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Zusammenfassung Über die Lebensweise des Birnprachtkäfers besteht vor allem dank der Arbeiten von Glasgow und Garman in den Hauptezügen Klarheit. Einige Punkte, wie die Dauer der Eiablage und der Embryonalentwicklung, die Anzahl der Larvenstadien, Beginn und Dauer des Fluges unter unseren Verhältnissen bedürfen noch eingehender Untersuchungen, die von mir bereits in Angriff genommen sind.Die Bekämpfung muß sich entsprechend der Lebensweise des Schädlings gegen die Käfer und die Eier, bzw. die Junglarven vor dem Einbohren richten. Hier liegen amerikanische Erfahrungen vor, die für uns unter Benutzung neuartiger Insektizide auszuwerten sind. Auch dazu sind umfangreiche neue Untersuchungen erforderlich.Vorläufige Mitteilung über den Stand der Kenntnisse.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die GetreidehähnchenOulema melanopus (L.) undO. lichenis (Voet) traten im Jahre 1986 in Mittelhessen nur in relativ geringer Anzahl auf.Der EiparasitAnaphes flavipes (Förster) parasitierte 8 bis 19% derOulema-Eier an Getreide, 12% an Quecke und 0% anBromus sp. Larvenparasiten (wahrscheinlich 3 Arten) parasitiertenO. lichenis zu 60%. A. flavipes konnte im Labor in Eiern von beidenOulema-Arten bis zur 5. Generation gezüchtet werden.EinAnaphes-Weibchen hatte maximal 22 Nachkommen, im Durchschnitt 8,6. Aus einemOulema-Ei schlüpften durchschnittlich 2,8 Parasiten bei einer Entwicklungsdauer von 10–13 Tagen (bei Temperaturen zwischen 22 und 25°C).Für eine Massenzucht vonA. flavipes wäre am besten, 20 bis 30Oulema-Eier mit 3 bis 4 Parasiten zusammenzubringen (: =2–31). Unbefruchtete Weibchen haben nur männliche Nachkommen.Die Möglichkeiten des praktischen Einsatzes vonA. flavipes werden diskutiert.
Occurrence and parasitisation of the cereal leaf beetles (Oulema spp.) in central Hesse in 1986, and experiments for rearing of the egg parasiteAnaphes flavipes (Foerster)
The cereal leaf beetles (Oulema spp.) were rare in Hesse in 1986. The mymarid waspAnaphes flavipes parasitised 8 to 19 per cent ofOulema-eggs on cereals, 12 per cent on couch grass and zero onBromus spp. Larval parasites (presumably 3 species) parasitised 60% ofO. lichenis cocoons. A. flavipes was reared in the laboratory in eggs of bothOulema spp. up to the fifth generation. One female produced a progeny of 22 at maximum, at the average 8.6.From oneOulema-egg 2.8 parasites emerged at the average, 10 to 13 days after oviposition by the parasites, at temperatures between 22 and 25°C.The optimal number of parasites should be achieved with 20 to 30Oulema-eggs exposed to 3 to 4 parasites (including 1 male). Unmated females have male progeny only.The possibilities of usingA. flavipes for biological control of cereal leaf beetles in the field are discussed.

Mit 3 Tabellen

Nordwest-Universität für Landwirtschaft, Wugong, Shaanxi, VR China. Die Arbeiten wurden während eines Gastaufenthalts in Gießen durchgeführt.

Kontaktadresse: Dr.Th. Basedow, Institut für Phytopathologie und Angewandte Zoologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Ludwigstr. 23, D-6300 Gießen  相似文献   

