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猪口蹄疫病是一种高度传染性的动物疾病,严重影响着全球的畜牧业生产。首先对猪口蹄疫病的病因、流行病学、病理学等进行了概述,其次,介绍了猪口蹄疫病的临床表现,以及疾病的实验室诊断方法。最后,介绍了针对猪口蹄疫病的预防和控制措施,包括疫苗预防、隔离、消毒等,使养猪户更好地认识猪口蹄疫病,并为其防治提供科学参考。  相似文献   

冬春换季时生猪疾病的暴发最为严重,常见的疾病有猪流行性腹泻、猪蓝耳病、猪瘟以及猪圆环病毒病等,这些疾病严重的降低影响了生猪的健康状况和生产性能,给生猪养殖业带来了巨大的经济损失.通过对猪常见病的患病情况以及特点进行分析可以有助于我们预防疾病,下文将对生猪养殖中常见猪病的流行特点与原因进行介绍,旨在为生猪疾病的防治带来帮助.  相似文献   

猪体皮肤的颜色是否正常或皮肤是否有弹性等可以作为诊断猪病的一个依据。临床上许多疾病都能引起猪的皮肤炎症,常见于一些热性的病毒性或细菌的传染病、体外寄生虫病,营养代谢病,如猪痘、猪丹毒、猪疥螨病、猪锌缺乏症等。这四种疾病均会出现皮肤出现红斑,疹块、皮肤增厚、缺少弹性,皮肤骚痒等皮肤炎症的临床症状。本文从四种疾病的病原或病因、流行病学、临床症状以及诊断几方面进行综述。并且从饲养管理,免疫接种,药物治疗等几方面对这四种病提出了防治措施。  相似文献   

现在养猪生产中猪病呈现继发混感现象越来越多,也出现了像副猪嗜血杆等所谓的"影子病",归根结底都是猪场一些底色病如应激、寄生虫、霉菌毒素及疫抑制性疾病等,而圆环病毒病和蓝耳是对猪群影响很大的免疫抑制病。猪圆环病毒感染后会出现猪繁殖障综合征、断奶仔猪多系统消耗综合征、猪炎肾病综合征等,以及临床上出现的猪生性坏死性肠炎、间质性肺炎等。1猪圆环病毒病在临床中主要表现三种疾病1.1母猪繁殖障碍综合征  相似文献   

猪免疫抑制病防制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1引起猪免疫抑制的疾病 引起猪免疫抑制的因素很多,疾病、营养不良、饲料霉变、滥用抗生素以及环境恶劣等因素都可造成猪的免疫功能受损或下降,其中的疾病因素,即免疫抑制病(包括猪附红细胞体病、猪圆环病毒病、猪繁殖与呼吸综合征、猪气喘病等)是抑制和破坏猪免疫系统的最大因素。  相似文献   

育肥猪良好的饲养管理对于改善育肥猪健康状况,提高育肥猪的生产性能具有关键性作用,同时可以有效的缩短生猪养殖周期,提高饲料利用率和生猪养殖经济效益。育肥猪养殖过程中的疾病因素是育肥猪生产性能发挥的重大阻碍,常见的育肥猪疾病如猪伪狂犬疾病、猪胸膜肺炎、副猪嗜血杆菌病以及寄生虫疾病等,这些疾病均会导致育肥猪生产性能显著下降,同时部分疾病的治疗存在一定的难度,或者治疗后猪只的生长发育迟缓甚至出现僵猪的情况,严重损害了生猪养殖的经济效益。育肥猪饲养管理过程中可以通过贯彻自繁自养的养殖模式,做好育肥猪养殖环境的控制和饲养管理工作以及育肥猪的疾病预防措施。下文将对育肥猪养殖过程中常见的几种疾病以及疾病预防措施进行介绍,为育肥猪的健康养殖以及生猪养殖业的科学发展带来帮助。  相似文献   

本文简述了猪瘟与猪繁殖呼吸综合症的混合感染、猪链球菌病与猪附红细胞体病的混合感染、猪瘟与猪弓形体病的混合感染以及猪瘟与猪副嗜血杆菌病的混合感染四种猪常见混合感染疾病的临床症状与防治措施,希望可以为养殖户提供参考。  相似文献   

