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We examined somatic energy patterns in two stocks (Chilko and Early Stuart) of adult Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada) sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), collected at the end of their ocean residency, spanning years across different climate regimes. Both stocks had high levels of somatic energy in years with high open ocean productivity (1956, 1957, 2001 and 2002), and relatively low levels in years with poor open ocean productivity (1999 and 2000). For Early Stuart sockeye, energy levels in 1999 and 2000 were approximately 15% lower (~1.5 MJ kg?1) than that in the 1950s, an amount of energy equivalent to that necessary for migrating 600 km upriver. In recent years (2001 and 2002), energy levels have increased by about 9% for both stocks. Low energy levels at the onset of upriver migration, particularly in years of energetically demanding in‐river conditions, such as high flows or temperatures, are likely to contribute to prespawning and en route mortality in Fraser sockeye.  相似文献   

Computer simulations were used to investigate whether compass orientation is a sufficient guidance mechanism for sockeye salmon migrating to the Fraser River from their ocean foraging grounds in the north-east Pacific Ocean. Daily surface ocean currents, simulated by the ocean surface current simulations (OSCURS) model, were used to test the influence of currents on the return oceanic migration of Fraser River sockeye salmon. High seas tagging and coastal recover data of Fraser River sockeye salmon were used for the migration simulations. Surface currents were shown to increase the speed of the homeward-migrating sockeye salmon, as well as to deflect the fish in a north-eastward direction. In spite of ocean currents, all Fraser River sockeye salmon were able to reach their destination with a fixed direction and bioenergetically efficient swimming speed when migration was delayed until the last month at sea. Compass orientation alone was shown to be a sufficient direction-finding mechanism for Fraser River sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

Parvicapsula minibicornis is a myxosporean parasite that is associated with disease in Pacific salmon during their freshwater life history phase. This study reports the development of a quantitative (real-time) polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) to detect P. minibicornis DNA. The QPCR assay targets the 18S ribosomal subunit gene. A plasmid DNA control was developed to calibrate cycle threshold ( C T) score to plasmid molecular equivalent (PME) units, a measure of gene copy number. Assay validation revealed that the QPCR was sensitive and able to detect 50 ag of plasmid DNA, which was equivalent to 12.5 PME. The QPCR assay could detect single P. minibicornis actinospores well above assay sensitivity, indicating a single spore contains at least 100 times the 18S DNA copies required for detection. The QPCR assay was repeatable and highly specific; no detectable amplification was observed using DNA from related myxozoan parasites. The method was validated using kidney tissues from 218 juvenile Chinook salmon sampled during the emigration period of March to July 2005 from the Klamath River. The QPCR assay was compared with histological examination. The QPCR assay detected P. minibicornis infection in 88.1% of the fish sampled, while histological examination detected infection in 71.1% of the fish sampled. Good concordance was found between the methods as 80% of the samples were in agreement. The majority of the disconcordant fish were positive by QPCR, with low levels of P. minibicornis DNA, but negative by histology. The majority of the fish rated histologically as having subclinical or clinical infections had high QPCR levels. The results of this study demonstrate that QPCR is a sensitive quantitative tool for evaluating P. minibicornis infection in fish health monitoring studies.  相似文献   

Adult sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), migrating upstream in the Fraser River, British Columbia, are exposed to the myxozoan parasite Parvicapsula minibicornis when they enter the river from the ocean. Infections are initially localized in the kidney but have recently been associated with branchitis in one population. Adult fish from five locations in the watershed were sampled to determine whether branchitis was widespread. P. minibicornis infections in kidney glomeruli were prevalent in all samples except for a sample of fish that had just entered the Fraser River from the ocean. For fish captured in spawning streams, parasites were observed in the renal tubules and gill, and branchitis was observed in 70% of fish. Plasma osmolality was negatively correlated with the number of parasites in the kidney tubules, which we hypothesize to be caused by the breach of glomerular membranes as the parasite leaves the fish. Plasma lactate values increased with increasing levels of pathology in gills. These findings support the hypothesis that P. minibicornis impacts the physiology of migrating fish, which may in turn affect the likelihood that adults will be able to migrate and spawn successfully.  相似文献   

