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腹泻兔魏氏梭菌的分离鉴定及诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对山东省泰安等地的4起兔的腹泻疫情进行临床诊断,根据初步诊断结果进行了病原的分离培养,可疑菌经多重PCR鉴定为A型魏氏梭菌.结合病理组织学变化、动物实验结果,证实A型魏氏梭菌为引起上述4起兔的腹泻疫情的病原。  相似文献   

为明确贵州省开阳县1例疑似山羊传染性胸膜肺炎(CCPP)病原种类,实验通过病原分离培养、形态学观察、生化试验和PCR方法对病原进行了分离与鉴定。结果显示,所分离病原具有支原体的生长特性,菌落形态与支原体相似;支原体分离株与Mo模式株生化试验结果相同,与Mmc模式株存在差异;PCR试验进一步确定分离株为Mo模式株。试验结果表明,本次山羊传染性胸膜肺炎疫情应为绵羊肺炎支原体感染所致。  相似文献   

2006年底本研究室在牛群中发现了病因不明的牛纤维素性化脓性肺炎疫情,该疫情已蔓延至中国的多个养牛地区,本研究室从发病牛肺脏中分离得到荚膜A型多杀性巴氏杆菌。为确定该菌与牛纤维素性化脓性肺炎的病原-疾病因果关系,本研究从病原流行病学调查、病原对实验动物的致病性与免疫保护性以及病原回归本动物致病特征3个方面,对其进行验证性研究。调查结果显示,在2008年~2014年采集的88份发病牛肺脏样品中,荚膜A型多杀性巴氏杆菌的PCR阳性率高达86.36%,而且PCR阳性样品中该菌的分离率高达90.79%。将现地分离株接种小鼠进行动物实验,结果显示,该菌具有高度致死性,而且灭活菌体接种小鼠对活菌攻击呈现良好的免疫保护性。动物回归试验结果显示,健康犊牛接种该分离菌株后出现与自然感染病例相似的纤维素性化脓性肺炎,免疫组化试验显示该菌株分布于病变肺组织、并从中重新分离出接种的病原菌。上述研究结果符合病原微生物鉴定的科赫法则,因此确定荚膜A型多杀性巴氏杆菌是引起牛纤维素性化脓性肺炎的病原。荚膜A型多杀性巴氏杆菌与牛纤维素性化脓性肺炎病原-疾病因果关系的确立,为该新发疫情防控技术的研究提供了参考依据、奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

2000年以来,我县动物疫情与全国全省一样,发生了根本的改变,一是发生了多种新的病原,二是疫情多以病毒性、免疫抑制性或呼吸障碍综合症疫病为主,三是疫情多为多种病原微生物混合感染所致,很少有单一病原感染所致的疫情,四是目前免疫程序工作远适应不了疫情的发展,导致以猪高热病为主的疫情不断发生;五是我县免疫工尽管花费了很大气力,但因免疫抑制性疫病的的影响,免疫效果仍不近人意。为了进一步做好我县动物免疫工作,有必要在充分调查研究基础上,找出影响我县免疫的主要原因,提出相应对策,为各级党政领导及业务部门领导决策提供依据。  相似文献   

1992年秋,武汉市汉南区某肉鸡场4000余只1月龄肉仔鸡发生急性败血性疫情,经病原分离、菌体及菌落形态观察、生化鉴定及动物回归试验,证明该场发生的疫情为鸡链球菌病,为鸡粪链球菌及兽疫链球菌的混合感染。鸡链球菌病混合感染的病原分离及诊断为我省首次报道.  相似文献   

牛支原体是一种主要引发牛呼吸系统症状为主的病原,鉴于其所致病例临床病变与我国已消灭疫病牛肺疫非常相似,该类疫病的快速鉴别诊断非常重要。实验针对贵州省疑似牛肺炎病例进行快速病原检测与目的基因序列分析,结果显示,从临床病例组织样本中扩增到大小约265 bp的TU基因目的片段,与预期结果相符;序列测定与分析显示,所扩增TU基因序列与牛支原体国内外分离株序列同源性高、亲缘关系近。实验结果表明,本次疫情为牛支原体感染所引起,为疫病防控提供了确切诊断信息。  相似文献   

为了对贵州省某猪场发生的仔猪腹泻疫情进行病原学诊断,采用细菌分离培养、PCR及RT-PCR方法分别对采集的病料进行了细菌、猪流行性腹泻病毒及其他3种病原检测。结果显示,猪流行性腹泻病毒检测样品中出现651 bp目的条带,其他几种病原检测均为阴性,细菌分离培养未见细菌生长。结果表明,此次仔猪腹泻疫情的主要病因为猪流行性腹泻病毒感染。  相似文献   

