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Use of birth fluids and cervical stimulation in lamb fostering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jackets soaked in birth fluids (BF) and cervical stimulation (CS) were used in a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to determine their usefulness in fostering lambs. Subjects were 39, 3-d-old to 14-d-old lambs to be adopted by 39, 2-d to 7-d postpartum ewes rearing their own single lambs. Birth fluids were collected by drying newborn lambs with cloth jackets. Jackets were frozen for storage and were later thawed and placed on experimental alien lambs. Cervical stimulation was applied by attempting to insert a hand into the cervix of the ewe for 5 min immediately before presentation of an alien lamb. Maternal behavior tests, in both the absence and presence of the ewe's own lamb, were conducted twice daily in a small pen for 2.5 d. On d 3 and 4, lambs were tested in a large pen with three to four other ewes and their lambs. Aggression toward the alien lamb was greater during the first exposure in all treatments. Avoidance and nosing behaviors toward aliens were significantly less, and alien lambs were able to suckle more, when the ewe's own lamb was also present. Lambs receiving BF suckled more and were accepted more often. Cervical stimulation, in the absence of BF, improved acceptance compared with controls. The proportion of ewes accepting alien lambs were 100, 80, 60 and 10% for BF, BF-CS, CS and control treatments, respectively. Alien lambs that were accepted had similar growth rates to weaning as the ewe's own lamb. We conclude that fostering is facilitated by use of jackets soaked in BF and by CS.  相似文献   

Milk production and lamb growth were characterized in 118 multiparous, 3- to 7-yr-old Rambouillet, Columbia, Polypay, and Suffolk ewes under spring sage range and high mountain meadow grazing from 28 to 98 d postpartum. Daily milk yield as measured by the lamb suckling weight differential technique did not differ (P greater than .05) among breeds, although milk production of Suffolk ewes tended to be higher than that of the other three breeds. Within the Rambouillet, Columbia, and Polypay breeds, total estimated yield of ewes with twins was 13 to 17% higher than that of ewes with singles, whereas in the Suffolk breed, suckling twins increased total milk yield 61% over that of ewes with singles. Twin lambs induced a larger differential in dam milk production in late lactation (70 to 98 d) than in earlier lactation (28 to 70 d). Number of lambs did not influence milk protein, Ca, or P content (P greater than .05). Fat levels in colostrum and 4-d milk were elevated 14 and 20%, respectively, in ewes suckling twins compared with ewes suckling singles. Under range conditions, Suffolk ewes suckling single or twin lambs lost more BW (12 and 21% of 4-d postpartum body weight, respectively) than Rambouillet (4 and 7%), Columbia (5 and 8%), or Polypay (8 and 8%) ewes. Correlation coefficients of milk production and lamb growth rate were positive and significant (P less than .05) up to 56 d of age. Growth rate was less closely associated with milk production for twin than for single lambs.  相似文献   

