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为积极响应国家技术创新工程组织实施工作号召,推动产业技术创新战略联盟构建和发展,提升渔业科技创新能力,10月中旬,中国水产科学研究院在北京召开了产业技术创新战略联盟研讨会。水科院副院长李杰人,院属各单位有关领导出席了会议。  相似文献   

正日前,江苏省青虾产业技术创新战略联盟启动会在中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心召开。来自23家联盟成员单位的50余名代表参加了会议。会议表决通过了《江苏省青虾产业技术创新战略联盟章程》,淡水渔业研究中心为联盟理事长单位,中心主任徐跑任联盟理事长、傅洪拓研究员任联盟副理事长兼秘书长,同时成立了专家委  相似文献   

由中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所倡议组建的冷水性鱼类产业技术创新战略联盟日前在西宁成立,联盟集纳了全国从事冷水性鱼类领域的57家产学研优势单位加盟。该技术联盟将针对我国冷水性鱼类产业现状,围绕冷水性鱼类产业关键共性技术进行攻关,  相似文献   

王雪光 《中国水产》2016,(11):27-27
正本刊讯10月28日,中国河蟹产业技术创新联盟成立大会在辽宁省盘锦市召开。建设中国河蟹产业技术创新联盟是河蟹产业科技创新驱动发展的重要举措,联盟由来自行业龙头企业、科研教学等10余家组成,盘锦光合蟹业有限公司担任理事长单位。该联盟的宗旨是将作为实施中国河蟹产业技术创新战略中企业与科研院所合作的纽带,国家政策倾斜及资金支持的主要协调机构,以河蟹产业的技术创  相似文献   

<正>2012年6月30日至7月1日,中兽药产业技术创新战略联盟联合中国畜牧兽医学会、中国兽药协会举办的"2012中兽医药发展高层论坛暨中兽药产业技术创新战略联盟盟员大会"在北京温都水城隆重召开,来自科技部、农业部和中国社会科学院的领导、专家和  相似文献   

据报道,今年初在2010年广西科技活动周举办期间,罗非鱼产业技术创新战略联盟组建大会在广西南宁举行。科技部、农业部有关领导出席联盟启动暨揭牌仪式,联盟成员代表  相似文献   

正本刊讯为推进稻渔综合种养产业规范健康发展,5月15日,由全国水产技术推广总站、中国水产学会主办,上海海洋大学(中国水产学会淡水养殖分会)、江西省渔业局承办的中国稻田综合种养产业技术创新战略联盟大会暨稻渔综合种养技术规范宣贯工作会议在江西南昌举行。全国水产技术推广总站、中国水产学会副站长刘忠松,中国稻田综合种养产业技术创新战略联盟秘书长、上海海洋大学副校长李家乐出席会议并讲话。江西省农业厅副巡视员张跃  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯(张馨馨报道)8月8日,由中国稻渔综合种养产业技术创新战略联盟(下简称"联盟")主办的第三届全国稻渔综合种养产业发展高峰论坛在宁夏银川举行。渔业渔政管理局局长张显良指出,稻渔综合种养是一种典型的生态循环农业模式,在促进乡村振兴、产业扶贫、农业绿色发展、优质食品生产和农民增收方面具有突出作用。中国稻渔综合种养产业技术创新战略联  相似文献   

正日前,中国稻田综合种养产业技术创新战略联盟成立大会在浙江杭州召开,中国产学研合作促进会副会长王建华、农业部科技教育司副司长江文胜、全国水产技术推广总站副站长李可心出席开幕式并做重要讲话。大会宣读了联盟成立的批复,举行了联盟的揭牌仪式,讨论并通过了联盟章程,成立了联盟专家委员  相似文献   

本文是省农业厅刘保仓副厅长在河南省渔业产业技术创新战略联盟成立大会上的讲话摘要。介绍了联盟成立的背景、意义和作用,对联盟组织创新、体制创新、制度创新、协同发展等方面提出具体意见,对联盟下一步工作提出新要求,对联盟开展工作具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

当前随着大型连锁超市和农业专业合作社的快速发展,全面推进农超对接工作势在必行。在2011年“两会”期间,商务部、农业部联合印发了《商务部、农业部关于全面推进农超对接工作的指导意见》,全面部署今年的农超对接工作。开展农超对接工作有利于减少流通环节和降低流通成本,有利于稳定市场价格和保障供应,有利于提高农业组织化程度和增加农民收入,有利于保障食品安全和改善民生,同时也将给农业生产经营带来管理理念、组织方式、生产流程、品牌营销等方面的变革,已成为我国现代农业发展的新的推动力。本文在介绍我国开展农超对接工作背景的基础上,阐述了农超对接的发展现状,指出了农超对接中取得的一些重要的经验,分析了农超对接中需要研究和探索的问题,并对完善我国农超对接提出了思考和建议,力争通过超市、合作社和政府三方面的努力,进一步做好农超对接工作,逐步探索出一套适合中国国情的农产品流通新模式。  相似文献   

针对传统水产品交易溯源系统存在的中心化易篡改、数据无法共享和可信溯源困难等问题,提出了基于区块链和星际文件系统(Inter Planetary File System,IPFS)结合的水产品交易溯源模型,通过分析水产品交易流程,将水产品养殖关键信息和订单交易信息等数据采用IPFS存储,并将IPFS地址上传至区块链网络....  相似文献   

