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不同品种小麦粉的粉质特性对速冻熟制面条品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
为研究不同品种小麦粉与速冻熟制面条质构特性之间的关系,选取30种小麦制粉,用FOSS定氮仪、快速黏度仪、粉质仪和拉伸仪等测定面粉品质指标,制作速冻熟制面条,用质构仪测定质构特性。采用描述性统计、主成分和聚类分析方法对30种小麦面粉和速冻熟制面条的质构关系进行了分析。结果表明:不同品种小麦粉的湿面筋、糊化温度、弱化度、粉质质量指数与硬度呈极显著相关(P0.01);蛋白质、湿面筋、总淀粉含量、最终黏度、回生值、糊化温度、粉质吸水率、粉质曲线稳定时间、面团形成时间、弱化度、粉质质量指数、拉伸曲线面积、拉伸阻力、最大拉伸阻力与剪切力呈极显著相关(P0.01);小麦粉的粉质特性,除衰减值、峰值时间和延伸度外,均与拉伸力呈极显著相关(P0.01)。根据方差贡献率提取出可以反映原变量84.023%信息的5个因子,因子1主要反映面粉的粉质拉伸特性,因子2反映小麦粉糊化特性,因子3反映蛋白质特性,因子4和因子5共同反映小麦粉的淀粉特性。这些性状在小麦粉的评价方面起着重要作用,在加工中要注重对它们的选择。聚类分析将30种小麦粉分为4类,结果表明,不能仅凭小麦粉的指标数据和质构数据来选择制作速冻熟制面条的原料,还需考虑到感官评价的影响。该结论可为小麦粉在速冻熟制面条加工应用方面提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

为探究γ射线辐照处理对小麦粉部分品质指标的影响,采用不同剂量的60Co-γ射线辐照处理后测定了小麦籽粒粗蛋白含量、含水量、小麦粉沉淀数值、降落数值、面筋指标、粉质特性、面团拉伸参数等品质指标的变化情况。结果表明:不同剂量的60Co-γ射线辐照处理,对小麦籽粒粗蛋白、水分含量和小麦粉面筋指标的影响不明显(P0.05);小麦粉的沉淀数值、降落数值随着辐照剂量的升高,呈下降趋势,小麦粉的吸水率、弱化度、粉质指数等粉质参数,受辐照处理影响明显,且具有显著的剂量效应;与对照样品相比,辐照处理对小麦粉面团的拉伸曲线面积、拉伸阻力、延伸度等参数没有影响。该研究结果为推动谷物辐照贮藏技术的商业化应用,提供了必要的技术依据。  相似文献   

适量燕麦β-葡聚糖改善面团流变学特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨燕麦β-葡聚糖在强化面粉中应用的可行性,该文利用粉质仪、拉伸仪和糊化仪分析质量分数为0.5%~5.0%燕麦β-葡聚糖的添加对低筋面粉、中筋面粉、高筋面粉及馒头专用粉的流变学特性的影响。结果表明,随着β-葡聚糖添加量的增加,4种面粉面团的的吸水率、形成时间和稳定时间均增大;0.5%~2.0%添加量增强了4种面粉面团的最大拉伸阻力,0.5%~1.0%添加量能够使低筋面粉的拉伸特性接近馒头专用面粉的拉伸特性;燕麦β-葡聚糖能够使中筋面粉的糊化温度稍有升高,但亦能降低馒头专用粉的糊化温度及4种面粉(2.0%~4.0%添加量的低筋面粉及4.0%添加量的高筋面粉除外)的最高黏度、保持黏度、最终黏度、衰减值和回生值。研究表明适量的燕麦β-葡聚糖能够改善面团的流变学特性,研究结果为燕麦β-葡聚糖在强化面粉中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

