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当前我国农村合作经济组织还处于初级阶段,呈现发展速度慢、覆盖面窄、发展层次低、规模小等特点,所以畜牧业产业化组织形式仍以半紧密型的"龙头企业 养殖户"的模式为主.这种生产组织模式的特点是养殖户与龙头企业通过合同契约界定双方的权利与义务,养殖户按照契约约定进行指定品种和数量的畜产品生产,龙头企业按照契约约定专门从事畜产品的开发、收购、加工和销售,并为养殖户生产提供相应的服务.  相似文献   

囚徒困境这一现象在日常决策中越来越常见,这是一种博弈心理的体现,同时,为减弱囚徒困境的影响,在很多情况下人们采用重复博弈这一方法。为了确切证明博弈这种现象的真实存在并分析其发生机制,实验选取山东师范大学24名学生进行相关实例的测验,并对数据进行比较分析,得出结论:重复博弈中人们确实更倾向于选择合作策略,但是在高收益面前,人们也有可能会选择背叛。  相似文献   

为探究绿色食品企业技术创新合作策略的影响因素,研究基于演化博弈理论,构造支付矩阵及演化博弈模型,并运用Matlab软件对演化模型进行数值仿真试验,对绿色食品技术合作创新策略选择进行演化博弈分析。结果表明:绿色食品企业合作策略受双方共同进行“开放式创新”策略的成本(I)和产出(R)、一方独自进行“开放式创新”策略的成本(C)和产出(E)及双方合作效益分配比例(k)的影响。在其他参数不变的情况下,I越高,双方选择“开放式创新,开放式创新”合作模式的可能性越高;I越低,双方选择“封闭式创新,封闭式创新”合作模式的可能性越高。R越高,双方选择“封闭式创新,封闭式创新”合作模式的可能性越高;R越低,双方选择“开放式创新,开放式创新”合作模式的可能性越高。C越高,企业选择“封闭式创新”策略的可能性越高;C越低,企业选择“开放式创新”策略的可能性越高。E越高,企业选择“开放式创新”策略的可能性越高;E越低,企业选择“封闭式创新”策略的可能性越高。当k取值为0.5时,双方选择“开放式创新,开放式创新”合作模式的可能性最高。鉴于此,对绿色食品企业提出关注行业技术创新现状,发挥龙头企业带头作用;积极运用外...  相似文献   

青藏高原草地生态补偿博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草地生态补偿是一种恢复青藏高原退化草地、协调区域经济发展、保护草地生态屏障和解决社会公平的重要经济手段。然而,在实施草地生态补偿的过程中,政府与牧民和牧民与牧民之间的博弈会采取不同的博弈策略,只有在政府选择补偿和牧民选择保护的均衡策略时,才能解决政府与牧民博弈的"囚徒困境"问题;而解决草地生态补偿中牧民之间"智猪博弈"困局的关键是寻求一个集体利益最优的纳什均衡解。因此,只有在草地生态补偿中政府与牧民和牧民与牧民之间形成一种合作的均衡博弈,才能实现青藏高原草地生态系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文以生猪、肉牛、肉羊为例,对少数民族地区畜牧业规模经营现状进行分析,采用问卷调查和专家访谈相结合的方法,运用DEMATEL方法甄选出影响少数民族地区畜牧业规模经营的主要因素。研究表明,养殖户养殖收入、龙头企业带动能力、畜产品价格、畜牧业专业合作组织、交通运输条件和政府支持政策等6个原因要素是少数民族地区畜牧业规模经营最重要的影响因素。畜牧业技术人员比例、畜产品质量控制体系、畜牧业生产布局状况、草原面积、畜产品产值、技术创新能力和畜牧业应用技术项目等7个结果要素是少数民族地区畜牧业规模经营成果的集中体现。  相似文献   

应急管理决策是决策者在冲突条件下做出的决策,在很大程度上要涉及到两个或多个参与人的相互作用.应急管理最终的结局不仅仅取决于某一方的选择,往往取决于双方或多方的策略选择,是双方或多方策略行为互动的结果,是一个博弈过程,因此,客观上就有必要对突发事件应急管理中的博弈关系进行分析.本文从影响博弈各方参与人决策的利益动机因素入手,对突发重大动物疫情应急管理过程中主体与主体之间、主体与客体之间、客体与客体之间的博弈关系进行了分析.  相似文献   