Abstract  Conservation efforts for endangered Snake River sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) have been hindered by high en route adult mortality during their ∼1450 km freshwater spawning migration. Identifying causal factors for this mortality has been difficult given very small (often <10 fish) annual returns in recent decades. However, several hundred hatchery-bred fish returned in 2000 and we intercepted and radio-tagged 31 in mid-migration to monitor behaviours and survival. All fish initially migrated at similar rates, but later-timed fish eventually slowed migration and were far more likely to be unsuccessful. Late-season mortality was strongly associated with water temperatures near tolerance thresholds (21–24 °C). The data also suggest increased risk for fish in poor initial condition (i.e., with injuries or parasites) and probable recent selection against late-timed salmon. Results parallel temperature- and condition-related adult mortality in Columbia and Fraser River sockeye salmon populations and demonstrate the potential vulnerability of marginal southern populations to regional climate warming.  相似文献   

The reproductive migration of anadromous salmonids through estuarine waters is one of the most challenging stages of their life cycle, yet little is known about the environmental and physiological conditions that influence migratory behaviour. We captured, sampled tissues, tagged and released 365 sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) homing through inner coastal waters towards the Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Biotelemetry was used to assess the behaviour of individual sockeye salmon approaching estuarine waters and at river entry, which were related to both fish physiological condition at release and to prevailing environmental conditions. Sockeye salmon tended to stay close to the shore, migrated during the day, and movements were related to tide. Sockeye salmon migration rate was linked to wind‐induced currents, salinity and an individual's physiological state, but these factors were specific to location and stock. We propose that wind‐induced currents exposed sockeye salmon entering the estuary to stronger olfactory cues associated with Fraser River water, which in turn resulted in faster migration rates presumably due to either an increased ability for olfactory navigation and/or advanced reproductive schedule through a neuroendocrine response to olfactory cues. However, once the migration had progressed further into more concentrated freshwater of the river plume, sockeye salmon presumably used wind‐induced currents to aid in movements towards the river, which may be associated with energy conservation. Results from this study improve our biological understanding of the movements of Fraser River sockeye salmon and are also broadly relevant to other anadromous salmonids homing in marine environments.  相似文献   

Previous research has documented two main migratory routes of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) through the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada, and large interannual variability in marine survival rates of the Chilko Lake stock. Simulation models were used to explore the influence of surface currents on the migratory route of juvenile sockeye salmon (smolts) through the Strait of Georgia. We used a model of downstream migration to generate daily numbers of Chilko Lake sockeye salmon smolts entering the Strait of Georgia, based on daily counts of smolts leaving the rearing lake. A numerical hydrodynamic model (driven by surface wind, tide, and Fraser River discharge) hindcasted surface currents in the Strait of Georgia on a 2 km × 2 km grid. A smolt migration model simulated fish moving through the Strait with different compass-oriented migratory behaviours (i.e. swimming speed and directional orientation) within the time-varying surface advection field. Results showed that surface currents within the Strait of Georgia can affect the migratory route of sockeye salmon smolts in spite of their large size (8 cm). Wind is the forcing mechanism primarily responsible for determining which migratory route would be used. Under prevailing wind conditions (i.e. toward the north-west), most sockeye salmon smolts would use the eastern migratory route; however, relatively brief south-eastward wind events (lasting about 2 days) would force most smolts into the western migratory route. Given the heterogeneity of food for salmon within the Strait, we hypothesize that wind-driven variability in the annual proportion of smolts that use the western and eastern migratory routes in the Strait of Georgia affects early marine survival rates of Fraser River sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

