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中国樱桃在北方落叶果树中成熟期最早,为了发挥其“早”的优势,我省进行了中国樱桃简易塑料大棚保护栽培技术研究,使樱桃果提早在4月上旬上市,比常规大田管理提前40天;增收10~12倍。1塑料大棚的构造塑料大棚一般采用钢筋水泥柱作立架,竹杆做拱架,竹条做压...  相似文献   

在总结毕节市樱桃产业发展的现状及做法的基础上,分析了现有樱桃产业发展存在的主要问题,提出了促进樱桃产业发展的对策建议,以期为毕节市樱桃产业可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

设施樱桃栽培是一项集避灾、抗灾于一体的优势产业项目,近年来在辽西北半干旱地区有了较快的发展。目前设施樱桃栽培中,设施栽培甜樱桃隔年结果(大小年)现象时有发生,导致设施樱桃产量下降、品质降低,为此,提出解决设施樱桃隔年结果的主要关键技术十分必要。  相似文献   

设施樱桃栽培是一项集避灾、抗灾于一体的优势产业项目,近年来在辽西北半干旱地区有了较快的发展。目前设施樱桃栽培中,隔年结果(大小年)现象时有发生,导致设施樱桃产量下降、品质降低,为此,提出解决设施樱桃隔年结果的主要关键技术为适度灌水、合理修剪等技术措施。  相似文献   

朝阳市樱桃温室栽培促丰提质关键管理技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
石艳荣 《防护林科技》2016,(11):122-123
设施樱桃栽培是近年来在辽西北半干旱地区发展较快的优势产业。目前设施樱桃栽培中,花果管理环节还存在着诸多不容忽视的问题:配置授粉树不尽合理、不人工授粉不科学等,导致设施樱桃产量下降、品质降低,为此提出设施樱桃花果管理关键技术十分必要。  相似文献   

樱桃具有很高的食用价值和经济效益。随着樱桃产业的发展,一些病虫害发生严重,对樱桃产业构成很大威胁。目前辽宁省樱桃主要病害有黑斑病、流胶病、根癌病,主要虫害有桑白蚧、朝鲜球坚蜡蚧、草履蚧和斑翅果蝇。该文介绍了辽宁省樱桃主要病虫害的发生及防治方法,可为樱桃产业的健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

大樱桃设施栽培技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、发展现状及市场前景1、发展现状:樱桃属的植物有120多种,作为果树栽培的主要有中国樱桃、欧洲甜樱桃(大樱桃)及欧洲酸樱桃3种。它是北方落叶果树中成熟最早的树种,素有春果第一枝的美称。大樱桃原产欧洲东南  相似文献   

杏原产我国 ,已有近 30 0 0年的栽培历史 ,杏是继樱桃之后上市的早熟果品 ,在初夏果品市场上占有重要位置。我省自然条件适宜杏树的生长 ,广大群众也有丰富的栽培经验 ,但长期以来多为粗放的分散经营 ,缺乏科学的经营管理 ,至今没有形成规模经济。近年来 ,有关部门已经注意到我省发展杏的优势 ,并做了大量引种试验示范工作。总之 ,我省杏发展潜力大 ,前景广阔。1 发展现状1.1 分布与产量山东省的气候和土壤条件十分适宜杏的生长 ,杏树栽培遍及全省各县、市、区。基本上形成了 3个集中栽培区 ,即沿黄及黄泛区栽培区、鲁中南山地栽培区和胶…  相似文献   

樱桃在在落叶果树中果实成熟最早,为"百果之先",正处春末夏初果品青黄不接的时期,樱桃填补了鲜果供应的空白。对丰富市场、均衡果品周年供应、满足人民消费需要方面起着重要作用。天水地区的气候条件适宜樱桃的种植,并且产量高、品质好,有较高的经济效益和社会效益,值得推广和发展。  相似文献   

