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豆禾混播建植人工草地对牧草产量和草质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以内蒙古锡林浩特内蒙古大学草地生态学研究基地为试验样地,通过对单播和混播情况下豆科牧草和禾本科牧草产量、竞争能力、牧草营养价值等测定分析,比较不同播种方式对牧草生长的影响。结果表明:豆禾混播情况下,牧草产量有较为明显的提高,尤其是第2年混播草地中禾本科牧草的产量较第1年有了提高。在豆禾播种比例1∶2的情况下,混播牧草在一定程度上避免了种间竞争,2 a内混播草地的相对产量总值均大于1,表明其生长较为协调,豆科和禾本科牧草双方均受益。豆禾混播时牧草的营养价值有所改变,豆禾混播草地粗蛋白含量增加,粗纤维含量下降,营养价值有所提高。因此,豆禾混播草地稳定性高,牧草产量和营养价值较高,有利于大面积推广,是建植人工草地的较好选择。  相似文献   

北方牧草种子生产的气候条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了我国北方内蒙古地区气候条件对牧草种子生产的适合性问题。重点分析了辐射、温度和降水对牧草种子生产的影响。作者认为 ,北方的高辐射能气候条件对种子生产是一个有利的因素。温度和降水虽能满足大多数北方牧草物种的种子生产需求 ,但多变的气候和水、热不同步是限制种子生产的主要问题。根据对北方气候特点和主要牧草植物生物学特性的分析 ,作者提出了北方牧草种子生产的区划并就生产中应注意的问题提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

利用2012年庄河5期分期播种试验资料,分析温度条件对辽宁南部春玉米生长发育及产量的影响.结果表明:在光照和水分条件适宜情况下,玉米各生育期持续时间受温度条件影响较为明显,出苗、苗期及灌浆期随温度升高而缩短,其中出苗时间对日最低气温比日均温响应更为明显.玉米生长状态在营养生长阶段受温度影响较小,而产量形成过程因不同温度条件对干物质积累影响的差异而不同.产量形成不但取决于灌浆期积温,同时还受气温日较差和日最低气温的影响.对于庄河地区而言,适当晚播将有利于玉米各生育期经历更为适宜的温度条件进而提高产量.  相似文献   

内蒙古春玉米气候适宜度变化特征及评价指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为量化内蒙古春玉米气候适宜度评价指标和分析其变化特征成因,考虑不同生态区域和发育期,计算1981—2018年内蒙古玉米气温、降水、日照和综合气候适宜度。结果表明:内蒙古东北部地区玉米气温适宜度低于0.5,是限制该地区玉米种植的主要气候因子,其他地区主要是降水不足;近40 a内蒙古中东部大部分地区气温适宜度增长在0.05·10a~(-1)以上,致使综合适宜度发展向好,但同时降水适宜度呈减少趋势,所以合理的农业水资源利用是内蒙古玉米稳产增产的关键;从不同生育期来看,中西部综合适宜度偏低是因为降水偏少导致,而东部区主要是播种~出苗期和抽雄~成熟期的热量条件不足导致;通过分位法制定内蒙古不同生态区综合、气温、降水和日照的适宜度指标,指标划分结果与对应地区玉米单产基本吻合。  相似文献   

近40年呼和浩特沙尘天气气候特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用呼和浩特地区近40年(1971~2010年)沙尘日数、气候因子等资料,采用相关分析等方法讨论了呼和浩特春季沙尘日数与气候因子、大气-海洋环流因子之间的关系。结果表明:风速、气温、降水量是影响呼和浩特春季沙尘天气的主要气候因子。风速偏大,气温偏低,降水量偏少的时期,呼和浩特春季沙尘天气偏多。北半球极涡面积扩大,强度增强,且副高面积收缩、强度减弱时,呼和浩特地区沙尘天气增多,反之,北半球极涡势力较弱,而副高势力较强时,呼和浩特地区沙尘天气减少。赤道东太平洋海温异常偏低时,呼和浩特沙尘天气增多;相反,赤道东太平洋海温异常偏高时,呼和浩特沙尘天气减少。前冬季的风速、气温对春季沙尘天气具有一定的预报意义。  相似文献   