Lamb-specific odor is used by ewes to discriminate between their own and alien offspring. Recent studies have demonstrated that fostering can be facilitated by transferring own-lamb odor to alien lambs via cloth stockinettes. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of the odor-transfer technique in enticing ewes with a single lamb to adopt an additional lamb ("add-on" procedure). Shortly after birth, nylon stockinettes were placed on the single offspring of 49 ewes and 49 additional alien lambs designated for fostering. Approximately 20 h following parturition, stockinettes were removed from 41 natural lambs and placed on alien lambs (experimental treatment). In the control treatment (eight ewes) own and alien lambs retained their own stockinettes. Four acceptance tests were conducted, 24 h apart, starting at the onset of fostering. Successful adoptions were attained for 21 of 31 experimental ewes (68%) exposed to add-on lambs similar in facial coloration to their own lambs. Only 2 of 10 experimental ewes (20%) with whiteface natural lambs adopted blackface add-on lambs. One of eight control ewes (12.5%) adopted an add-on lamb. Of the 24 ewes that adopted alien lambs 10 (41.7%) demonstrated immediate acceptance and 20 (83.3%) had adopted lambs by the second test day. A higher proportion of primiparous than multiparous ewes adopted alien lambs. The presence of own-lamb odor on stockinettes worn by add-on lambs appears to facilitate fostering. However, the presence of own-lamb odor may not be a significant-enough cue to override obvious differences in facial coloration between own and add-on lambs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Six nonpregnant ewes were induced to lactate by an exogenous hormone treatment lasting 6 weeks. At the end of the treatment one alien lamb was adopted by each ewe. Each ewe was initially indifferent to the alien lamb and required only mild restraint to allow the lambs to suck successfully. Maternal interest subsequently increased and strong ewe-lamb bonding was evident by 80 minutes (n=l), 10 hours (n=4) or 24 hours (n=l) in different cases. The lambs required supplementary milk for 4–6 days while milk production by the ewes increased to adequate levels. Thereafter they were reared entirely by the ewes. Another four nonpregnant ewes were induced to lactate by a similar hormone treatment and were then hand-milked thrice daily for 2-3 weeks. One alien lamb was then introduced to each ewe. All four ewes were aggressive towards the lambs which were removed after 10–30 minutes. The ewes were then injected subcu- taneously with 5 mg of oestradiol-17β and were placed in fostering stocks. After a further 3–5 hours the lambs were re-introduced. Strong ewe-lamb bonding occurred during the subsequent 10 hours in all cases. All 10 lambs were reared successfully by these ewes until at least 3 months of age, when observations stopped. It was concluded firstly that nonpregnant ewes induced to lactate artificially will adopt and rear orphan lambs successfully, provided that additional milk is given to meet shortfalls during the first 4–6 days; and secondly that a 5 mg injection of oestradiol-17β may facilitate fostering of lambs by ewes in established lactation whether the lactation is induced artificially or not.  相似文献   

Thirteen crossbred ewes were used to compare weigh-suckle-weigh (WSW) and machine milking (MM) methods for determining milk production of ewes that were rearing single or twin lambs. At parturition, ewes were 13 mo of age and produced six single lambs and seven pairs of twin lambs. Milk production estimates were initiated on d 6 of lactation and a 3-d rotation of the two techniques was implemented. On d 6, milk production was measured using WSW; on d 7, MM was used. No measurement was made on d 8. The 3-d rotation was repeated 20 times throughout a 63-d lactation, resulting in 20 point estimates of milk production for each method of measurement for each ewe. The WSW procedure consisted of a 3-h period in which lambs were withheld from suckling their dams. This was followed by a suckling period, a second 3-h withholding period, and a second suckling period. Differences in pre- and postsuckling lamb weights of the second suckling period were defined as milk consumption and, indirectly, 3-h milk production. The MM procedure included an administration of 10 IU of oxytocin (i.v.), followed by evacuation of the udder with a machine using commercially available sheep milking equipment, and the milk was discarded. Lambs were withheld from suckling the ewes for a 3-h period, followed by a repetition of the oxytocin and machine milking procedures. Milk from the second milking was weighed. Milk production estimates determined using the WSW and MM techniques were similar (P = .42). Average 3-h milk production was 340 and 351 g for WSW and MM, respectively. Machine milking provides a reliable tool in evaluating the milk-producing ability of ewes that are rearing single or twin lambs.  相似文献   

Six nonpregnant ewes were induced to lactate by an exogenous hormone treatment lasting 6 weeks. At the end of the treatment one alien lamb was adopted by each ewe. Each ewe was initially indifferent to the alien lamb and required only mild restraint to allow the lambs to suck successfully. Maternal interest subsequently increased and strong ewe-lamb bonding was evident by 80 minutes (n=1), 10 hours (n=4) or 24 hours (n=1) in different cases. The lambs required supplementary milk for 4-6 days while milk production by the ewes increased to adequate levels. Thereafter they were reared entirely by the ewes. Another four nonpregnant ewes were induced to lactate by a similar hormone treatment and were then hand-milked thrice daily for 23 weeks. One alien lamb was then removed after 10-30 minutes. The ewes were then injected subcutaneously with 5 mg of oestradiol-17beta and were placed in fostering stocks. After a further 3-5 hours the lambs were re-introduced. Strong ewe-lamb bonding occurred during the subsequent 10 hours in all cases. All 10 lambs were reared successfully by these ewes until at least 3 months of age, when observations stopped. It was concluded firstly that nonpregnant ewes induced to lactate artificially will adopt and rear orphan lambs successfully, provided that additional milk is given to meet shortfalls during the first 4-6 days; and secondly that a 5 mg injection of oestradiol-17beta may facilitate fostering of lambs by ewes in established lactation whether the lactation is induced artificially or not.  相似文献   

