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The external shape of the liver is varied and determines specific vascular arrangements. This morphological relationship is important to establish hepatic segmentation in different species submitted to surgeries that aim to preserve a larger area of liver parenchyma. After observing 60 livers injected with Neoprene Latex and three plastic moulds obtained by corrosion, eight hepatic venous segments were identified, drained by six hepatic veins agrouped into segmental veins, which drained one sector (segments I, VI, VII and VIII) and intersegmental veins, which drained more than one sector (segments II/III and IV/V). They were described as follows: left intersegmental vein, formed by a segmental vein from the papillary process (segment I), two to three lateral left segmental veins that drained the segment II, and one to five left paramedian segmental veins that drained the segment III; sagittal intersegmental vein, formed by the confluence between segmental vein of the quadrate lobe (segment IV) and the medial right paramedian segmental vein, which derived from the segment V; lateral right paramedian vein drained the dorsocranial sector of the segment VI; the lateral right segmental vein, formed by one to four vessels that drained segment VII, and the segmental vein of the caudate process, which drained the segment VIII. Understanding the number and disposition of the hepatic veins in lobate livers is essential to reduce bleeding risks in surgeries. The nomenclature based on segmentation analogy of non-lobate liver could be less confusing and, therefore, be more useful in the surgical approaches of lobate livers.  相似文献   

The ringed seal ( Phoca hispida ), as well as other seals, exhibit some unique anatomical properties when compared to their terrestrial counterparts. In the ringed seal, the most conspicuous adaptation is the aortic bulb, a large dilatation of the ascending aorta, which is comparable to that found in other seal species and marine mammals. Coronary arteries are similar to those of terrestrial mammals. The branches of the ascending aorta (brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery) are similar to those of higher primates and man. The pulmonary trunk originates from the right ventricle near the ventral midline of the thorax. The peculiarities of the venous system are three pulmonary veins, a pericardial venous plexus, a caval sphincter, a hepatic sinus with paired caudal vena cavae and a large extradural venous system. Generally, three pulmonary veins (right, left, middle) empty into the left atrium. The right and left pulmonary veins drain the cranial and middle lung lobes of their respective lung, while the middle pulmonary vein drains both caudal lung lobes and the accessory lobe. The pericardial venous plexus lies on the pericardial pleura on the auricular (ventral) surface the heart. The azygous vein is formed from the union of right and left azygous veins near the 5th thoracic vertebra. The caval sphincter surrounds the caudal vena cava as it passes through the diaphragm. Caudal to the diaphragm, the vena cava is dilated excessively (the hepatic sinus) and near the kidneys it is biphid. Cardiovascular physiological studies have shown some of these anatomical variations, especially of the venous system and the ascending aorta, to be modifications for diving.  相似文献   

The ringed seal (Phoca hispida), as well as other seals, exhibit some unique anatomical properties when compared to their terrestrial counterparts. In the ringed seal, the most conspicuous adaptation is the aortic bulb, a large dilatation of the ascending aorta, which is comparable to that found in other seal species and marine mammals. Coronary arteries are similar to those of terrestrial mammals. The branches of the ascending aorta (brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery) are similar to those of higher primates and man. The pulmonary trunk originates from the right ventricle near the ventral midline of the thorax. The peculiarities of the venous system are three pulmonary veins, a pericardial venous plexus, a caval sphincter, a hepatic sinus with paired caudal vena cavae and a large extradural venous system. Generally, three pulmonary veins (right, left, middle) empty into the left atrium. The right and left pulmonary veins drain the cranial and middle lung lobes of their respective lung, while the middle pulmonary vein drains both caudal lung lobes and the accessory lobe. The pericardial venous plexus lies on the pericardial pleura on the auricular (ventral) surface the heart. The azygous vein is formed from the union of right and left azygous veins near the 5th thoracic vertebra. The caval sphincter surrounds the caudal vena cava as it passes through the diaphragm. Caudal to the diaphragm, the vena cava is dilated excessively (the hepatic sinus) and near the kidneys it is biphid. Cardiovascular physiological studies have shown some of these anatomical variations, especially of the venous system and the ascending aorta, to be modifications for diving.  相似文献   

