose, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, and plasma enzyme activity). Similarly, no effect of low doses of DON was observed on the immune responses of the animals (immunoglobulin subset concentration, lymphocyte proliferation, and cytokine production).  相似文献   

Ninety-six crossbred barrows and gilts were used to investigate the optimum supply of true ileal digestible threonine for growing (approximately 35-65 kg body weight) and finishing (approximately 65-110 kg body weight) pigs. For this purpose, according to a bifactorial arrangement in the grower as well as in the finisher phase four dietary threonine levels were combined with two dietary levels of lysine. Measurement criteria were body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion rate and carcass characteristics. In the grower stage at the lower lysine level daily gain increased numerically (p < 0.1) and the feed to gain ratio decreased significantly with an increasing dietary true ileal digestible threonine concentration. Increasing the true ileal digestible lysine concentration of the diet from 7.8 to 9.2 g/kg increased average daily gain in the grower stage significantly from 815 to 855 g and decreased the feed to gain ratio significantly. In finishing pigs, daily gain and feed to gain ratio were significantly improved by an increasing dietary true ileal digestible threonine concentration from 821 to 902 g and from 3.14 to 2.94 kg/kg, respectively, but not by the differing lysine supply. As in the grower stage, barrows consumed more feed than gilts at similar growth rates and this resulted in a significantly reduced feed to gain ratio in gilts compared with barrows. The requirements of true ileal digestible threonine for optimize both, daily gain and feed to gain ratio, as derived by the broken-line model were 10.3 g/animal and day for growing and 10.7 g/animal and day for finishing pigs respectively.  相似文献   

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