Autopsies were performed on lamb carcases from 2 groups of Merino ewes lambing in paddocks in spring 1978 and from 1 group lambing in pens in 1980 in southwest Queensland. These showed that the main causes of death were starvation due to failure of the lamb to obtain milk, problems at parturition causing death during or shortly after birth and, in some cases, predation. The majority of lambs died within 1 week of birth with the highest mortalities occurring in the lighter lambs. In the pen study, mean birth weight of lambs that died was 3.0 (s.d. = +/- 0.5) kg. The mean daily weight loss of lambs that died of starvation in the pens was 0.22 kg and the mean loss to autopsy was 0.35 kg. In the pen study, there were more lamb deaths, deaths from starvation, mismothering and desertion in each of 2 groups fed a below maintenance ration than in an above maintenance group. More lambs died and more lamb deaths were due to starvation in a group with unsound udders than in a sound udder group. The results are similar to those found by workers investigating perinatal lamb mortality in other areas. Their significance is discussed in relation to Merino sheep flocks in southwestern Queensland.  相似文献   

Neonatal lamb mortality is a major factor affecting profitability in the sheep industry, and lamb thermogenesis is a key element in neonatal lamb survival. Increased lamb vigor has been reported when ewes were supplemented during late gestation with algae-derived docosahexaenoic acid (DHA); however, the effects of DHA on lamb thermogenesis and immunocompetence have not been investigated. Eighty twin-bearing Targhee ewes (ages 2 to 5 yr; 68.5 ± 3 kg) were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 supplement treatments to determine the effects of feeding DHA to ewes during late gestation and early lactation on lamb thermogenesis, serum metabolites and hormones, and lamb growth. Supplement treatments were 12 g·ewe(-1)·d(-1) of algae-derived DHA (DHA Gold Advanced Bionutrition Corp., Columbia, MD; algae-derived DHA); and no algae-derived DHA (control). Supplements were individually fed daily during the last 30 d (±7 d) of gestation and pen fed (6 pens/treatment with 6 or 7 ewes/pen) during the first 38 d (±7 d) of lactation. One hour after lambing and before nursing, twin-born lambs were weighed, blood sampled via jugular puncture, and placed in a dry cold chamber for 30 min (0°C), and rectal temperatures were recorded every minute for 30 min. Lambs were removed from the cold chamber, blood sampled, warmed for 15 min, and returned to their dam. Ewes were blood sampled, and colostrum samples were collected 1 h postpartum. Ewe and lamb sera were assayed for glucose, NEFA, cortisol, and leptin. Lamb rectal temperature, glucose, NEFA, cortisol, leptin, and birth weights did not differ between treatments. The BW at 38 d was greater (P = 0.03) for lambs born to control ewes than for lambs born to algae-derived DHA-supplemented ewes; however, the colostrum of algae-derived DHA-supplemented ewes had a greater specific gravity (P = 0.05) than for control ewes. Overall, despite a potentially positive effect on ewe colostral IgG concentrations, supplementation of algae-derived DHA during late gestation and early lactation had a negative effect on lamb BW and did not affect indices of lamb thermogenesis.  相似文献   