An unusual congenital portosystemic shunt was identified in one dog and two cats with clinical signs and laboratory evidence of hepatic dysfunction. In all the animals, the abnormal vessel arose from the portal system between the left medial and quadrate liver lobes and travelled within the falciform fat, exiting the abdomen through the caudal ventral left diaphragm. The intrathoracic course of these vessels was not established. The anatomical location of this anomalous vessel may have hindered attempts at ultrasonographic identification since it was not visualised before surgery in any of the animals. In addition, while the anatomical location of the vessel may facilitate rapid identification and surgical attenuation, it could predispose the vessel to trauma during the coeliotomy approach. It is hypothesised that this form of portosystemic communication results from failure of a portion of the left umbilical vein to degenerate during embryogenesis. This is in contrast to other forms of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt that are presumed to be developmental errors resulting in an abnormal communication between the embryonic vitelline and cardinal venous systems. The prognosis for animals with the vascular anomaly reported here is probably similar to that for animals with other forms of congenital portosystemic shunt.  相似文献   

The ringed seal [Pusa (Phoca) hispida], as well as other seals, exhibits unique anatomical properties when compared to its terrestrial counterparts. In the ringed seal, the most conspicuous marine adaptation is the aortic bulb. This large dilatation of the ascending aorta is comparable to that found in other seal species and marine mammals. The branches of the ascending aorta (brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery) are similar to those of higher primates and man. The peculiarities of the venous system are: three pulmonary veins, a pericardial venous plexus, a caval sphincter, a hepatic sinus with paired caudal vena cavae and a large extradural venous plexus. Generally, three common pulmonary veins (right, left and caudal) empty into the left atrium. The pericardial venous plexus lies deep to the mediastinal pericardial pleura (pleura pericardica) on the auricular (ventral) surface of the heart. The caval sphincter surrounds the caudal vena cava as it passes through the diaphragm. Caudal to the diaphragm, the vena cava is dilated (the hepatic sinus), and near the cranial extremity of the kidneys, it becomes biphid. The azygos vein is formed from the union of the right and left azygos veins at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebra. Cardiovascular physiological studies show some of these anatomical variations, especially of the venous system and the ascending aorta, to be modifications for diving. This investigation documents the large blood vessels associated with the heart and related structures in the ringed seal.  相似文献   

Anatomical variations can be frequently found in the lymphatic system, which is also true for the shape and course of the thoracic duct (ductus thoracicus), the biggest lymph vessel in the body. From 2012 to 2019, the thoracic duct was successfully dissected in 43 dog carcasses that were used in the anatomy course at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb. The thoracic duct originated from the cranial border of the cisterna chyli as one lymph vessel in 36 dogs (83.7%), as two vessels in six dogs (14%) and as three vessels in one dog (2.3%). We divided the observed thoracic duct variations into six groups according to their anatomical similarities. Considering the specific embryonic development, we can conclude that all observed variations are the result of minor deviations from the standard ontogenesis. However, the importance of thoracic duct variations is significant in surgical procedures done in the thoracic cavity to prevent or cure the chylothorax. Since this research showed variations in 39 out of 43 dogs (90.7%) throughout the whole course of the thoracic duct, great care must be taken while performing the ligation or embolization of the thoracic duct.  相似文献   

