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运用无创伤性检查技术对35匹健康凉州驴和45匹病驴舌色进行了测定,以探讨舌色与血液粘度和血液微循环之间的关系。结果:与正常舌色(淡红色)相比,红绛舌时,血液粘度增高(P<0.01),微循环半更新时间(MRT)、微循环平均滞留时间(MST)延长(P<0.05,P<0.01),而在其他病理舌色时差异不显著(P>0.05)。与淡白舌相比,血液粘度在红绛舌、红舌时增高(P<0.01);MRT、MST在红绛舌时延长(P<0.01)。在其他病理舌色之间,血液粘度、MRT、MST差异均不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

舌体色泽,是观察舌质的主要内容。由它可测畜体气血阴阳的盛衰和津气的存亡,辨明疾病的表里、寒热、虚实及病变所在的脏腑,并可知病情的轻重、进退和转归,为全面分析舌象提供依据。因此,临床诊察时首应重视舌体色泽。舌体色泽的变化,可分为舌色和舌泽两部分。  相似文献   

1983年,笔者初步探讨家畜破伤风五轻、四重、三死、两危的规律和分型施治的方法,改变了以往不分轻、重、危、死症,一律使用大剂量破抗的作法节省了药费。三十年来共收大家畜破伤风101例,其中马46例、骡28例、驴24例、牛2例,治愈75例,治愈率为74.2%;轻症28例、重症38例,全部治愈;危症18例,治愈9例,治愈率为50%;死症17例,全部死亡。 (一)五轻、四重、两危、三死五轻:①能食水草者轻;②口内无涎者轻;③伤在后躯者轻;④无惊恐症状者轻;⑤夏季发病者较轻。  相似文献   

猪的舌部是临床诊断和中兽医检查的重要内容,本文按中西医结合的观点,从猪舌的结构、舌与疫病关系、舌苔、舌色等方面加以分析,讨论如何从猪舌的各种变化去诊断猪的疾病。  相似文献   

舌体颜色是家畜气血阴阳的外部表现,也是动物代谢活动及血液循环等生理和病理状况在舌体上的综合反映。在家畜疾病过程中出现的异常舌色称为病色,常见的有青、黄、赤、白、黑五种(黑色通常叫紫色)。笔者对不同舌色代表的相关情况进行分析,供参考。  相似文献   

瘤胃臌气是反刍家畜在兽医临床上一种常见病多发病,其中泡沫性瘤胃臌气在临床上较为常见。以前多采用瘤胃穿刺放气、内服止酵药剂等方法来治疗。对轻症病例有时能获效,对重症的病例,因较小气泡混于胃内容物之间,瘤胃穿刺放气根本解决不了,内服止酵药剂也往往是徒劳无功,从而造成不少病畜死亡,造成了巨大的经济损失。为探索好的治疗方法,多年来笔者对27例病畜采用瘤胃简易手术切开法,许多重危病畜得到有效救治。现介绍如下,以供同行临症参考。  相似文献   

木舌症为放线菌引起又称舌肿,兽医古籍中有木舌黄肿症、木舌塞口症之称。它包括现代兽医学之舌炎,舌部放线菌肿等病。根据临床实践体会,本病应分阴阳两型。(1)因寒湿之邪阳气,气血瘀滞于舌,而致舌肿冰冷似铁者,为阴型,如舌体肿硬、冰冷似铁、槽口肿胀、舌色紫暗、结膜淡白。(2)若由疫毒内侵或心经积热上冲于舌,导致舌肿发热者为阳型。如舌体肿大、坚硬如木、舌质降红、槽口肿大、脉洪数。现将我治疗我的2例病例报告如下。  相似文献   

通过确诊的25例犬肠炎型细小病毒病,采用加味白头翁汤、犬细小病毒血清、犬细小病毒单抗和对症治疗等措施,结果表明:25例患病犬有21例痊愈,治愈率达79.4%;轻症病例的治愈率达100%,中症病例的治愈率达71.4%,重症病例的治愈率达66.7%。  相似文献   