  1. Marine plastic pollution is worse than expected, and we are starting to realize its full extent and severity. Solving the plastic pollution problem is not easy, as it requires the action and commitment of all sectors of our society. With a coastline extending over 4,000 km (from 18°S to 56°S), Chile is a maritime country, and since plastics are potentially harmful for marine and coastal ecosystems, food security, and public health, plastic pollution is a real threat.
  2. Chile is the sixth-largest exporter of seafood (fish, invertebrates, and algae) in the world, but the extent of plastic contamination of marine organisms, its potential effects on commercial species and aquaculture, and its subsequent effects on human health are mostly unknown.
  3. Chile has recently introduced some legislation to prevent plastics from reaching the environment and the coastal ocean. Governmental and non-governmental organizations have joined an informal alliance to take action against plastic pollution, both at a national and regional level, but stronger involvement of producers and commerce is required for effective measures.
  4. Chilean scientists working on plastic pollution have created the Scientific Plastic Pollution Alliance of Chile network, aiming to promote collaborative and coordinated research focused on this pollutant. The wide geographical extent of Chile, with researchers working in diverse ecosystems, provides a unique opportunity to better understand the consequences of one of the most recent and severe threats to biodiversity.
  5. Rather than solely presenting the plastic pollution problem from the scientific perspective, this paper includes views from different sectors of society. Mitigating plastic pollution is exceptionally complex, with this study highlighting the importance of local engagement, media, solving social inequities, new legislation, and law enforcement in order to advance on decreasing plastic pollution from a country-wide perspective.

ABSTRACT:   The described analytical method for histamine determination in fish and seafood consists of sample extraction, adsorption onto a paper disc, application of the paper disc onto electrophoresis paper, electrophoresis for only 10 min, drying, and color developing by Pauly's reagent. Histamine can be satisfactorily detected and completely separated from histidine, carnosine and other Pauly reagent-positive compounds. This method does not require expensive instrumentation and any tedious pretreatment to eliminate potential interference by other imidazole compounds, such as histidine or carnosine. This method can be used to detect histamine in multiple fish and seafood samples simultaneously that contain as little as 15 p.p.m. histamine (1.5 mg/100 g).  相似文献   


This paper reviews current and potential applications of systems models and bioeconomic models in aquaculture. Basic information on alternative types of models and the process of model design and implementation is presented. A simple optimal control model, applied to harvesting and feeding decisions, is used to illustrate the numerical solution of dynamic optimization problems. The dynamic programming version of the problem is also presented and the advantages of each approach are discussed. The paper concludes with a discussion of future prospects. An overly mathematical language is avoided and emphasis is placed on practical solution techniques.  相似文献   


In contrast to the stabilization or decline of wild fishery harvests, aquaculture's contribution to the world fish supply is steadily increasing. Aquaculture has begun to have a major influence on the trade of export‐orientated species such as salmon and shrimp. This paper reviews the role of aquaculture in international trade and the research which has been conducted to examine its influence. Despite the growing significance of aquaculture on international trade, especially for shrimp and salmon, formal analysis of the shrimp trade is sparse, only moderate for salmon, and essentially nonexistent for other species. This paper also presents specific examples of how aquaculture has played an important role in international trade. These include an examination of: (1) the influence of shrimp aquaculture and trade on the development of a shrimp futures contract; and (2) the countervailing duty and antidumping case against the Norwegian farmed salmon industry.  相似文献   

新疆盐湖与卤虫分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本论述了新疆盐湖分布及形成特点,同时还论述了新疆盐湖卤虫分布及开发利用前景。  相似文献   


Commercial aquaculture which, for this paper, is defined as the rearing of aquatic organisms that is profit oriented and primarily by the private sector, contributes to food security, directly by producing food fish, and indirectly by generating employment, and thus, income for the purchase of food. In addition, commercial aquaculture can be sustainable because it depends on private, rather than public funds that are usually lacking or scarce. The paper describes some enabling policies that are conducive to the promotion of commercial aquaculture. In particular it focuses on administrative and legal frameworks. The paper concludes that development of aquaculture can be enhanced by legislation specific to the sector rather than relying on general fisheries legislation; such a legislative framework (particularly for land‐based aquaculture) would resemble that of agriculture. Regulations require expensive and time‐consuming monitoring and enforcement; they should focus on environmental protection and a sustainable industry.  相似文献   

产业集群属于生产力空间的一种形式,是企业管理与区域经济的交叉研究领域。本文从企业产业集群的发展现状入手,根据产业集群理论,剖析产业集群的模式和特点,通过对全国主要省区的调查,较为全面地分析了产业集群的发展态势、特征和问题,提出发展产业集群应采用的措施和对策,如纳入政府规划管理范围、资金支持创新和基础设施、优化政府服务、规范市场秩序、加强舆论宣传等。  相似文献   

黑龙江省现代农业的发展对于中国未来农业现代化具有重要指导意义,确保黑龙江省粮食高产、稳产是实现农业可持续发展的关键。本文总结了黑龙江粮食生产现状及取得的成就,针对黑龙江农业生产存在的经济增长方式落后,土壤压力加大、功能减弱,农田生态、生物多样性减少,农业灾害频繁,国外生资占领黑龙江农业市场等问题。提出了转换经济增长方式,加强耕地数量和质量的整治与保护,强化土地流转,转移农村劳动力,重新认识农业自然灾害,遵循自然规律,坚持农业(种植和养殖)的可持续发展,发展政府的公益农业服务体系,发展农业产前产业和后续产业等应对策略。  相似文献   

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