Computed tomographic (CT) lymphography was performed in cats using percutaneous ultrasound‐guided injection of contrast medium into a mesenteric lymph node. The thoracic duct and its branches were clearly delineated in CT images of seven cats studied. The thoracic duct was characterized by anatomic variation and appeared as single or multiple branches. The thoracic duct and the cisterna chyli were identified along the ventral or left ventral aspect of the vertebrae from the level of the cranial lumbar to the caudal cervical vertebrae. The thoracic duct was identified in the central caudal mediastinum, deviated to the left in the cranial mediastinum, and finally moved toward the venous system. Small volumes of extranodal contrast medium leakage were identified in all cats. After injection, the mesenteric lymph nodes were cytologically normal. Ultrasound‐guided CT lymphography via percutaneous mesenteric lymph node injection appears safe and effective in cats.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old male intact Belgian Malinois was presented for exercise intolerance. A grade III/VI left basilar systolic murmur was detected. Echocardiography revealed moderate right atrial and ventricular dilation and increased pulmonic outflow velocity. Thoracic radiographs showed right heart enlargement and a dilated caudal vena cava. In addition, on the left lateral projection, an enlarged aberrant right cranial pulmonary lobar vein was suspected to be diverging ventrally from the course of the right cranial lobar bronchus and inserting more ventrally than normal in the region of the right atrium. A left-to-right pulmonary vascular shunt was suspected, and the patient underwent further diagnostics under general anesthesia. An agitated saline study was positive, suggestive of a concurrent right to left shunt. A right heart catheterization was performed. Angiography was inconclusive. Oximetry testing revealed an increase in oxygen saturation within the right atrium at the level of the caudal cava supportive of a left-to-right shunt in this region. Computed tomography angiography revealed a large single pulmonary vein that anomalously entered into the caudolateral aspect of the right atrium (left-to-right shunt) and was suspicious for a small arteriovenous malformation between the right caudal pulmonary artery and the right pulmonary vein returning to the left atrium (right to left shunt). The patient was diagnosed with a partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection and a possible arteriovenous malformation.  相似文献   

To clarify anatomical distribution of Fasciola infection, the vascular and ductal architectures of the liver were studied by means of corrosion cast technique using synthetic resin. The arteria hepatica propria (AP) passes as the arteria gastroduodenalis (AG); AP becomes the left trunk after the porta hepatis; AP passes on the right side of vena porta communis (VPC) and projects AG while curving in a U-shape below the portal vein. Hepatic veins located between the vena hepatica media (HM) and vena hepatica dextra (HD) varied widely among specimens and were irregular, including the vena hepatica dorso-lateralis sinistra (Hds), vena hepatica dorso-lateralis dextra (Hdd), vena hepatica lobi caudati (Hlc), venae hepaticae processus caudati (Hpc), venae hepaticae processus papillaris (Hpp), and the hepatic vein to the dorsal intermediate part, which directly or indirectly drained into the vena cava caudalis. The courses of the bovine hepatic veins were markedly diverse, and anastomoses between vena hepatica sinistra (HS) and Hds were observed in about a half of the livers. The portal vein entered the liver as VPC slightly above the centre of the right lobe on the visceral surface. The intermediate or transverse part [pars transversa trunci sinistri (PTS)] of truncus sinister (TS), which extends from the entry of the portal vein into the left lobe of the liver, was slightly arched downward [pars umbilicalis trunci sinistri (PUS)]. The portal vein further arched from the distal end of TS to the umbilical vein and ran towards the inter-lobar incision between the left lobe and quadrate lobe. Based on these branches, hepatic segments were determined as 13 or 14 areas. A total of 15 bile ducts were derived from various lobes. The hepatic duct was about 2.6-6 cm long from the confluence of the right and left hepatic ducts to the division of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct.  相似文献   

The biplanar mesenteric vein portovenograms of 10 cats with left divisional intrahepatic portosystemic shunts consistent with a patent ductus venosus (PDV) were reviewed. A corrosion cast of the hepatic portal vasculature was made post mortem from one individual that died post operatively following surgical attenuation of the shunting vessel. On the basis of the combined surgical, post mortem and imaging data, these left divisional shunts were found to have consistent anatomy, each having a straight vessel which drained into a venous ampulla before draining into the caudal vena cava at the level of the diaphragm. The left phrenic vein and left hepatic vein both entered the ampulla independently of the shunting vessel. The anatomical similarity between these findings in the cat and the PDV in the dog suggest that it is appropriate to describe this particular portosystemic shunt as a PDV.  相似文献   