The productivity of Fraser River sockeye salmon has declined in recent years, with 2019 being the lowest return on record. The cause of the decline is still not fully understood; however, bottom‐up drivers and trophic interactions during the early marine migration are considered to be important contributing factors. McKinnell et al. (Fisheries Oceanography, 23, 2014 and 322) developed a “trophic gauntlet hypothesis,” proposing that low biological productivity leads to an energy deficit from poor foraging opportunities in migrating salmon. When combined with poor foraging conditions in typically productive waters elsewhere on the migration, low marine survival may result. Our study examined prey availability and stomach fullness of juvenile sockeye salmon along the 120 km stretch of the coastal migration through the Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait to determine whether this section of the migration is indeed food limited. We observed low stomach fullness throughout tidally mixed waters, providing empirical support for the trophic gauntlet hypothesis. Zooplankton abundance was high in these regions so it appeared that unfavourably small prey size may have been the cause of low foraging success. We also observed foraging hotspots at both ends of the gauntlet, indicating that such areas may be key feeding grounds for migratory salmon.  相似文献   

Year 1995 marked the start of a major shift to earlier river entry of late‐run Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) en route to the spawning grounds. Earlier entry has typically been accompanied by considerably greater in‐river mortality. We examine this behavioral change using correlation analyses between the entry timing of the Adams River and Weaver Creek stocks and the surface marine conditions encountered by the stocks during their homing migration from the northeast Pacific several months earlier. For Adams stocks, maximum correlation is between entry timing and offshore winds, such that the weaker the wind stress in the direction of the prevailing surface currents in early July, the earlier the river entry in late summer. For Weaver stocks, maximum correlation is with salinity, such that the lower the surface salinity along the coast in August, the earlier the river entry. We hypothesize that oceanic changes lead to changes in late‐run sockeye physiology which then leads to changes in behavior. Physiological changes are postulated to arise from two types of preconditioning: Type‐1 occurs in the offshore region, whereby the weaker the prevailing currents that normally hinder eastward migration, the more endogenous energy available for maturation and the earlier the river entry. Type‐2 occurs in coastal regions, whereby the lower the salinity, the more rapid the osmoregulatory adaptation to freshwater (and possible susceptibility to water‐borne pathogens) and the earlier the entry. Results suggest that the earlier entry that began in the mid‐1990s is linked to weaker ocean currents and lower coastal salinities.  相似文献   

Swimming stamina, measured as time-to-fatigue, was reduced by approximately two-thirds in rainbow trout experimentally infected with Ichthyophonus. Intensity of Ichthyophonus infection was most severe in cardiac muscle but multiple organs were infected to a lesser extent. The mean heart weight of infected fish was 40% greater than that of uninfected fish, the result of parasite biomass, infiltration of immune cells and fibrotic (granuloma) tissue surrounding the parasite. Diminished swimming stamina is hypothesized to be due to cardiac failure resulting from the combination of parasite-damaged heart muscle and low myocardial oxygen supply during sustained aerobic exercise. Loss of stamina in Ichthyophonus-infected salmonids could explain the poor performance previously reported for wild Chinook and sockeye salmon stocks during their spawning migration.  相似文献   

Interannual variation in the timing of the return migration to fresh water of adult sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, from 46 populations throughout the species North American range was examined in a broad analysis of how timing patterns are affected by marine and freshwater conditions. Migration timing data (measured at various points along the migration, including just prior to freshwater entry, just after freshwater entry, and near the spawning grounds) were examined for correlations with sea‐surface temperatures (SST) prior to migration and to freshwater temperatures and flows during migration. Following a spring–summer period with warm SST, populations from southwestern Alaska tended to return early, Fraser River populations returned late, and populations from other regions showed no consistent patterns. Similarities between interannual timing of both nearby and distant populations indicated the presence of common or coincidental influences on timing. When riverine conditions related to timing, high flows and low temperatures were associated with late migrations, low flows and high temperatures were associated with early migrations. However, even counting stations at upriver locations showed correlations with SST. Notwithstanding some inconsistencies among the many populations examined and the indirect nature of the inferences, the results supported the hypotheses that (i) interannual variations in salmon distributions at sea reflect temperature conditions, and (ii) the date when salmon initiate homeward migration is a population‐specific trait, largely unaffected by the fish's location at sea.  相似文献   