樱桃李的研究进展及开发利用前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在吸收国内外相关研究成果及学术论文的基础上,详细阐述了樱桃李的生物学和生态学特性、起源、地理分布及其地理变异类型,探讨了樱桃李果实所含营养成分及其营养与医疗保健价值;分析了种质资源保存、利用与评价的现状、新品种选育研究的进展;指出了目前资源综合开发利用过程中存在的不足;展望了樱桃李系列产品开发与应用的广阔前景。旨在实现樱桃李无公害、标准化栽培及其资源的可持续利用,为推动其功能性饮品、保健品及药品的产业化发展,提供理论依据和科技支撑。  相似文献   

樱桃果蝇是近年来为害大樱桃果实的一种重要蛀果类害虫,在大樱桃果园中其为害程度逐年加重,成为大樱桃生产中亟待解决的问题.本文针对西安长安区樱桃果蝇的发生规律,提出了农业防控、物理防控和化学防控的综合防控技术措施,为大樱桃栽培管理中防控樱桃果蝇为害提供参考.  相似文献   

在对杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县靠山种畜场建立的3种草牧场立体开发模式进行调查和统计分析的基础上,确定了樟子松是杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县草原防护林的主栽树种,沙棘是固沙林、灌木饲料林的主要树种,绥李、黄太平、樱桃是草牧场区的主要经济树种;确定了樟子松移植大苗造林的最佳时间、移植桶规格和苗木规格。草牧场樟子松疏林立体开发模式,生态、经济效益显著;草场防护林体系网带疏块、乔灌草药复合模式,形成了生态和经济上比较稳定高效的综合体系;经济林开发利用模式产值是农田的8倍。比普通经济纯林提高34.8%。  相似文献   

Arasbaran forests are located in East Azerbaijan (northwest Iran). Increasing of socio-economic problems in this area causes destruction of biodiversity and structure of these forests. Using multipurpose trees such as cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L) to encourage villagers to produce forest by-products is a basic approach for preserving these forests. This species grows naturally in Arasbaran forests and the fruit is annually exploited using traditional harvest methods. This study aims to assess the ecological requirements of cornelian cherry and the important factors affecting its distribution. For this purpose, 40 circular sampling plots (300 m 2 ) on various slope aspects were demarcated for sampling the occurrence of cornelian cherry in forest stands. DBH and crown cover percentage on north aspects were significantly greater than on other aspects and 4.5% of all trees were cornelian cherry in mature forest stands. North aspects had more seed-origin trees (standards) of cornelian cherry than coppiced trees, while west facing aspects had more coppiced than standard trees. This species had the highest regeneration rate in the sapling stage of 0 2.5 cm DBH. Thus, I recommend cultivation and development of cornelian cherry as a multi-purpose tree in the Arasbaran region on degraded forest lands on north and west aspects.  相似文献   

The Chinese dwarf cherry (Cerasus humilis (Bge.) Sok.) is a small shrub with edible fruits. It is native to northern and western China. This species was included as a medicinal plant in the “Chinese Pharmacopeia” and has emerged as an economically important crop for fresh fruit consumption, processing into juice and wine and nutraceutical products as well. To gain a better understanding of flavonoid biosynthesis and help develop value added products and better cultivars with greater health benefits, we analyzed total flavonoid content (TFC), composition, and radical scavenging activities in fruit extracts of 16 Chinese dwarf cherry genotypes. Fruit peel TFC ranged from 33.5 to 72.8 mg/g RE·FW (RE: rutin equivalent, FW: fresh weight) while fruit flesh TFC ranged from 4.3 to 16.9 mg/g RE·FW. An HPLC analysis revealed that fruit extracts contained 14 flavonoids with considerable variation in their profiles across genotypes. The most abundant flavonoids in most genotypes were proanthocyanidin B1 (PA-B1), proanthocyanidin B2 (PA-B2), phloretin 2′-O-glucoside (PG), and phloretin 2′,4′-O-diglucoside (PDG). Principal component analysis showed that PG, PA-B1, and PA-B2 had large, positive factor loading values in the first principal component for each genotype. Increased scavenging activity of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals was apparent in genotypes ‘Nongda 4’, ‘Nongda 3’, ‘Nongda 6’, ‘Wenfenli’, and ’10-32’, suggesting promising applications in the production of nutraceutical products. In summary, our results will aid in breeding, fruit processing, and developing medicinal uses of the Chinese dwarf cherry.  相似文献   

