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我国农机购置补贴政策的发展历程、政策效应与存在问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建国以来,我国农机补贴政策大致经历了计划经济下的农机补贴、农机购置补贴试点和农机购置补贴全面实施3个阶段。农机购置补贴政策对农机供需双方均具有显著的正影响,有力促进了农机工业的发展和调动了农户购买农机的积极性。但农机购置补贴仍存在补贴名额供不应求、补贴力度不够、售后服务意识不强及农民农机培训较少的问题。农机购置补贴对粮食主产地区的影响较为显著,未来农机购置补贴政策应向这些地区倾斜,同时还需进一步加大补贴和服务力度。  相似文献   

The current financial stress in the countryside and the future of the family farm are likely to be major issues in the formulation of the 1990 Farm Bill. Medium-sized commercial family farms may be especially targeted for support. These farms are the basis of rural economies and settlement patterns in many parts of nonmetropolitan America.Two possible changes in farm policy are debt restructuring and the decoupling of farm payments from commodity production. Many medium-sized family farms continue to face substantial debt problems, but most of these farms could be viable with some debt restructuring. Ccmmodity programs have become extremely expensive and encourage overproduction and the consolidation of farming resources into ever larger units. Federal farm programs may become based on need, with a sensitivity to differences in regional farming systems. Such a policy could support medium-sized family farms, slow the growth in superfarms, reduce surpluses, and reduce the overall cost of farm programs.  相似文献   

实施乡村振兴战略是中央解决农业、农村和农民问题的战略决策,也是解决新时代中国社会主要矛盾的必然途径,产业兴旺是乡村振兴的重点,农业项目则是产业兴旺的有机组成部分,进行农业项目选择研究具有现实意义。本文回顾了国内外关于农业项目选择的研究和发展,提出农业项目选择应当考虑:正确价值取向原则、服务原则、政策符合原则、区域资源优势原则、科学技术原则。并对国家政策文件中的"农业项目"或者"项目"的关键词摘取汇表,推荐了当前具有较优选择价值的休闲农场、农村电商、民宿旅游、家庭农场等四种农业项目。  相似文献   

Federal credit policies toward agriculture reflect the human values of maintaining the farm production sector largely as an industry characterized by small-scale, family farms. The Farmers Home Administration has implemented various credit programs designed to carry out this policy objective. As a result of the prolonged financial crisis in the farm economy, the agricultural community is becoming more aware of the controversies surrounding the mission of FmHA and its debt restructuring program. This paper discusses the debt restructuring program administered by the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), as authorized by the Agricultural Credit Act of 1987, and amended by the recently enacted Farm Bill of 1990. It discusses the key provisions of the Agricultural Credit Act authorizing FmHA to establish a debt restructuring and debt forgiveness program aimed at achieving the public policy objective of keeping financially stressed farmers in business, whenever possible.In the course of reviewing the restructuring program, FmHA officials and congressional committees reviewed the FmHA's mission and its program implementation. This review indicated that several unintended negative consequences resulted from several abuses stemming from inadequate administrative mechanisms and controls and conflicting legislative objectives of debt forgiveness and federal tax policy. In enacting the 1990 Farm Bill, Congress sought to reorient FmHA's mission to a temporary source of credit and to eliminate various abuses associated with the implementation of FmHA's debt restructuring program. The 1990 Farm Bill reflects an effort by Congress to address some the controversies surrounding federal credit policies toward agriculture. Although Congress placed limits on debt restructuring, the overall public policy objective of maintaining a family-farm posture in the agricultural sector continues to be an important social value.  相似文献   

家庭农场发育的内在机理、政策演化与推进策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李俏 《广东农业科学》2014,41(22):196-199
家庭农场作为一种新型农业经营主体,不仅在形式上体现了对传统家庭经营形式的继承与转化,对农村社会阶层分化的适应与调整,更在内容上反映了农业现代化和社会化的发展需求,是对农业生产经营体制的创新与发展.国内有关这一经营形式的相关政策在历经一系列的发展变化后开始逐渐明晰,但当前家庭农场在融资、保险、竞争、政策、培训等领域还面临诸多问题.对此,提出了推进家庭农场发育的具体策略,包括完善土地流转机制、加强对家庭农场的政策支持、建立健全农业社会化服务体系、大力培育新型职业农民等.  相似文献   

