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寡聚糖诱导黄瓜对白粉病抗病反应的超微结构研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
 中科6号(2%氨基寡糖素)处理黄瓜植株叶片,5 d后接种白粉菌Sphaerotheca fuliginea(Schlecht.) Poll.,可诱导黄瓜Cucumis sativus产生对白粉病的抗病性,寄主细胞对病原菌的侵入产生了防卫反应结构和物质以及过敏性坏死反应。表现为寄主细胞壁加厚,染色加深,寄主细胞壁下产生多层次结构的乳突,在寄主细胞壁与质膜之间有黑色物质沉积;吸器外质膜皱褶,染色加深,吸器外基质中出现染色加深的颗粒状电子沉积物;寄主细胞质紊乱,细胞器解体,整个寄主细胞解体、坏死。  相似文献   

玉米丝黑穗病原菌侵染的一些细胞学研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
 在玉米生育早期,以幼芽鞘为材料,对11个抗病性不同的自交系进行了研究。玉米丝黑穗病原菌[Sphacelotheca reiliana (Kühn) Clint var.zeae Pass]可在玉米幼芽鞘内表皮上生长和繁殖;其侵染菌丝可直接侵入表皮细胞或通过气孔进入寄主体内。菌丝的侵入诱导了芽鞘内表皮细胞的细胞壁、细胞质和细胞膜特性的异常变化;抗性不同的自交系对病原菌侵入的反应不同,揭示了在生育早期玉米芽鞘细胞就表现了其固有的抗病性。  相似文献   

 光镜和电镜观察表明,禾顶囊壳小麦变种(Gaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici,小麦全蚀病菌)对小麦种子根的侵染过程可分为侵入前、侵入表皮层、进入皮层和进入中柱等4个连续阶段。麦根接菌后在15℃下培养,48 h后侵入表皮层细胞,60 h后进入皮层,120 h后进入中柱。病原菌主要以侵染菌丝直接侵入表皮层,表皮细胞间隙和根毛基细胞是主要侵入部位,少数由附着枝侵入。菌丝穿透细胞壁有明显的酶解作用特征,菌丝先端前方胞壁上还产生电子密物质。皮层细胞是病原菌定殖和发展的主要场所,病原菌还能离解胞间层,形成胞外空间,特别有利于菌丝和菌丝束的扩展。在侵入位点的寄主细胞壁和质膜之间,形成多种形状的木质管,其数量与侵入菌丝的数目相对应,但木质管不能阻止菌丝进入细胞。菌丝进入中柱后,可阻塞导管和筛管。小麦细胞发生退行性病变,尤以细胞壁膨大崩坏和早期质壁分离最明显,细胞间隙还产生性质不明的黄色物质。  相似文献   

苹果斑点落叶病菌形态及侵染行为的超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用电子显微镜技术,对分离培养的苹果斑点落叶病病原菌及其在寄主细胞组织中的侵染行为进行了观察研究。结果表明,菌丝体在生长旺盛期,寄主细胞中含有丰富的细胞器,生长后期,细胞内出现质膜内陷及分泌小泡。分生孢子梗和分生孢子细胞中则储存了大量脂滴状物质,并且细胞壁加厚。其侵染机制是以病原菌产生的寄主特异性毒素为始动因子,使寄主细胞受到某种生理障碍后,菌丝直接由细胞壁侵入细胞内部和叶片中。  相似文献   

小麦穗组织中脱氧镰刀菌烯醇毒素的免疫细胞化学定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 采用免疫细胞化学技术对禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum)在侵染小麦穗部过程中产生的脱氧镰刀菌烯醇毒素(deoxynivalenol,DON)进行了定位分析。在接种后24h,当菌丝在外稃、内稃的内侧表面扩展而尚未侵入寄主细胞前,病菌已分泌DON,并且DON已扩散到寄主组织内。在菌丝细胞内,DON主要被定位于细胞质、线粒体及细胞壁上;在寄主细胞中DON主要分布于细胞壁、叶绿体、细胞质和内质网上。在侵染初期(接种后2 d),菌丝仅能在寄主细胞间隙扩展,随寄主组织中DON浓度的升高,寄主细胞相应发生了一系列病理变化。随寄主细胞坏死(接种后3~4d),病菌进入坏死的寄主细胞。上述结果表明,DON在禾谷镰刀菌的侵染、致病和定殖过程中起着重要的作用。毒素标记结果表明病菌产生的毒素可通过穗轴微管束组织从侵染部位向上、向下转输,毒素向上的转输量明显高于向下转输  相似文献   