A new insect pest of fruit in the northeastern Iran Luperus kiesenwetteri Joannis was first found near Mashahd (northeast Iran) on May 14., 1975. It is the first record from Iran. The beetle was feeding on fruit trees such as pears, apple and cherry resulting in complete defoliation. Some specimens were found feeding on the alfalfa plants around the trees.L. kiesenwetteri is known from South Russia. Caucasus, Sarepta und Astrakhan. This is probably a new pest in Iran.  相似文献   

Himalayan wild cherry (Prunus cerasoides), widely distributed in the Himalayas, was examined for viroid infection. Two of 15 samples collected from various regions of district Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India gave positive amplification with primers specific for three fruit tree viroids. Sequencing of these two amplicons confirmed the presence of ASSVd in Himalayan wild cherry and share 99% identity. The isolates share 91–98% sequence identity with reported sequences from Greece of sweet cherry, Prunus avium, cv. Tragana Edissis (acc. no. FN376408 , FN376409 , FJ974069 ) and wild cherry, Pavium, originated from seedlings (acc. no. FJ974062 , FJ974063 and GQ249350 ). They also share 98% sequence identity with an Indian isolate of ASSVd (acc. no. FN547407 ). The present study reports the presence of ASSVd in Himalayan wild cherry.  相似文献   

对桃、杏、樱桃设施栽培下病虫害调查的结果显示,全区设施果树病虫(螨)害共27种,其中虫(螨)害16种,分属4目12科;病害11种,分属9目9科(属)。主要病虫(螨)害12种(病害6种,虫害5种,螨类1种)。经对果树主要病虫(螨)害在设施条件下的发生危害规律观察,总结出了设施果树病虫害发生特点。  相似文献   

A leaf disc bioassay was employed to investigate the influence of host species of deciduous fruit trees, like apple, peach, plum, cherry and apricot, on the development and reproduction of the hawthorn spider mite Tetranychus viennensis Zacher in the laboratory under conditions of 25±1°C, 60±10% RH and a photoperiod of 16 h: 8 h light: dark. This was done by determining the duration of each life stage of the mites, the intrinsic rate of population increase (r m ), mean generation time (T) and net reproductive rate (R 0) of the spider mites on each of the host plant species. Differences in life table parameters of the spider mite among host plants were analyzed with the jack-knife method. The results indicated that plum might be the best suitable plant for the spider mite among the plants tested due to shorter developmental period and higher intrinsic rate of increase, whereas cherry and apricot were least suitable due to their long developmental duration and low intrinsic rates of increase. When the spider mites were transferred from apple to other fruit trees, negative effects on developmental duration, fecundity and life table parameters were found in the first generation, but the effects faded out in succeeding generations. When transferred onto plum and peach, the spider mite adapted to the new hosts in the second generation; however, on cherry and apricot, it adapted in the third generation. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 27(7) [译自: 生态学报, 2005, 27(7)]  相似文献   

Micropropagation of fruit trees results in the early onset of dormancy in the young plantlets. Prechilling of shoot cultures of sour cherry cvs Schattenmorelle and North Star at 4 degrees C for 6-8 weeks prolonged shoot extension of the plantlets but longer cold treatments adversely affected shoot growth and survival. Chilling of cultures had no affect on rhizogenesis. No significant influence of ABA, GA(3) or ABA + GA(3) was observed on root development. Gibberellic acid A(3) did not stimulate extension of the shoots, but when supplied together with ABA, it significantly decreased both shoot extension and the number of actively growing apices of plantlets of cv Schattenmorelle. The combined hormonal treatment had no effect on plantlets of the North Star cv.  相似文献   

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