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The effect of enteritis on the development of the small intestine was examined in newborn, colostrum-deprived piglets infected with a human isolate of Y. enterocolitica (serotype 0:3, biotype 4) soon after birth. The piglets were killed 3 days (n = 6) or 5 days (n = 8) after infection, or antibiotic therapy was commenced on day 5 and the animals killed on day 14 (n = 5). Compared with the non-infected controls, infected animals had reduced mucosal lactase and sucrase, but not maltase activity, while after antibiotic therapy, previously infected piglets had a lower lactase and a higher maltase and sucrase activity. Lactase activity was significantly reduced in the duodenum and jejunum, and mean values were lower in the ileum, but the difference did not reach significance; maltase activity was greater at all ages from the distal jejunum to the mid-ileum; sucrase activity was reduced in all segments up to day 5 but after antibiotic therapy was increased in the jejunum and appeared early in the ileum. Enzyme profiles were more mature along the crypt-villus axis in some segments of the intestine in previously infected piglets. Sodium-potassium-ATPase activity was unchanged. There was a reduced villus height:crypt depth ratio, crypt hyperplasia and increased crypt cell proliferation. Morphological maturation, indicated by loss of vacuoles and location of the nucleus at the base of the enterocyte, proceeded distally from the duodenum to ileum from 3 to 14 days of age when only the ileum remained immature. In infected piglets, there was reduced vacuolation and earlier location of the nucleus at the base of the cell in the distal intestine. Accelerated maturity of specific disaccharidases and enterocyte morphology in infected piglets appears to be due to physical damage to the mucosa resulting in faster proliferation of crypt cells and migration of enterocytes. It is suggested that this may reduce macromolecular internalisation and impair the ability to utilise dietary carbohydrate and may have long-term effects on growth and immunological responses of the gut.  相似文献   

The lysosomal activity of enterocytes of the small intestine mucosa was investigated in gnotobiotic and conventional piglets experimentally infected on the first day after birth (DAB) by the oocysts of the coccidia Isospora suis. A method of the proof of beta-D-glucuronidase (EC. activity was used to demonstrate lysosomes. The piglets were infected by different infection doses of oocysts (100,000 oocysts in gnotobiotic piglets and 200,000 oocysts in conventional piglets). In the gnotobiotic infected piglets the activity of beta-D-glucuronidase in enterocyte lysosomes was investigated in the period from day 3 to day 11 after infection (DAI) and in the infected conventional piglets in the period from day 2 to day 10 after infection. Comparing the control piglets, the group of gnotobiotic piglets at the age of 2-5 days and the group of conventional piglets at the age of 4-7 days, the higher activity of beta-D-glucuronidase was demonstrated in the lysosomes of intestinal mucosa enterocytes in the gnotobiotic control piglets (+5.30 of the average density value, Dx). In the infected gnotobiotic and conventional piglets the pattern of beta-D-glucuronidase activity was found to have three stages in the course of this infection. Two stages can be characterized by a great increase in the enzyme activity (DAI 3-9 in gnotobiotic piglets, DAI 2-3 and 7-9 in conventional piglets. The third stage, which is manifest mainly in the conventional infected piglets, is characterized by a marked decrease in the activity of beta-D-glucuronidase, reaching the level of control findings (DAI 10 and mainly 11 in gnotobiotic piglets. DAI 4-6 and 10 in conventional piglets). A topographical picture shows that the two stages of increase and the stage of beta-D-glucuronidase activity decrease occur in the whole small intestine without any predisposition defect of the enzyme in the different sections of the small intestine.  相似文献   