During an outbreak ofN. sertifer in Brentonico (on Monte Baldo, Trentino, North Italy), in altitudes of 1,400–1,600 m, surveys were made in 1996 and 1997 on the voltinism of these short-day-Diprionide, wherely over 2,000 cocoons were reared (fig. 1; tab. 1–4). Therefore L4–5 larvae ofN. sertifer from different altitudes were transferred to Denno (430 m) and to Brixen (550 m) and were reared there under outdoor conditions. These surveys were completed with further observations of populations from South Tyrol, of St. Ulrich Val Gardena (1,200 m) and italian provenances from Riolo Terme (150 m) in Brixen (fig. 2). These comparative studies revealed a correlative connection between the time of cocoonspinning and adult emergence. They showed the following principle: the later the cocoonspinning, the earlier the adult emergence. Early spinners (e. g., May/June) emerge only late in October, while late spinners (e. g., early August) emerge as soon at the end of August. In the case of late cocoon spinning the obligatory summer cocoon diapause is so reducted, eventually—at the start of the short-day phase (with only 15 hours brightness), in early August—leading to a subitan development. These different cocoon spinning periods cause varying flywaves, W1–W4, ofN. sertifer, similarly to other Diprionidae; this seems evident also by pheromon-trap catches (fig. 2: 3). The possible variable combinations of these fly-waves are discussed. It is shown that voltinism and diapause behaviour ofN. sertifer are essentially conditioned by the photoperiod and correlated climatic factors. The determined low diapause rate, of just 1–2%, is connected with the southern and warmer location of the outbreak area of Brentonico (45° 45’ N). The exceptional longevity of adults, which can amount to several weeks, also plays an important role.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchungen wurden mit Unterstütgung der Dentschen Forschungsgemeinschaft durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Thrips tabaci Lind. is very difficult to control and thus one of the most important pests of leek in Europe. As an alternative to insecticides biological control may be carried out by making use of beneficial insects, the Coccinellidae being one of the most important predatory families. In the present study laboratory trials were carried out withHippodamia convergens Guer.-Men., one of the polyphagous representatives of the lady birds, to figure out the feeding activity, development and prey preference ofH. convergens against the onion thrips in comparison with two aphid species. H. convergens developed fully when fed exclusivelyT. tabaci larvae, although mortality was considerably higher and development took much longer. When fed thrips the complete development lasted 29,8 days on an average, the mortality reaching 88%. When offeredAcyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)H. convergens took only 24 days for development with a mortality of only 16%. Above all, the fourth larval instar and the pupa suffered from a very high mortality, reaching 45 and 50% respectively. WithA. pisum as a prey mortality decreased to only 6%. The duration of the pupal development was not affected by the prey species. The feeding activity ofH. convergens increased significantly during the development. The larvae of the second and fourth instar predated 28 and 170 thrips larvae respectively per day as a maximum. The adults achieved the highest feeding activity, predating more than 300 thrips larvae in 24 hours. When adding up the number of prey individuals per day for each developmental instar, the L2 larvae predated more than 90 and the L4 larvae more than 1000 thrips larvae. When offered thrips larvae andMyzus persicae (Sulz.) simultaneously, there was an increasing prey preference during the development ofH. convergens from first larval instar to adult. As to the last instars there was 20–25% less predation of thrips larvae compared to the aphids during 24 hours.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDie Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ermöglichte durch Bereitstellung von Mitteln die Durchführung der vorliegenden Untersuchungen, wofür auch an dieser Stelle bestens gedankt sei.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Massenvermehrung vonIps (O.) erosus in West- und Süd-Anatolien bot Gelegenheit zu prüfen, ob die fürIps typographus erhältlichen Pheromon-Dispenser auch zur Überwachung vonIps (O.) erosus geeignet sind. Dies hat sich bestätigt, wobei Trichterfallen effektiver als Fensterfallen waren.
Using the aggregation-pheromone dispenser Ipslure againstIps (Orthotomicus) erosus (Woll.)
A number of 34 traps containing Ipslure dispensers were brought out in 6 different districts of zmir National Forest (Turkey), againstIps (O.) erosus which is very harmful in Calabrion Pine (Pinus brutia Tenn.) forests in the Mediterranen, Aegeen and Marmara regions in Turkey.As a result of the controls made between July 27th and August 18th 1984, the total of 2,294,881Ips (O.) erosus was caught in all the 34 traps. The ratio of male and female of the beetles amounted to 12 (n=301).The average number ofIps (O.) erosus caught in the 5 traps (types of 1 A, 1 B and 3 C, containing only Ipsdienol) was 19,384. Hylurgus Micklitzi andH. ligniperda (total of 1,143) andIps sexdentatus (total of 813) dominated among the other species found in the traps.

Mit einer Tabelle  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte Aspekte der Habitatselektion beim AmeisenbuntkäferThanasimus formicarius L. (Col., Cleridae).Der Ameisenbuntkäfer zieht vertikale Baumstammsilhouetten horizontalen vor. Optische Habitatmerkmale werden ollaktorischen Merkmalen vorgezogen. Borkenkäferpheromon und volatile Stoffe der Wirtsbäume wirken erst im Zusammenhang mit Baumstammsilhouetten attraktiv.
Studies on the habitatselection of the bark-beetlepredatorthanasimus formicarius L. (Col., Cleridae)
Optical and olfactory cues for habitatselection of the barkbeetle-predatorThanasimus formicarius were compared. In alternative choices,T. formicarius preferred black-coloured trunk-models in vertical position, if single trunk-models of equal size in vertical and horizontal position were offered. When a source ofIps typographus-pheromone and a vertical trunk-model were offered,T. formicarius preferred the trunkmodel. If in the same display a trunk-model was placed beside the pheromone-source, it showed a vice versa effect. The combination of both is more attractive toT. formicarius, than a trunkmodel only. The habitatselection appears to be mostly influenced by the optical signal stem.