危害养猪生产的细菌性疾病和血液原虫性疾病很多,有些可引起保育猪和生长猪大量死亡,如副猪嗜血杆菌病、链球菌病、放线杆菌胸膜肺炎、猪肺疫和弓形体病:有些细菌性疾病在猪群中常见,虽然不会引起猪群的高死亡率,但是对其生长速度、饲料报酬有严重的不良影响,如支原体肺炎、猪萎缩性鼻炎、猪痢疾、回肠炎和附红细胞体病等;还有些细菌性疾病通常被人们忽视,但发生时却对养猪生产造成相当大的危害,如猪丹毒、沙门氏菌病、大肠杆菌病等,尤其是败血性大肠杆菌在近年来流行的"猪高热综合征"中屡次被分离到,给养猪生产造成巨大的损失.  相似文献   

养猪生产环境是控制猪呼吸道疾病的重要方面,随着养猪集约化程度的提高.猪群的高密度饲养、使得猪病特剐是呼吸道疾病的控制难度加大.如果控制不当,将给猪场带来不可估量的损失。猪群的生长环境包括温度、湿度、空气中的氨气等有害气体含量以及空气中的粉尘浓度等;氨气、二氧化碳,硫化氢.甲烷和一氧化碳是影响猪生产性能和造成疾病的主要有害气体:硫化氨和一氧化碳甚至可以直接追成猪的死亡,  相似文献   

前言:猪咳喘综合症是指猪发病后,表现为以咳嗽、喘气、呼吸困难、体温升高或正常,生长受阻等为主要临床症状的一类疾病。该类疾病多发于规模化养猪场,其病因常因患畜感染了猪蓝耳病、猪伪狂犬病、猪喘气病、猪传染性胸膜肺炎、猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎、猪链球菌病、猪巴氏杆菌病、猪流行性感冒等病原微生物所致:近年来,由于集约化养猪生产模式增多,  相似文献   

The prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia was studied on 10 intensively reared sheep and goat farms in the province of East Flanders, Belgium. Random faecal samples were collected and examined using the Merifluor((R)) immunofluorescence assay. Cryptosporidium positive samples were withheld for molecular identification using primers targeting the 18S rDNA, 70 kDa heat shock protein and 60 kDa glycoprotein gene. For the molecular identification of Giardia the beta-giardin gene and a recently developed assemblage specific PCR based on the triose phosphate isomerase gene were used. The prevalence of Cryptosporidium in lambs was 13.1% (18/137), on 4 out of 10 farms. In goat kids the Cryptosporidium prevalence was 9.5% (14/148), on 6 out of 10 farms. The molecular characterisation of Cryptosporidium positive isolates indicated that in lambs (n=10) the cervine genotype was predominant, whereas in the goat kids (n=11) only C. parvum was identified, with subgenotypes IIaA15G2R1 and IIdA22G1. The Giardia prevalence was 25.5% (35/137) in lambs with all 10 farms being positive, and 35.8% (53/148) in goat kids with 8 out of the 10 farms being positive. Both in the goat kids and in the lambs the host specific assemblage E was most commonly identified. However, the zoonotic assemblage A was identified in 6 out of 28 goat kids and in 2 out of 8 lambs, based on the beta-giardin sequence alignment. Using the assemblage specific PCR, mixed assemblage A and E infections were additionally identified in 2 lambs and in 5 goat kids. The results of the present study indicate that both Cryptosporidium and Giardia are common parasites on intensively reared sheep and goat farms in the province of East Flanders, Belgium, and that they are a potential source for zoonotic infections.  相似文献   

目前肉制品的健康情况备受人们关注,而猪肉是人们餐桌上必不可少的肉制品之一,猪只的安全饲养对人类的生命健康有重要的影响。在饲养猪只中,可发生多种传染病,其中最主要的一种是非洲猪瘟,该传染病不仅具有高热性的特点,还具有高度接触性的特点,再加上目前对于该种疾病还没有特效的疫苗,以及有效的治疗措施,因此,做好该种疾病的预防工作至关重要。该文主要论述非洲猪瘟进行论述,并制定相应的防控措施。为减少猪只发病几率奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