播期对玉米生长发育和产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于2012—2014年在辽宁省庄河市和锦州市进行的玉米分期播种试验资料,对辽宁地区玉米生长及产能受温度影响情况进行分析。试验分为5个播期,播期间隔10~15 d不等,种植密度约为4.2株·m~(-2),每个播期分为4个重复小区,分别观测玉米生长指标。结果表明:在日照和水分条件适宜的情况下,玉米在各生长发育期所持续的时间与相应期间的温度存在着负相关关系。播种~出苗阶段持续时间在日最低气温15℃以下随着温度升高而逐渐缩短,15℃以上则逐渐增加。吐丝~成熟阶段持续时间则随着播期的延后而延长。玉米在出苗~吐丝阶段,各播期温度条件相当,差别并不显著。吐丝~成熟期≥10℃的活动积温和气温日较差分别在1 500℃·d左右和8℃~8.5℃的范围内对产量的形成更加有利。  相似文献   

为进一步揭示中国北方地区气候变化特征、基于不同尺度开展气象灾害分析预测,文中利用呼和浩特市赛罕区国家一般气象站1951-2010年日平均气温、平均日最高气温、平均日最低气温数据资料,详细分析了60年来呼和浩特市区气温随时间的变化趋势特征、不同季节的气温变化规律,并采用t检验法对这期间的气温突变状况进行了定性分析。结果表明:1951-2010年呼和浩特市区气温呈明显上升趋势,且平均日最低气温的增温态势比日平均气温和平均日最高气温更加显著;冬季增温幅度大于其它季节;20世纪80年代中后期呼和浩特市区气温出现了显著的变暖突变,冬季发生变暖突变早于其它季节;近60年来呼和浩特市区的变暖时间与华北及东北地区同步,早于中国及全球平均水平,且升温态势更为剧烈。  相似文献   

针对西藏高海拔地区灌溉人工草地发展面临牧草灌溉基础理论研究薄弱的现实,以拉萨市为研究区,依托田间试验和CROPWAT模型模拟预测,对燕麦需水量、耗水量、优化灌溉制度等进行研究。结果表明,拉萨地区燕麦全生育期需水量为570 mm,不同水分条件下耗水量在464~570 mm之间,分蘖、拔节初期为燕麦灌水关键期。通过CROPWAT模型模拟,确定当地燕麦灌水2~4次较适宜。最优非充分灌溉制度的灌水时间为播种前、分蘖期和拔节初期,净灌水量分别为37、43、30 mm。  相似文献   

甘肃临夏高寒区油菜种植气候区划与产量预测气候模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用数理统计方法,分析了临夏地区油菜气候生态条件以及气候条件对油菜产量及其构成因素的影响.结果表明:影响该地区油菜生长发育的主要气候要素为降水、气温和日照;根据高寒地区油菜生长季节对不同气候要素的依赖程度,对高寒地区油菜种植进行气候区划,并根据气候区划分析了双低油菜不同生长阶段所需气候条件;把双低油菜从播种到成熟划分为五个生育期,建立各生育期动态气候预测模式,实现了双低油菜产量气象预测.  相似文献   

碱化土壤紫花苜蓿不同种植方法与生长关系的研究初探   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
土默川地区分布着大面积的碱化土壤和碱土 ,使得该地区农牧业发展受到很大限制。本文研究了不同种植方法 ,不同播期下苜蓿在碱土上的生长状况 ,从而得出了以下结果 :在试验区通过对苜蓿不同种植方式 ,可得出苜蓿以开沟播种覆土盖地膜最佳 ,开沟播种不覆土镇压次之 ,开沟播种覆土镇压产量最低。通过苜蓿不同播期的试验 ,当年以 6月 1 7日播种的产草量最高 ,可得出苜蓿在当年 5月 1 9日次之 ,7月 1日最低。  相似文献   