Mit 4 Abbildungen  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Um den Einfluß verschiedener Insektizide und Fungizide auf Schlupfwespen der GattungTrichogramma zu prüfen, wurde deren Parasitierungsleistung bei Dauerkontakt mit dem betreffenden Mittel untersucht. Mit unbehandelten Apfelzweigen wurden solche verglichen, die mit den Fungiziden Dithane, Orthozid 50 und Ferbam F 40 bzw. den Insektiziden Ryania, Basudin R, Dipterex, Thiodan oder Metasystox gespritzt waren. Das Alter der Rückstände betrug 0, 24 bzw. 72 Stunden.Alle drei genannten Fungizide reduzierten die Parasitierung in den verschiedenen Varianten erheblich.Das spezifisch gegen Tortriziden wirkende Ryania zeigte praktisch keine toxische Wirkung. Die Anzahl der parasitierten Eier lag entweder gleich hoch wie bei den unbehandelten Kontrollen oder in einem Fall sogar erheblich höher.Die übrigen 4 Insektizide töteten die Schlupfwespen in kurzer Zeit ab, so daß in keinem Fall eine Parasitierung erzielt werden konnte.Noch nicht abgeschlossene Lebensdauerversuche bestätigen die erzielten Ergebnisse.Die Möglichkeiten und Probleme einer gemeinsamen Anwendung vonTrichogramma und Schädlingsbekämpfungsmitteln im Obstbau werden diskutiert.
Summary To examine the influence of various insecticides and fungicides upon egg-parasites of the genusTrichogramma, their efficiency of parasitization at permanent contact with the concerning pesticide was checked. With untreated applebranches were compared those ones, which were treated with the fungicides Dithane, Orthozid 50 or Ferbam F 40 and the insecticides Ryania, Basudin R, Dipterex, Thiodan or Metasystox resp.All three fungicides reduced the parasitization in the different variations considerably.Ryania, which shows a specific effect against tortricides, had no toxical influence on,Trichogramma.The other four insecticides killed the parasites within a short time, so that in no case a parasitization could be achieved.Investigations concerning the duration of life confirmed the result of the parasitization investigations.The possibilities and problems of a combined application ofTrichogramma and pesticides in apple orchards are discussed.

Dem Leiter des Instiltutes für Biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung, Herrn ORR. Dr. J. Franz bin ich für wertvolle Hinweise und jederzeitige Hilfe dankbar. — Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Laboratorium wurden mitDahlbominus fuscipennis (Zett.) Versuche durchgeführt, um einige Eigenschaften der Wirtskokons und Wirtslarven zu prüfen, von denen die Annahme bzw. Eignung des Wirtes abhängt. Es zeigte sich, daß für die Wirtsannahme (= gelungene Eiablage) der Kokon des Wirtes eine viel bedeutendere Rolle als die Larve spielt. Besonders die Struktur des Kokongewebes scheint wichtig zu sein.Troz der Anwesenheit der Larven eines sonst nicht angenommenen Wirtes, derGalleria mellonella L., in den Kokons voulGilpinia frutetorum (F.) stachen die Weibchen diese regelmäßig an. Dagegen war die tatsächliche Eiablage der Weibchen wesentlich reduziert, was für das zusäzliche Erkennen des Wirtes mit Hilfe des Legestachels spricht.Was die Wirtseignung betrifft, so wurde nachgewiesen, daß die Entwicklung der Parasitenlarven nur auf dem gelähmten Wirte stattfinden kann. Außerdem gelang es in 3 Fällen,D. fuscipennis bis zur Imago auf den Larven vonG. mellonella zu züchten; diese Wespen waren aber unfruchtbar.Die Arbeit wurde in der Zeit durchgeführt, in welcher der Verfasser das Stipendium der Rockefeller-Grü ndung im Institut für Biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Darmstadt hatte.Die Einrichtungen des Institutes standen ihm dabei zur Verfügung. An dieser Stelle sei deshalb dem Leiter, Herrn Dr. J. Franz gedankt, ferner Herrn Dr. W. Stein für Übezarbeitung des deutschen Textes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Trogoderma angustum scheint seit etlichen Jahren in Berlin fest eingebürgert zu sein. Es wird ein Fall beschrieben, in dem die Art in zwei benachbarten Wohnungen als Plageerreger und Schädling auftrat. Versuche ergaben, daß die Larven recht polyphag sind und mehr oder weniger stark Getreide und Getreideprodukte, Haselnußkerne, süße Mandeln, Schokolade, trockene Fleischwaren, Rohfelle, Säugetierhaare, Vogelfedern und tote Insekten fressen. Der Fraß an Wolltextilien war relativ gering. Die Freßgewohnheiten und die hinterlassenen Fraßspuren werden beschrieben.
Summary Trogoderma angustum seems to be naturalized stable in Berlin since several years. It is described a case, in which this animal was found as a troublesome pest in two adjacent flats. Experiments have shown that the larvae are polyphagous and feed more or less intensively on grains and cereals, hazelnuts, sweet almonds, chocolate, dry meat, raw pelts, hairs, feathers, and dead insects. The feeding on woollen textiles was fairly unimportant. The feeding-habits and left feeding-signs are described.