生态农业确认体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
构建操作性强的生态农业确认体系是推动生态农业被广泛认可和广泛推广的重要一步,是政府制定支撑政策和建立生态农产品市场的重要前提。结合国内外的一些经验,文章提出了我国确认生态农业需要遵循资源匹配、生态保育、环境友好、食品安全的底线原则。实现生态农业的方法应当有广泛的包容性,可以从传统农业、民间实践、科研成果、高新技术中筛选吸纳、组装配套。在制定生态农业可操作性指标体系时,一方面需要全国统一的生态农业确认原则,另一方面操作性强的生态农业指标体系需要结合各个地方的特点有针对性选定。在具体指标确定方面,应当注意到不同自然与社会背景下,在理解生态农业的经营规模、经营主体、采用方法、产生效益、社会改革等方面存在的差异,根据区域的关键瓶颈问题,解决这些瓶颈问题的关键措施,以及解决了瓶颈问题以后所表现的关键状态,酌情制定。在生态农业的确认手续上,应当充分利用诚信体系和信息技术,充分理解第三方认证和参与式保障体系的优点和缺点,取长补短,综合运用,有利于简化手续,加强可操作性,以便加速生态农业的确认,加快生态农产品市场的发育与政府支撑政策的完善。  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of China's economy,rising demand for safety food has been accompanied by frequent food safety scandals. Given that China's farming is dominated by millions of small-scale farms,ensuring food safety is a major challenge facing the public and private sectors. The direct farm(DF) program,initiated in 2008,represents one of the government's major initiatives to modernize the distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables(FFV) and improve food safety. Under the DF program,participating national and international retailers are expected to establish more direct procurement relationships with farm communities. While it is often claimed that greater participation by retailers in the production and post-harvest processing implied the DF program will lead to improved quality,safety and traceability,systematic evidence remains elusive as existing studies are largely narrative,based on case studies,or theoretical inference. Little empirical evidence is available for a broader evaluation of the DF program. This paper aims to fill this gap by assessing the overall performance of a single retailer's DF experience with respect to the procurement and food safety of FFV. We use data from a survey of production managers of 35 DF production bases(PBs) spread across 11 provinces,3 cities and 1 autonomous region in China. The results show a mixture of opportunities and challenges. On one hand,the DF program improves production practices and distribution channels of FFV produced on its PBs,thus facilitating the move of China's food system towards improved food safety compliance. On the other hand,significant heterogeneity in the traceability of food and the ability of DF to meet higher safety standards is evident both across major product categories and across household-operated vs. firm-operated PBs. The paper concludes with policy implications.  相似文献   

对陕西省农业标准化实施的现状、存在问题进行了分析研究,并据此提出了进一步实施农业标准化战略的对策:加强农业标准化应用基础研究;突出主导产业和优势产品,建立科学实用的农业标准体系;立足农业产业化,完善农业标准推广体系;加强农产品市场监管,形成强劲的农业标准化市场拉动力;政府扶持,建立农业标准化推广的长效机制,保障农业标准化的全面实施。  相似文献   

为加快推进齐齐哈尔市农业现代化进程,在总结齐齐哈尔市农机补贴政策实施现状的基础上,分析了政策实施过程中在补贴资金,补贴率,审批程序等方面存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了对策建议,即设计多种补贴形式,创新金融服务方式,简化农机补贴程序等。  相似文献   

西安“农家乐”现状与发展思路   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高林安 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(27):15337-15340
西安周边的"农家乐"发展至今已有10余年历史,且初具规模,逐渐成为西安市民假期休闲旅游和娱乐的重要目的地之一。西安周边的"农家乐"是当地农民增收的一个重要渠道,虽发展多年,但仍存有诸如政府、行业管理不科学,管理法律法规不健全,产品品位低、附加值低,经营利润低,无序竞争、恶性竞争加剧,环境污染严重等问题。如何解决该类问题,使西安周边的"农家乐"市场健康、稳步、可持续发展是笔者研究的重点。笔者对西安"农家乐"进行实地调查,就其发展、布局、产品开发、管理、经营等方面存在的问题,提出解决方案及发展思路,并就西安"农家乐"旅游品牌建设、行业协会管理、科学规划、可持续发展模式提出科学建议,以促进其健康稳定发展的实现。  相似文献   

