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为研究光照、饥饿、饵料规格和驯食等对蛇鳄龟(Chelydra serpentina)稚龟摄食行为的影响,用全长(1.80±0.25)cm的尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)(A)、全长(0.96±0.07)cm的尼罗罗非鱼(B)、全长(0.96±0.12)cm的红罗非鱼hybirds tilapia(C)3种活体饵料对蛇鳄龟稚龟[(8.74±1.16)g]进行了饲喂试验。试验结果显示:主动搜寻捕食是蛇鳄龟稚龟的主要摄食方式;光照对其摄食量有极显著影响(P0.01);饥饿程度与捕食频率显著相关(P0.05),但对捕食成功率无统计学影响(P0.05);蛇鳄龟倾向于捕食大规格饵料,但过度饥饿会降低这种偏好的程度;从小驯食不同颜色的饵料(B和C)会影响稚龟对饵料颜色的选择。结果表明,视觉是稚龟捕食行为中的主要感觉系统,获取"最大净收益"是稚龟的捕食策略,驯食影响它对饵料颜色的选择则是典型的食物印记。饥饿状态会影响蛇鳄龟对饵料的选择性,过度饥饿使之更多地表现为随机捕食。  相似文献   

章剑 《海鲜世界》2000,(3):52-52
本文介绍龟饲料的比例、形态、大小和投喂方法。在人工养殖条件下,以投喂配合饲料为主,适当搭配动物饵料等,其例为7:3或8:2。实践中以软颗粒为普遍,投放在饲料台水陆交界点,这样可适合多种龟类摄食。颗粒的大小依龟体大小而定,适口为原则。并做到定时、定位、定质、定量。 一、动物饵料与人工配合饲料的比例 在自然条件下,以投喂动物饵料为主,稚龟期喂以水蚤、水生昆虫、水丝蚓等,幼龟期喂以鱼、虾、蟹、蛙、蚌、螺、蚬  相似文献   

目前.国内鳄龟种龟和龟苗供应比较紧缺。一些唯利是图的炒种者利用绝大多数养殖户从未见过小鳄龟.对小鳄龟的形状特征一无所知.但又急于购买以用于养殖的心理.以形态有点相似或生活习性有些相近的其它龟种冒充小鳄龟.蒙骗购种者,并高价出售。  相似文献   

陈跃金 《水利渔业》2001,21(1):46-46
鳄鱼龟是1996年从美国引进的,首先在广东和浙江人工驯养繁殖,浙江海宁市袁花名贵动物养殖场于1997年繁殖成功,在稚龟饲养上,人们一直沿用养稚鳖的方式去喂饲,开口饵料常用少量熟蛋黄末加3%浓度的粉状饲料浆,投入盆内放入稚龟浸泡3h,其目的是为了。让鳄龟苗在正式人池放养前驯诱吞食饵料和嗅饲料气味,以利正式饲养后稚龟能很快识别饲料和摄食。  相似文献   

刘磊  郑慧丽 《内陆水产》2006,31(12):34-34
小鳄龟又称蛇鳄龟、肉龟,是一种淡水养殖的良种龟,从稚龟到养成,因受多种因素影响,也产生病害,对此,必须预防在先、治疗及时、绿色防治,坚持防重于治的原则,下面介绍几种病的防治方法。  相似文献   

鳄龟常见病害及其防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鳄龟(Chelydra serpentina),属爬行纲、龟鳖目、曲颈龟亚目、鳄龟科、鳄龟属,是世界230余种龟类动物中较为原始、特化的一种,别名平背龟、肉龟、小鳄龟和鳄鱼龟。产于阿根廷、秘鲁、巴西、委内瑞拉、美国及加拿大南部五大湖辽阔地域,其中美国较多,因产地不同而分化出5个亚种,我国于1997年左右开始引进。由于其具有生长速度快、产卵多、出肉率高、  相似文献   