In a digestibility trial 5 semisynthetic rations were fed in 3 periods to 10 male sheep to examine the effects on N balance, components of faecal nitrogen and N digestibility. The rations contained constant amounts of nitrogen but different contents of cellulose and two different types of starch (untreated and steamflaked). Content and type of starch did not show any noticeable effect neither on excretion of undigested dietary nitrogen nor on true digestibility. There could not be noticed any effects on the apparent N digestibility by changing contents of cellulose or untreated starch. If the rations contained steamflaked corn starch, the animals excreted more faecal nitrogen and therefore showed a lower apparent N digestibility. Especially the water soluble N fraction of the faecal nitrogen was clearly higher. Compensation took place through a lower N excretion with the urine. The reason for increased faecal N excretion may be higher microbial protein synthesis in the rumen. This was accented by the allantoin excretion with the urine.  相似文献   

In 1998 and 1999, fecal samples were collected from 669 beef cows on 39 farms located within 10 counties of Ontario. Overall prevalences of Giardia, Cryptosporidium muris, and Cryptosporidium parvum in cows were 8.7%, 10.6%, and 18.4%, respectively. Of the 39 farms sampled, Giardia was detected on 64%, Cr. muris on 72%, and Cr. parvum on 90%. Cryptosporidium parvum was detected in 28% of the cows in 1998 and in 5.2% in 1999. Differences between the 2 y were attributed to sampling during calving in 1998 and during gestation in 1999. In 1998, Giardia, Cr. muris, and Cr. parvum were detected in herds provided with municipal water. In 1998, 193 calves were sampled from 10 farms, representing 4 watersheds, in British Columbia. Thirty-six percent of the calves exhibited signs of diarrhea. Overall prevalences of Giardia and Cryptosporidium spp. in calves were 36% and 13%, respectively. There was evidence that calves with Giardia were more likely to develop scours. Restricting cattle from surface water during periods of high shedding may reduce watershed contamination.  相似文献   

桑树的遗传变异特点及在品种选育中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏超  焦锋 《蚕业科学》2011,37(6):1089-1092
我国具有悠久的桑树栽培历史,拥有3 000余份桑树种质资源,分属15个桑种和4个变种,并逐渐形成适应不同生长环境的8个生态类型。依据已有的研究结果,综述桑树遗传变异的特点包括:广泛分布、自然有性杂交和异花授粉以及缺乏稳定性选择等,促进了桑树的突变发生,形成遗传变异的多样性;无性繁殖方式产生了丰富的无性系变异;性状遗传值中非加性效应占有较大比例;无性系品种间杂种一代存在复杂的多样性分离和经济性状的普遍退化;存在丰富的多倍体系列和普遍的混倍现象等。对桑树品种选育研究提出建议:基于桑树的高度杂合习性,不仅要重视研究不同品种中加性效应在遗传值中所占比率,更要研究非加性效应所占比率及充分利用的方法;基于桑树遗传变异的多样性和丰富的无性系变异,加强无性系和田间选优育种;利用桑树混倍现象,将培育多倍体特别是三倍体品种作为一条有效的多倍体育种途径。  相似文献   

A survey of the management of mixed farming of cattle and antelope and use of anthelmintics was conducted on eleven farms between August and December 1999 by a self-administered questionnaire. Seventeen antelope species ranging from grey duikers (Sylvicapra grimmia) to eland (Taurotragus oryx) occurred on the farms. Impala (Aepyceros melampus) was the most abundant antelope on the farms. Seventy-five per cent of the antelope species on the farms were grazers and mixed feeders and shared grazing with cattle. Most farmers (n = 8) did not consider the stocking density for cattle and antelope as an important management factor. Fifty-four per cent of the farmers (n = 6) routinely dewormed both cattle and antelopes. Albendazole and fenbendazole were the most commonly used drugs for deworming cattle (72.7%) and antelope species (54.5%). The deworming of antelope was carried out during the dry season, using albendazole-, fenbendazole-and rafoxanide-medicated supplementary feed blocks. Doramectin injections were given to antelopes on two farms. Cattle were dewormed preventively and according to the general body condition of the animal. Few farmers (n = 4) followed the recommended deworming programme for cattle in Zimbabwe and only one farmer followed a specified dosing programme for game. However, results from the survey on the deworming of game indicate that farmers perceived helminth infections in antelope to be important.  相似文献   