Two genetically distinct populations of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), were simultaneously sampled at the confluence of the Yukon and Tanana rivers in 2003. Upper Yukon-Canadian fish had significantly higher infection prevalence as well as more severe infections (higher parasite density in heart tissue) than the lower Yukon-Tanana River fish. Both populations had migrated the same distance from the mouth of the Yukon River at the time of sampling but had significantly different distances remaining to swim before reaching their respective spawning grounds. Multiple working hypotheses are proposed to explain the differences between the two stocks: (1) the two genetically distinct populations have different inherent resistance to infection, (2) genetically influenced differences in feeding behaviour resulted in temporal and/or spatial differences in exposure, (3) physiological differences resulting from different degrees of sexual maturity influenced the course of disease, and (4) the most severely infected Tanana River fish either died en route or fatigued and were unable to complete their migration to the Tanana River, thus leaving a population of apparently healthier fish.  相似文献   

In spite of a relatively optimistic pre‐season forecast, the total return of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to the Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada) in 2009 was the lowest recorded since quantitative records began in the late 1940s. A plausible mechanism is proposed that links a sequence of extreme oceanic and climatic events to poor marine survival. It began with record‐setting snow packs in the coastal mountain range during the winter of 2007 that led to the development of unprecedented oceanographic conditions in the spring of 2007 from Queen Charlotte Strait in central British Columbia to Southeast Alaska. When combined with equally extreme atmospheric anomalies in the region in the spring of 2007, with a winter wind regime persisting through July, a coastal surface ocean with characteristics that are known to be associated with lower marine survival was established. Most of the sockeye salmon that were expected to return to the Fraser River as adults in 2009 passed through this atypical ocean as juveniles on their migration to the open ocean in 2007. A trophic gauntlet hypothesis is proposed as a new paradigm to describe the oceanic environment faced by sockeye salmon after they emigrate northward from the Strait of Georgia. The hypothesis identifies a new type of high nutrient low chlorophyll region that can explain how oceanographic extremes at critical locations along the migration route beyond the Strait of Georgia can reduce marine survival in some years.  相似文献   

We examine the oft-quoted relationship between the migration of Fraser River sockeye salmon around the northern end of Vancouver Island and sea surface temperatures. We examine the methods used to estimate the northern diversion and conclude that the estimates have a sufficiently low expected error to form a useful representation of sockeye salmon behaviour. The well-known relationship with Kains Island sea surface temperature is explored and problems are pointed out. In particular, we explore why Kains Island temperatures are good predictors of salmon behaviour in May when the sockeye can be over 1000 km away, but the coastal temperatures are poor predictors in July to September when the salmon are actually close by. We show that a more robust predictor can be developed using open ocean temperature fields and we show why Kains Island fails as a predictor during the summer months. Finally, we show by cross-validation that the northern diversion is predictable with an r.m.s. error of about 0.1.  相似文献   

Abstract. In an investigation of the occurrence of proliferative kidney disease (PKD) in freshwater fish other than rainbow trout, 18 species of wild fish and seven species of fish raised in cultivation wore sampled from waters where the disease occurred annually in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Richardson). Results revealed that certain wild stocks of brown trout. Salmo trutta L., grayling, Thymallus thymallus L., and pike, Esox lucius L., were infected with PKD, as were cultivated Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr, brown trout and char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.). Microscopical examination revealed the presence of the PKX cell in these species and also intraluminal protozoa possibly related to the PKX cell, which were not found in the rainbow trout. Other species of freshwater fish had myxosporidan infections but, unlike PKD infection, there was little host/parasite tissue response. The PKX cell as a myxosporidan stage is discussed and the presence of the disease in wild fish is reported.  相似文献   