In gnotobiotical and conventional piglets infected a day post partum (DPP) with oocysts of the coccidium Isospora suis, densitometrical analysis of the activity of aminopeptidase M (EC.; APM) was performed in the area of microvillous zone of the small intestine. Piglets were infected with different infection doses of oocysts (100,000 oocysts) in gnotobiotical piglets and 200,000 oocysts in conventional piglets). In infected gnotobiotical piglets, the APM activity was studied in the period from the 3rd to 11th day after infection (DAI) and in infected conventional piglets in the period of to the 2nd to 10th day after infection (DAI). Control piglets, in the group of the gnotobiotical animals at the age of 2 to 5 days in the group of the conventional animals at the age of 4 to 7 days, had different APM activity in the microvillous zone of the intestinal mucosa. It was stated that the microvillous zone of the intestinal mucosa gained higher values in control conventional piglets (+7.01 mean values of density). In infected gnotobiotical piglets the density fall of the reaction product of APM was demonstrated already on the third day with further marked reduction of APM density on the 4th day after infection in the whole small intestine with predominance of the persisting APM activity in ileum. Even despite the slight increase in the density of the reaction product of APM in the period from the 5th to 7th DAI (the highest increase in APM density on the 6th DAI), a further decrease of the activity was recorded again on the 8th and namely the 9th DAI in the whole small intestine (the lowest value of density was found in the rear jejunum), the ileum mucosa being affected, too. A slightly higher density of the reaction product of APM was found in the duodenum. On the 10th DAI the APM density started to change and on the 11th DAI in the duodenum and in the middle jejunum it even reached higher values in comparison with the control data. Some differences were proved in the infected conventional piglets in comparison with the development of the APM activity in the small intestine mucosa in the infected gnotobiotical piglets. On the 3rd and 4th DAI APM defect occurred in the whole small intestine, with APM density prevailing in the ileum mucosa (like in the group of infected gnotobiotical piglets). The second period of decrease in APM activity lasted for almost four days (6th to 9th DAI).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The activities of 3-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC.; HBD) and isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC.; ICD) were evaluated microdensitometrically in the mucosa of duodenum, jejunum and ileum of 19 conventional piglets infected on the first day after parturition (DAP) with oocysts of Eimeria debliecki coccidium (infection dose of 200,000 oocysts). The two investigated enzymes are deposited in mitochondria which are dispersed in the supra-, para- and infranuclear region of absorption cells (Fig. 1). The synthesis of the two dehydrogenases was investigated in the small intestine mucosa in the period of 1st to 10th day after infection (DAI). The HBD and ICD activities were also followed in the small intestine of four control conventional piglets at the age of 2-5 days (Tab. I). The two dehydrogenases could be characterized by a topographic gradient; it means that their activity was increasing in the small intestine mucosa through duodenum in an aboral direction. The ICD activity is higher in the intestinal mucosa of healthy piglets (Figs. 2 and 3), where its topic concentration was more marked while the HBD activity is dispersed in enterocytes (Fig. 4). In infected piglets the density of the two enzymes was demonstrated to decrease already in the starting period of experimental infection, and it reaches the lowest values for the first time on DAI 5-6 (Fig. 5, Tab. II), then on DAIs 9 (HBD; Fig. 6, graph 11)) or 8 (ICD, Fig. 7 and 10). In the period of experimental infection no statistically significant predisposition to the hypoactivity of target dehydrogenases nor its marked shift were observed. Somewhat rapid resumption of synthesis was demonstrated as soon as on DAI 8 in ICD (Fig. 8); its activity on DAI 10 in the intestinal mucosa corresponded to the 93% activity of this dehydrogenase recorded in the small intestine of control piglets. The density of HBD to the same day (DAI 10) reached in the intestinal mucosa of infected piglets the values making only 44.7% of those demonstrated in the intestinal mucosa of the control group of animals.  相似文献   

The first day after birth, 22 conventional piglets were experimentally infected with the oocysts of the coccidia of I. suis (infection dose 200,000 oocysts). The activity of 5-nucleotidase (5-ribonucleotide phosphohydrolase, EC. and phosphoglucomutase (alpha-D-glucoso-1-phosphate phosphotransferase, EC. was densitometrically assessed in the mucosa of the small intestines of these piglets. Enzyme activities were studied in the infected piglets during the 2nd to 10th day after infection. The same histochemical examination was simultaneously performed in the intestinal mucosa of five control conventional piglets at an age of 2-14 days. 5-nucleotidase and phosphoglucomutase were found to have a high density in the mucosa of the small intestine of the control piglets: the high-density locations of these enzymes include, first of all, the supranuclear area of the absorption cells, the microvillous zone of enterocytes and the smooth muscle elements of lamina muscularis mucosae. The experimentally infected piglets showed a marked decline of the density of both enzymes during the infection. The deficit affected, for a transient period, the microvillous zone and the supranuclear region of enterocytes; the musculature of the mucous layer was affected permanently. The inactivity was more protracted in the case phosphoglutamase (especially 5 to 9 days after infection). The density of 5-nucleotidase showed a partial return to the normal already the 7th day after infection, with an interruption of resumption of activity on the 10th day. Resumption of enzyme activity in the lamina muscularis mucosae was not recorded during the infection. In the three locations under study, the density of none of the enzymes did reach parameters comparable with the controls at the end of the trial (10 days after infection).  相似文献   

