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根据蜀柏毒蛾的空间格局参数及株内分布规律,参照Morris(1960)的标准和Iwao(1971)的模型,对蜀柏毒蛾种群样本单元进行选择,确定以株为样本单元,并选择平行线式,Z字形式、棋盘式取样方法,列出了允许误差D=0.05,0.10,0.20,0.50时和不同虫口密度下的理论抽样数表。依照Kuno(1969)模型建立了序贯抽样表。  相似文献   

蜀柏毒蛾(Parocneria orienta Chao)是遂宁市柏木林区的主要食叶害虫。自1987年以来,发生面积越来越大,虫口密度也逐年上升,为了达到控制虫灾的目的,通过4年的实地调查和防治试验,了解蜀柏毒蛾在遂宁市的分布状况和发生规律,总结出可行的综合防治技术。 遂宁市所辖两县一区均有蜀柏毒蛾发生,主要分布在射洪县、蓬溪县和市中区的有柏木生长地方。1991年全市有120个乡(镇)发生越冬代蜀柏毒蛾危害,面积39.14万亩,其中危害严重的10.5万亩;15~30年生柏木林平均虫口密度80~250头/株,最高达到1746头/株,有虫株率96~100%。  相似文献   

松毒蛾越冬蛹种群密度简易估计方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文应用概率分布的公式法,Iwao的m-m分析方法,Gerrard和Chiang的阈限密度估计方法,以及经验曲线拟合方法,对松毒蛾越冬蛹种群密度(m)与零频率(p_0)的关系作了研究,推导了几个用无虫频率估计虫口密度的公式。根据计算得出的零频率(p_0)和平均密度(m)的关系式,制作了p_0-m相关表,并对不同虫口密度下的抽样数量作了讨论。在林间抽样调查中,只需记载抽样单位有虫或无虫的资料,并计算出样本的零频率,即可从预先制备的p_0-m相关表中求出相应的种群密度。  相似文献   

为推进苍溪县蜀柏毒蛾监测预报和防治工作规范化、科学化和正常化,分析了该县蜀柏毒蛾监测预报网络体系运行机制、组织机构与人员、技术路线与方法及存在的问题,并针对性提出相应的对策与建议。2022年苍溪县蜀柏毒蛾发生总面积7 807.73 hm2,较2021年增加40.3%,发生面积约占全县柏木林面积12.7%,主要发生在中低海拔区域;2022年全县平均有虫株率为50.17%、较2021年增加26.31%,平均虫口密度为每株98条、较2021年同期下降22.41%。  相似文献   

蜀柏毒蛾幼虫调查抽样方法及种群面积大小的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在柏木林中,对聚集型分布的蜀柏毒蛾幼虫种群密度采用分层抽样(30株)效果较好,其所取均数与真实密度均数较为接近。以调查路线最为方便。蜀柏毒蛾2-3龄幼虫的调查大致为13-15d株柏木,其个体在种群内的分布是随机的。  相似文献   

甘蓝夜蛾核型多角体病毒(NPV)是一种广谱性的杆状病毒生物杀虫剂,能高效防治鳞翅目害虫,且不污染环境,对林木、作物、人畜、食品安全、害虫天敌无毒无害,害虫也不易产生抗药性。为探索该病毒对蜀柏毒蛾的防治成效,本研究比较了两种不同施药方法(飞防法-直升机飞洒和地防法-高射程喷雾机喷洒)对蜀柏毒蛾幼虫的防治效果。研究结果显示两种防治方法的虫口减退率(PDR)都在92%左右;飞防区幼虫死亡率(LKR)为84.44%,地防区幼虫死亡率达95.22%;从防效指标(CEI)来看,两种方法的防治效果均达到82%左右;多重比较分析检验结果显示两种方法之间的虫口减退率(p=0.891)、幼虫死亡率(p=0.891)和防治效果(p=0.788)均无显著性差异。本研究为蜀柏毒蛾的生物防治方法实践及推广利用提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

本文通过黄斑星天牛有虫株率、株虫口密度相关性调查分析,提出了不同种群密度下有虫株率与株虫口密度之间的回归式,并对利用有虫株率估计株虫口密度的方法进行了评价,同时对黄斑星天牛株虫口密度林间调查方法进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