The Sitka eddy is a mesoscale eddy, 300 km in diameter, that develops off SE Alaska in about one year in two. The eddy has surface currents exceeding 50 km day−1 and it has been suggested that the eddy could deflect migrating salmon to the south, thereby reducing the proportion of British Columbia (BC) sockeye salmon accessible to Alaskan fishers. We modelled its effects on the migration of sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) returning to northern BC, using an individual-based model to simulate migration paths, migration timing and metabolic costs of salmon with different migration behaviours. Except when their migration behaviour included positive rheotaxis, salmon that encountered the eddy had faster migration times and lower metabolic costs than those that did not. The least complex migration behaviour, compass orientation with no rheotaxis, was only slightly less efficient in metabolic terms than the optimal migration paths determined by dynamic programming. Our simulations show that the Sitka eddy itself does not deflect migrating salmon to the south or south-east regardless of migration behaviour, but that by interrupting the normal northward flow of the Alaskan Current, the eddy could influence latitude of landfall of migrating salmon.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that the interannual variability of the Northeast Pacific Ocean circulation affects the latitude of landfall and migration speed of adult sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) returning to the Fraser River. The Ocean Surface Current Simulations (OSCURS) model was used to simulate the return migration paths of compass-orientated sockeye for two years: 1982, which had a weak Alaska Gyre circulation and low Northern Diversion Rate (defined as the percentage of sockeye returning around the north end of Vancouver Island instead of the south end); and 1983, with a strong circulation and high northern diversion rate. The majority of model sockeye made landfall further north in 1983 than in 1982. The difference in landfall between 1983 and 1982 depended on the migration start position, swim speed, direction of orientation, and migration start date. The currents assisted the shoreward migration of sockeye starting from south of 55o N and impeded the migration of sockeye starting from further north. The simulation results were consistent with our hypothesis and suggest that the effects of the Northeast Pacific currents must be included in sockeye migration models. We propose a conceptual model for the prediction of the Northern Diversion Rate that includes Blackbourn's (1987) temperature-displacement model, enhanced to include the effects of currents during the ocean phase of migration, and the use of two predictive formulas for the coastal phase of migration: the formula of Xie and Hsieh (1989) for sockeye approaching Vancouver Island directly from the ocean, and a yet-to-be-developed formula for sockeye approaching from within the Coastal Downwelling Domain directly to the north of Vancouver Island.  相似文献   

Abstract This study examined juvenile salmonid use of a freshwater tidal creek system draining a wetland on the floodplain of the lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Chum, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum), chinook, O. tshawytscha (Walbaum), and sockeye, O. nerka (Walbaum), salmon fry were abundant in the tidal creeks in spring. The fry were found in non-natal habitat up to 1.5 km from the main channel of the river. The salmon fry ate dipteran adults, larvae and pupae, cyclopoid and harpacticoid copepods, and Collembola. Mysids Neomysis mercedis Holmes (Walbaum), and amphipods, Crangonyx richmondensis occidentalis (Hubricht and Harrison), were also consumed. The upper reaches of an undisturbed creek were the winter rearing habitat for presmolt coho salmon, O. kisutch (Walbaum), where this species ate dipteran pupae and larvae as well as a freshwater isopod, Asellus communis Say (Walbaum).  相似文献   

The importance of interspecific competition as a mechanism regulating population abundance in offshore marine communities is largely unknown. We evaluated offshore competition between Asian pink salmon and Bristol Bay (Alaska) sockeye salmon, which intermingle in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, using the unique biennial abundance cycle of Asian pink salmon from 1955 to 2000. Sockeye salmon growth during the second and third growing seasons at sea, as determined by scale measurements, declined significantly in odd‐numbered years, corresponding to years when Asian pink salmon are most abundant. Bristol Bay sockeye salmon do not interact with Asian pink salmon during their first summer and fall seasons and no difference in first year scale growth was detected. The interaction with odd‐year pink salmon led to significantly smaller size at age of adult sockeye salmon, especially among younger female salmon. Examination of sockeye salmon smolt to adult survival rates during 1977–97 indicated that smolts entering the ocean during even‐numbered years and interacting with abundant odd‐year pink salmon during the following year experienced 26% (age‐2 smolt) to 45% (age‐1 smolt) lower survival compared with smolts migrating during odd‐numbered years. Adult sockeye salmon returning to Bristol Bay from even‐year smolt migrations were 22% less abundant (reduced by 5.9 million fish per year) compared with returns from odd‐year migrations. The greatest reduction in adult returns occurred among adults spending 2 compared with 3 years at sea. Our new evidence for interspecific competition highlights the need for multispecies, international management of salmon production, including salmon released from hatcheries into the ocean.  相似文献   

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