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Debate about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in animals and the impact on humans is often inappropriately focussed on the crude amount of antimicrobials used in animals without deference to issues of ‘intensity of use’, ‘quality of use’ and especially the class of agents being administered. In the latter case, tools for helping to manage how the use of specific antimicrobial agents impact on the risk and consequences of antimicrobial resistance in humans have been available for almost two decades. These consist of antimicrobial ratings systems, which formally define the importance of each individual agent in human health by assigning them to a position on a graduated scale of ‘importance’ comprising up to four categories of risk. Until recently, these published ratings have only had a modest impact on antimicrobial stewardship at the frontline of medical and veterinary practice, although they will undoubtedly have a substantial influence into the future. This article considers the evolution of the available ‘antimicrobial ratings systems’ applicable to Australian and international settings and their pivotal future‐role in the educating of animal managers, policy makers and prescribers. Faithful application of these rating systems at all levels of decision making to do with antimicrobial use is now seen as central to the protection of animals, humans and economies from the scourge of AMR.  相似文献   

Developing new regulatory approaches to antimicrobial safety   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Resistance to antimicrobial agents is of concern to public health officials worldwide. In industrialized countries, a significant source of antimicrobial-resistant food-borne infections in humans is the acquisition of resistant bacteria originating from animals. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is committed to resolving the public health impact arising from the use of antimicrobial drugs in food-producing animals. The FDAs goal is to ensure that significant human antimicrobial therapies are not compromised or lost while providing for the safe use of antimicrobials in food animals. Recently the FDA published a guidance document titled 'Evaluating the Safety of Antimicrobial New Animal Drugs with Regard to their Microbiological Effects on Bacteria of Human Health Concern' (US Food and Drug Administration, Center for Veterinary Medicine, 2003). This document outlines a pathway drug sponsors can use to address concerns about antimicrobial resistance prior to approval of their drug. The process uses a qualitative risk assessment approach to assess the potential of the intended use of a product to develop resistance in bacteria that may harm humans. The level of risk determines the level of risk management that is required for the drug to be used. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) always has the option of not approving a drug if the risk of a public health consequence is too high.  相似文献   

The epidemic of antimicrobial resistant infections continues to challenge, compromising animal care, complicating food animal production and posing zoonotic disease risks. While the overall role of therapeutic antimicrobial use in animals in the development AMR in animal and human pathogens is poorly defined, veterinarians must consider the impacts of antimicrobial use in animal and take steps to optimize antimicrobial use, so as to maximize the health benefits to animals while minimizing the likelihood of antimicrobial resistance and other adverse effects. This consensus statement aims to provide guidance on the therapeutic use of antimicrobials in animals, balancing the need for effective therapy with minimizing development of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from animals and humans.  相似文献   

Observational studies of cattle production systems usually find that cattle from conventional dairies harbor a higher prevalence of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) enteric bacteria compared to organic dairies or beef-cow operations; given that dairies usually use more antimicrobials, this result is not unexpected. Experimental studies have usually verified that application of antimicrobials leads to at least a transient expansion of AMR bacterial populations in treated cattle. Nevertheless, on dairy farms the majority of antibiotics are used to treat mastitis and yet AMR remains relatively low in mastitis pathogens. Other studies have shown no correlation between antimicrobial use and prevalence of AMR bacteria including documented cases where the prevalence of AMR bacteria is non-responsive to antimicrobial applications or remains relatively high in the absence of antimicrobial use or any other obvious selective pressures. Thus, there are multi-factorial events and pressures that influence AMR bacterial populations in cattle production systems. We introduce a heuristic model that illustrates how repeated antimicrobial selection pressure can increase the probability of genetic linkage between AMR genes and niche- or growth-specific fitness traits. This linkage allows persistence of AMR bacteria at the herd level because subpopulations of AMR bacteria are able to reside long-term within the host animals even in the absence of antimicrobial selection pressure. This model highlights the need for multiple approaches to manage herd health so that the total amount of antimicrobials is limited in a manner that meets animal welfare and public health needs while reducing costs for producers and consumers over the long-term.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the lines of evidence which link the use of antimicrobial drugs for food animals with the emergence of antimicrobial drug resistance in bacteria pathogenic to humans, with a particular focus on the public health aspects. Deductions from the epidemiology of food-borne infections, ecological studies, outbreak investigations, typing studies and direct epidemiological observations show that resistant bacteria are transferred from food animals to man. In addition to transfer in the food chain, exchange of mobile genetic elements among commensal and pathogenic bacteria contributes to the emergence of drug resistance. There is growing evidence that this has measurable consequences for human public health. One consequence is increased transmission supported by unrelated use of anti-microbials in humans. Other consequences are related to reduced efficacy of early empirical treatment, limitations in the choices for treatment after confirmed microbiological diagnosis, and finally a possible coselection of virulence traits. Recent epidemiological studies have measured these consequences in terms of excess mortality associated with resistance, increased duration of illness, and increased risk of invasive illness or hospitalization following infections with resistant Salmonella.  相似文献   