The activity of nonspecific esterase (EC. was evaluated in the small intestine mucosa of 21 conventional piglets infected on day 5 after parturition (DAP) with oocysts of the Eimeria debliecki coccidium (infection dose of 200,000 oocysts) for this evaluation a microdensitometric analysis at the level of enterocytes was used. The same examination was also performed in the small intestine mucosa of four control conventional piglets at the age of 2-5 days (Tab. I). The synthesis of nonspecific esterase in the experimentally infected piglets was followed on day 1 to day 10 after infection (DAI). The activity of nonspecific esterase in the small intestine mucosa was found to decrease in a direction from duodenum absorption cells (D mean 34.15) to caudal ones (Fig. 1); ileum enterocytes have the optical density of the enzyme by 8.2% lower (D mean 31.38). The deposition of nonspecific esterase is localized mainly in the supranuclear zone of enterocytes while in the para- and infranuclear zones of absorption cells its concentration is only minute. In the experimentally infected piglets a marked increase in the optical density of nonspecific esterase of enterocytes was observed as soon as on day 1 after infection when the enzyme concentration increased by 19.4% (Tab. II). The maximum increase in the activity of nonspecific esterase of absorption cells was recorded on DAI 9 when the enzyme D mean value was higher by 165% in comparison with the activity of nonspecific esterase demonstrated in the control piglets (Fig. 2, 3, 4). But at the end of experimental infection (DAI 10) the total density of nonspecific esterase of enterocytes decreased by 38.2%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Glucoso-6-phosphatase activity (EC. was evaluated microdensitometrically in the small intestine mucosa of 19 conventional piglets infected with Eimeria debliecki coccidium oocysts (infection dose of 200,000 oocysts) on day 1 after delivery (DAD). The synthesis of the observed hydrolase was followed within days 1 to 10 after infection (DAI). The activity of the same enzyme was also determined in four control conventional piglets at the age of two to five days. The small intestine mucosa of healthy piglets was found to have relatively balanced glucoso-6-phosphatase concentrations in all observed sections (duodenum, middle and posterior jejunum and ileum). The topographic gradient failed to be demonstrated in control piglets. In piglets experimentally infected with E. debliecki coccidium the glucoso-6-phosphatase activity was decreasing during infection already since DAI 1. The enzyme hypoactivity was still lower in the following days and reached the minimum value at the end of the target period (DAI 10), when its value made only 33% of the concentration recorded in the intestine mucosa of control piglets. The topographic predisposition to the lower activity of glucoso-6-phosphatase was not found to be high. The only exception are DAI 6 and 7, when the lowest enzyme concentration was observed in the duodenum mucosa (52% on DAI 6; 54% on DAI 7). The activity of the observed enzyme was higher in the other sections of small intestine (57% on DAI 6; 62% on DAI 7).  相似文献   