龙葵是农田恶性杂草?为明确龙葵种子休眠与季节温度的关系, 研究了室内和室外不同贮藏条件下其种子萌发对温度的响应规律?结果表明, 室外贮藏条件下的龙葵种子萌发呈季节性变化, 从10月到翌年5月, 龙葵种子萌发率均在95%以上, 随着夏季温度的升高, 萌发率从6月开始下降, 9月达到最低值(25.4%), 由此进行年际间休眠和非休眠周期的循环?夏季6月-9月的高温可诱导龙葵种子进入休眠状态, 而秋冬季的相对低温有利于解除种子休眠, 使种子恢复萌发状态?龙葵种子休眠和非休眠状态之间的切换受季节性温度变化的影响?室内贮藏的种子, 由于环境温度较为稳定, 其萌发率年际变化较小, 在20%~50%之间?本文明确了龙葵种子休眠的周期性变化规律, 有助于精准预测其出苗时间, 研究结果可为阐明龙葵种子休眠萌发机制和制订基于萌发调控的绿色防控策略提供依据?  相似文献   

Thermal requirements for the germination of Amaranthus quitensis, a common annual weed in Argentina, were studied. In addition, temporal changes in dormancy from seeds produced at different times during the growing season were examined. For this second objective, thermal and light requirements for germination were tested in seeds buried at different depths, with or without crop residues. Base and optimum temperatures for germination rates were 12.8°C and 37°C respectively. At dispersal time, maximum percentage germination was 60–70% and this was generally recorded at 35°C/25°C in a 14-h photoperiod. Seed germination tended to increase in later seed collection dates. Seeds of A. quitensis showed seasonal changes in germinability in the soil. In winter, germination of retrieved seeds increased to over 90% until summer, after which there was a decrease until the following winter when germination was close to 40%. There were no differences in germinability between burial depths and crop residue levels. Germination requirements for alternating temperatures and light tended to disappear after burial. Initial viability was 99% and declined slightly during burial. Soil temperature seems to play a crucial role not only by regulating seasonal changes in dormancy, but also by defining the percentage and the germination rate in non-dormant seeds.  相似文献   

Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is an exotic winter annual weed that recently has seriously infested wheat fields in central Japan. To understand the influence of tillage systems on the germination ecology and seedbank dynamics of naturalized Italian ryegrass, we compared the fate of the seeds that were after-ripened in the soil with that of the seeds on the soil surface, and then examined the germination characteristics of the seeds retrieved from both treatments by germination tests in both a light/dark (12 h photoperiod) condition and in constant darkness. The seedling emergence was greater initially for the seeds after-ripened on the soil surface than for the seeds in the soil. The component of emergent seeds after-ripened on the soil surface increased as time passed during the summer, whereas that of emergent seeds in the soil scarcely increased. This contrasting emergence was, in part, attributable to the ability of the seeds to germinate at higher temperatures in the light/dark condition than in constant darkness. These results suggest that untilled systems, which leave many seeds on the soil surface, might promote the rapid depletion of Italian ryegrass seeds through germination before wheat sowing in early winter. In contrast, seed burial by tillage might inhibit the germination of the seeds and form a large transient seed bank available to germinate during the wheat-growing season.  相似文献   

Summary Heteranthera limosa seeds were buried in flooded and in non-flooded soil and exposed to natural seasonal temperature changes in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Seeds exhumed after various periods of burial ranging from 2 to 36 months were tested for germination under both flooded and non-flooded conditions. Seeds were dormant at maturity in September and became non-dormant during winter. Seeds buried in non-flooded soil during winter germinated to higher percentages and over a wider range of temperatures when tested under flooded conditions (in light) during spring and summer, than did those buried in flooded soil during winter. Thus, the water regime associated with rice culture (non-flooded in winter and flooded in summer) is optimal for dormancy-break and germination of H. limosa seeds. A portion of the buried seeds exhibited an annual dormancy/non-dormancy cycle, whereas others had a conditional dormancy/non-dormancy cycle. Regardless of the type of cycle, seeds buried in non-flooded soil retained the ability to germinate in light at high temperatures under flooded conditions throughout the summer. Thus, seeds potentially can germinate at any time during the growing season, whenever rice fields are flooded. Flooding fields during winter and/or sowing rice relatively early in the growing season may help in establishing rice before seeds of H. limosa germinate.  相似文献   