The application of antimicrobial agents has proved to be the main risk factor for development, selection and spread of antimicrobial resistance. This link applies to the use of antimicrobial agents in human and in veterinary medicine. Furthermore, antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and resistant genes can be transmitted from animals to humans either by direct contact or via the food chain. In this context, risk management has to be discussed regarding prevention and control of the already existing antimicrobial resistance. One of the primary risk management measures in order to control the development and spread of antimicrobial resistances is by regulating the use of antimicrobial agents and subjecting their use to guidelines. Thereby, the occurrence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in the human and veterinary habitat can be controlled to a certain degree. There is little information about past attempts to prevent the development of resistances or to control them, and even less is known about the effectiveness or the cost intensiveness of such efforts. Most of the strategies focus on preventing and controlling antimicrobial resistance by means of the reduction or limitation of the use of antimicrobial agents in food-producing animals.  相似文献   

兽用抗菌药耐药性已经成为一个全球普遍关注的公共健康问题,各国际组织都积极采取相应的措施控制耐药性的产生和蔓延。介绍了国际组织世界动物卫生组织OIE制定的五个国际标准,包括协调抗菌药耐药性监督和检测程序指南、畜牧业抗菌药消耗量监测指南、兽用抗菌药慎用指南、抗菌药敏感性检测的实验室方法指南、动物源抗菌药耐药性对公共健康潜在影响的风险分析方法指南,以期为我国政策制定者和决策者参照国际标准制定出符合我国国情的耐药性相关指南。  相似文献   

The Health Council of the Netherlands has issued a report on the risk of development of resistance among bacteria as result of the use of antibiotics as growth promotors in livestock farming. The committee appointed by the Health Council conclude that the use of antimicrobial growth promotors contributes to the problem of resistance among human pathogens. The conclusions are based on evidence regarding the development of resistance in livestock as the result of the use of antimicrobial growth promotors, the possibility of colonisation/infection of humans with resistant bacteria from the intestinal flora of productive livestock, and the transfer of resistance genes from livestock bacteria to human pathogenic microorganisms. Effective measures for the limitation of the public health risk should focus on termination of the use of antimicrobial growth promotors that confer resistance to (related) antibiotics currently used (or which will be available) to treat patients suffering from bacterial infections. In addition, the committee advised ending the use of antimicrobial growth promotors in 3 years.  相似文献   