In search for an alternative for nutritional antimicrobials in piglet feeding, the effects of adding whole Cuphea seeds, as a natural source of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), with known antimicrobial effects, and an exogenous lipase to a weaner diet were studied. The foregut flora, the gut morphology, some digestive parameters and the zootechnical performance of weaned piglets were investigated. Thirty newly weaned piglets, initial weight 7.0 +/- 0.4 kg, were divided according to litter, sex and weight in two groups (control diet; Cuphea + lipase diet). The Cuphea seeds (lanceolata and ignea) (50 g kg(-1)) were substituted for soybean oil (15 g kg(-1)), Alphacell (25 g kg(-1)) and soy protein isolate (10 g kg(-1)) in the control diet. Also 500 mg kg(-1) microbial lipase was added to the Cuphea diet. The piglets were weighted individually on days 0, 3. 7, 14 and 16. Feed intake was recorded per pen during days 0 to 3, 3 to 7, 7 to 14 and 14 to 16. On day 7 five piglets of each experimental group were euthanized for counting the gastric and small intestinal gut flora and for gut morphology at two sites of the small intestine (proximal, distal). The results indicate a trend towards improved performances parameters by feeding Cuphea + lipase. The enzymic released MCFA (1.7 g kg(-1) fresh gastric contents) tended to decrease the number of Coliforms in the proximal small intestine, but increased the number in the stomach and distal small intestine. With Culphea, the number of Streptococci was significantly lower in small intestine, but not in the stomach, while the number of Lactobacilli was significantly lower in the distal small intestine and tended to be lower in the stomach and proximal small intestine. No differences between the diets were noted for the total anaerobic microbial load in the stomach or in the gut. Feeding Cuphea + lipase resulted in a significantly greater villus height (distal small intestine) and a lesser crypt depth (proximal and distal small intestine) and greater villus/crypt ratio depth (proximal and distal small intestine). The intra-epithelial lymphocyte (IEL) counts per 100 enterocytes were significantly decreased in the proximal small intestine and tended to decrease in the distal small intestine by feeding the Cuphea + lipase diet. Both phenomena are indicative for a more healthy and better functional state of the mucosa. Present results are in line with foregoing research, showing that manipulation of the gut ecosystem by the enzymic in situ released MCFA in the stomach and foregut can result in improved performances of the piglets, which makes the concept a potential alternative for in-feed nutritional antibiotics.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of Yersinia enterocolitica, a bacterium that has been isolated frequently from healthy swine, was studied in piglets by oral challenge of two litters, one derived by cesarean section and deprived of colostrum, and the other delivered at full-term. Eight cesarean-derived piglets were divided into groups of two and challenged with four serotypes of Y. enterocolitica (O:8, O:21, O:3, O:13). Two deaths occurred and two piglets were killed because of severe illness before termination of the experiment eight days after challenge. Surviving piglets showed no clinical signs of illness. Rectal cultures were consistently positive and all cesarean-derived piglets were colonized in the small intestine and throat at necropsy. Full-term piglets were allowed access for 36 hours to sow colostrum containing low levels of antibody against the challenge strains. Six full-term piglets challenged with three serotypes of Y. enterocolitica (O:8, O:21, O:13) survived for 15 days without any signs of illness. These piglets had fewer positive rectal cultures and showed less extensive colonization of internal organs at necropsy than did cesarean-derived piglets. It is uncertain whether this increased resistance to infection with Y. enterocolitica resulted from colostrum-derived antibody, intestinal colonization with other bacteria, or an improved physical condition which accompanied full-term development. Nevertheless, the results of this challenge experiment suggest that piglets are capable of restricting colonization by Y. enterocolitica to the throat and intestinal tract without development of serious illness.  相似文献   

In a group of conventional and gnotobiotic piglets experimentally infected with the Isospora suis coccidia the quantitative presence of acid and neutral mucous substances in the large intestine and the counts of goblet cells in the surface mucosa and in Lieberkühnis crypts (in the following text called just the crypts) were investigated. In conventional piglets infected with the dose of 200,000 oocysts of I. suis coccidia the lowest content of acid mucous substances was recorded from the eighth to tenth day after infection (DAI). A decrease in the activity of neutral mucous substances was somewhat slower. The lowest count of goblet cells was found on DAI 9, especially on the surface mucosa (4.89 to 4.91 goblet cells per 10 enterocytes). There was observed no difference in the piglets infected the first and fifth day after parturition (DAP). Gnotobiotic piglets infected with the dose of 100,000 oocysts of I. suis coccidia on DAP 1 showed the lowest content of mucous substances in the large intestine from the ninth to tenth day after infection. Unlike the conventional piglets, in gnotobiotic piglets there was recorded a decrease in the content of acid and neutral mucous substances. The gnotobiotic piglets had the lowest counts of goblet cells in the surface mucosa (10:4.57) and in the crypts (10:7.71) on DAI 9. As to the quantitative proportions, in the conventional and gnotobiotic piglets neutral mucous substances prevailed on the other days (DAI 3-7 and DAI 11), similarly like on DAI 8. The results of this investigation revealed a functional disease of the large intestine in conventional and gnotobiotic piglets infected experimentally with the Isospora suis coccidia.  相似文献   