在公共文化服务设施的建设中,政府、民间资本和创业者的价值取向是矛盾的,三方不可能自动走向合作博弈的Pareto最优.在对“政产资”三方双行动序贯博弈进行分析的基础上,构建“三方结合+民资先行+民政测试代理”的协同合作模式对三方的关系进行协调,以降低三方之间的信息不对称,并用曲江池模式进行验证.  相似文献   

正通过对管理经济学的学习,对物资采购中一次性采购和无限次重复采购过程中交易双方的博弈行为进行分析,来探讨如何建立和维护买卖双方积极的合作关系,建立战略采购思想理念,从而实现公司长约采购,最终发展到准时化采购和看板式采购管理目标,以综合采购  相似文献   

基于我国畜牧合作经济组织发展与研究现状,借鉴制度变迁与创新理论,将养殖户生产经营要素需求、养殖户合作需求的经济分析、龙头企业牵头畜牧合作经济组织的激励机制及政府主导和推动畜牧合作经济组织的条件与方式作为4个维度,构建了基于发展动力视角的畜牧合作经济组织研究框架,并用生产经营要素"需求-供给"的理论逻辑分析了上述研究内容之间的内在关系,以期为我国畜牧合作经济组织的理论研究提供一个更为客观、完整、动态的框架体系。  相似文献   

以"公地悲剧"为切入点,以西藏牧民放牧决策为研究对象,通过博弈论分析方法,研究西藏牧民在草地资源利用中的行为策略选择。结果表明:总是背叛策略集体稳定,完全友好策略也不可取;而以能够实施报复行为的一报还一报策略具有明显优势。未来收益对西藏牧民总收益的重要程度对现在行为选择有着重要关系。若贴现因子足够大,牧民间合作将是长期稳定的;若贴现因子较小,背叛将是所有策略中的最优策略,"公地悲剧"难以避免。最后根据博弈分析,提出了西藏草地资源保护中牧民行为策略的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

A survey of the management of mixed farming of cattle and antelope and use of anthelmintics was conducted on eleven farms between August and December 1999 by a self-administered questionnaire. Seventeen antelope species ranging from grey duikers (Sylvicapra grimmia) to eland (Taurotragus oryx) occurred on the farms. Impala (Aepyceros melampus) was the most abundant antelope on the farms. Seventy-five per cent of the antelope species on the farms were grazers and mixed feeders and shared grazing with cattle. Most farmers (n = 8) did not consider the stocking density for cattle and antelope as an important management factor. Fifty-four per cent of the farmers (n = 6) routinely dewormed both cattle and antelopes. Albendazole and fenbendazole were the most commonly used drugs for deworming cattle (72.7%) and antelope species (54.5%). The deworming of antelope was carried out during the dry season, using albendazole-, fenbendazole-and rafoxanide-medicated supplementary feed blocks. Doramectin injections were given to antelopes on two farms. Cattle were dewormed preventively and according to the general body condition of the animal. Few farmers (n = 4) followed the recommended deworming programme for cattle in Zimbabwe and only one farmer followed a specified dosing programme for game. However, results from the survey on the deworming of game indicate that farmers perceived helminth infections in antelope to be important.  相似文献   

Small game involves numerous infection hazards in terms of contact zoonoses and foodborne diseases. Especially exposed are hunters, game dealers, veterinarians, housewives, farmers, forest workers, laboratory staff, and taxidermists, but also consumers of insufficiently cooked game. This paper gives a survey of the most significant zoonoses in small game in Europe, which are discussed in the light of the author's own research results in this field. Finally, measures concerning prophylaxis and food hygiene are suggested.  相似文献   

丝绸公司与蚕农博弈分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
崔云  牟志美  慕振军 《蚕业科学》2003,29(4):412-416
随着我国市场经济体制改革的日渐深化 ,蚕业生产经营中各参与者逐渐成长为理性的经济利益个体 ,以追求自身利益最大化为目标决策自己的经济行为。蚕业发展也是一个博弈的过程 ,所有参与者相互间经济行为的选择影响着蚕业的发展。分析了蚕业发展中两大主要经济利益主体丝绸公司与蚕农间的非合作博弈与合作博弈 ,指出合作博弈可提高蚕业资源配置效率 ,增加蚕业竞争力 ,促进蚕丝业可持续发展。在此基础上 ,进一步分析了二者合作博弈存在的问题及目前蚕茧定购合同的作用 ,并提出了蚕业发展的几点建议 :加强贸工农一体化的经营体制 ,制定蚕丝业法 ,引导农民建立真正意义上的蚕业合作社 ,建立有效的机制抑制双方的不合作行为 ,加大科技投入等  相似文献   