本文应用负二项分布公式法和Iwao的m-m分析方法、Gerrard和Chiang的阈限密度估计方法,以及经验曲线拟合方法,对松毒蛾Dasychira axutha Co llenette越冬蛹种群密度与零频率的关系作了研究。制作了P_0-m相关表,在林间抽样调查中只需记载抽样单位中有虫或无虫的资料,求出样本的零频率,即可从相关表中求出相应的种群密度。  相似文献   

蜀柏毒蛾种群生物学指标的研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
根据1990~1992年观测试验,蜀柏毒蛾1年发生2代,第1代自然种群的发育历期平均116天,第2代以卵或初龄幼虫越冬,又称越冬代,平均发育历期249天。蜀柏毒蛾种群的年龄结构是不断变化的,越冬时期的结构也是如此。在食物充分时,雌性比稍低于雄性比;食物匮乏时,雌性比下降;雄性种群的发育稍先于雌性种群。越冬代雌成虫生殖力(平均产卵量)264粒,第1代生殖力124粒。蜀柏毒蛾的繁殖速度R=7695,实际情况下,R值要小得多,甚至小于1;因为各代各期都有死亡发生,抽样调查表明各时期死亡率从百分之零点几至几十不等;固定标准地连续调查表明大暴发前林间自然种群累积死亡率=95.35%,种群数量消长指数I=1.82,而大暴发后累积死亡率=99.49%,I=0.31。蜀柏毒蛾幼虫会因风或食物欠缺而被迫迁移,但迁移距离很短;而成虫则主动迁飞扩散。两代幼虫皆为6龄,各龄头宽体长的对数值皆依龄数呈直线增长。本文还介绍了该虫幼虫取食量,排粪量,成虫产卵历期,卵块平均卵粒数等重要生物学数据。  相似文献   

根据非线性似乎不相关回归原理,建立仙居县1983—2009年马尾松毛虫虫口密度、有虫面积和有虫株率的非线性似乎不相关回归模型,结果表明:虫口密度、有虫面积和有虫株率的非线性似乎不相关模型的拟合精度高于普通最小二乘法的拟合精度;用非线性似乎不相关模型预测未参与建模的2010—2011年4代马尾松毛虫的虫口密度、有虫面积和有虫株率,预测的平均相对误差分别为18.25%,18.17%和14.35%。  相似文献   

lntroductionNotonIyaretimberIinesthemostconspicuousvegetationboundaryinhighmountains,buttheyareaIsoanimportantecologicaIboundary(Bruce1996,Thomas1997).NowondersthenthosetimberIineshaveaIwaysattractedresearchersforbothscientificandpracticaIreasons.InChangbaiMountain,forexample,therestorationoftheclimatictimberlineandestabIishmentofanedectiveprotectiveforestarethetWoprincipalobjectivesofhigh-mountainfor-estmanagement.AIsointhisconnection,thepotentiaIresponseoftimberlinestoexpectedclimaticc…  相似文献   

Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) seedlings were supplied with solutions containing nitrogen (N) at 0.1 x or 2 x the optimum rate (low-N and high-N supply, respectively) and grown either outside in a control plot or inside open-top chambers and exposed to ambient (355 &mgr;mol mol(-1)) or elevated (700 &mgr;mol mol(-1)) CO(2) concentration ([CO(2)]). Gas exchange measurements, chlorophyll determinations and nutrient analysis were made on current-year (< 1-year-old) shoots of the upper whorl after the seedlings had been growing in the [CO(2)] treatments for 17 months and the nutrient treatments for 6 months. Total seedling biomass and biomass allocation were assessed at the end of the experiment. Nutrient treatment had a significant effect on the light response curves, irrespective of [CO(2)] or chamber treatment; seedlings supplied with high-N rates had higher net photosynthetic rates than seedlings supplied with low-N rates. The degree of photosynthetic stimulation in response to elevated [CO(2)] was larger in seedlings receiving high-N rates than in seedlings receiving low-N rates. Light-saturated net photosynthesis of seedlings grown and measured in elevated [CO(2)] was 26% higher than that of seedlings grown and measured in ambient [CO(2)]. There was no significant effect of [CO(2)] or chamber treatment on the CO(2) response curves of seedlings receiving High-N supply rates. In contrast, analysis of the CO(2) response curves of seedlings receiving Low-N supply rates showed acclimation to elevated [CO(2)]. Both maximum rate of carboxylation (V(cmax)) and maximum electron transport capacity (J(max)) were lower and J(max)/V(cmax) higher in seedlings in the elevated [CO(2)] treatment. There was no effect of elevated [CO(2)] on stomatal conductance, although it was highly dependent on foliar [N], ranging from ~60 mmol m(-2) s(-1) at ~1.5 g N m(-2) to 200 mmol m(-2) s(-1) at ~5 g N m(-2). In the high-N and low-N treatments, foliar N concentration was 10 and 28% lower in seedlings grown in elevated [CO(2)] than in seedlings grown in ambient [CO(2)], respectively. There was no [CO(2)] effect on foliar phosphorus concentration ([P]). Chlorophyll concentration increased with increasing N supply in all treatments. There was no significant effect of elevated [CO(2)] on specific leaf area. Chlorophyll concentration expressed either on an area or dry mass basis for a given foliar [N] was higher in seedlings grown in elevated [CO(2)] than in seedings grown in ambient [CO(2)]. Elevated [CO(2)] increased total biomass accumulation by 37% in seedlings in the high-N treatment but had no effect in seedlings in the low-N treatment. There was a proportionally bigger allocation of biomass to roots of seedlings in the elevated [CO(2)] + low-N supply rate treatment compared with seedlings in other treatments. This resulted in a reduction in aboveground biomass compared with corresponding seedlings grown in ambient [CO(2)].  相似文献   

华山松球蚜发生与环境的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
华山松(Pinus armandi Franch.)是我国长江中上游防护林体系建设工程区域分布较广的乡土树种,也是大规模人工造林的首选树种之一,约占长防林面积的40%,对长防林体系效益的发挥起着重要的作用.华山松球蚜(Pineus armandicola Zhang)是华山松最主要的害虫之一,同时还分泌大量的蜜露,引起煤污病,每年都有大量的华山松林受到危害,轻则降低林木生产量,重则导致整株林木枯萎死亡,尤其在中、幼林中发生最为严重.目前,对该虫的生物学及其天敌、危害情况、综防措施已有研究报道[1-3],而发生与环境的关系报道较少.作者于1998-1999年对该问题进行了较系统研究,现将结果报道如下.  相似文献   

建立削度方程是编制材种出材率表的基础.以寻甸县境内的人工华山松造材样木为研究对象,选择有代表性的或拟合效果较好的一些削度方程对其削度方程进行拟合,根据精度分析,选择d/D=0.0767 2.2597[(H-h)/(H-1.3)]-3.0707[(H-h)/(H-1.3)]2 1.7169[(H-h)/(H-1.3)]3模型作为编制华山松人工林单株木材种出材率表的最佳削度方程.经分别与检验样本树干的各部位直径实测值与削度方程理论估计值的差异进行检验,表明模型无系统偏差,检验指标的绝对值小,方程的拟合效果好,具有较好的适用性.  相似文献   

An idealized model was developed to describe leaf CO(2) exchange in the leguminous tree Erythrina poeppigiana (Walpers) O.F. Cook under well-watered field conditions. Photosynthetic rate in mature leaves (p) was modeled as a rectangular hyperbolic function of photon flux density (q) and ambient CO(2) concentration (c(a)), relative photosynthetic capacity (pi) was modeled as a logistic s-function of leaf age (l(a)), metabolic dark respiration rate (r(m)) was modeled as an exponential function of leaf temperature (T(l)), and photorespiration rate (r(p)) was modeled as a hyperbolic function of c(a). Assimilation rate (a(c)) was modeled as the difference between the product of p and pi and the sum of r(m) and r(p): a(c) = p(q,c(a))pi(l(a)) - [r(m)(T(l)) + r(p)(c(a))]. The model parameters were estimated separately for five sources of E. poeppigiana (Clones 2660, 2662, 2687 and 2693 and half-sib Family 2431) from field data measured with a portable closed-loop gas exchange system at a humid tropical site in Costa Rica. The between-source differences in leaf CO(2) exchange characteristics were small, but statistically significant. Aboveground biomass production was highest in sources that maintained high relative photosynthetic capacity throughout the leaf life span. Quantum yield varied between 0.046 and 0.067, and light-saturated assimilation rate (q = 2000 micro mol m(-2) s(-1) and T(l) = 28 degrees C) at natural atmospheric c(a) (350 micro mol mol(-1)) was 16.8-19.9 micro mol m(-2) s(-1). Increasing c(a) to 1000 micro mol mol(-1) resulted in an approximate doubling of the light-saturated assimilation rate. Foliole nitrogen concentration, which was 45.3-51.2 mg g(-1) in mature leaves, was positively correlated with relative photosynthetic capacity. Foliole nitrogen concentration, quantum yield and maximum assimilation rate of E. poeppigiana are among the highest values observed in tropical woody legumes.  相似文献   