The activity of acid phosphatase (phosphohydrolase of orthophosphate monoesters; EC. was evaluated densitometrically in the mucosa of duodenum, jejunum and ileum of 22 conventional piglets which were experimentally infected by oocysts of the coccidiae Isospora suis (infection dose of 200,000 oocysts) on day one after parturition (DAP). The activity of the studied hydrolase was investigated in the infected piglets during days two to ten after infection (DAI) in the intestinal mucosa (enterocytes) and in goblet cells. The density of the reaction product of acid phosphatase was simultaneously determined in the same mucosal cells of different sections of the small intestine in five control conventional piglets at the age of 2-14 days. In the small intestine mucosa of control piglets the activity of acid phosphatase was demonstrated to be located especially in the supranuclear zone of enterocytes. As for goblet cells, the reaction product of acid phosphatase is distributed in all zones (supra-, para-, infranuclear zones); the lowest density of this enzyme was found in the infranuclear zone. The activity of acid phosphatase is also localized in intestinal crypts: in their cells the enzyme concentration is decreasing from duodenum to caudal sections. Important changes were revealed, in comparison with the control data, in the development of the activity of acid phosphatase in the intestinal mucosa cells in the experimentally infected piglets. In the period of investigation (DAI 2-10) there were two stages of the development of the density of the enzyme reaction product. The first stage can be characterized by an increase, the other by a decrease in the level of acid phosphatase activity. Enterocytes are influenced in both stages, but the decrease in the density of the reaction product of acid phosphatase was observed only in absorption cells, and not in goblet cells. The increase in the activity of acid phosphatase occurs in the periods of DAI 4 and 9-10. Enzymatic deviations occur mainly in the absorption cells of the mucosa of duodenum and middle jejunum; in the cells of posterior jejunum and ileum an increase in the density of the reaction product of acid phosphatase was also demonstrated, but at the lower quantitative level (especially on DAI 4). The decrease in the activity of acid phosphatase has a protracted development and it takes place on DAI 5 to 8.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase activity (EC. in goblet cells was investigated in the small intestine of 16 gnotobiotic piglets infected one day after delivery (DAD) by different rates of oocysts of Isospora suis coccidia. At a high infection rate of I. suis (750,000) the goblet cells were found to be highly positive to alkaline phosphatase on day 3 to day 4 after infection (DAI). In piglets infected by a low infection rate of I. suis oocysts (100,000) the activity of alkaline phosphatase activity in goblet cells was proved on days 4 to 10 after infection. In the first group of piglets, the positive goblet cells prevailed in the middle region of jejunum, with the peak on 4th DAI. It the second group of piglets a marked increase in the alkaline phosphatase activity was recorded in the goblet cells in the posterior part of jejunum on days 4 to 5 after infection and on 10th DAI. No alkaline phosphatase activity in the goblet cells was demonstrated in the control gnotobiotic piglets at the age of two to seven days.  相似文献   

1. Seventy 1-d-old broiler chicks were experimentally inoculated orally with Yersinia enterocolitica serotype 0:3 (1.4 x 10(11) cells/chick), 0:8 (1.6 x 10(11) cells) and 0:9 (8.0 x 10(10) cells) with or without sodium bicarbonate solution (10 g/l). 2. None of the chicks showed any overt clinical signs or pathological lesions although the organism was demonstrated in the ileum and shedding was observed up to 13 d after exposure. 3. The serotype, dose of Y. enterocolitica and administration of NaHCO3 solution had no significant effect on the weight gain of exposed broiler chicks. 4. Y. enterocolitica was isolated from the liver, spleen, heart and gall bladder of infected chicks 70 d after exposure. 5. Although broiler chicks appear resistant to high doses of Y. enterocolitica by the oral route, detection of the organism in the organs of infected chickens is of public health significance.  相似文献   

