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张正伟  王树忠 《北方园艺》2007,(12):171-172
对切花红掌品种进行了初步筛选,初步总结了切花红掌生产的栽培管理关键技术,结果表明:在大面积栽培生产过程中,Evita切花红掌为最适宜品种,EC值为0.91~1.20ms/cm的营养液浓度比较适合红掌生长发育,12株/m2的栽培密度的红掌产量高、品质好,留2~3片叶能够较好的协调红掌的营养生长与生殖生长.综合应用可使栽培的切花红掌获得较高的产量和优良品质.  相似文献   

"温馨"月季是由切花月季品种"金香槟"选育出的花色芽变新品种。直立型矮丛品种,单头复色系大花型,花色为橙白色,背面深粉红色,花瓣无基部色斑;花径10~11cm;切枝长度65~95cm,粗细均匀;生长势较强,切花产量高,温室栽培单株年产切花8~9枝。  相似文献   

‘小娇红掌’是以‘德克萨纳’为母本,‘骄阳’为父本杂交育成的红掌新品种,株形小巧,平均株高25.1 cm,冠幅35.1 cm;叶片卵形,平均长12.7 cm,宽6.0 cm;佛焰苞红色,光泽度强,观赏期长;易开花,花略高于叶,抗病性强,适应性好。  相似文献   

不同红掌切花品种的花芽周年发育规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以荷兰安祖公司引进的12个红掌切花品种为试材,在遮阳网大棚栽培模式下对周年不同月份花芽的萌发情况、生长发育时间、花葶长度、花葶粗度和掌宽等进行测定,研究了海南气候条件下红掌切花品种的花芽生长发育周年规律。结果表明:1~7月份的花芽萌发数呈上升趋势,然后逐渐减少,直到12月份最小。1~5月份花芽的生长发育时间呈下降趋势,然后逐渐上升,11月份最大,12月份略有减少。周年不同月份花芽的花葶长度、花葶粗度和掌宽略有变化,总体呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

以聚氨酯泡沫塑料梯型槽作为种植容器,以12个引种至海南的红掌切花品种为试材,在遮阳网大棚栽培模式下进行了离土栽培生产技术研究,建立了从品种选择、设施建造、环境调控、肥水管理、病虫害防治以及采后保鲜等关键技术,以期为热带地区红掌切花生产提供一套经济实用、成效明显的遮阳网大棚红掌切花产业化离土栽培技术。  相似文献   

以"红牡丹"、"富哥尔一号"2个杜鹃品种为试材,研究了不同剂量的60Co-γ射线对2个杜鹃品种成熟植株的芽成活率、新梢长度、新叶长宽、开花和花特性的影响。结果表明:在25~65Gy剂量范围内,供试植株芽成活率、新梢长度、新叶长宽等均随剂量的加大而下降,花期推迟,花量减少,但花的变异度增加,表现出花色和花瓣形态的多样性;表明2个品种的杜鹃耐辐照能力稍有差异。  相似文献   

松华 《花卉》2013,(12):20-22
在第八届花博会室内展区中,一个由澳大利亚木本切花布置的展位特别引人注目,他们一改以百合、红掌和蝎尾蕉等草本切花为主调的高等级插花的面貌,而是以澳大利亚本土的帝王花、蒂罗花、针垫花、木百合、蜡花等高档木本切花为主调的插花来布置展位,令人耳目一新。澳大利亚木本切花大都来自能适应干旱气候条件的植物,因止瓶插期都很长,而且容易养护,有些品种甚至可维持3个月。  相似文献   

以核桃(Juglans regia L.)容器苗为试材,研究了不同施肥方式对其主要形态生长指标的影响。结果表明:不同施肥方式核桃容器苗高生长量之间呈极显著差异,单点、深度10~15cm的施肥方式最佳,高生长量为14cm,其次是双点、深度10~15cm的施肥方式,高生长量为13.4cm;地径生长量之间呈极显著差异,双点、深度10~15cm的施肥方式最佳,地径生长量为0.43cm,其次是三点、深度10~15cm的施肥方式,地径生长量为0.39cm;第1分枝生长量之间呈极显著差异,双点、深度2~7cm的施肥方式最佳,第1分枝长度生长量为5.80cm,其次是单点、深度2~7cm的施肥方式,第1分枝长度生长量为0.39cm。综合分析结果表明,采取深度为10~15cm、单点或双点的施肥方式,可显著提高核桃容器苗质量。  相似文献   