<正> 1972年至1981年10月间,作者在贵阳市牛羊屠宰场,贵阳市肉类联合加工厂及遵义市牛羊屠宰场中零星发现21头患全身性脂肪坏死症的屠宰羊(山羊15星,绵羊6头)。粗略统计本病在屠宰羊中检出率可占0.1~0.5%。患本病的屠宰羊轻症者局部剔割出场,重症者局部剔割后高温出场或全羊报废。给经济要带来一定损失。本文仅就该病的病理形态学变化作  相似文献   

肠阻塞骡不同舌色的载体血液黏度和微循环功能的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究采用无创伤性方法测定了45匹健康骡和130例肠阻塞病骡不同病理舌色的载体血液黏度和微循环的功能指标,结果表明:暗红、青紫、赤红和红这4种病理舌色的载体血液黏度均高于正常组(P<0.01),正常组和淡红舌组之间差异不显著(P>0.05),而且随着舌色由淡红→红→赤红→暗红→青紫的发展,血液黏度也逐步升高,MRT、MST也逐步升高,MHR则正好相反。这一结果说明血液流变学性的变化和微循环功能的改变对舌色的形成机理具有意义。  相似文献   

The ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) is a Felidae of wide geographical distribution and food flexibility; therefore, it is essential to understand the morphology of the species. Thus, we aimed to describe its lingual morphology in order to gain information regarding the anatomy of this carnivore's digestive system. The tongues ??were removed for ex situ macroscopic and morphometric analyses, as well as for light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, of fragments of the different lingual regions. The tongue of L. pardalis had an elongated form that was subdivided into the apex, body and root, in which four papillary types were observed: filiform, fungiform, circumvallate and conical. It presented with a stratified, keratinized squamous epithelium, followed by loose and dense connective tissues, as well as a skeletal striated musculature that comprised most of the organ. In addition, in scanning electron microscopy the filiform papillae showed a complex with multiple layers of keratin with triangular shape projected caudally in oral cavity. The fungiform papillae were distributed among the filiform and showed a rounded shape with some gustatory pores, and are keratinized but in a lower intensity if compared with filiform. The vallate papillae, located in lingual root, showed an oval format, had a deep groove surrounded the papillae and some gustatory pores. The conical papillae are located in lingual root and are similar to the filiform. The tongue of L. pardalis resembles other carnivorous species, mainly among felids. However, it differed in relation to the quantity of vallate papillae and the absence of foliate papillae.  相似文献   

Rhabdomyosarcoma of the tongue in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A lingual rhabdomyosarcoma was diagnosed in a six-year-old Staffordshire bull terrier with clinical signs of dysphagia. The unsuccessful response to initial chemotherapy, to surgical resection and subsequent surgical resection and radiation therapy is documented. The accurate diagnosis and prognosis of such tumours is also discussed. Lingual rhabdomarcoma has not previously been reported in the dog.  相似文献   

In this case report, an atypical clinical presentation of leishmaniosis in a dog with multiple nodular lesions of the tongue is described. Haematological and biochemical analysis, serological test for Leishmania infantum antibodies and biopsy samples from several nodules of the tongue for histopathological examination were made. The final diagnosis of leishmaniosis was based upon the observation of amastigotes in the bioptic samples. It is recommended to consider leishmaniosis among the list of differentials of mucosal nodular lesions, at least in endemic areas.  相似文献   

Hamartoma is defined as a benign tumor-like nodule composed of an overgrowth of mature cells and tissues that normally occur in the affected part but with disorganization. Vascular hamartomas are defined as disorganized and excessive proliferations of vascular tissue. Most vascular hamartomas are present at birth or during early infancy and are considered developmental lesions rather than true neoplasms. Vascular hamartomas are rarely described in horses, and reports have been limited to the dorsal carpal region, the ovary, and the face. In this report, we describe a vascular hamartoma arising from the tongue of a 2-year-old Quarter Horse.  相似文献   

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