 在电镜下观察发现,菜豆锈病菌侵染菜豆后,逐步对其超微结构产生影响:寄主细胞发生质壁分离;叶绿体变形;叶绿体的片层结构排列零乱;线粒体脊模糊不清,直至叶绿体解体;线粒体空泡化;少数细胞的细胞壁分解;不同细胞的细胞器堆积在一起。同时,病原菌的侵染激发了寄主抗病性的细胞学表现:供试的抗感菜豆品种都表现为在病原菌侵入位点的寄主细胞壁内侧有高电子致密物质沉积;与吸器母细胞接触的寄主细胞壁加厚以及在吸器颈周围有电子不透明物质形成。只是这3种反应在抗病品种中表现得更加强烈。此外,抗病品种中还有一些特有的抗性特征,如被侵染细胞及其相邻细胞的快速坏死,吸器母细胞侵入位点的寄主细胞壁外侧也有一种高电子致密物质沉积,抗病品种中真菌吸器周围聚集含大量线粒体的寄主细胞的细胞质,且吸器外基质比感病品种中的宽。  相似文献   

 棉花枯萎病病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.vasinfectum)的侵染能激发起棉花对枯萎病的系统诱导抗性。不同品种间细胞壁富含羟脯氨酸糖蛋白(HRGP)的积累量存在差异,抗病品种86-1细胞壁内HRGP含量明显高于感病品种邯14。HRGP积累与细胞壁木质化有一定相关性。不同生理小种枯萎菌对棉花细胞壁HRGP的诱导能力不同。作者认为,HRGP在寄主与病原相互作用的专化性识别机制中起重要作用。  相似文献   

尖孢镰刀菌毒素对大豆胚根组织影响的超微结构研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 用2个浓度的尖孢镰刀菌毒素处理大豆胚根,来研究毒素对组织超微结构的影响。结果表明:毒素处理后,胚根细胞质壁分离;质膜、线粒体膜、核膜、液泡膜局部断裂;线粒体肿胀、变形、内部电子透明化、空泡化;细胞壁变形、断裂、有的细胞解体。损害发生最早的是线粒体和质膜。低浓度条件下,抗病品种比感病品种受害轻。  相似文献   

玉米叶片受新月弯孢菌侵染后的细胞病理学变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 本文利用透射电子显微镜技术与细胞化学技术研究了玉米叶片受弯孢菌侵染后的超微结构和细胞壁的组成成份变化。透射电镜观察发现,病菌侵入后,菌丝先在寄主细胞间扩展,随着寄主细胞病变、坏死,菌丝可进入寄主细胞形成胞内菌丝。随病菌侵入和在寄主体内扩展,寄主细胞先后发生了一系列的超微结构变化,叶绿体、液泡等细胞器解体,出现质壁分离现象,并最终解体、坏死、变形。细胞化学标记定位发现,受侵寄主细胞壁中纤维素、木聚糖和果胶质的标记密度明显低于未接种的健康组织,表明细胞壁降解酶(如纤维素酶、木聚糖酶和果胶酶)的产生与病菌侵染和致病过程密切相关。  相似文献   

 小麦梭条斑花叶病毒(WSSMV)和小麦黄花叶病毒(WYMV)分别感染小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)后所诱发的细胞质内含体和细胞嚣病变几乎完全相同。感病的叶肉细胞、表皮细胞和木质部薄壁细胞的细胞质中都可看到大量风轮体、柱状体、板状集结体和膜状体,其中以叶肉细胞中更为普遍。风轮体成群出现、同一组内风轮体常平行排列,而相邻群间常垂直排列。膜状体的内部常夹杂着许多小囊泡,其四周与内质网呈辐射状相连。在发病初期的心叶叶肉细胞质的液泡附近可看到颗粒状病毒束,而分散的病毒状颗粒则多见于发病中后期坏死的细胞中。感病细胞的叶绿体、线粒体、核、质膜及胞间联丝中均未见病毒状颗粒。感染病毒的细胞中,细胞质丰富、内质网膨大,核糖体增加、小囊泡大量出现,随着病害的加重,叶绿体、线粒体逐渐肿大,基粒缩小、膜破裂、类囊物流入细胞中。  相似文献   