‘金辉’是由切花月季品种‘口红’中选出的花色芽变新品种。单头卷瓣大花型,花色黄底窄粉边;花径10~13 cm;切枝长度80~100 cm,粗细均匀;生长势较强,切花产量高,温室栽培单株年产切花12~15枝。  相似文献   

为探究环保酵素液肥对花叶秋海棠(Begonia cathayana)苗期生长状况及品质的影响,采用清水对照、长效缓释肥、自制果蔬类环保酵素液肥进行施肥试验,分析各处理花叶秋海棠苗6个月发新叶数量、新叶生长状态以及苗高生长量。结果表明,自制果蔬类环保酵素液肥对花叶秋海棠苗生长具有良好的促进作用,6个月生长期新叶增长数量11片,远高于对照组的5.2片,也高于长效缓释肥的9.3片,其苗高生长总量72.5cm,远高于对照组的51.2cm,比长效缓释肥组的73.1cm仅差了0.6cm。研究证明,自制果蔬类环保酵素液肥与市售花卉缓释肥对花叶秋海棠苗生长的肥效相当,它既能将新鲜植物垃圾就地化、资源化、无害化处理、循环利用,从源头减少湿垃圾量,也能降低生产成本,是实现绿色生态栽培的新途径。  相似文献   

Application of a 5-day dark treatment during the most active period of shoot growth of the tulip induced rapid elongation of the first internode. This treatment has been shown to be potentially useful for obtaining taller tulips for commercial cut-flower production. This treatment does not affect either the flowering date or other plant characteristics such as leaf length, flower length and colour, stem diameter or the total plant shape.Neither small light leaks, short periods of lighting, nor slight temperature fluctuations lessened the dark effect. Chemical treatments such as an application of gibberellins may also be combined with dark treatment as a forcing technique.  相似文献   

紫魅2号果桑新品种是从2009年收集的野生桑资源中筛选而来。该品种果实5月上旬至6月中旬成熟,果实长筒形,成熟果实紫黑色,风味酸甜适口,品质极上,汁色鲜紫,出汁率77.90%,有籽,可食率98.81%,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为11.2%,还原糖含量为7.1%,总酸含量为3.6%,总氨基酸含量为15.4 g·kg-1,矢车菊色素含量为1.72 g·kg-1,维生素C含量为0.15 mg·g-1,该品种花芽分化容易,花芽率99.31%,坐果率92.8%,单芽果数4~8个,平均5.62个。该品种节间距短,米条结果数多。丰产稳产,定植第2年开始结果,第3年进入盛果期,每666.7 m2产量2750 kg,是一个适合鲜食采摘的果桑新品种。该品种适宜在河南及周边省市桑树适生区栽植。  相似文献   

孙叶  包建忠  张甜  马辉  刘春贵  李风童  袁媛  陈秀兰 《园艺学报》2018,45(Z2):2801-2802
春兰新品种‘扬红梅’是以‘大富贵’为母本,‘瑞梅’为父本杂交选育而成。植株叶色翠绿,单株叶片3 ~ 4片,叶长15 ~ 25 cm,宽0.8 ~ 1.1 cm,叶片扭转向两侧伸展。花苞短圆,浅紫红色;花萼刚出苞衣为鲜紫红色,瓣质厚,有光泽,开花后期稳定成浅红棕色,具有红棕色纵脉。花葶8 ~ 10 cm,一葶一花,花直径4.5 ~ 5.0 cm,梅瓣,蚌壳捧,平肩,大刘海舌,舌面缀有鲜艳的绯红色U形斑块。始花期2月上旬,花期30 ~ 35 d,花香浓郁。  相似文献   

吴璐瑶  金华  陈燕妮  张碧涵  王玲 《园艺学报》2017,44(Z2):2717-2718
 ‘婷蝶’是从溪荪(Iris sanguinea Donn ex Horn.)实生后代中选育出的切花新品种。2年生花期株高127 cm,冠幅55 ~ 65 cm,花葶粗壮而整齐,高109 ~ 114 cm,粗0.48 cm。每株丛花葶数25 ~ 30,单葶花朵2 ~ 3朵,花径11 cm。花期5—6月,连续花期22 d左右,在中国北方地区可露地越冬。  相似文献   