In order to study the early events associated with infection of swine by Yersinia enterocolitica, 42 five-week-old crossbred piglets were inoculated per os with approximately 10(8) Y. enterocolitica O:3. Groups of 5 animals (and one negative control) were euthanized 30 min, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h following the infection. Palatine tonsils, retropharyngeal and mesenteric lymph nodes, esophagus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum (and Peyer's patches), stomach, liver, spleen and feces (from colon) were collected and analyzed for the presence of Y. enterocolitica by standard bacteriological procedures. Natural infections were also analyzed, as a complementary study, by taking one-gram samples of fecal material and tonsils from 291 pig carcasses less than 3 h after slaughter and culturing them for Y. enterocolitica using a cold enrichment technique. Within 30 min, Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 was already present at most sites. The presence of Y. enterocolitica in the liver of 3 out of 10 animals and also in the spleen of 3 out of 10 piglets, within the first 3 h postinfection, but not at later times (with one exception), probably indicated a transient bacteremia accompanying the initial stages of infection. The tonsils were colonized in most animals (13/20) as the bacteria remained present from 12 to 72 h postinfection, while only 4 out of 20 fecal samples were found to be positive over the same period. Up to 10(4) colony-forming units of Y. enterocolitica per gram of tonsil and fecal material were recovered. Finally, among the 291 animals sampled at the abattoir, a total of 79 were found positive, 70 of the tonsils sampled were positive, and bacteria were recovered in 17 fecal samples. It is therefore suggested that palatine tonsils are the most reliable tissue for the indication of an infection/colonization by Y. enterocolitica O:3 in swine and that the removal of this tissue during the slaughter process should be considered in order to minimize the possibility of contamination of meat products.  相似文献   

The activity of alkaline phosphatase (EC was studied in the small intestines of piglets infected with the coccidia Isospora suis on the first and fifth day of age. Alkaline phosphatase activity is reduced significantly the third to fourth day after infection (DAI) throughout the small intestine in piglets infected on the fifth day of age. Similar results were obtained in the piglets killed the eighth to tenth DAI which had also been infected on the fifth day of their age. Piglets infected the first day of age and killed on the 8th to 13th DAI exhibited no larger differences from the above-mentioned groups, but alkaline phosphatase activity was distributed more regularly all over the surface of the villi. The normal values, comparable with the controls, were not obtained within 13 days after infection (piglet age 14 days).  相似文献   

In the small intestine mucosa of 24 gnotobiotical piglets experimentally infected the first day post partum with oocysts of the coccidium Isospora suis, the activities of dipeptidylpeptidase IV (EC.; DAP IV) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (EC.; GGT) in the microvillous zone of enterocytes were evaluated by scanning densitometry. The tissue of the small intestine in piglets infected with a dose of 100,000 oocysts of the coccidia of I. suis was examined in the period from the first till the eleventh day post infection (DPI). In the control piglets at the age of 2-5 days it was found that most of the DAP IV activity was located in the microvillous zone of the enterocytes of the middle jejunum, rear jejunum and ileum. The DAP IV activity of duodenum mucosa was lower; as compared with the activity in the mucosa of the jejunum and ileum it reached 53-57%. In the case of GGT activity, the highest density values of the reaction product were recorded in the microvillous zone of enterocytes of the duodenum and the whole jejunum, the lowest in the ileum mucosa (86-89%) of the activity found in the duodenum and jejunum). During the experimental infection the infected piglets had a significant deficit of both peptidases, especially DAP IV (the whole studied period). The development of GGT activity was slightly different with the onset of the marked decline of the enzyme activity only on the fifth DPI. The lower GGT activity persisted till the eighth DPI. The density of the GGT reaction product began to return to the normal on the ninth to eleventh DPI. No predisposition in the location of the deficit was observed in the peptidases studied during the infection. The decline of the activity of both enzymes influenced also the mucosa of all studied parts of the small intenstine. The difference lay in the relevance of lowering of the density of reaction product of DAP IV and GGT on other DPI and in the different intensities of the return of the activity to the physiological normal.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the adhesion properties of a biotype 4, serotype O:3 (human pathogenic) strain of Yersinia enterocolitica and to determine if adhesion in vitro and colonisation in vivo can be prevented by competition with a biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 (non-pathogenic) strain. To study interaction between Y. enterocolitica biotype 4, serotype O:3 and cultured epithelial cells using the synthetic tripeptide arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD). METHODS: The human intestinal epithelial (HEp-2) cell line was used for in vitro studies. Inocula of Y. enterocolitica biotype 4, serotype O:3 radiolabelled using tritium were incubated with HEp-2 cells and RGD tripeptide, or with Y. enterocolitica biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 sequentially or concurrently, then washed and lysed, and radioactivity measured to determine the effect of RGD on adhesion, and competitive exclusion of pathogenic by non-pathogenic bacteria. For in vivo studies, two groups of 5-week-old piglets (n=5/group) were sequentially inoculated orally with 5 x 10(9) colony forming units (cfu) of either a non-pathogenic biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 strain of Y. enterocolitica followed by a pathogenic biotype 4, serotype O:3 strain, or vice versa. Pigs were monitored for carriage of strains using bacterial culture and a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: The RGD tripeptide significantly inhibited adherence of the pathogenic Y. enterocolitica strain to cultured epithelial cells, suggesting that adhesion involved the RGD tripeptide sequence. The non-pathogenic biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 strain of Y. enterocolitica prevented adhesion of the pathogenic strain to cells in vitro when allowed to adhere first. Pathogenic Y. enterocolitica was consistently isolated from rectal swabs from 80-100% of pigs on all sampling occasions but not from oral swabs after 14 days in pigs first inoculated with the non-pathogenic strain or at 26 days in pigs first inoculated with the pathogenic strain. CONCLUSIONS: A non-pathogenic strain of Y. enterocolitica reduced adhesion of a human pathogenic strain in vitro but not in vivo.  相似文献   