Fifty-two Targhee twin-bearing ewes were used in a factorial arrangement of treatments to investigate the role of supplemental vitamin E (vit E); 0 (NE) vs 400 IU of vit E x ewe x (-1)d(-1) (E) and parainfluenza type 3 (PI3) vaccination; none (NP) vs PI3 vaccination (P) in immune function. Parainfluenza type 3 vaccination was used to evoke an immune response. Ewes receiving PI3 were vaccinated at 49 and 21 d before the expected lambing date. Ewes receiving vit E were orally dosed daily, 32 to 0 d before lambing. Blood was collected from ewes at the time of the initial PI3 vaccination and 4 h postpartum. Blood was collected from lambs (n = 104) at 3 d postpartum. Ewe and lamb sera were analyzed for anti-PI3 antibody titers, immunoglobulin G (IgG) titers, and vit E concentrations. Colostrum was collected 4 h postpartum and analyzed for IgG. The model for ewe and lamb analysis included the main effects of vit E and PI3, sex (lambs model only), and their interactions. No interactions were detected (P > 0.20) for any ewe or lamb variables. Serum anti-PI3 titers were greater (P < 0.01) in P ewes and their lambs than NP ewes and their lambs. Serum vit E concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) in E ewes and their lambs than NE ewes and their lambs. Colostral IgG titers and serum anti-PI3 titers did not differ (P > 0.20) between E and NE ewes. Serum IgG titers in E ewes and their lambs did not differ (P > 0.15) from IgG titers in NE ewes and their lambs. Lamb anti-PI3 titers did not differ (P = 0.76) between lambs reared by E and NE ewes. These results indicate that, although supplemental vit E to the ewe increased lamb serum vit E concentration, it had no effect on measures used in this study to assess humoral immunity in the ewe or passive immunity to the lamb.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate individual free water intake (FWI) in lactating ewes, with two suckling lambs. Eighteen ewes were housed in single experimental pens from the time of lambing to two weeks after lambing. The ewes had free access to water from a drinking bowl and water meters were used to record the daily FWI. On average, the FWI for the ewes was 14.42?l/day. The variation between individuals was large (CV 27.6%) and varied between 8.16 and 21.88?l/day. It was also large variation within individuals (CV 19.2%). Hay DM intake were the factor that affected the FWI the most. Due to the large variation between and within ewes, FWI are not a stable individual characteristic. This study is useful for farmers to understand water supply needed for lactating ewes.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the milk producing ability of Western White-Faced sheep and to identify traits that correlate well with milk production. In Exp. 1, 31 Targhee ewes were milked and five samples were taken during 107-d lactations in which the ewes nursed twin lambs. Milk yield and composition, lamb weights, ewe weights, wool growth, and udder size also were measured. In Exp. 2, 24 ewes (Rambouillet x Finn-Dorset) were separated from their lambs at 7 wk and milked twice per day for eight more weeks, during which milk yield and composition, feed consumption, udder width, and ewe weights were measured. Results from Exp. 1 showed that lamb 30-d weights, ewe weights at breeding time, and udder width at peak lactation were highly correlated with suckled milk yield (r = .81, .75 and .66, respectively). Results from Exp. 2 indicated that lamb weights and ewe weights were not useful for predicting milk yield in dairy ewes, but feed intake and udder width were (r = .74 and .86, respectively). Single-day milk yield measurements were excellent estimators of total lactation yield in both experiments. Milk yields averaged 1,714 g/d in the suckled ewes and 477 g/d in the dairy ewes.  相似文献   



Selenium is part of the antioxidant defence system in animals and humans. The available selenium concentration in soil is low in many regions of the world. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of organic versus inorganic selenium supplementation on selenium status of ewes, their lambs, and slaughter lambs.


Ewes on four organic farms were allocated five or six to 18 pens. The ewes were given either 20 mg/kg inorganic selenium as sodium selenite or organic selenium as selenized nonviable yeast supplementation for the two last months of pregnancy. Stipulated selenium concentrations in the rations were below 0.40 mg/kg dry matter. In addition 20 male lambs were given supplements from November until they were slaughtered in March. Silage, hay, concentrates, and individual ewe blood samples were taken before and after the mineral supplementation period, and blood samples were taken from the newborn lambs. Blood samples from ewes and lambs in the same pens were pooled. Muscle samples were taken from slaughter lambs in March. Selenium concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry with a hydride generator system. In the ANOVA model, selenium concentration was the continuous response variable, and selenium source and farm were the nominal effect variables. Two-sample t-test was used to compare selenium concentrations in muscle samples from the slaughtered lambs that received either organic or inorganic selenium supplements.