The progress of colonization of ash stems from ascospore inocula of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus was examined by light and electron microscopy. The main aim of the study was to characterize the cytology of the biotroph to necrotroph transition during lesion formation. Following direct penetration into epidermal cells, the fungus produced intracellular hyphae that invaded up to five cells before plant cells died. A lack of close attachment between the hyphal cell wall and plant cell membrane was revealed by plasmolysis of epidermal cells. Plant cells died at the centre of the infection but hyphae at the edge were typically found in living plant cells even around large lesions. During biotrophic invasion, the cytoplasm of penetrated plant cells showed very little response despite the plant cell membrane being in direct contact with the fungal cell wall. Before plant cell death, dark staining of the cytoplasm and proliferation of small vesicles was noted, but organelles retained normal ultrastructure. Dead plant cells contained dark brown, osmiophilic droplets. Penetration between epidermal or collenchyma cells was usually targeted to shared pits and involved constriction of hyphae. The transition to necrotrophy was not associated with a clear change in hyphal morphology. Biotrophic intracellular hyphae contained dense cytoplasm but hyphae in dead plant cells were more vacuolated. Remarkably little plant cell wall degradation was observed despite the fungus penetrating up to 18 cells deep into stem tissue. Features of the development of the ash dieback fungus are compared with other hemibiotrophic pathogens.  相似文献   

葡萄扇叶病毒引起的寄主细胞病变研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 电镜观察了葡萄扇叶病毒杭州分离物(Grapevine fanleaf virus Hangzhou isolate,GFLV-H)侵染苋色藜(Chenopodium amaranticolor)和昆诺藜(C.quinoa)的细胞超微结构变化。病毒粒子存在于叶肉组织薄壁细胞的细胞质内,常成单纵列排列在小管结构中,小管形成聚集体。在系统感染的昆诺藜细胞中位于管状结构中的病毒粒子穿过胞间连丝。2种感病寄主细胞质内膜结构增生,在核周围形成含细纤维状物质的小囊泡。液泡边缘存在少许小泡,有多泡体和髓鞘样结构伸入液泡,叶绿体和线粒体等细胞器也发生不同程度的变化。  相似文献   

苹果链格孢菌侵染对感病苹果品种叶细胞超微结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 将Alternaria mali分生孢子接种在苹果元帅品种叶片的下表皮,保湿培养3~24h,观察细胞超微结构,接种后3h,表皮及叶肉细胞的质膜发生内陷,出现囊泡,暗染色颗粒及管状结构,叶绿体膜结构解体,电子致密物质沉积,基粒排列混乱松散,外膜破裂等。接种后24h,叶片表面出现病斑,细胞质浓缩,细胞壁出现颗粒物,细胞变形,病健组织交界处,叶绿体基浓缩,出现脂质球,同时还观察到,距离病斑2mm处,许多叶肉细胞中出现密度均匀、形状不规则的物质,小叶脉木质部中出现电子致密物质沉积。  相似文献   

This fluorescence and immunoelectron microscopic study showed that β-1,3-D-glucan accumulated only in leaves of a susceptible cultivar of Japanese pear after treatment with a host-specific toxin, AK-toxin I, from Alternate, alternata Japanese pear pathotype. The positive fluorescent reaction of callose was detected only in aniline blue fluorochrome-stained sections from toxin-treated leaves of the susceptible cultivar: positive sites were observed on cell walls of leaf cells. The sites of callose deposition were probably consistent spatially with modified sites on the plasma membrane that were observed only in the toxin-treated leaves of the susceptible cultivar. The toxin-induced modifications, identified as damage to the plasma membrane, were characterized by invagination of the plasmalemma specifically at plasmodesmata and as the concomitant accumulation of extracellular polysaccharides at the invaginated sites. A positive reaction to anti-β-1,3-D-glucan antibody was detected at the polysaccharides, Golgi vesicles, and trans-Golgi network (TGN) of toxin-treated leaves of the susceptible cultivar, but not at Golgi vesicles and TGN of water-treated ones. The cis-, medial and trans-Golgi stacks of toxin-treated leaves of the susceptible cultivar were negative for the antibody. The results showed that the polysaccharides, Golgi vesicles and TGN contained abundant β-1,3-D-glucan and that the glucan was transported from the Golgi apparatus via Golgi vesicles to the modified sites in cells of toxin-treated leaves of the susceptible cultivar. Received 7 March 2002/ Accepted in revised form 10 June 2002  相似文献   

