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微量元素硒的作用机理及对畜禽肉质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,微量元素已成研究热点。本文综述了硒的作用机理、生物学作用、缺硒对动物的危害及硒对畜禽肉质的影响。  相似文献   

猪舍设计直接影响着猪场的经济效益,猪舍设计应从猪只生长、繁育方面发掘潜能,对公猪舍、母猪舍、分娩舍、保育舍、肥猪舍的各个方面不断进行规范。在历史进化过程中,猪已经对气候环境建立了很强的适应能力,但在集约化养猪场,猪的适应能力会明显下降,所以要为其创造良好的环境条件。猪舍的规划不但与猪场管理效率有关,而且与疾病控制,污染防治等密切相关。  相似文献   

第一章总则第一条为加强出口食用动物饲用饲料的检验检疫管理,确保出口食用动物的卫生质量。根据《中华人民共和国进出境动物检疫法》、《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》、《兽药管理条例》、《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》等法律法规,制定本办法。第二条本办法所称出日食用...  相似文献   

闲散未成年人是指达到法定入学年龄但没入学,或者结束某一阶段学业后并未升学或就业的未成年人。家庭教养的不当与缺失,学校应试教育的缺陷与失误,社会不良因素的影响是闲散未成年人犯罪的主要原因。要有效预防闲散未成年人犯罪就必须依靠和发挥整个社会的力量,形成齐抓共管的局面,把影响未成年人基本生存、健康成长的不利因素减少到最低限度,为未成年人营造一个良好的生存、成长与发展的空间。  相似文献   

The current diagnostic procedures for Q fever are discussed, especially isolation and propagation of Coxiella burnetii in BGM cell cultures, detection of antigen by an enzyme immunoassay using a biotinylated monoclonal antibody and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The latter is of special importance for differentiation of isolates.  相似文献   

分析了蒸汽品质对饲料制粒的影响,针对现有蒸汽供热存在的问题,研制了可提高蒸汽品质的蒸汽干燥电加热器,介绍了该设备的主要特点。  相似文献   

犬的疫苗与接种问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
免疫接种是指应用疫苗、菌苗、类毒苗、免疫血清等生物制剂,激发动物机体产生特异性抵抗力,使易感动物转化为非易感动物。临床上根据接种时间不同,分为预防性接种和紧急性接种。在经常发生传染病的地区或受传染威胁的地区,平时有计划地给健康动物免疫接种,或在动物输入输出时的计划外免疫接种,称为预防性接种。在发生传染病时,为了迅速控制和扑灭疾病的流行,对疫区和受威胁区尚未发病的动物进行应急性免疫接种,称为紧急性接种。紧急接种的目的是建立免疫带,包围疫区,就地扑灭疫情。当前接种狂犬病疫苗是养犬法规规定的内容,既对犬只有益,也有利于人类健康。目前,国内大城市中的狂犬病发病率低,主要与给犬接种狂犬病疫苗有很大关系。下面结合工作实际,就犬疫苗接种的若干问题进行阐述:  相似文献   

The recent crises in the meat industry due to meat-associated risks such as salmonella, nitrofen and dioxin prove that the traditional ante- and post mortem inspection of slaughter animals and carcasses is not any longer able to recognise and prevent the risks of today. Therefore, the EU Commission has issued Reg. (EC) 853/2004 and Reg. (EC) 854/2004 that regulate the transition of the traditional meat inspection, which demands inspecting each individual carcass in the same way, to a risk-based meat inspection, which is using relevant pieces of information about the previous production stages for making risk-based decisions on the intensity of the inspection of slaughter pig batches. The new EU legislation is not any longer prescribing exactly the inspection procedure, but defines the food safety goals. The consequence is that there are still various ideas and opinions on how to implement a reasonable risk-based meat inspection, and, in particular, on how to design the "relevant food chain information". The present paper is describing the legal framework and the objectives of the risk-based meat inspection, and proposals for designing the food chain information for the implementation of the risk-based ante- and post-mortem meat inspection are made and discussed.  相似文献   

张袁松 《蚕学通讯》2011,31(1):42-44
<丝纺织工艺学>是纺织工程专业学生的专业必修课.本文结合教学实践,从教学内容、教学方法和教学手段等方面进行了教学改革的探讨与实践.理论教学注重教学内容的凝练,实习教学注重培养动手能力和自主思考能力,在教学过程中灵活运用多媒体教学、互动教学等多种手段,努力提高教学质量.  相似文献   

蚕业是我国传统农副产业 ,对社会经济的发展起到了巨大的推动作用。要增强蚕业在国际、国内市场的竞争力 ,必须以优质、高产、高效、省力、低耗为目标 ,提高综合效益和劳动生产率。省力化养蚕技术正以其劳动强度小 ,生产成本低、比较效益高等优势 ,逐渐在我市主要蚕桑产区推广。笔者就目前如皋市的推广现状和发展提出今后省力化养蚕技术推广的几点设想和建议。1 省力化养蚕技术推广的现状从蚕种自动化催青技术、小蚕平面一日两回育、5龄蚕斜面条桑育到方格簇室外上簇营茧等一系列省力化养蚕技术 ,经过多年的摸索与实践 ,在我市已形成一套完…  相似文献   

Veterinarians play a pivotal role in public health control, in particular in the management of risks deriving from pharmacological treatments of food-producing animals. Veterinary medicinal products can represent a risk for animal health and welfare (side effects, decreased efficacy), for farmers and practitioners administering the drug, for consumers of food of animal origin (presence of residues, occurrence of antibiotic resistance) and for the environment. According to pending European guidelines, risk management starts from marketing authorisation that must be based on risk evaluation and can be denied when the risk/benefit ratio is not favourable considering the advantages for animal health and welfare and for safety of consumers. Veterinarians can prevent and control risks by using correct pharmacological criteria to choose and administer medicinal products and undertaking risk-based inspection of residues of drugs in food of animal origin. Moreover, a major tool for veterinarians to prevent and control drug-borne risk is “pharmacovigilance”. Risks for the environment are usually assessed during the pre-marketing approval process, however veterinarians, as risk managers, should educate farmers about correct drug handling and disposal, and periodically verify that suggested measures are applied.  相似文献   

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