当前家庭农场的发展现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨永坤 《农业展望》2014,10(5):48-51
对当前家庭农场的发展现状及存在的问题进行了深入分析,认为家庭农场是今后商品农产品特别是粮食作物农产品的主要提供者,将在构建新型农业经营体系中占据重要位置。发展家庭农场,应加大政策扶持力度,建立健全激励与退出约束机制,加快农业社会化服务体系建设,加强农业人才培养,做好政策统筹协调,推动家庭农场又好又快发展。  相似文献   

Two major episodes of farm protest have occurred in the past decade. In each case, protesting farmers have chosen to create new farm organizations rather than express their grievances through one of many existing farm interest groups. The result has been the development of a durable grassroots farm lobby, a hybrid mode of exercising political influence that combines features of interest group lobbying and social movement protest. The first episode saw the mobilization of the American Agriculture Movement (AAM), a nation-wide protest organization devoted to achieving a federal guarantee of parity prices. When AAM's attempt to change federal farm policy failed, it was unable to sustain a high level of member mobilization or organizational activity. This failure is attributed to the lack of a stable organizational structure, the lack of durable membership incentives, and the counterproductive effects of disruptive protest tactics. The second episode of protest occurred in reaction to the farm-debt crisis of the 1980s. Protesting farmers organized numerous crisis groups to provide emergency services to financially distressed farmers. The crisis groups coalesced into the National Save the Family Farm Coalition (NSFFC) in order to exert influence over federal farm policy. It is argued that this coalition structure, along with membership incentives provided by crisis groups through their constituent service programs, may allow this latest farm movement to exert more considerable and durable influence over federal farm policy than AAM was able to do in the late 1970s. The problems of maintaining a national coalition of grassroots groups are discussed and evaluated.  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview of the present state of Swedish agriculture and discusses some problems and experiences of general interest. After an introductory section on the characteristics of Swedish agriculture, a number of problems are described, such as social problems, market imbalances, environmental damage, changes in landscape amenities, and animal health. Possible causes of these problems are discussed. Recent attempts to solve the problems as well as the current Swedish debate on more radical changes in agricultural policy are also discussed. The main components of a suggested program are subsidies to farmers based on their acreage of grazed land or grassland and elimination of the present price supports and market regulations.  相似文献   

汪海燕 《农学学报》2018,8(5):95-100
自从2013年中央一号文件首次提到“家庭农场”,家庭农场在全国发展速度非常快。家庭农场作为规模化经营的新型农业经营主体,已经成为解决三农问题的有效途径之一。但 北京家庭农场仍处于试点阶段,产业选择和发展起着至关重要的作用。通过界定北京家庭农场的内涵,分析其产业发展优势和存在的主要问题,构建具有北京特色的家庭农场产业发展模式,即“种植业+服务业”发展模式和“种养结合的生态产业+服务业”发展模式。“种植业+服务业”发展模式具体包括粮食种植、蔬菜种植、花卉种植和果树种植分别与服务业融合发展,“种养结合的生态产业+服务业” 发展模式也包括两种类型。为了进一步促进北京家庭农场产业发展模式的建设,提出明确产业布局、合理产业定位、加大资金扶持、加强基础设施配套建设及加强技术支持与服务等对策建议。  相似文献   

根据我国农业机器田间作业的基本要求和特点,分析了现行农业机器线性规划配备模型在实际应用中存在的问题和缺点;并且,从不同的角度提出了两种改进模型。生产单位可以根据实际生产的特殊要求选择相应的配备模型,使得到的机器系统能够很好地满足生产实际的需要。  相似文献   