不同种类大豆蛋白粉对面包加工特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
为探索大豆蛋白作为营养补充剂在面包中应用时,对面团物理特性和焙烤特性产生的影响,该文考察了不同种类的大豆蛋白制品,包括大豆分离蛋白、灭酶全脂粉、活性全脂粉、活性脱脂粉、灭酶脱脂粉对面团粉质特性、拉伸特性和焙烤特性的影响。结果表明,面粉的吸水率与大豆蛋白粉氮溶解指数显著相关,面团的抗拉阻力受大豆蛋白添加量的影响明显。大豆蛋白粉的加入,对面包比体积产生不利影响,下降趋势与大豆蛋白粉对面团拉伸特性的影响显著相关。大豆蛋白粉有软化面包质地的作用,活性全脂粉表现最为明显。大豆蛋白粉的加入量占面粉质量分数的3%时,对面包口感影响不明显,当加入量超过面粉质量分数的7%时,容易出现发粘和豆腥味等现象。  相似文献   

关硕  刘瑞  于章龙  孙元琳 《核农学报》2022,36(11):2229-2238
为探讨不同制粉方式及不同粒度对黑小麦流变学特性及加工品质的影响,将运黑161黑小麦经直接粉碎法和回添法制得的全麦粉分别过80、100、120目筛,以运黑161黑小麦面粉为对照,分析全麦粉淀粉含量、水合特性、发酵特性以及流变学特性。结果表明,直接粉碎且过80目筛的全麦粉支链淀粉含量最高,为80.18%,破损淀粉含量最低,为9.93%,溶解度、膨润力最小,分别为2.5%和3%。回添法制备的全麦粉面团发酵高度、持气率小于直接粉碎法。直接粉碎且过80目筛全麦粉的粉质质量指数最高,为59.5,形成时间和稳定时间分别为3.45和3.2 min,较接近于黑小麦面粉,且该全麦粉的阻力值、最大阻力值在醒发时间135 min时最大,用该全麦粉制作的面包感官得分最高。综上,以直接粉碎且过80目筛制备的全麦粉为原料制作的全麦面包品质较好。本研究结果为黑小麦全麦面包研发提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

为揭示小麦粉面团形成过程水分状态和比例、面团结构的变化,以及这种变化与粉质仪和拉伸仪表征的质量特性之间的关系;认识面团形成过程表征筋力强弱的物质基础和变化机理。选用中筋(宁春4号)和强筋(师栾02-1)小麦品种为试验材料,利用低场核磁共振技术测定粉质仪和面过程、拉伸仪醒发拉伸过程不同时间点面团水分状态和比例的变化;利用红外显微成像技术分析面团形成过程不同取样点蛋白质和淀粉的分布及结构变化。结果表明,面粉原料中主要为弱结合水。面粉在粉质仪加水搅拌形成面团后,水分状态和比例发生显著变化,面团中的水可以分为强结合水(T_(21))、弱结合水(T_(22))和自由水(T_(23))。面团搅拌形成过程中,中筋小麦品种宁春4号面团中的强结合水比例显著降低;师栾02-1的强结合水的弛豫时间在和面终点消失,弱结合水的弛豫时间显著延长,而自由水的比例显著增加(P0.05)。强筋小麦粉强结合水的保持时间较长。拉伸过程加盐和不加盐对同一取样点、同一种水分状态之间的水分弛豫时间和比例无显著影响;宁春4号自由水的弛豫时间在加盐和不加盐处理时都显著缩短(P0.05)。湿面筋含量高、筋力较强面团的蛋白质网络结构致密。粉质仪和面过程强结合水和弱结合水弛豫时间和比例的变化,与面筋含量和强度有关。该结论可为面制品加工过程和面工艺选择与优化等方面提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