Pinus bungeana is a three-needle pine with typical fragmented distribution in central and northwestern China. Its natural resources are gradually decreasing and need to be conserved. For conserving genetic diversity of P. bungeana, the authors sampled 10 natural populations in its distribution areas and conducted the analysis of isozymes. Thirty one loci with 53 alleles on the basis of 16 enzyme systems were assayed. The parameters of genetic diversity at species and population level are respectively as follows: As= 1.742, Ae[s] = 1.49, Ps= 54.8%, He[s] = 0.162, Ap= 1.39, Ae[p]= 1.30, Pp= 34.85, He[p] = 0.0986. In comparison with other pines, P. bungeana possesses a slightly low amount of genetic variation especially at the population level. By contrast, the level of population genetic differentiation (GST = 0.135) is higher compared to other pines. All ten populations are divided into three groups according to Nei‘s genetic identity (I). There is a slight relation (r = 0.31) between genetic distance and geographical distance.Some populations are obviously deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium but the total population is basically accordant with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The correlation analysis between allele frequencies and ecological factors showed that the alleles at loci of Idh and Pgi-2 had gradient variation trends of their frequencies. The sample capturing curves‘ analysis indicated that the captured alleles increased when the number of sampled populations increased and 99% out of whole allele pool of ten populations would be captured when five populations were randomly selected. At last,. the population genetic structure of P. bungeana and its conservation strategy were discussed.  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang(Coleoptera:Curculionidae)是我国近年来危害最为严重的松林钻蛀性害虫[1],主要危害湿地松(Pinus elliottii Engelmann),也危害火炬松(P.taeda L.)、马尾松(P.massoniana Lamb.)和华山松(P.armandi Franch.).  相似文献   

Traits related to light-energy processing have significant ecological implications for plant fitness. We studied the effects of elevated atmospheric CO(2) concentration ([CO(2)]) on chloroplast pigment traits of a red spruce (RS) (Picea rubens Sarg.)-black spruce (BS) (P. mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) genetic complex in two experiments: (1) a comparative species' provenance experiment from across the near-northern part of the RS range; and (2) an intra- and interspecific controlled-cross experiment. Results from the provenance experiment showed that total chlorophyll (a + b) concentration was, on average, 15% higher in ambient [CO(2)] than in elevated [CO(2)] (P < 0.001). In ambient [CO(2)], BS populations averaged 11% higher total chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations than RS populations (P < 0.001). There were significant species, CO(2), and species x CO(2) interaction effects, with chlorophyll concentration decreasing about 7 and 26% for BS and RS, respectively, in response to elevated [CO(2)]. Results from the controlled-cross experiment showed that families with a hybrid index of 25 (25% RS) had the highest total chlorophyll concentrations, and families with hybrid indices of 75 and 100 had among the lowest amounts. Initial analysis of the controlled-cross experiment supported a more additive model of inheritance; however, parental analysis showed a significant and predominant male effect for chlorophyll concentration. In ambient and elevated [CO(2)] environments, crosses with BS males had 10.6 and 17.6% higher total chlorophyll concentrations than crosses with hybrid and RS males, respectively. Our results show that chlorophyll concentration is under strong genetic control, and that these traits are positively correlated with productivity within and across species. A significant positive correlation between chlorophyll concentration and the ratio of total plant N to root dry mass was also found (r = 0.872). The almost fourfold decrease in chlorophyll concentration in RS suggests that it would be at a competitive disadvantage compared with BS in a high [CO(2)] environment.  相似文献   

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