Two English bulldogs referred for interventional palliation of severe pulmonary valve stenosis were incidentally diagnosed with unilateral absence of an external jugular vein (left in one case, right in the other) by computed tomography and Doppler ultrasound. The right internal jugular vein also could not be visualized in the dog with absence of the left external jugular vein. Cervical venous anomalies can impact diagnostic or interventional venous catheterization procedures such as balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty. Additionally, absence of an external jugular vein may impact central venous catheter placement. Absence of an external jugular vein should be considered in dogs when the external jugular vein cannot be easily palpated. Ultrasound or computed tomography may help identify jugular venous anatomy and confirm anomalies.  相似文献   

The morphological features of the testicular artery and the pampiniform plexus in the boar spermatic cord were evaluated by light microscopy, corrosion cast technique combined with scanning electron microscopy and by transmission electron microscopy. The testicular veins could be subdivided into 4 types according to their perivascular elements and their location to the testicular artery. Type I vein consisted of large veins and gave rise to type II and III veins. Type II vein was composed of a single layer of veins and ran along the testicular artery, while type III vein consisted of several layers of veins and was located between type II veins. Type IV vein, which was regarded as a venous portal system, was composed of small muscular and pericytic venules and was located in the tunica adventitia of type II vein and the testicular artery. Occasionally, type IV vein penetrated deep into the tunica media of the testicular artery, accompanied by a fenestrated endothelium in its thin portion. The direct arterio-venous anastomosis between the pampiniform plexus and the testicular artery was not found. Type IV vein was considered to be the most important vessel in reducing the capacity of the barrier between the testicular artery and the veins (type II and III). It is, therefore, suggested that type IV venous network may play a role in transferring the substances between the artery and the veins.  相似文献   

We describe patterns of acquired portal collateral circulation in dogs and in a cat using multidetector row computed tomography angiography. Large portosystemic shunts included left splenogonadal shunts in patients with portal hypertension. Small portal collaterals were termed varices; these collaterals had several patterns and were related either to portal vein or cranial vena cava obstruction. Varices were systematized on the basis of the venous drainage pathways and their anatomic location, namely left gastric vein varix, esophageal and paraesophageal varices, gastroesophageal and gastrophrenic varices, gallbladder and choledocal varices, omental varices, duodenal varices, colic varices, and abdominal wall varices. As reported in humans and in experimental dog models, esophageal and paraesophageal varices may result from portal hypertension that generates reversal of flow, which diverts venous blood in a cranial direction through the left gastric vein to the venous plexus of the esophagus. Blood enters the central venous system through the cranial vena cava. Obstructions of the cranial vena cava can lead to esophageal and paraesophageal varices formation as well. In this instance, they drain into the azygos vein, the caudal vena cava, or into the portal system, depending on the site of the obstruction. Gallbladder and choledocal varices, omental varices, duodenal varices, phrenico-abdominal varices, colic varices, abdominal wall varices drain into the caudal vena cava and result from portal hypertension. Imaging plays a pivotal role in determining the origin, course, and termination of these vessels, and the underlying causes of these collaterals as well. Knowledge about these collateral vessels is important before interventional procedures, endosurgery or conventional surgery are performed, so as to avoid uncontrollable bleeding if they are inadvertently disrupted.  相似文献   