Summary S. carnaria was successfully reared from natural infected earthworms of a given population. 6% of the worms were parasitized by the fly. The possible role of this fleshfly as important factor influencing the populations of earthworms is discussed.  相似文献   

In June of 1984 lying stems of larch trees were heaveliy attacked by the larch cerambycidT. gabrieli near Brixen/South Tyrol. From 229 larvae 134 adultTetropium and 95 larval parasites (=41%) emerged. The parasite species were:Rhimphoctona lucida Clém. (Hym., Ichneum.) 55 indiv.;Helcon dentator F. (Hym., Bracon.) 1 indiv., andBillaea triangulifera Zett. (Dipt., Tachin.) 39 indiv. These results are compared with those got bySchimitschek (1929) in ?SR and Lower Austria. Furthermore the different colour formes of the population ofTetropium occurred near Brixen are examined.  相似文献   

Results of testing of three formulations of sex pheromone analogue ofCydia strobilella L. (Lep., Tortricidae) are given. The studies were carried out from 1996 to 1997 in the Beskid Śląski Mountains being under effect of industrial emissions and the Beskid Żywiecki Mts. almost free of such effect. Traps were hung in spruce stands at every 100 m in altitude between 700 m and 1200 m above the sea level. During studies 3054 moths ofC. strobilella were trapped including 2458 in the Beskid Śląski Mts. Concentration Cs3−Z8−C12:OH-100 was the best formulation of the pheromone. Trapping results using this formulation (1947 moths) were statistically analized. There were no significant differences between the numbers of moth trapped at different altitude in both areas. However, there were significant differences in case of trapping in the Beskid Śląski Mts. in 1997, but at the 0.06 level. Part of investigations under the problem G P06M00108.  相似文献   


Selectively neutral nuclear microsatellites (SSRs) are available for Fagus sp., and have been used in F. sylvatica, an ecologically and economically most important European Fagus species. We provide a comprehensive technical overview of available Fagus sp. SSRs (185 loci), carry out meta-analysis of loci used in F. sylvatica (62 loci employed in 62 surveys), and validate a set of 16 loci in 45 individuals of this species from the central Balkans (Serbia). Erroneous usage of marker’s names/authors is rather frequent, and loci successfully used in a number of studies are characterized by other authors by high prevalence of null alleles and even multilocus amplification products. Frequent occurrence of null alleles at FS4-46, used in 26 surveys to date, most likely indicates a failure to record multiple alleles at this locus. Twelve loci are reliable/informative in F. sylvatica from the Balkans (5–18 alleles/locus, HE ranging from 0.523 to 0.850), while four loci are characterized by high prevalence of null alleles (sfc0161 and sfc1063) and multilocus amplification products (FS4-46 and Fagsyl_007038). Our findings are important for future population genetics and studies on adaptation of F. sylvatica to its environment, because the latter rely on both selectively neutral and adaptive markers under selection.  相似文献   

In the East Pontic mountains at Giresun (Black Sea shore) three species of the genus Dreyfusia have been established: D. nordmannianae Eckst. and D. prelli Grosm. on Abies nordmanniana Link. and Picea orientalis Link. and Dreyfusia nov. spec. on A. nordmanniana. The latter species, earlier known from Greece and the Balkans, but not yet described is most probably unholocyctic on fir.In the Zigana mountains between Trabzon and Gümüsane a species producing plenty galls on young P. orientalis trees and closely resembling D. merkeri Eichh. has been observed. Further investigations are necessary to evaluate whether or not it lives unholocyclic on spruce.In the West Pontic mountains near Bolu D. nordmannianae was intensively studied in twig infestations on A. bornmülleriana Mattf. The pattern of attack differs greatly from the one experienced in central Europe in that almost exclusively the current year's shoots are attacked whereas the leader and the older twig axis remain free of attack. In Europe all parts of the trees are colonized.Considering the known facts about generation- and morph sequences, morph determination and phenological behaviour of D. nordmannianae the characteristics of their population dynamics in Turkey and the interactions of the curious mode of attack and the extraordinary efficiency of their special predators have been completely evaluated.  相似文献   

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