鳄龟,又名鳄鱼龟、蛇鳄龟、肉龟等。它隶属鳄龟科,鳄龟属。鳄龟分为大鳄龟和小鳄龟两种。鳄龟原产于美洲,我国于1997年引进养殖。鳄龟不仅具有食用、药用、观赏为一体的经济价值,而且生长速度快,抗病能力强,适温范围广,含肉率高,易养殖。人工养殖可投喂各种动物内脏、苹果、菜叶等,并可投喂人工配合饲料。所以深受广大养殖户和养龟爱好者青睐,小水体养鳄龟技术简单,占空间小,操作方便,投资少,见效快,产值高。又能充分利用房前屋后、阳台、楼顶、厨房等闲置场所。特此介绍小鳄龟的小水体养殖技术。  相似文献   

小鳄龟是鳄龟科中的一个品种,简称鳄龟,别名鳄鱼龟、肉龟、美国蛇龟等,原产北美、中美洲的江河湖泊,以肉类为主食,属水栖龟种,我国1996年从美国引进,现已养殖成功。由于小鳄龟生长速度快,个体年增重千克左右,最大可长至10kg上下;产肉率达85%以上,明显高于其它龟种;产卵多,繁殖快,一年产卵2批~3批,每批产卵20枚~30枚;抗病能力强,易饲养,加之其肉味道鲜美,营养丰富,所以,成为我国当前争相养殖的理想龟种。目前,国内种龟和种苗供应比较紧缺,一些唯利是图的炒种者利用绝大多数养殖户从未见过小鳄龟,对小鳄龟的形状特征一无所知,但又急于购买而用…  相似文献   

为筛选孔雀石绿的替代药物,探索小鳄龟纤毛虫病的有效治疗方法,比较了几种常见药物对小鳄龟纤毛虫病的治疗效果及对龟摄食和活动的影响。结果表明,高锰酸钾疗效最好,其次为氯化钠、甲醛溶液,聚维酮碘和硫酸铜无明显疗效;氯化钠和甲醛溶液对龟摄食、活动等影响较大。生产上可采用75g/m~3的高锰酸钾浸洗30分钟防治小鳄龟的纤毛虫病。  相似文献   

鳄龟(CheLydra serpentina),属爬行纲、龟鳖目、曲颈龟亚目、鳄龟科、鳄龟属,别名平背龟、肉龟、小鳄龟和鳄鱼龟。产于阿根廷、秘鲁、巴西、委内瑞拉、美国及加拿大南部五大湖辽阔地域,其中美国较多,因产地不同而分化出4个亚种。我国于1997年左右开始引进,由于其饲养简单、抗病力强、经济价值高(目前商品龟售价100元/千克左右,种龟售价高达400多元/千克)等特点,发展迅猛。  相似文献   

为调整上海郊区的水产养殖结构,开发水产新品种,提升养殖效益,2021年在上海市郊某合作社开展了墨瑞鳕(Maccullochella peelii)大棚水泥池养殖试验。试验采用2口大棚水泥池,投放经标粗培育的平均体质量为150 g/尾的墨瑞鳕大规格鱼种,放养密度为25尾/m2,全程投喂粗蛋白质质量分数43%的海水鱼膨化饲料。经过13个月养殖,共收获墨瑞鳕商品鱼9 576 kg(单位产量13.3 kg/m3,平均规格696.2 g/尾),饲料系数为1.58,单位产值为1 030元/m3。墨瑞鳕大棚水泥池养殖试验成功,对水产养殖结构调优具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

本文以欧洲鳗为养殖对象,分别从鳗苗培育至成鳗养成品不同生长阶段,以及土池、水泥精养池两种养殖模式论证“僵鳗促长饲料”的养殖效果。结果表明,僵鳗促长饲料具有减少僵鳗数量、提高饲料效率和鳗苗成活率、降低饲料成本等作用,在生产上的应用效果明显,是目前国内解决僵鳗生长问题较为有效的中药预混饲料。  相似文献   