In all ewe pens the whole blood selenium concentrations increased during the experimental period. In addition, ewe pens that received organic selenium had significantly higher whole blood selenium concentrations (mean 0.28 μg/g) than ewe pens that received inorganic selenium (mean 0.24 μg/g). Most prominent, however, was the difference in their lambs; whole blood mean selenium concentration in lambs from mothers that received organic selenium (mean 0.27 μg/g) was 30% higher than in lambs from mothers that received inorganic selenium (mean 0.21 μg/g). Slaughter lambs that received organic selenium had 50% higher meat selenium concentrations (mean 0.12 mg/kg wet weight) than lambs that received inorganic selenium (mean 0.08 mg/kg wet weight).


Organic selenium supplementation gave higher selenium concentration in ewe and newborn lamb blood and slaughter lamb meat than inorganic selenium supplementation.  相似文献   

Three-hour milk production measurements determined by machine milking at 3-d intervals throughout a 63-d lactation period were used to describe lactation curves for crossbred ewes lambing at 1 and 2 yr of age and rearing single and twin lambs. Age of ewe, type of rearing, and day of lactation affected (P < 0.05) milk production. Over the 63-d lactation, average daily milk production was 2.56 and 2.63 kg, respectively, for 1- and 2-yr-old ewes rearing single lambs and 2.73 and 3.47 kg, respectively, for 1- and 2-yr-old ewes rearing twins. Milk production of 2-yr-old ewes rearing twin lambs peaked at 21 d of lactation, and that of 1- and 2-yr-old ewes rearing singles peaked between 27 and 30 d of lactation. The largest differences in the lactation curves among age and rearing ewe classes were found in early lactation. These differences were reduced by midlactation, and by late lactation, milk production for all ewes was similar. Diurnal variation in milk production by ewes was evaluated in an 8 x 8 Latin square design. Diurnal variation in milk yield measurements of eight mature ewes, each bearing and rearing twin lambs, was similar between d 21 and 24 of lactation. Time of milk production measurements within a day did not affect yield determinations. Extrapolation from 3-h production estimates to daily milk production is valid in determining a ewe's milk contribution in support of lamb growth.  相似文献   

不同营养水平对滩×寒杂种母羊繁殖性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究妊娠后期(97~150 d)、泌乳期(30 d)、催情期(断奶至第2个情期)0.8×NRC(Ⅰ)、0.9×NRC(Ⅱ)和1.0×NRC(Ⅲ)代谢能(metabolic energy,ME)与粗蛋白(crude protein,CP)水平对母羊繁殖性能的影响。将30只1~2胎的滩×寒杂种妊娠母羊随机分成3组(统计的母羊数依次为6,5和7只),单栏饲养。结果表明,1)Ⅰ组母羊产后体重(43.50±7.50 kg)低于Ⅱ(47.20±2.12 kg,P>0.05)、Ⅲ组(54.79±6.72 kg,P<0.05),Ⅱ组呈低于Ⅲ的趋势;Ⅲ组母羊自身日增重(137.4±59.8 g)极显著高于Ⅰ、Ⅱ组(-57.7±39.9,34.2±56.2,P<0.01),Ⅱ也显著高于Ⅰ组(P<0.05)。各组羔羊初生重(3.82±0.76,3.86±0.58和4.10±0.77 kg)相近(P>0.05);Ⅲ组的羔羊初生窝重(7.69±2.24 kg)高于(P=0.086)Ⅰ、Ⅱ组(5.73±1.34,5.40±1.65 kg),与其多羔率高有关。2)在泌乳期,母羊泌乳量(27.08±4.52,40.34±11.90,55.48±14.29 kg)、羔羊断奶窝重(13.49±3.82,14.62±3.64,19.32±4.45 kg)、窝增重(7.17±2.71,9.22±2.17,12.28±3.15 kg)、羔羊断奶均重(7.71±2.26,10.45±1.72,11.19±2.51 kg)和增重(4.10±1.60,6.59±1.38,7.08±2.09 kg)均随母羊营养水平而提高(P<0.05或P>0.05)。Ⅰ组母羊泌乳期增重,Ⅱ、Ⅲ组均减重(相应为+0.94±2.05,-0.35±2.74和-1.86±3.89 kg),但组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。3)3组母羊授乳末体重分别为(46.31±7.61),(46.85±2.58)和(52.93±4.20) kg (P=0.067),断奶后第1次发情分别是在(18.60±12.86),(13.25±6.70)和(10.71±4.07) d,第2情期结束时的空怀率为16.67%,20.00%和14.29%。母羊2次产羔间隔相应为201.8,183.5和187.7 d。  相似文献   