2018年4月份,山东省某规模化养猪场发生大规模仔猪腹泻,为了控制疫情并查找病因,试验采用现场实地调查和实验室检测方法进行诊断,并根据诊断结果进行防控。结果表明:引起仔猪腹泻的主要病原是猪流行性腹泻病毒,运输车辆及人员带入病原或猪群应激可能导致持续存在于本场的病原再次传播,继而导致疫情暴发,经及时隔离、消毒、返饲、免疫等综合防治措施,疫情得到控制。  相似文献   

笔者全面介绍了独山县高致病性禽流感疫情发生后进行的紧急流行病学调查情况,及时分析了病原来源及其可能扩散、流行情况,为指导该县扑灭重大动物疫情提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

2021年6月20日,陕西省汉中市南郑区农业农村局接到同级卫健部门通报,一名牛羊屠宰人员被确诊患有皮肤炭疽。为查清该病例的病原来源以及病原污染面和畜间发病情况,南郑区动物疾病预防控制中心组织相关专业人员立即对关联的屠宰和养殖环节进行了溯源。综合历史资料、调查结果以及实验室检测结果,认为本次人间炭疽疫情的来源可能为被屠宰的病牛。洪水将过往炭疽病原带出,牛通过采食被污染的水、草感染。因非法屠宰病牛导致出现一定的病原传播。通过采取限制移动、监测、对环境及污染区域严格消毒等措施,经后期检测,证实疫情得到彻底控制。该起疫情警示,要加强牛羊养殖、屠宰从业人员的健康宣传及牛羊屠宰行业的管理,加大对非法屠宰、经营、运输病死畜禽行为的查处力度,以确保牛羊肉消费安全。  相似文献   

Five commercial broiler flocks, not vaccinated for infectious bursal disease virus, derived from infectious bursal disease virus-vaccinated breeder flocks were surveyed for evidence of bursal damage and infectious bursal disease virus infection. They were compared with two groups of birds raised in isolation. Serum samples from one day old chicks contained maternal anti-infectious bursal disease virus antibodies which declined to undetectable levels by four weeks of age. Serum antibody levels remained undetectable in both control groups and one commercial flock, whereas four of the five commercial flocks had actively produced anti-infectious bursal disease virus antibodies by slaughter age. The weight of bursae from infectious bursal disease virus-positive flocks declined as compared to controls after four weeks of age. The decline in weight correlated with the appearance of histopathological lesions. Infectious bursal disease virus antigen was demonstrated in selected infected bursae and infectious bursal disease bursae and infectious bursal disease virus was isolated from some of these damaged bursae. Clinical infectious bursal disease was not observed in any of the commercial flocks. The importance of subclinical bursal damage and immunosuppression is discussed.  相似文献   

刘海  曲德成 《野生动物》2009,30(6):305-305
2008年8月末,黑龙江省某饲养场发生了一起水貂急性传染性疾病,造成较大损失,经临床检查、剖检和实验室检查诊断为水貂巴氏杆菌病,通过抗生素治疗和补充优质蛋白质以提高机体免疫力,使其病情得到了控制,治疗效果很好。  相似文献   

The spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal features of the 2001 British foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in selected areas within the counties of Cumbria and Devon, which experienced the greatest incidence of disease, are described using hazard functions, extraction mapping and the space-time K-function. In Cumbria, the hazard of foot-and-mouth disease infection peaked at 2.8% in the week commencing 8 March 2001 and farm holdings in this area continued to be identified with disease to 12 September 2001. In contrast, peak infection hazard in Devon was 0.7% in the week commencing 15 March 2001 and eradication of the disease was achieved in this area by 31 May 2001. Persistence of the disease in Cumbria was consistent with: (1) many cattle holdings infected early in the epidemic (creating a high environmental viral load), and (2) a relatively large amount of medium-to-long-distance spread of the virus associated with seasonal farming activities-compounded to some extent by the movement of people and vehicles between disaggregated farm land parcels. The interaction of disease risk in Cumbria showed that premises remained infectious for longer throughout May, June and July, consistent with delays in disease detection during this period.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the clinical utility of serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha, C-reactive protein and microalbuminuria as disease activity markers in canine idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease. METHODS: Dogs with chronic gastrointestinal disease for which no underlying cause could be identified were considered to have idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease and were included in the study. Serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha was assessed using a canine-specific ELISA, C-reactive protein by immunoturbidometric assay and quantitative microalbuminuria was analysed using a monoclonal antibody directed against canine albumin. The canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index and histopathologic grade were used to assess disease severity; biologic markers were then compared with the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index and histopathologic grade. RESULTS: Sixteen dogs were included in the study. C-reactive protein level was mildly elevated in 15 dogs. Microalbuminuria was elevated in two of 15 dogs, and tumour necrosis factor-alpha was not detected in any dog tested. No correlation was found between the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index and C-reactive protein or microalbuminuria or between histopathologic grade and C-reactive protein or microalbuminuria. There was no correlation between histopathologic grade and the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Although only a small number of dogs were evaluated, this study does not support the use of serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha measured by canine-specific ELISA or microalbuminuria in the evaluation of disease activity in dogs with idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease. Although mildly elevated in most dogs, C-reactive protein did not reflect disease severity as assessed by the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index or histopathologic grade.  相似文献   