灌溉对小麦蛋白质理化特性的影响规律报道不完全一致,这可能与检测蛋白质理化特性时籽粒储藏时间长短有关。为明确灌溉效应受籽粒储藏时间的影响,进一步明确灌溉对小麦蛋白质理化特性的影响,本试验将3种灌溉处理水平的衡4399小麦籽粒在室温条件下储藏120 d,每30 d取样一次,用布勒磨磨制小麦粉(出粉率为66%~71%),检测面粉的蛋白质数量属性、质量属性和面团流变学特性。结果表明,灌溉和储藏时间以及二者的交互作用均显著影响小麦蛋白质理化特性。配对T检验显示,面粉粗蛋白含量和湿面筋含量随灌溉量及频次的增加分别相对降低6%和14%;沉降指数、面团稳定时间和面团最大拉伸阻力随灌溉量及频次的增加分别相对增加15%、33%和95%。进一步多重比较表明,储藏时间影响了麦谷蛋白大聚体含量及其储能模量值、面团吸水率和拉伸长度的灌溉效应。储藏2~3个月后小麦蛋白质理化特性指标逐渐趋于稳定。籽粒储藏时间影响小麦蛋白质理化特性的灌溉效应,籽粒收获后至少储藏90 d再检测才能客观反映灌溉效应。本研究为进一步揭示灌溉对小麦品质的影响规律提供了参考。  相似文献   

文中收集了我国2010年收获的83个小麦品种用以研究小麦面粉中蛋白质数量及质量对面粉加工特性的影响。结果表明,面粉的蛋白质含量与SDS沉降值、粉质及拉伸参数大部分指标间存在显著或极显著相关性。湿面筋含量与SDS沉降值、形成时间、延伸度呈极显著正相关,与其它各指标间相关性不显著。单个亚基对小麦加工品质的影响在Glu-A1位点上2*> 1>Null;在Glu-B1 位点上13+16>17+18>14+15> 7+9>7+8>6+8;在Glu-D1 位点上5+10>4+12>2+12。  相似文献   

为拓宽淮山全粉的应用渠道,对不同配比淮山全粉-小麦粉混粉的粉质特性、吹泡特性以及面团粘性等流变学特性进行研究,并分析了淮山全粉对酥性饼干烘焙品质的影响。结果表明,淮山全粉的添加显著改变了面团流变特性,添加淮山全粉后,面团的形成时间延长,吸水率、弱化度增大,稳定时间缩短,其总体评价值下降;随着淮山全粉添加量的增加,酥性饼干面团的P值呈先增大后减小的趋势,L值、P/L值变小,其黏着性和附着功增大,饼干感官评分呈先下降后上升的趋势。当淮山-小麦粉配比为2∶8时,满足了作为酥性饼干原料粉的要求,制作的饼干感官品质较好。本研究结果为淮山全粉的应用提供了一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

荞麦粉—小麦粉混粉流变学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以小麦粉为对照,对荞麦全粉、荞麦心粉、荞麦麸粉的理化特性进行了分析,参照国际标准分析方法,系统分析了荞麦粉-小麦粉混粉的粉质特性、拉伸特性以及糊化粘度特性等流变学特性。试验结果表明,与小麦粉相比,荞麦粉的粘度很高,β-淀粉酶活性很低,降落值大于1000 s。荞麦籽粒中各营养成分分布不平衡,荞麦麸粉的营养价值高。小麦粉中加入荞麦粉,当荞麦粉比例不超过30%时,混粉尚有较好的加工特性。与荞麦全粉相比,荞麦心粉具有较好的加工性能。  相似文献   