IntroductionThere is scarce information about the prevalence of anomalies and anatomical variations of the main great thoracic vessels in dogs, particularly in dogs without congenital heart disease.AnimalsThe study included 878 privately owned dogs.Material and methodsComputerized tomography (CT) thoracic studies carried out between 2011 and 2014 for a variety of reasons were reviewed. The prevalence of anomalies and anatomical variations of the aorta and vena cava, the arterial branches of the aortic arch and the main branches of the intrathoracic veins in dogs with no evidence of congenital heart disease was evaluated. Poor-quality CTs, CTs with thoracic pathology that impaired visualization or those of young dogs with clinical evidence or suspicion of congenital cardiac disease were excluded.ResultsEight hundred two CT studies were analysed. Eight dogs (1%) showed an anatomic anomaly. The most common anomaly was an aberrant retroesophageal right subclavian artery (n = 7, 0.8%). One dog showed a dilated azygos vein secondary to an interrupted vena cava. Three types of branching of the common carotid arteries were observed: both arteries arising at the same point (type I: n = 506/742; 68.2%), separated (type II: n = 212/742; 28.6%) or from a common trunk (type III: n = 24/742; 3.2%).ConclusionsMajor anatomical variations or anomalies of the main great thoracic vessels in dogs without congenital cardiac disease were rare. An aberrant retroesophageal right subclavian artery was the most common anomaly found. Three slight variations of common carotid artery branching were identified. These findings might be of relevance for surgical or catheterization procedures.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic appearance of the normal bovine pancreas and to establish reference values for healthy cattle. Ultrasonographic examinations were performed on the right side of 20 healthy cows. Ultrasonographically the body and right limb of pancreas appeared as a triangle-shaped structure associated with the liver, portal vein, right kidney, and duodenum. In comparison to normal liver, the pancreas appeared isoechoic or slightly more echogenic. The right lobe of the pancreas was evaluated from the right flank to the eleventh intercostal space, and the body of the pancreas was visualized from the twelfth to the tenth intercostal space. The left lobe of the pancreas could not be seen because of its dorsomedial location. In 9 cows, the accessory pancreatic duct was located near the right lobe of the pancreas and appeared as two parallel echogenic lines with a hypoechogenic area between them. The diameter of the accessory pancreatic duct varied from 6 to 8 mm. The pancreaticoduodenal vein was seen in 5 cows. The diameter of the pancreaticoduodenal vein varied from 3 to 4 mm. The ultrasonographic characteristics determined in this study may serve as a reference in the evaluation of cows with suspected pancreatic disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate long-term function of vascular access ports (VAPs) implanted in the femoral vein of dogs and cats undergoing cancer treatment. DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. ANIMALS: 3 dogs and 6 cats treated via chemotherapy or radiation. PROCEDURES: VAPs were surgically implanted in the left femoral vein of 3 dogs and 6 cats over a 1-year period. Injection port location was alternated to either a caudal thoracic or ilial location in each patient. Duration of VAP function, ease of infusion, and ease of aspiration through the VAPs were recorded, and associated complications were assessed at each VAP use. Client satisfaction with VAP placement was evaluated by use of a questionnaire. RESULTS: Primary uses of the VAPs included blood sampling and delivering sedative or chemotherapeutic drugs. Median duration of successful infusion was 147 days (range, 60 to 370 days), and median duration of successful aspiration was 117 days (range, 10 to 271 days). The frequency of signs of VAP-related discomfort was low (7% of patient observations). Clients were satisfied with their decision to use VAPs. Complications included partial (n = 7) or complete (2) VAP occlusion, port migration (1), and presumptive infection (1). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that VAP implantation into the femoral vein provides an acceptable means of chronic venous access in dogs and cats undergoing cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The thyroid glands of 31 chickens at the age of 17 to 24 months were investigated. Different methods of anatomical preparation, casts of vessels and scanning electron microscopy were used. The thyroid gland of birds is a paired organ. It is located on the ventral surface of the base of the neck within the thoracic inlet. The left thyroid gland is placed more cranially than the right one. Each thyroid gland is closely connected to the common carotid artery on the medial side, from which it is supplied and to the jugular vein on the lateral side. It is a reddish-brown organ and of lenticular profile. The gland measures on average 10 mm in length, 6 mm in width and 2 mm in thickness, and is covered by a thin connective tissue capsule which holds adipose cells. It seems that each thyroid follicle is surrounded by a net of capillaries. The investigation by scanning electron microscopy proved that the follicles are oval with a pyramidal top on each end. The cuboidal epithelium cells leave impressions in the colloid. Epithelium cells carry microvilli on the follicle side surface. Described seasonal changes of the thyroid gland in size and activity were able to be confirmed by the examination of the organ in July and December. In winter the follicular cells were higher and the follicles had a greater volume.  相似文献   