As demand for locally grown food increases there have been calls to ‘scale-up’ local food production to regionally distribute food and to sell into more mainstream grocery and retail venues where consumers are already shopping. Growing research and practice focusing on how to improve, expand and conceptualize regional distribution systems includes strategies such as value chain development using the Agriculture of the Middle (AOTM) framework. When the Ohio Food Policy Advisory Council asked how they could scale-up the distribution of Ohio fresh fruits and vegetables to Ohioans, we decided to use this practical opportunity to not only provide recommendations to this council, but to simultaneously contribute to the literature on AOTM, value-based and spatially–proximate relationships, and conceptualizations of food system hybridity. We do this while examining an entire sub-sector of the Ohio agricultural economy, namely fruit and vegetables and applying the AOTM framework beyond the farm, namely to distributors and retailers. Through interviews with Ohio retailers and a survey of all fresh fruit and vegetable distributors Ohio we: (1) Describe current distribution systems within the state; (2) Identify firms interested in scaling-up distribution, and; (3) Inform state-level policy efforts by identifying opportunities to better target any state-level policy and program efforts. We demonstrate support for the concept of AOTM applied beyond the farm, for value chain development strategies that can transmit ‘quality’ via spatially proximate supply chains, and support for considering hybrid solutions, such as piggybacking for scaling-up local food systems. This work highlights the role a statewide food policy council can have in facilitating market development and their unique position to provide public sector and institutional support to facilitate meaningful connections in the food system.  相似文献   

在对福建省规模化养猪场沼气工程开展随机抽样调查的基础上,分析了税收政策对规模化养猪场沼气工程的作用机理,并通过对国内外清洁能源工程税收政策的比较,分析了现有税收政策的实施效果及不足,提出了增强税收政策的市场导向作用;进一步完善税收体系,加大税收扶持力度;建立促进可持续发展的税收政策的协调机制和配套措施等政策设想。  相似文献   

在国家农机购置补贴政策的拉动下,农机专业合作组织数量迅速发展,成为我县农机化事业的生力军。但是,合作组织在实际运营过程中还存在着诸多亟待解决的困难和问题。本文对指导今后西吉县农机专业合作组织的建设具有一定的指导和参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current and future implications of the recent farm financial problems of Missouri for the rural and state economy. To provide a backdrop against which the current and future financial situation may be assessed, the paper first looks at the farm income trends of the state for the period 1964–1985. Although the level has dropped drastically since 1982, the study found that net income had increased significantly for most of the study period. However, the trend in farm debt shows that between 1974 and 1982, total farm debt of Missouri farmers almost tripled. In fact, the farm financial situation in the state deteriorated faster than did farm financial situations in the nation. As a result, Missouri was the leader in the number of farm bankruptcies in the nation in 1985. The paper shows that, since the full-time family farms make up over seventy (70%) percent of the state's total farm, the greater financial problems, resulting in farm losses, occurred in these groups of farms, which are the source of the economic and social health of rural Missouri. It then indicates the serious effects that this wave of farm failures, which amounts to a depopulation of farms and farm families, has on the social and economic structure of rural communities, cheap but reliable food supply system, and competition within the farm sector. To keep the farm sector competitive and for the family farm to survive, the paper identifies the need for innovative policies (and suggests some), and for the cooperation and coordination of efforts among different agencies and organizations in the country.  相似文献   

Family farming became a major social force in the Federal Republic following World War II. Several political, economic and social factors facilitated the development of a unified political representation within the farm sector. The German Farmers Union (Deutscher Bauernverband) became the main representative of the farm sector. Its platform included the preservation of family farms and it attempted to realize this goal through the promotion of commodity price support policies. Political support for these programs was legitimized with the elaboration of a system of values espousing the positive qualities of family farms. Price support policies were opposed by free market advocates with an alternative system of values that fundamentally contradicted those of family farm advocates. Although commodity price supports promoted by partisans of family farming dominated agricultural policy formation in the 1950s and 1960s, fiscal crisis in the EEC and economic differentation within the farm sector began to undermine the position of family farming as a social force. But economic stagnation also prevented the free market position from gaining dominance. Economic differentiation within the farm sector has had an important regional dimension, and this has served as a basis for policy compromise. Economic changes over the post-WWII period have undermined the family farm as a social force. Nevertheless, values associated with family farming continue to have a place in agricultural policy. However, family farming is valued less as an end in itself, and more as a means to the realization of more practical ends such as the preservation of rural landscapes for recreational purposes.  相似文献   

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