Hydration of oat bran including fermentation by rye sourdough was studied. Three types of oat bran suspensions were prepared (a control, one with whole meal rye flour added, and one with rye starter added). The suspensions were incubated for 1, 2, 3 and 4 hr. β‐Glucan content and solubilities of protein and β‐glucan were analyzed. Viscosity of the supernatants of oat bran suspensions was determined. Neither the rye sourdough nor the rye flour alone had a significant effect on the total β‐glucan content of oat bran suspensions. However, the addition of rye, either as whole meal rye flour or as sourdough starter, markedly increased the solubility of β‐glucan and proteins and simultaneously decreased the viscosity of the water‐soluble fraction of oat bran suspension. This suggests that a hydrolysis of β‐glucan had occurred that could change the rheological properties of oat bran in baking and the physiological potential of oat bran in nutrition.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal treatments, which are routine in oat processing, have profound effects on oat flour dough rheological properties. The influence of roasting and steam treatments of oat grain on dough mixing and breadbaking properties was investigated when hydrothermally treated oat flour was blended with wheat flour. Roasting of oat grain (105°C, 2 hr) resulted in oat flours that were highly detrimental to wheat flour dough mixing properties and breadbaking quality. Steaming (105°C, 20 min) or a combination of roasting and steaming of oat grain significantly improved the breadbaking potential of the oat flours. The addition of oat flours increased water absorption and mixing requirements of the wheat flour dough and also decreased bread loaf volume. However, at the 10% substitution level, steamed oat flours exhibited only a gluten dilution effect on bread loaf volume when wheat starch was used as a reference. Oat flour in the breadbaking system decreased the retrogradation rate of bread crumb starch. The results indicate that adequate hydrothermal treatments of oat grain are necessary for oat flour breadbaking applications. Steamed oat flours used at a 10% level retarded bread staling without adversely affecting the loaf volume.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of extrusion conditions on chemical composition and in vitro hydrolytic and fermentative digestion of barley grits, cornmeal, oat bran, soybean flour, soybean hulls, and wheat bran. Extrusion conditions altered crude protein, fiber, and starch concentrations of ingredients. Organic matter disappearance (OMD) increased for extruded versus unprocessed samples of barley grits, cornmeal, and soybean flour that had been hydrolytically digested. After 8 h of fermentative digestion, OMD decreased as extrusion conditions intensified for barley grits and cornmeal but increased for oat bran, soybean hulls, and wheat bran. Total short-chain fatty acid production decreased as extrusion conditions intensified for barley grits, soybean hulls, and soybean flour. These data suggest that the effects of extrusion conditions on ingredient composition and digestion are influenced by the unique chemical characteristics of individual substrates.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(6):963-969
Single‐pass and multipass milling systems were evaluated for the quality of whole wheat durum flour (WWF) and the subsequent whole wheat (WW) spaghetti they produced. The multipass system used a roller mill with two purifiers to produce semolina and bran/germ and shorts (bran fraction). The single‐pass system used an ultracentrifugal mill with two configurations (fine grind, 15,000 rpm with 250 μm mill screen aperture; and coarse grind, 12,000 rpm with 1,000 μm mill screen aperture) to direct grind durum wheat grain into WWF or to regrind the bran fraction, which was blended with semolina to produce a reconstituted WWF. Particle size, starch damage, and pasting properties were similar for direct finely ground WWF and multipass reconstituted durum flour/fine bran blend and for direct coarsely ground WWF and multipass reconstituted semolina/coarse bran blend. The semolina/fine bran blend had low starch damage and had desirable pasting properties for pasta cooking. WW spaghetti was better when made with WWF produced using the multipass than single‐pass milling system. Mechanical strength was greatest with spaghetti made from the semolina/fine bran or durum flour/fine bran blends. The semolina/fine bran and semolina/coarse bran blends made spaghetti with high cooked firmness and low cooking loss.  相似文献   