An approach combining ventral midline celiotomy with transdiaphragmatic thoracotomy was evaluated in eight healthy cats for ligation of the thoracic duct system. Evans Blue solution was injected into the right colic lymph node to outline the intestinal lymphatic trunk and the thoracic duct system. Three cats (group 1) had mesenteric lymphangiograms and three (group 2) had only lymph node dye injection before thoracic duct ligation. The thoracic duct system was ligated with hemostatic clips just cranial to the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm, through a left transdiaphragmatic thoracotomy. Two cats (group 3) had prethoracotomy mesenteric lymphangiograms and thoracic duct isolation without ligation. Mesenteric lymphangiography was performed immediately after the surgery. In all of the cats, an absence of contrast medium in the thoracic duct system cranial to the surgical site was interpreted as complete obstruction. Four weeks after ligation, there was complete obstruction of the thoracic duct system with alternate lymphaticovenous communications in four of the six cats with ligated thoracic duct systems. Partial obstruction of the thoracic duct system with alternate lymphaticovenous communications was present in the other two cats. Both cats without thoracic duct ligation had patent thoracic duct systems. At necropsy of the six cats with ligated thoracic ducts, there was mild focal lymphadenitis of injected lymph nodes in three cats. The wall of the aorta adjacent to the hemostatic clips was normal in all six cats. The surgical technique was simple and provided excellent exposure. Vital staining with Evans Blue helped visualize the thoracic duct system, but mesenteric lymphangiography did not. Postligation lymphangiography was not of value in identifying incomplete ligation.  相似文献   

In the dog, the blood from the antebrachial part of the cephalic vein is typically drained by three vessels: the axillobrachial, the omobrachial and the proximal segment of the cephalic vein. In this work, two anatomical variations affecting the omobrachial and the proximal part of the cephalic vein in dogs are reported. The bilateral absence of the omobrachial vein was observed in two adult mongrel dogs and the lack of the proximal segment of the cephalic vein in one dog. These differences suggest that a certain degree of variation is normal in the layout of the superficial veins of the thoracic limb in the dog and implies that the blood egress from the cephalic vein in the dog, as in other species, is sometimes accomplished by only two veins.  相似文献   

Thoracic duct computed tomography (CT) lymphangiograms were performed on seven clinically normal dogs. The appearance of the thoracic duct system was compared following administration of contrast medium through a mesenteric lymphatic vessel vs. ultrasound guided percutaneous injection into a popliteal lymph node using helical and sequential CT acquisition modes. The number of visible thoracic duct branches and the largest thoracic duct branch cross‐sectional area and mean Hounsfield units (HU) were determined from thoracic vertebra 9 to lumbar vertebra 1. Procedural time and patient discomfort were also assessed. Popliteal administration produced a successful thoracic duct lymphangiogram in eight of 11 dogs (73%) after two attempts, while mesenteric administration was successful in eight of 10 dogs (80%) after a single attempt. Popliteal lymphography required 46% of the time and was associated with less patient discomfort than mesenteric lymphangiography. The number of thoracic duct branches seen was not significantly different for either administration technique (P=0.256) or CT acquisition mode (P=0.417). However, the cross‐sectional area and mean HU of the largest thoracic duct branch were greater with mesenteric administration (P<0.001), and helical image acquisition (P<0.001). The thoracic duct branch number, size, and location were highly variable between dogs. Percutaneous popliteal lymphography appears to be an acceptable alternative to mesenteric lymphangiography for the detection of thoracic duct branches in the dog when using either helical or sequential CT acquisition modes.  相似文献   

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