何国森 《福建水产》2011,33(5):70-73
2011年4月~6月,从湖北引进平均全长8mm,平均体重0.006g的匙吻鲟(Polyodon spathuk)水花50000尾,进行了大规格鱼种培育技术研究。苗种培育前期主要采用枝角类作为生物饵料,当鱼苗全长达到50mm时开始进行人工微颗粒配合饲料驯化,经一周左右驯化,鱼苗均可摄食微颗粒配合饲料。经过48d培育,鱼苗平均全长为186mm,平均体重为25.635g,存活率达57.8%,取得了较好的培育效果。  相似文献   

In carnivorous fish species, zooplankton is one of the main food items in the early life stages and some fish species continue feeding on such food items further along the life stages even in the farming environment. In this study, the intake of natural food items was assessed in juvenile pirarucu Arapaima gigas reared in earthen ponds. Juvenile pirarucu (12.2 ± 4.32 g and 12.1 ± 1.13 cm) were stocked in fertilized earthen ponds (240 m²). For the analysis of the fish stomach content and plankton in the pond water, the fish and pond water were sampled weekly for 75 days and biweekly until the fish reached a mean weight of 750 g. Although artificial feed was used, pirarucu also ingested the natural food available in the pond water. Among the zooplankton, pirarucu demonstrated feeding preference for cladocerans despite the abundance of rotifers and copepods. Cladocerans were present in more than 80% of the stomach contents of fish up to 300 g and in 65%, 45% and 17% of fish of 301–500 g, 501–700 g and 701–900 g respectively. Copepods were present only in fish up to 500 g at low abundance. High ingestion of insects and plant material was observed in the stomach content of fish of all size classes. The results demonstrate that juvenile pirarucu ingest natural food available in the farming pond and suggests that the adoption of pond fertilization practices may have positive effects on fish growth performance.  相似文献   

为了探索利用室外大型水泥池进行豹纹鳃棘鲈(Plectropomus leopardus)人工育苗的技术模式,通过在室外大型水泥池顶部加盖遮光太阳板半封闭顶棚,对育苗水体进行控光、控温和防雨,进行该鱼人工育苗过程中水处理技术、饵料培育技术和育苗方法的研究。2010年3~7月,累计放卵5批次,共培育出全长2.5~3.0 cm的鱼苗21.9×104ind,受精卵平均孵化率达81.4%,育苗平均成活率达5.59%;初孵仔鱼平均全长1.6mm,在早期发育阶段每经历一次饵料转变,都会带来仔稚幼鱼的快速增长;该鱼摄食时间主要集中在白天,随着个体生长发育,饵料出现顺序依次为原生动物、轮虫、桡足类、蒙古裸腹蚤。研究表明,豹纹鳃棘鲈室外大型水泥池人工育苗模式克服了池塘育苗受自然环境影响大和室内水泥池育苗水体小、开口饵料匮乏的缺点,育苗成功率和出苗率比较稳定。  相似文献   

A study of added feed utilization by pond grown shrimp was done using seven feeds with different 13C/12C ratios, as expressed by δ13C. The pond shrimp did not track the δ13C value of the feed to the extent that tank grown shrimp did. For the seven pond experiments the δ13C data indicate that the added feed supplied between 23 and 47% of the growth carbon. This implies that between 53 and 77% of the growth is due to the grazing on pond biota. It is suggested that this experimental approach can be used to evaluate the relative contribution of presented dried feeds versus natural productivity in ponds as an aid to developing pond management strategies and optimum feeds.  相似文献   