介绍了2011年国际食品法典委员会(CAC)制定的《食源性抗菌药耐药性风险分析指南》主要内容,为非人用抗菌药相关的食源性抗菌药耐药性应用及我国制定抗菌新兽药的安全评价原则、风险评估方案和管理政策提供参考.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence indicate that the use of anti-microbial agents in food animals is associated with anti-microbial resistance among bacteria isolated from humans. The use of anti-microbial agents in food animals is most clearly associated with anti-microbial resistance among Salmonella and Campylobacter isolated from humans, but also appears likely among enterococci, Escherichia coli and other bacteria. Evidence is also accumulating that the anti-microbial resistance among bacteria isolated from humans could be the result of using anti-microbial agents in food animals and is leading to human health consequences. These human health consequences include: (i) infections that would not have otherwise occurred and (ii) increased frequency of treatment failures and increased severity of infection. Increased severity of infection includes longer duration of illness, increased frequency of bloodstream infections, increased hospitalization and increased mortality. Continued work and research efforts will provide more evidence to explain the connection between the use of anti-microbial agents in food animals and anti-microbial-resistant infections in humans. One particular focus, which would solidify this connection, is to understand the factors that dictate spread of resistance determinants, especially resistant genes. With continued efforts on the part of the medical, veterinary and public health community, such research may contribute to more precise guidelines on the use of anti-microbials in food animals.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial drug use in veterinary medicine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recognizing the importance of antimicrobial resistance and the need for veterinarians to aid in efforts for maintaining the usefulness of antimicrobial drugs in animals and humans, the Board of Regents of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine charged a special committee with responsibility for drafting this position statement regarding antimicrobial drug use in veterinary medicine. The Committee believes that veterinarians are obligated to balance the well-being of animals under their care with the protection of other animals and public health. Therefore, if an animal's medical condition can be reasonably expected to improve as a result of treatment with antimicrobial drugs, and the animal is under a veterinarian's care with an appropriate veterinarian-client-patient relationship, veterinarians have an obligation to offer antimicrobial treatment as a therapeutic option. Veterinarians also have an obligation to actively promote disease prevention efforts, to treat as conservatively as possible, and to explain the potential consequences associated with antimicrobial treatment to animal owners and managers, including the possibility of promoting selection of resistant bacteria. However, the consequences of losing usefulness of an antimicrobial drug that is used as a last resort in humans or animals with resistant bacterial infections might be unacceptable from a public or population health perspective. Veterinarians could therefore face the difficult choice of treating animals with a drug that is less likely to be successful, possibly resulting in prolonged or exacerbated morbidity, to protect the good of society. The Committee recommends that voluntary actions be taken by the veterinary profession to promote conservative use of antimicrobial drugs to minimize the potential adverse effects on animal or human health. The veterinary profession must work to educate all veterinarians about issues related to conservative antimicrobial drug use and antimicrobial resistance so that each individual is better able to balance ethical obligations regarding the perceived benefit to their patients versus the perceived risk to public health. Specific means by which the veterinary profession can promote stewardship of this valuable resource are presented and discussed in this document.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing global public health problem, which is caused by the use of antimicrobials in both human and animal medical practice. The objectives of the present cross-sectional study were as follows: (1) to determine the prevalence of resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from the feces of pets from the Porto region of Portugal against 19 antimicrobial agents and (2) to assess the individual, clinical and environmental characteristics associated with each pet as risk markers for the AMR of the E. coli isolates.  相似文献   

Large amounts of antimicrobial agents are in the production of food animals used for therapy and prophylactics of bacterial infections and in feed to promote growth. The use of antimicrobial agents causes problems in the therapy of infections through the selection for resistance among bacteria pathogenic for animals or humans. Current knowledge regarding the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in food animals, the quantitative impact of the use of different antimicrobial agents on selection for resistance and the most appropriate treatment regimes to limit the development of resistance is incomplete. Programmes monitoring the occurrence and development of resistance are essential to determine the most important areas for intervention and to monitor the effects of interventions. When designing a monitoring programme it is important to decide on the purpose of the programme. Thus, there are major differences between programmes designed to detect changes in a national population, individual herds or groups of animals. In addition, programmes have to be designed differently according to whether the aim is to determine changes in resistance for all antimicrobial agents or only the antimicrobial agents considered most important in relation to treatment of humans. In 1995 a continuous surveillance for antimicrobial resistance among bacteria isolated from food animals was established in Denmark. Three categories of bacteria, indicator bacteria, zoonotic bacteria and animal pathogens are continuously isolated from broilers, cattle and pigs and tested for susceptibility to antimicrobial agents used for therapy and growth promotion by disc diffusion or minimal inhibitory concentration determinations. This programme will only detect changes on a national level. However, isolating the bacteria and testing for several antimicrobial agents will enable us to determine the effect of linkage of resistance. Since 1995 major differences in the consumption pattern of different antimicrobial agents have occurred in Denmark. The Danish monitoring programme has enabled us to determine the effect of these changes on the occurrence of resistance. The Danish monitoring is, however, not suited to determine changes on a herd level or to detect emergence of new types of resistance only occurring at a low level.  相似文献   