施肥对三种切花百合钾素吸收动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽土培试验方法,研究了施肥与不施肥(对照)条件下东方百合、麝香百合和亚洲百合3个切花百合品种的钾素吸收规律.结果表明:随着生育期进展,各品种的切花百合地上部各器官含钾量均逐渐降低,地下部器官根和鳞茎则依品种和施肥的不同而表现出差异.鳞茎中的钾素支撑切花百合的前期地上部生长的钾素需求,经历的时间3个品种基本一致,均为47 d.钾素快速吸收期品种之间存在差异,东方百合由花芽分化至切花,历时81 d;麝香百合由花芽分化至切花,历时50 d;由亚洲百合10月6日至切花,历时25 d.施肥均提高了3个品种后期整株的钾积累量,但出现时期因品种而不同,东方百合最早、麝香百合次之、亚洲百合最迟.  相似文献   

Sustainable agriculture has become a concern, due to the pressures of the “energy crisis” and issues of “environmental protection”. The use of organic fertilizer made from agricultural waste regenerates natural resources and reduces the consumption of fossil energy as well as phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) deposits. There is scant information available concerning the use of organic fertilizer as the sole source of nutrients in flower production, especially in the cultivation of flowers in a soilless condition. The objective of this study was to develop an organic fertilization management system to replace the chemical fertilization management of the cut flower production of Anthurium andreanum Lind. cultivated under soilless conditions. Four fertilization treatments were carried out consisting of two chemical fertilizers [controlled release fertilizer (CRF) and a chemical nutrient solution (CNS)], and two organic fertilizers [pea and rice hull compost (PRHC) and cattle dung with tea leaf residue compost (CDTC)]. The effects of the various fertilizations on A. andreanum were evaluated based on plant growth, nutrient uptake, and cut flower quality during the 1-year experimental period. The results show that the growth, yield, and cut flower quality of plants receiving PRHC were the same as those receiving CNS and CRF, indicating that PRHC can substitute for CRF and CNS as a nutrient source for cut flower production of A. andreanum cultivated in soilless condition. The plants that received the CNS and PRHC treatments had a significantly increased leaf number and new leaf growth area than those that received the CRF and CDTC treatments. The plants receiving the CDTC showed the lowest increase in leaf area and number of flowers. The retardant growth of plants treated with CDTC has been explained as being due to less carbon (C) being assimilated, most likely as the result of an insufficient supply of nitrogen (N) and manganese (Mn) toxicity. The petiole and peduncle length of the plants receiving the CRF were the shortest, which might be due to the low level of potassium (K) accompanying the magnesium (Mg) deficiency. Even though there were significant differences in the N and K concentrations of the plants among the different treatments, no significant differences were observed in the cut flower quality. In short, the organic fertilizer PRHC can meet the nutrient requirements of A. andreanum cultivation for the cut flower production under soilless conditions.  相似文献   

The main object of the investigation was to attempt the separation of effects of photoperiod and total incident light energy in controlling flower initiation in the glasshouse carnation, variety White Sim.

Low light intensities delayed flower initiation. The delay was associated with reduced rates of growth in terms of dry weight, reduced rates of leaf initiation and increased number of leaves formed below the flower. Short days also delayed flower initiation and increased the number of leaves formed below the flower. Photoperiod, however, had no appreciable effect on growth in terms of dry weight or on rates of leaf initiation, but internode length was greater in long days than in short days. A period of illumination given in the middle of the night was more effective in promoting flower initiation than an equivalent period given to extend the day. Internode length was similar in these treatments. Effects of night temperature were less consistent than those of light intensity or daylength but, under most of the conditions tested, high night temperatures (minimum 65° F. (18° C.)) delayed flower initiation and increased the number of leaves formed below the flower. Low temperature treatment of plants at 40° F. (4.5° C.) for one month promoted subsequent flower initiation and reduced the number of leaves formed below the flower.  相似文献   

翠王为中早熟苦瓜新品种,植株生长势和分枝性强,叶片绿色,全生育期春季111 d、秋季90 d。第一雌花着生节位11.7~19.1节,第一个瓜坐瓜节位17.7~20.2节。瓜呈长圆锥形,瓜皮绿色,圆瘤为主、间有条瘤。瓜长30.9~31.4 cm,横径5.83~6.15 cm,肉厚1.09~1.15 cm。单瓜质量376.8~413.4 g,单株产量1.76~1.88 kg,商品率92.9%~95.5%。田间表现抗逆性较强。  相似文献   

 ‘糖果雪山’是从现代切花月季品种‘雪山’栽培群体中选育出来的芽变新品种。花色为白 底深粉边,花径10 ~ 13 cm;温室栽培单枝切花生育期为38 ~ 42 d,切枝长度90 ~ 110 cm,年产量280 ~ 300 枝 · m-2。  相似文献   

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