The in vitro resistance of 40 strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from dogs to trimethoprim, sulphamethoxazole and co-trimoxazole (SXT) was assessed using the disc diffusion technique on Diagnostic Sensitivity Test Agar (DSTA), DSTA with 5% lysed horse blood (DSTA + B), IsoSensitest Agar (ISTA) and Wellcotest Sensitivity Test Agar (WSTA).
When sensitivity was based on a zone width of ≥4 mm all 40 strains were sensitive to SXT on DSTA + B and ISTA, 39 were sensitive on WSTA while only 31 (77.5%) were sensitive on DSTA.
A comparison of the results obtained for each strain for trimethoprim and sulphamethoxazole with those obtained with the Oxford strain of S. aureus and using a scheme for interpretation recommended by Garrod & O'Grady (1971) indicated that the proportion of strains classed as sensitive for therapeutic purposes was 5%, 55%, 47.5% and 15% respectively on DSTA, DSTA + B, ISTA and WSTA.  相似文献   

微生物发酵床养猪技术的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
微生物发酵床养猪模式是一种新型的健康养殖方式,它利用全新的自然农业理念和微生物发酵技术,实现养猪低排放、无臭气、缓解规模养猪场的环境污染问题,是一种全新的低能耗、环保养猪方式。与常规水泥地面饲养方式相比,发酵床养殖模式可显著改善猪舍环境和猪的福利状况,有利于猪健康生长,并改善生产性能和猪肉品质,其安全性和经济性优势明显,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

系统地掌握猪早期胚胎体内外发育规律是进行猪胚胎冷冻、胚胎分割、鲜胚移值、长途运输引种以及基因转移等生物技术研究和应用的基础。本研究包括2个实验,实验1,利用89头超排母猪和19头自然发情母猪,于配种后第2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9和10天手术采得胚胎1612枚,系统地观察猪早期胚胎体内发育规律,即:2日龄胚胎中原核胚占77.39%(397/513),3日龄胚胎中4和6细胞胚占79.05%(83/105),4日龄胚胎中4~8细胞占40%(35/76),5日龄胚胎多为桑椹和囊胚83.12%(64/77),6日龄胚多为膨胀囊胚42.09%(181/430)和孵化囊胚34.19%(147/430),7和8、9、10日龄胚发育到孵化囊胚分别为76.34/oo(71/93)和100%(77/77),而自然发情的5日龄胚胎中桑椹和囊胚仅占32.5%(13/40),6日龄胚胎中膨胀囊胚仅占11.11%(17/153),孵化胚仅占19.61%(30/153)。各发育阶段的胚胎比例均明显低于5、6日龄超排供体(P<0.05)。实地2,将138枚囊胚和膨胀囊胚,分别体外培养24和12小时,囊胚发育阶段的胚胎50%(48/96)?  相似文献   

After experimental invasion of guinea-pigs with the eggs of Ascaris suum (5,000 eggs per animal), the dynamics and distribution of T and B-dependent cells in lymphoid organs (spleen, mesenteric, hepatic and mediastinal nodes) were studied. The detection of both cell populations by means of rosette methods (E, EA, EAC) showed that in all studied organs their first increase took place on the first and second day after invasion. On the fifth to seventh day after invasion the maximum increase in T cells was observed in spleen, mesenteric and hepatic nodes and on the ninth day in mediastinal nodes. After an initial increase, the number of B cells carrying specific receptors for Fc fragment Ig (EA-rosettes) reached its maximum in mesenteric nodes on the fifth day, in spleen on the seventh day and in hepatic and mediastinal nodes on the ninth day after invasion. The maximum number of B cells with receptors for complement (EAC-rosettes) appeared on the seventh day after invasion in spleen and in hepatic and mesenteric nodes, whereas in mediastinal nodes on the ninth day. On the 21st day after invasion the percentage of T and B cells decreased to the initial values. As follows from the results, the dynamics and distribution of T and B-dependent cells, detected in corresponding organs by rosette methods, correlated with the ascaroid type of endogenous migration of Ascaris suum larvae.  相似文献   

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