Night‐time tillage and sowing (photocontrol of weeds, soil cultivation in darkness) can reduce the germination and subsequent density of light‐sensitive weeds by excluding the short light flash during soil disturbance. In most experiments conducted from 1990 to 2004 worldwide, total weed density was reduced in night‐time tilled plots as expected. However, in a few field experiments, total weed density was significantly increased in night‐time compared with daytime tilled plots. We hypothesise that the desiccation process of the upper soil layer (roughly about 0–30 mm), from where most small seeded weeds emerge, may have been delayed in night‐time compared with daytime tilled plots, with significant effects on early seed germination processes. Daytime tillage was usually performed around noon, to capture high light intensities during soil tillage. However, around noon soil desiccation can be much higher than during the night. A few hours of relatively higher water availability for seeds in the upper soil layer during the night, before the next morning when soil desiccation usually increases again, may have favoured seed germination and subsequent weed emergence compared with daytime tillage, finally resulting in higher weed density in night‐time tilled plots. On the other hand, crop germination and emergence may also be higher under such conditions.  相似文献   

Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is one of the annual plants that were described recently as invasive weeds in Europe. This species is described as an invasive plant that produces seeds that are highly variable. Its production of variably sized seeds is regarded as promoting its spread in different environments. Experiments were carried out to determine the influence of the seed weight and temperature on germination and the influence of the seed weight and burial depth on seedling emergence. The seeds were divided into a number of classes of weight and the seed weight effect on germination was evaluated by Petri dish assays. In another experiment, the seeds were buried at different depths in a clay soil/sand mix to estimate the burial effect on germination and seedling emergence. The germination level of A. artemisiifolia was high overall, between 76.8% and 94.2%. The seed germination was modified by temperature but it was not influenced by the seed weight. The amounts of germination and seedling emergence were greater for the seeds on the soil surface and decreased with an increasing burial depth, from 2 to 8 cm. No germination or emergence was observed for the seeds that were buried at 10 and 12 cm. The lightest seeds were more sensitive to burial. A greater level of seedling emergence for those seeds that were placed near the soil surface could explain the success of this species in open habitats, where the probability of deeper burial is low. After high seed production, the management of A. artemisiifolia in fields could be partly achieved through soil tillage, burying seeds below 10 cm, and not carrying out deep soil tillage the following year.  相似文献   

Portulaca oleracea, an r‐strategist, is one of the world's most troublesome weeds. During hot seasons, P. oleracea frequently becomes monodominant in choy sum (Brassica parachinensis) fields in Guangzhou city, southern China. Here, we studied the seasonal dynamics of P. oleracea's germinable soil seedbank, population density and above‐ground biomass in choy sum fields that had been cultivated continuously for several years. Using P. oleracea seeds collected from these fields, we tested seed dormancy, survival and germination, seedling growth and generation time. Portulaca oleracea occurred at high levels during the hot season, but its occurrence was low, and the germinable soil seedbank was much greater during the cold season. The weed's opportunistic characteristics allowed it to avoid freezing and to proliferate during optimal conditions. Portulaca oleracea's generation time was very flexible, as short as 31 days during the hot season, but longer than 100 days during the colder season. Seed dormancy tended to be shorter when the seeds were stored at a higher temperature. At a temperature of 35°C, both seed germination and seedling growth showed advantages over those of choy sum. Storage for one year at a temperature of ?20°C or burial in a paddy field did not significantly reduce P. oleracea seed germination. Nevertheless, seed storage at a temperature of 15°C and soil coverage of 0.5 cm on top of the seeds significantly constrained seed germination. ‘Stale seedbed’ and/or coverage of the surface with soil are recommended during the hot season. However, rotation of rice and upland crops is not an efficient method for managing Portulaca oleracea infestation.  相似文献   