To determine the influence of lamb presence on the dairy ewes circadian system we monitored simultaneously 16 different parameters (insulin, glucose, total protein, urea, cholesterol, triglycerides, total bilirubine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, rectal temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate). Sixteen clinically healthy Sarda breed dairy ewes, divided into two groups, group A with their lambs and group B without their lambs, were used. Data collection was done at 3 hourly intervals over a 24-h period. Our results indicate that lamb presence influences ewes metabolism, inducing modifications of the acrophase and robustness of the rhythm of some physiological variables. Most variables lost the rhythmicity that they show in not pregnant and not lactating ewes. Lamb presence also influenced urea circadian rhythm: the time of urea peak was shifted from 16:00 to 12:24±00:35 when ewes were housed with lambs, and on triglycerides circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

Multiparous Suffolk and Suffolk-cross ewes were randomly allotted to treatments within breed and year to measure effects of ram exposure, during transition from anestrus to breeding activity, on reproductive performance. Treatments were: 1) ewes joined with two mature vasectomized Rambouillet rams for 15 d before breeding (DC), 2) ewes maintained across a net wire fence from two vasectomized rams for 15 d before breeding (FC) and 3) ewes maintained approximately 400 m away from rams (NC). At the end of the 15 d, all ewes were placed in one pasture and mated to three fertile Suffolk rams during a 34-d breeding season. A total of 96 Suffolk and 177 Suffolk-cross ewes was utilized during the 3-yr experiment. A greater (P less than .05) prebreeding ovulation percentage was observed in DC and FC than in NC ewes. Mating and lambing occurred approximately 6 d earlier for DC or FC ewes than for NC ewes. A similarly designed experiment was conducted using Suffolk and Suffolk-cross ewe lambs allotted to treatments within breed and year to measure effects of ram exposure during the natural breeding season, but prior to breeding. Treatment differences were not detected (P greater than .05) for date of first observed estrus, date of lambing, percentage of ewes lambing in the first 17 d of the lambing season, number of lambs born per ewe lamb exposed or number of lambs born per ewe lamb giving birth.  相似文献   

The 4 yr productivity of 25% (QF; n = 533) and 50% (HF; n = 531) Finnsheep ewes exposed to either Suffolk or Columbia rams in one of three production systems was monitored to test the effects of system, terminal sire breed, maternal line, and their interactions on annual market lamb production. Ewe lambs and yearlings were randomly assigned to either a high-input accelerated lambing system (HIGH), a high-input annual system (MED), or a low-input annual system (LOW). Nursery facilities were available for weak lambs or those born in triplet or more births for the HIGH and MED but not for the LOW systems. Accelerated lambing protocol required early weaning. Sex-adjusted lamb weaning weights were corrected to within-system mean ages of 42 d for HIGH and 70 d for MED and LOW. The HIGH ewes weaned 1.55 lambs per year compared with 1.46 for MED and 1.18 for LOW (P less than .01). However, because of early weaning, HIGH yielded the lowest weight of weaned lamb per year. The MED ewes weaned 5.9 and 11.1 more kilograms of lamb per year than the LOW and HIGH ewes, respectively (P less than .01). The HIGH system may be economically feasible if young lambs could be inexpensively grown to feeder or market lamb weight. The HIGH ewes did not, however, increase lamb numbers in proportion to increased exposures compared with the annual systems. Breed-group effects for ewe productivity (kilogram of lamb weaned per ewe per year) were consistent across management systems, although some interactions among breed group and system were present for components of productivity. Suffolk rams yielded an advantage of 1.6 kg of weaned lamb per exposure over Columbia rams (P less than .05) due to a 3% better lamb survival (P less than .01) and heavier weaning weight, especially in the LOW system. The HF ewes weaned .1 more lambs per exposure than QF ewes (P less than .01); .06 of the lambs were nursery-reared. However, lambs from HF ewes had a 2% lower survival rate (P less than .05) and were 1.4 kg lighter at weaning (P less than .01), so overall productivity among HF and QF ewes was similar.  相似文献   