The vast literature on antimicrobial drug use in animals has expanded considerably recently as the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis in human medicine leads to questions about all usage of antimicrobial drugs, including long-term usage in intensively managed food animals for growth promotion and disease prevention. Attention is also increasingly focusing on antimicrobial use and on bacterial resistance in companion animals, which are in intimate contact with the human population. They may share resistant bacteria with their owners, amplify resistant bacteria acquired from their owners, and act as a reservoir for human infection. Considerable effort is being made to describe the basis of AMR in bacterial pathogens of animals. Documentation of many aspects of use of antimicrobials in animals is, however, generally less developed and only a few countries can describe quantities of drugs used in animals to kg levels annually. In recent years, many national veterinary associations have produced 'prudent use guidelines' to try to improve antimicrobial drug use and decrease resistance, but the impact of guidelines is unknown. Within the evolving global movement for 'antimicrobial stewardship', there is considerable scope to improve many aspects of antimicrobial use in animals, including infection control and reduction of use, with a view to reducing resistance and its spread, and to preserving antimicrobial drugs for the future.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial agent usage data are essential for focusing efforts to reduce misuse and overuse of antimicrobial agents in food producing animals because these practices may select for resistance in bacteria of animals. Transfer of resistant bacteria from animals to humans can lead to human infection caused by resistant pathogens. Resistant infections can lead to treatment failures, resulting in prolonged or more severe illness. Multiple World Health Organization (WHO) reports have concluded that both antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial usage should be monitored on the national level. The system for collecting antimicrobial usage data should be clear and transparent to facilitate trend analysis and comparison within and among countries. Therapeutic, prophylactic and growth promotion use should be recorded, along with route of administration and animal species and/or production class treated. The usage data should be compared to resistance data, and the comparison should be made available in a timely manner. In the United States, surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in foodborne bacteria is performed by the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) for enteric bacteria, however, the United States still lacks a mechanism for collecting antimicrobial usage data. Combined with antimicrobial resistance information from NARMS, antimicrobial usage data will help to direct education efforts and policy decisions, minimizing the risk that people will develop antimicrobial resistant infections as a result of eating food of animal origin. Ultimately mitigation strategies guided by usage data will be more effective in maintaining antimicrobial drugs for appropriate veterinary use and in protecting human health.  相似文献   

As diagnostic and surveillance activities are vital to determine measures needed to control antimicrobial resistance (AMR), new and rapid laboratory methods are necessary to facilitate this important effort. DNA microarray technology allows the detection of a large number of genes in a single reaction. This technology is simple, specific and high-throughput. We have developed a bacterial antimicrobial resistance gene DNA microarray that will allow rapid antimicrobial resistance gene screening for all Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. A prototype microarray was designed using a 70-mer based oligonucleotide set targeting AMR genes of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. In the present version, the microarray consists of 182 oligonucleotides corresponding to 166 different acquired AMR gene targets, covering most of the resistance genes found in both Gram-negative and -positive bacteria. A test study was performed on a collection of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from milk samples from dairy farms in Québec, Canada. The reproducibility of the hybridizations was determined, and the microarray results were compared with those obtained by phenotypic resistance tests (either MIC or Kirby-Bauer). The microarray genotyping demonstrated a correlation between penicillin, tetracycline and erythromycin resistance phenotypes with the corresponding acquired resistance genes. The hybridizations showed that the 38 antimicrobial resistant S. aureus isolates possessed at least one AMR gene.  相似文献   

Risk assessment seeks to estimate the probability and impact of human health effects due to antimicrobial resistance arising from antimicrobial use in animals. Potential ecological pathways for the flow of antimicrobial resistant bacteria and resistance determinants through the food supply and environment are diverse and complicated and this has been a logistical barrier to direct epidemiological measure of risk. Consequently, a number of indirect approaches to assessment have been developed. This paper provides some examples of risk assessments that have been conducted with and without antimicrobial use data, and identifies possible benefits and applications of quantitative antimicrobial use data for risk assessment.  相似文献   

动物源细菌耐药性问题不仅关系到动物的用药安全,也与公共卫生安全密切相关,日益引起各国的关注。中国兽医药品监察所从事动物源细菌耐药性检测工作10余年,对我国动物源细菌的耐药性状况进行了系统的调查。本文从动物源细菌耐药性监测工作的重要性、我国动物源细菌的耐药性状况、存在的问题以及应对策略四个方面进行了综述,以期对我国的动物源细菌耐药性监测工作起一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

This paper reviews common therapeutic applications of antimicrobials in broiler chicken production in relation to Canadian guidelines, surveillance data, and emerging public health concerns about antimicrobial use (AMU). Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, and Staphylococcus spp., were reviewed because of their animal health and economic significance. Enterococcus cecorum and Salmonella were included because of their importance in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance. This review identified that i) antimicrobials are available in Canada to treat infections by these agents, but may be through over the counter or extra-label use, ii) prevalence rates for these diseases are unknown, iii) antimicrobial use estimates in broilers are lacking, and iv) AMR has emerged in clinical isolates, though data are very sparse. This review highlights the need for surveillance of AMU and AMR in broiler chickens in Canada.  相似文献   

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