H OM  S KUMAR  & S D DHIMAN 《Weed Research》2005,45(2):140-148
Seed placement, soil temperature and soil moisture content influenced the process of after-ripening in Phalaris minor seeds. Seeds of P. minor collected from the soil just after wheat harvesting exhibited higher germination than seeds from P. minor threshed directly. There was a pronounced impact of periodic inhabitation of seed into the soil on germination after its dispersal. Germination was strongly inhibited when the seed was kept in soil at more than field capacity (FC) or in water. Maximum germination of seed incubated in soil at FC occurred at 30°C while a temperature of 40°C favoured after-ripening of seed when mixed with dry soil or kept dry without any medium. Release from conditional dormancy was quicker in the seed retrieved from the soil kept at 20°C than at 10°C. Seed release from conditional dormancy and germination increased with a rise in temperature from 30 to 40°C when the seed was retrieved from incubation in soil at FC for 70 days. The seed kept immersed in water was least responsive to a rise in temperature. Seed recovered from dry soil, or kept without any medium, responded quickly at both temperatures. Light enhanced the germination of Phalaris minor seed. The seedbank subjected to rice (Oryza sativa) field management conditions lost vigour in comparison with the seed stored in laboratory. There was significant variability in seed viability when exposed to differential water management conditions in rice.  相似文献   

B Wen  P Xue  N Zhang  Q Yan  M Ji 《Weed Research》2015,55(2):155-162
Piper aduncum is a common woody weed throughout the tropics and a successful invader in many areas. As this species most often dominates roadsides and forest margins, and these habitats frequently experience extreme changes in temperature and water availability, it is important to understand how the seeds adapt to these stresses. This study investigated the effect of high temperatures and water stress, continuous, periodic or transient, on P. aduncum seed germination before or after imbibition. It was found that P. aduncum seeds exhibited only intermediate tolerance and did not germinate at temperatures above 35°C or water potentials below ?0.6 MPa. However, this species is well adapted to local conditions, with fruit ripening in the rainy season, seed desiccation tolerance to eRH 8%, rapid germination under wet conditions, higher temperature tolerance than the maximum ground temperature, germination of most seeds after 60 h continuous heat treatment or daily periodic heat treatments up to 5 h at 40°C and insensitivity to 12 h heat treatment at 40°C during the whole germination process. The intermediate tolerance to high temperature and water stress of P. aduncum, in combination with local environmental conditions in Xishuangbanna, makes P. aduncum an intermediate invader in this area.  相似文献   

Cleome viscosa is one of the most important weeds of warm‐season crops in southern Iran. Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the impact of environmental factors on seed germination of C. viscosa . Freshly harvested seeds exhibited dormancy that was relieved (>90%) after immersion for 20 min in concentrated sulfuric acid. Regardless of the temperature regime, the final percentage of germination in light/dark (69.3%) was significantly higher than in complete darkness (58.3%). The optimum temperature for germination was 35/25°C in both light and dark. No germination was observed at constant temperatures of either 15 or 45°C. The thermal thresholds for seed germination, the base (T b) and the mean ceiling germination temperatures (T c(50)) were estimated to be 18.8 and 39.9°C, respectively. A base water potential ( Ψ b(50) ) of ?0.96 MPa was identified for C. viscosa seeds. The response threshold of C. viscosa to reduce 50% of maximum germination for salinity was estimated to be 255 mM. Seeds that were placed on the soil surface had the highest percentage of seedling emergence (77.3%), and no seedlings emerged from seeds placed at a depth of 6 cm. The findings of this study could help to improve the integrated weed management strategies for this species.  相似文献   

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