Penaeid shrimp reared in eutrophic pond water grow significantly faster than shrimp in clear well water, and this growth enhancement is especially pronounced in postlarval shrimp. The objective of this study was to determine if the nutritional benefits of pond water could supplement a lower protein feed for postlarval Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei . Sixteen 230-L tanks were stocked with 10-d postlarvae at a density of 350 shrimp/tank. Four treatments (four replicates/treatment) were tested for 6 wk and consisted of: 1) shrimp grown in well water and fed a commercially available 45%-protein feed (W/45); 2) shrimp grown in pond water and fed the same 45%-protein feed (P/45); 3) shrimp grown in well water and fed a commercially available 52%-protein feed (W/ 52); and 4) shrimp grown in pond water and fed the same 52%-protein feed (P/52). At the end of the experiment. mean weight gain (± SE) for shrimp in pond water (1.85 ± 0.03 g) was significantly greater ( P > 0.0001) than shrimp in well water (0.98 ± 0.10 g). Mean weight gain for shrimp fed the 52%-protein feed (1.56 ± 0.13 g) was significantly greater ( P > 0.0001) than shrimp fed the 45%-protein feed (1.26 ± 0.20 g). In addition, there was a significant interaction effect between water source and feed ( P > 0.0001). Mean weight gain for shrimp in the W/52 treatment (1.23 ± 0.04 g) was 68% greater than shrimp in the W/45 treatment (0.73 ± 0.03 g). However, mean weight gain for shrimp in the P/52 treatment (1.90 ± 0.03 g) was only 5% greater than shrimp in the P/45 treatment (1.80 ± 0.04 g). These results suggest that organically rich pond water provides postlarval shrimp with sufficient nutrients to compensate for nutritional deficiencies associated with a lower protein feed.  相似文献   

Abstract This study was conducted to compare the fatty acid composition of muscle, liver, and depot fat of common snapping turtles Chelydra serpentina from the wild with those of captive common snapping turtles fed a diet of known fatty acid composition. Total lipid from each tissue was separated by thin-layer chromotography, methylated, and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The fatty acid composition of total lipid, polar lipid, and nonpolar lipid in muscle and depot fat of wild and captive turtles exhibited greater variability than liver polar lipid. Cultured turtles contained significantly lower levels of linolenic and arachidonic acids in liver polar lipid than wild turtles. Total n-9 fatty acids were significantly higher in whole-lipid and nonpolar fractions of muscle, liver, and depot fat of cultured turtles indicating de novo synthesis. Total polyunsaturated fatty acids were significantly lower in total lipid of muscle tissue from cultured turtles. Total polyunsaturated fatty acids were significantly lower in both depot fat and liver nonpolar lipid of cultured turtles, but did not differ (P > 0.05) in the polar lipid fractions of cultured and wild turtles.  相似文献   

通过比较大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)在流水槽-池塘接力养殖和池塘养殖两种模式中的存活率、生长、性腺成熟、饵料系数的差异,以探索大口黑鲈流水槽-池塘接力养殖新模式的可行性.在8月初将大口黑鲈鱼苗(初始平均体重为23.933 g)分别放养于池塘和水槽中养殖,并于次年4月份将流水槽养殖的大口黑鲈转入...  相似文献   

Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, is one of the most popular freshwater aquaculture species in developing countries. Although formulated feed provides higher fish yield, it is expensive. Therefore, fertilizer-based fish culture using natural food sources is generally implemented in developing countries. The aim of this study was to identify the major natural foods contributing to tilapia growth in fertilizer-based fish ponds. The stomach contents of tilapia in a fertilizer-based fish pond in Lao PDR were analyzed to estimate their feeding behaviors; stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen in the potential food organisms and suspended solids were measured and compared with the ratios in the fish muscle tissues. Further, the feed efficiency of chironomid larvae was compared with that of chlorella and formulated feed in a laboratory feeding experiment. Consequently, chironomid larvae were identified as the main contributors to tilapia growth in the fertilizer-based fish pond. In conclusion, benthic larvae of insects belonging to the family Chironomidae are confirmed to be a natural food source for tilapia in the fertilizer-based fish pond.  相似文献   

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