In rain-fed cereal-producing areas of Morocco, stubble and straw from barley and wheat and forage grazed from fallow lands are important feeds for sheep. Supplementation to maintain BW of ewes pregnant while grazing stubble, methods to improve utilization of straw, annual forage legumes to complement grazing of fallow land, and by-product feeds in diets for weaned lambs have been tested in collaborative research trials. Pregnant ewes grazing cereal stubble for 10 to 12 wk at a modest stocking rate and unsupplemented, or at a heavier stocking rate and supplemented after 5 wk, gained about 3 kg; most of the gain occurred in wk 1 to 4 due to intake of residual scattered grain. Following the stubble-grazing period (coincident with late gestation), straw plus an energy supplement alone resulted in low lamb birth weight and survivability. Urea treatment increased N content of straw and holds potential. After the onset of winter rains, self-reseeding annual legume (Medicago spp.) pastures allowed lactating Timahdit ewes to gain 4 kg during 90 d postpartum. Their suckling lambs gained 260 g/d, thus doubling the weight of lamb weaned per ewe compared with those grazing unimproved fallow. Confined growing lambs fed diets with 40% sugarbeet pulp or 20% carob meal gained more than 200 g/d, reducing the time needed to reach market weight. These results demonstrate that marked improvements in performance and efficiency of sheep in Mediterranean rain-fed cereal/livestock systems are possible using locally available resources.  相似文献   

Six hundred sixteen ewes of six strains were inoculated twice with ovalbumin in Freunds' incomplete adjuvant. To quantify the humoral immune response to the foreign antigen, blood samples were collected from all ewes 1 wk post-second injection. Blood samples were also collected between 4 and 40 h of age from their 709 lambs, to examine genetic differences in ability of lambs to acquire maternal anti-ovalbumin antibodies. Titers of anti-ovalbumin antibodies were determined using kinetic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) techniques. Strain did not affect ewe immune response, but sire within strain was highly significant. In pregnant ewes, anti-ovalbumin antibody titers in 12- and 30-mo-old ewes were higher than those in 21-mo-old ewes. Number of lambs in utero did not significantly affect ewe immune response. Heritabilities of anti-ovalbumin titer from a paternal half-sib analysis were .27 +/- .17 for all ewes and .57 +/- .25 for only the pregnant ewes. The effect of strain of lamb on lamb anti-ovalbumin titer approached significance, and sire within strain was highly significant. Lamb anti-ovalbumin antibody concentration increased as time from birth to blood sampling increased to 18 h but declined thereafter. The size of the litter in which a lamb was born had a highly significant effect on the lamb's acquired immunity, with titer decreasing as litter size increased. The heritability estimate for lamb anti-ovalbumin antibody concentration from a paternal half-sib analysis was .38 +/- .11; it was .28 +/- .15 from the sire variance component of a full-sib analysis. When lamb titer was considered a maternal trait (lambs nested within their maternal grandsires within strains), the maternal grandsire variance component was negative. The average anti-ovalbumin antibody concentration of lambs that died between blood sample collection and 120 d of age was less than the average antibody concentration of lambs that survived (P less than .01).  相似文献   

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