合理的产业链利益分配机制缺失,是当前我国奶业面临的最突出问题。分析全球奶业20强企业与奶农利益联结的典型特征,借鉴全球奶业20强企业的原料奶定价机制、收奶方式、与奶农的合同签订模式、向奶农提供的技术和金融服务体系、与奶农建立可持续合作关系等多种利益联结和绿色发展经验,提出行业寡头垄断背景下优化中国乳品企业与奶农利益联结机制的政策建议,进一步完善我国原料奶定价机制,发挥乳品企业主导作用,强化市场风险管控与应对机制,促进奶业持续健康发展。  相似文献   

龙头企业是郏县红牛产业转型升级的主力军,同时也存在和养殖户合作模式相对松散、利益联结机制不够紧密、带动产业发展作用不明显等问题。在未来发展中,要积极提升龙头企业的竞争力,优化和养殖户利益分配关系,调动养殖积极性,延伸产业链条,引领行业发展。  相似文献   

A survey to document tick control methods used by resource-limited farmers in the control of cattle ticks in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa was conducted by interviewing 59 cattle farmers using structured questionnaires and general conversation. Information collected was on external parasites of cattle, their effects and their control methods. Ticks were reported to be a major problem causing diseases like anaplasmosis (89.8%), babesiosis (55.9%) and ehrlichiosis (16.9%), as well as wounds that predispose to screwworm infestation, tick worry and teat damage to cows troubling farmers in their farming enterprises. The main tick control methods were; acaricides provided by government, however 94.9% of the farmers interviewed were of the opinion that the dip wash is not effective in killing the ticks. As a result, farmers complement the government dipping service with their own initiatives like spraying with conventional acaricides (22%), household disinfectants such as Jeyes fluid (18.6%), used engine oil (10.2%), chickens (5.1%), manual removal (5.1%), and pouricides (1.7%). In addition, some farmers also use plants (6.8%), mainly the leaf of Aloe ferox and the bark of Ptaeroxylon obliquum. The study revealed ticks to be a major problem in the study area.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in Rukomo sector, Nyagatare district, to determine the status of poultry production. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 100 poultry farmers randomly as 20 farmers from each of the five cells. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 and presented in chart and tables. The majority of the farmers (84%) reared their poultry in free range system while 10% practiced semi-intensive and only 6% did intensive production. Only 12% of the respondents kept exotic poultry breeds. The breeding stock were mostly obtained from local markets (63%) and the average flock size was about 1–10 birds per homestead (70%). The confinement of poultry at night was either in the main domestic house (33%), in kitchen (32%), or in separate poultry house (35%). Flock records were rare and kept by only 9% of respondents. Poultry products were reportedly at high demand by 87% of respondents and 89% farmers reported profit from their enterprises. Lack of veterinary and financial assistance was reported by 72% of respondents. Newcastle disease (57%) was the main health constraint followed by ectoparasites and internal worms. Many farmers (50%) were in dire need of veterinary assistance and financial support to improve their poultry enterprises. Poor management practices were reported to be one of the crucial factors leading to poor production. Lack of quality feeds (38%) and feeding of poultry, credit (20%), and poor market accessibility (19%) were the main challenges reported.  相似文献   

通过召开座谈会、实地走访调查、填写问卷等方式收集材料和数据,调研内蒙古清水河县肉驴产业发展背景、现状,并分析了该县肉驴养殖企业的收支情况。结果表明,清水河县自然条件适合发展肉驴养殖业,并且肉驴养殖企业的入驻和发展,带动了当地农户养殖肉驴的积极性,也给产业扶贫带来了新启示。但是,该县肉驴产业的发展尚处于初期,再加上自然条件的约束以及路、水、电、通信网络建设的落后,以及肉驴养殖服务体系的不健全等原因降低了肉驴养殖企业的收入;散户肉驴养殖技术和经营方式停留于传统的方式,制约着产业的发展。针对以上问题提出了健全和完善农企利益联结机制、采取“公司+合作社+基地+农户”的养殖模式、创建休闲与观光旅游业相结合的肉驴产业发展体系的对策建议,以期为清水河县科学发展肉驴产业提供参考。  相似文献   

广西贵港市落实中央强农、惠农、富农政策,加强养殖农户科技培训力度,提高养殖农户科技素质;建立畜禽养殖标准化示范场,以点带面,以龙头企业带动养殖户共同发展的模式,加强与科研院所合作,实施良种战略,通过科技创新,促进了水产畜牧业的持续发展。  相似文献   

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