巩翰颖  李明  刘宏艳  卢大新 《核农学报》2019,33(9):1765-1773
提高小麦籽粒有益微量元素含量,特别是对人体影响较大的Fe、Zn含量,是解决中国广大居民微量元素营养匮乏的重要途径之一。2012-2015年将3个不同基因型小麦品种(邯6172、衡5229和周麦16),种植于河北石家庄赵县、陕西杨凌区和河南省新乡辉县。每个地域3个小区,每小区面积10 m2,试验田按照当地小麦品种区域试验管理。共采集36份小麦样品,小麦籽粒粉碎制得全麦粉;同时将小麦籽粒加工制粉,得到粗麸、细麸和面粉。采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定全麦粉及制粉产品(粗麸、细麸和面粉)中的Fe、Zn含量。结合单因素方差分析及Duncan多重比较分析不同地域、不同基因型、不同年际获得的小麦不同制粉产品间的Fe、Zn含量差异。结果表明,基因型对本研究全麦粉Fe含量影响最为显著,地域是影响全麦粉Zn含量的最重要因素。Fe、Zn含量在小麦制粉不同组分中的变化趋势为:粗麸>细麸>面粉。Fe含量在各组分中受基因型影响最大。Zn含量在全麦粉和粗麸中受地域影响最大,细麸中受年际影响最大,面粉中分别受年际×地域的交互作用、基因型和年际3个因素的影响最大。综上所述,全麦粉相对面粉的Fe、Zn含量更高,且更容易通过选种和选择合适地域耕种提高其Fe、Zn含量。本研究为从小麦的种植及加工角度改善主食中铁锌含量较低这一现状提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate calcium-binding characteristics of different brans under simulated gastrointestinal pH conditions and to explore the significance of dietary fiber, oxalate, and phytate for calcium binding. Different brans (rice, rye, soy, fine wheat, coarse wheat, and oat) and CaCl(2) solution containing (45)Ca were incubated at 37 degrees C at gastric pH (2.2) followed by buffering steps of 1 degree from pH 3.0 to pH 8.0. Total calcium binding and calcium-binding capacity of the pH 2.2 soluble bran fraction were determined. Additionally, oxalate and phytate contents of brans and solubility profiles of phytic acid were investigated. Calcium-binding capacities of brans showed a clear pH dependence. At gastric pH calcium binding was low in all brans, ranging from 0.022 to 0.040 mmol of calcium/g of bran. Soy bran, nearly phytate-free, showed higher binding values up to pH 4.0 and lower values between pH 5.0 and 8.0. In all other brans, binding values increased strongly with increasing pH in the quantitative order rice bran > coarse wheat bran > fine wheat bran > rye bran > oat bran. The solubility profiles indicate that in the cases of rye, wheat, and rice bran phytate accounts for 70-82% of their total calcium-binding capacities. The results suggest that dietary fiber makes no important contribution to calcium binding, except for soy and oat brans. Oxalate plays only a minor role in calcium binding by brans.  相似文献   

Several oat brans (crunchy oat bran, oat bran alone, and oat breakfast cereal) and wheat brans (wheat bran alone, wheat bran powder, wheat bran with malt flavor, bran breakfast cereal, tablet of bran, and tablet of bran with cellulose) used as dietary fiber supplements by consumers were evaluated as alternative antioxidant sources (i) in the normal human consumer, preventing disease and promoting health, and (ii) in food processing, preserving oxidative alterations. Products containing wheat bran exhibited higher peroxyl radical scavenging effectiveness than those with oat bran. Wheat bran powder was the best hydroxyl radical (OH*) scavenger. In terms of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) scavenging, wheat bran alone was the most effective, while crunchy oat bran, oat bran alone, and oat breakfast cereal did not scavenge H2O2. The shelf life of fats (obtained by the Rancimat method for butter) increased most in the presence of crunchy oat bran. When the antioxidant activity during 28 days of storage was measured by the linoleic acid assay, all of the oat and wheat bran samples analyzed showed very good antioxidant activities. The Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) assay was used to provide a ranking order of antioxidant activity. The wheat bran results for TEAC (6 min), in decreasing order, were wheat bran powder > wheat bran with malt flavor > or = wheat bran alone > or = bran breakfast cereal > tablet of bran > tablet of bran with cellulose. The products made with oat bran showed lower TEAC values. In general, avenanthramide showed a higher antioxidant level than each of the following typical cereal components: ferulic acid, gentisic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechuic acid, syringic acid, vanillic acid, vanillin, and phytic acid.  相似文献   