The present investigation characterized the effect of red kidney bean lectin exposure on gut maturation and function in young piglets. Eleven suckling pigs were given by stomach tube a crude red kidney bean lectin preparation (containing about 25% lectin, 400 mg/kg BW) (lectin-treated pigs) at 10, 11, and 12 d of life, and an additional 16 pigs (control pigs) were given saline instead. On the next day, the intestinal absorptive capacity was determined in vivo, and on the 14th d of life the piglets were killed and organs and small intestine samples were collected for analyses and in vitro permeability experiments. The lectin-treated pigs showed an increase in stomach weights and mucosa thickness, whereas no weight effect was found for the small intestine, spleen, liver, or adrenals. Morphometric analyses of the small intestine in lectin-treated pigs showed a decrease in villus heights, an increase in crypt depths and crypt cell mitotic indices, and fewer vacuolated enterocytes per villus and reduced vacuole size. Lectin treatment also resulted in a decrease in the absorption of different-sized marker molecules after gavage feeding, a decrease in intestinal marker permeability, and a change in small intestinal disaccharidase activities, with increased maltase and sucrase activities. The size of the pancreatic acini was also greater in the lectin-treated pigs, but no increases in enzyme content or pancreatic weight could be determined. In addition, the blood plasma levels of cholecystokinin were higher in the lectin-treated than in the control pigs. The results indicate that exposure to crude red kidney bean lectin induces structural and functional maturation of the gut and pancreatic growth in young suckling piglets. This possibility of inducing gut maturation may lead to an improvement in the piglets' ability to adapt to weaning and to an increase in the growth and health of these animals.  相似文献   

Body weight gain after weaning is correlated with villous height and disaccharidase activity. This evidence suggests that the maintenance of the small intestinal structure and function after weaning is important for the growth of piglets. We demonstrated that the influence of weaning age was obtained by disaccharidase activities and villous height in eight sections of the porcine small intestine. Therefore, we designed three weaning ages (weaned at the ages of 14, 21 or 28 days) and the piglets were slaughtered after 7 or 14 days post‐weaning. The remaining suckling piglets were slaughtered at the age of 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Four piglets were slaughtered at each event; therefore, 44 piglets were used in this study. Villous height and disaccharidase activities were measured in each section of the small intestine. Early weaning such as that at 14 days had severe influence on villous and disaccharidase activities. In particular, weaning of 14‐day‐olds did not result in maltase activity at least 2 weeks post‐weaning. Accordingly, the weaning age of crossbred piglets is recommended to be at least 21 days or more on the basis of villous height and disaccharidase activity analyses.  相似文献   

Gnotobiotic piglets were infected with a strain of rotavirus that had been isolated from a calf and passaged four times in piglets. The resulting disease was studied by light and electron microscopy at 21, 44 and 68 h after inoculation. In the small intestine infection caused desquamation of the epithelial cells of the villi resulting in severe stunting. There was severe damage to microvilli and accumulation of lipid within the cytoplasm. Virus particles were seen in epithelial cells covering the stunted villi. Infection also caused desquamation of the superficial epithelial cells of the stomach mucosa and of the epithelial cells of the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli of the lungs.  相似文献   

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