新城疫(Newcastle disease,ND)是危害禽类的一种接触性致死性传染病,OIE将其列为A类疫病。各养殖户对该病高度重视,主要采用全程免疫接种的方式加以预防,使急性新城疫得到有效控制,但随之而来的是,非典型新城疫发病率有所提高。吉林市某公园观赏动物丹顶鹤发生疫情,经临床剖检及实验室诊断确诊为非典型新城疫(CND)与大肠杆菌(E.col)混合感染,经高免卵黄抗体特异性疗法配合抗菌治疗及有效的消毒防疫措施,使疫情得到控制。  相似文献   

牙鲆鱼淋巴囊肿病初报   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
牙鲆鱼(Paralichthysolivaceus)淋巴囊肿病(LymphocystisDisease简称LD)是由虹彩病毒科(Iridoviridae)淋巴囊肿病毒(LymphocystisVirus简称LCV)引起的一种鱼类传染病。该病毒易感鱼类广泛,对鱼类危害严重.本次发现该病在6个牙鲆鱼养殖场呈亚急性暴发。病鱼体表可见有明显的瘤样囊肿物,囊肿细胞大的达到500μm。牙鲆鱼淋巴囊肿病暴发在我国为首次,疫源为外来。已建议采取综合防治措施控制疫源,防止扩散,尽快扑灭此病。  相似文献   

A group of 55 rottweiler pups was studied from three to 12 months old to assess the incidence and clinical significance of disease involving the palmar metacarpal sesamoid bones. The results of physical examination were correlated with clinical signs of lameness and the results of radiographic examination of the forefeet. Twenty-one dogs became lame during the study and in 12 of them the lameness was attributable to sesamoid disease. However by 12 months of age, the incidence of sesamoid disease as assessed by radiographic changes in the sesamoid bones was 73 per cent (30 of 41 dogs). Six of the 12 dogs which were lame owing to sesamoid disease got better without specific treatment. It was concluded that sesamoid disease can result in clinical lameness in young rottweilers, but that subclinical disease is common.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the prevalence by isolation of Bordetella bronchiseptica infection in healthy cats and in cats showing signs of upper respiratory tract (URT) disease attended by a veterinary practice in the Manawatu region. METHODS: The nasal cavity and oropharynx of 100 cats of mixed sex and age were swabbed and the swabs cultured for B. bronchiseptica. The population of cats surveyed was that attended by the Massey University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, and included healthy cats, cats with clinical signs of URT disease, cats with a recent history of URT disease, cats from single cat households, cats from multiple-cat households, and cats from a colony. RESULTS: Bordetella bronchiseptica was recovered from 7 cats (5 from pharyngeal samples and 2 from nasal samples). Five of the 7 cats appeared to be healthy at the time of sampling, whilst 2 showed clinical signs of URT disease. Six of the 7 culture-positive cats were from a cat colony. The prevalence of B. bronchiseptica in healthy cats sampled was 7% and in cats with URT disease was 8%. CONCLUSION: This study confirms that B. bronchiseptica infection is present, but the prevalence of infection is low, in both healthy cats and in cats with URT disease attended by the Massey University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. It is unlikely that B. bronchiseptica infection is a frequent cause of feline URT disease of cats in this region.  相似文献   

Rinderpest was brought under control in Kenya in 1976 but in April 1986 an outbreak of the disease occurred in cattle in Western Kenya, five kilometres from the Kenya-Uganda border. This was the first confirmed field outbreak of the disease in Kenya after a lull of over 10 years. Clinical disease was confined to unvaccinated zebu calves aged six to eight months from which rinderpest virus was isolated. High titres of antibodies to rinderpest virus were demonstrated in sera collected from sheep and goats that were grazing together with the affected cattle herds; there was, however, no evidence of clinical disease in these small ruminants and wildlife species in the affected area. The disease outbreak was rapidly stamped out by quarantine and vaccination.  相似文献   

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