The nutritional value of breadmaking cereal spelt (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta) is said to be higher than that of common wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare), but this traditional view is not substantiated by scientific evidence. In an attempt to clarify this issue, wholemeal and milling fractions (sieved flour, fine bran, and coarse bran) from nine dehulled spelt and five soft winter wheat samples were compared with regard to their lipid, fatty acid, and mineral contents. In addition, tocopherol (a biochemical marker of germ) was measured in all wholemeals, whereas phytic acid and phosphorus levels were determined in fine bran and coarse bran samples after 1 month of storage. Results showed that, on average, spelt wholemeals and milling fractions were higher in lipids and unsaturated fatty acids as compared to wheat, whereas tocopherol content was lower in spelt, suggesting that the higher lipid content of spelt may not be related to a higher germ proportion. Although milling fractionation produced similar proportions of flour and brans in spelt and wheat, it was found that ash, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus contents were higher in spelt samples, especially in aleurone-rich fine bran and in coarse bran. Even though phosphorus content was higher in spelt than in wheat brans, phytic acid content showed the opposite trend and was 40% lower in spelt versus wheat fine bran, which may suggest that spelt has either a higher endogenous phytase activity or a lower phytic acid content than wheat. The results of this study give important indications on the real nutritional value of spelt compared to wheat. Moreover, they show that the Ca/Fe ratio, combined with that of oleate/palmitate, provides a highly discriminating tool to authenticate spelt from wheat flours and to face the growing issue of spelt flour adulteration. Finally, they suggest that aleurone differences, the nature of which still needs to be investigated, may account for the differential nutrient composition of spelt and wheat.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(3):581-587
Wheat bran is a low‐cost by‐product abundantly produced by the wheat flour industry. As a staple food of China, Chinese steamed bread (CSB) represents about 40% of China's wheat consumption. This study investigated the effects of incorporating wheat bran into the CSB at different levels (5, 10, and 15%). The dough behavior was measured by analyzing rheological properties. Quality of CSB was analyzed from two perspectives: physical properties and nutritional quality. For physical properties, specific volume, loaf height, moisture, and texture were measured by 1 . The predicted glycemic response of the bread was analyzed by using an in vitro digestion method. The results illustrated that the incorporation of wheat bran into wheat flour reduced the extensibility of the dough, decreased specific volume, and increased bread hardness, gumminess, and chewiness. However, this study also showed that addition of wheat bran can decrease the predicted glycemic response of steamed bread by up to 39%.  相似文献   

Six commercially grown samples of hard spring wheat were milled using a tandem Buhler laboratory mill. Individual flour streams and branny by‐products, as well as whole‐grain wheat and straight‐grade flour, were characterized in terms of total (TP), water‐extractable (WEP), and water‐unextractable (WUP) pentosans. One representative cultivar sample was analyzed for its ratio of arabinose to xylose (A/X). TP and WEP of whole grain wheat of the six samples had ranges of 5.45–7.32% and 0.62–0.90% (dm), respectively. Neither TP nor WEP of whole grain was related to ash content variation. There was significant variation in the distribution and composition of pentosans in 16 millstreams of all the wheat samples, including bran and shorts fractions; TP and WEP contents had ranges of 1.69–32.4% and 0.42–1.76% (dm), respectively. When ash contents exceeded ≈0.6% (dm), strong positive correlations were obtained between ash and TP contents, and between ash and WUP contents for all the millstreams. Among bran and shorts fractions, TP and WUP content increased in the order of coarse bran > fine bran > shorts; while WEP, WEP/WUP and A/X showed the opposite pattern of variation of shorts > fine bran > coarse bran. Bran and shorts fractions had pentosan contents several times higher than would be predicted from the relationship between pentosan and ash contents of the flour streams. Pentosans therefore represented a much more sensitive marker of flour refinement compared with ash content. Pentosans of endosperm were substantially different in their extractability and composition from those of bran. On this basis, different functionalities of pentosans of bran and endosperm would be expected. Results demonstrated the importance of milling extraction and millstream blending in the functionality and quality of wheat flour for breadmaking.  相似文献   

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