Stems of pepper seedlings were inoculated with zoospores of Phytophthora capsici 18 h after a soil-drench with metalaxyl solution (5 μg ml?1) or water. Infected stem tissues were examined by electron microscopy 24 h after inoculation. Compared with untreated controls, in which the fungal cells were generally normal in shape and ultrastructure, the most conspicuous effects of metalaxyl treatment on the fungal ultrastructure in the stem tissue were an abnormal shrinking of the fungal cell, a separation of the plasma membrane from the hyphal wall, a peculiar invagination and breakdown of the plasma membrane, the presence of vesicles in the invaginated spaces and within the damaged fungal cells, and an indistinct structure of cell organelles. In metalaxyl-treated stems, an electron-dense material was apposed in those sites of the host cell wall in most intimate contact with the fungal cell wall, indicating that the deposition of these substances from the host cell walls may function as a plant defence reaction to the fungus, whereas in untreated controls, the dark-stained host cytoplasm did not aggregate around the sites of fungal contact. The haustorium was encased by the extra-haustorial matrix in treated stems. These results suggest that metalaxyl treatment not only changes the fine structure of P. capsici, but may also induce the plant defence reaction.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Ultrastructural studies of the infection of susceptible and resistant cultivars of Sorghum bicolor by Colletotrichum sublineolum were conducted. Initial penetration events were the same on both susceptible and resistant cultivars. Germ tubes originating from germinated conidia formed globose, melanized appressoria, that penetrated host epidermal cells directly. Appressoria did not produce appressorial cones, but each penetration pore was surrounded by an annular wall thickening. Inward deformation of the cuticle and localized changes in staining properties of the host cell wall around the infection peg suggests that penetration involves both mechanical force and enzymic dissolution. In compatible interactions, penetration was followed by formation of biotrophic globular infection vesicles in epidermal cells. Filamentous primary hyphae developed from the vesicles and went on to colonize many other host cells as an intracellular mycelium. Host cells initially survived penetration. The host plasma membrane invaginated around infection vesicles and primary hyphae and was appressed tightly to the fungal cell wall, with no detectable matrix layer at the interface. Necrotrophic secondary hyphae appeared after 66 h and ramified through host tissue both intercellularly and intracellularly, forming hypostromatic acervuli by 114 h. Production of secondary hyphae was accompanied by the appearance of electron-opaque material within infected cells. This was thought to represent the host phytoalexin response. In incompatible interactions, infection vesicles and primary hyphae were formed in epidermal cells by 42 h. However, they were encrusted with electron-opaque material and appeared dead. These observations are discussed in relation to the infection processes of other Colletotrichum spp. and the host phytoalexin response.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes produced by benomyl, a benzimidazole derivative, during the first 48 hr of germination of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis conidia are investigated; an attempt to localize 3H-benomyl by autoradiography was carried out. Benomyl has fungicidal and fungistatic activity. Indeed it causes the lysis of 10% of the germinating microconidia and reduces drastically the growth of the germ tube in the other cells. In this latter case, cell wall thickening and anomalous morphology have been observed. Lysosome-like vesicles appear in the cytoplasm. It is proposed that benomyl acts on membrane integrity.  相似文献   

The early interaction of lily roots with the cortical rot pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lilii was studied using roots of lily bulblets grown in Hoagland's solution, inoculated with the pathogen, and sampled up to 48h later. Conidia produced germ tubes within 6h, which extended towards and into the mucilage covering the root elongation zone, and along and into the anticlinal grooves and middle lamellae of epidermal cells. By 24–48h, infecting hyphae had reached the periclinal walls and intercellular spaces between the epidermis and the outermost cells of the cortex. Penetration of intercellularly growing hyphae directly across host cell walls was not observed; invasion of the cell lumen only occurred by gradual infringing of hyphae upon successive primary wall layers. Non-cellulosic wall appositions rich in vesicles and covered by a cellulosic protective-like layer were formed in response to approaching hyphae in resistant cv.Connecticut King, but rarely in susceptible cv. Esther which seemed more susceptible to plasmolysis and rot. Finger-like projections of the appositions into the host cell cytoplasm likely represent early stages of transfer cell formation.  相似文献   

Vávra J 《Folia parasitologica》2005,52(1-2):193-195
Conventional transmission electron microscopy was used to localise double-membrane vesicles probably representing mitochondrial remnants ("mitosomes") in four species of microsporidia. Very few such vesicles were found dispersed throughout cytoplasm with no relationship to other cell organelles. Several double-membrane vesicles per ultrathin section, however, occurred regularly close to the nuclear spindle plaque. These vesicles are identical with the "polar vesicles" typically associated with the microsporidian spindle plaque and known since 1971. The reason for mitosome accumulation near the spindle plaque is unknown. Possibly the spindle plaques are involved in mitosome segregation during cell division.  相似文献   

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