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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Chronic progressive lymphoedema (CPL) is a recently recognised disease of the lymphatic system characterised by lesions in the skin of the lower legs in several draught horse breeds, including the Belgian Draught hourse. Clinical signs slowly progress and result in severe disfigurement of the limbs. Ideally, supportive treatment should be started early in the disease process. However early diagnosis and monitoring progression of CPL is still a challenge. HYPOTHESIS: Elastin changes, characterised by morphological alterations as well as increased desmosine levels, in the skin of the distal limbs of horses affected with CPL are probably associated with a marked release of elastin degradation products, which elicit production of circulating anti-elastin antibodies (AEAbs) in the serum. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of serum AEAbs may document elastin breakdown. METHODS: An ELISA technique was used to evaluate levels of AEAbs in sera of 97 affected Belgian Draught horses that were clinically healthy except for possible skin lesions, associated with CPL in their distal limbs. The horses were divided into 5 groups according to the severity of these skin lesions: normal horses (Group 1, n = 36), horses with mild lesions (Group 2, n = 43), horses with moderate lesions (Group 3, n = 8), horses with severe lesions (Group 4, n = 10) and, as a control, healthy Warmblood horses, unaffected by the disease (Group 5, n = 83). RESULTS: Horses with clinical signs of CPL had significantly higher AEAb levels compared to clinically normal Belgian Draught horses and to healthy Warmblood horses. These levels correlated with severity of lesions. CONCLUSIONS: CPL in draught horses is associated with an increase of serum AEAbs. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Evaluation of serum levels of AEAbs by ELISA might be a useful diagnostic aid for CPL. Pathological degradation of elastic fibres, resulting in deficient support of the distal lymphatics, is proposed as a contributing factor for CPL in Belgian Draught horses.  相似文献   

Pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung disease are poorly understood in horses; the causes of such conditions are rarely identified. Equine herpesvirus 5 (EHV-5) is a gamma-herpesvirus of horses that has not been associated with disease in horses. Pathologic and virologic findings from 24 horses with progressive nodular fibrotic lung disease associated with EHV-5 infection are described and compared with 23 age-matched control animals. Gross lesions consisted of multiple nodules of fibrosis throughout the lungs. Histologically, there was marked interstitial fibrosis, often with preservation of an "alveolar-like" architecture, lined by cuboidal epithelial cells. The airways contained primarily neutrophils and macrophages. Rare macrophages contained large eosinophilic intranuclear viral inclusion bodies; similar inclusion bodies were also found cytologically. The inclusions were identified as herpesviral-like particles by transmission electron microscopy in a single horse. In situ hybridization was used to detect EHV-5 nucleic acids within occasional macrophage nuclei. With polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the herpesviral DNA polymerase gene was detected in 19/24 (79.2%) of affected horses and 2/23 (8.7%) of the control horses. Virus genera-specific PCR was used to detect EHV-5 in all of the affected horses and none of the control horses. EHV-2 was detected in 8/24 (33.3%) of affected horses and 1/9 (11.1%) of the control horses. This disease has not been reported before, and the authors propose that based upon the characteristic gross and histologic findings, the disease be known as equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis. Further, we propose that this newly described disease develops in association with infection by the equine gamma-herpesvirus, EHV-5.  相似文献   

Equine chronic progressive lymphoedema (CPL) is a disabling disorder of draught horse breeds. Combined decongestive therapy (CDT) is the treatment of choice for lymphoedema in man and has been adapted for use in horses. Equine CDT, which includes manual lymph drainage (MLD) and subsequent bandaging with short stretch bandages, was expected to improve the signs of CPL in draught horses because CPL resembles primary lymphoedema in man. Five affected horses ‐ Gypsy cob (n = 1), Clydesdale (n = 1), Shires (n = 3) ‐ were included. Lesions were documented pre‐ and post treatment. Percentage volume loss of the distal legs was calculated using the disc model. Initial plans for daily CDT had to be adapted; intermittent treatment of Chorioptes infections required alternating between CDT and MLD in 4/5 horses. Concurrent pyoderma (1/5 horses) was treated throughout the study. Development of unrelated lameness (hoof abscess) allowed limited CDT treatment only in one horse. Marked softening of previously firm tissue indicated the change from ‘brawny’ to pitting oedema in 2/5 horses. Fibrotic nodules and folds in the pasterns became markedly softened and smaller in 2/5 horses. Skin surface notably improved in all horses: hyperkeratosis decreased, erosions and ulcerations healed completely and crusts disappeared. After 2 weeks, a mean volume reduction of 11.25% was seen, ranging from 4.75–21.74% and quality of movement improved. This pilot study documents evidence that CDT assists management of CPL. Current CPL management is limited to palliative treatments of secondary infections. Whilst not a permanent treatment, CDT offers a promising tool to manage horses with CPL, improving their quality of life and potential usefulness. More extensive and prolonged studies with a larger number of horses are warranted to evaluate the full potential of CDT.  相似文献   

Radiographic examination of all four metatarso- and metacarpophalangeal joints was performed on 753 Standardbred yearlings. Ununited proximoplantar tuberosity of the proximal phalanx was seen in 18 (2.4%) of the horses. All ununited tuberosities were in the pelvic limb. The condition was seen laterally in 16 horses while one horse had the medial and lateral tuberosities affected and another only the medial tuberosity. Upon follow-up examination it was apparent that 12 ununited proximoplantar tuberosities in 11 horses had united to the proximal phalanx after 6–12 months. A worsening of the condition was seen in 4 horses, and one horse had unchanged radiographic findings after 7 months. Lameness had not been observed in any horse prior to the first examination.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of chronic progressive lymphoedema (CPL) in draught horses, including the Belgian Draught Horse, is mainly based on clinical evaluation of typical lower limb lesions. A deficient perilymphatic elastic support, caused by a pathological elastin degradation in skin and subcutis, has been suggested as a contributing factor for CPL. Elastin degradation products induce the generation of anti-elastin Ab (AEAb), detectable in horse serum by ELISA. For a clinically healthy group of draught horses, a significantly lower average AEAb-level than 3 clinically affected groups (mild, moderate and severe symptoms) was demonstrated previously. To improve CPL-diagnosis, we evaluated the AEAb-ELISA as an in vitro diagnostic aid in individual horses. Test reproducibility was assessed, performing assays independently in 2 laboratories on a total of 345 horses. Possible factors associated with AEAb-levels (age, gender, pregnancy, test lab and date of blood collection) were analyzed using a mixed statistical model. Results were reproducible in both laboratories. AEAb-levels in moderately and severely affected horses were significantly higher than in healthy horses. Nevertheless, this was only demonstrated in barren mares, and, there was a very large overlap between the clinical groups. Consequently, even when a high AEAb cut-off was handled to obtain a reasonable specificity of 90%, a very low sensitivity (21%) of AEAb for CPL-diagnosis was obtained. Results on the present sample demonstrate that the described ELISA procedure is of no use as a diagnostic test for CPL in individual horses.  相似文献   

The roan coat color in horses is characterized by dispersed white hair and dark points. This phenotype segregates in a broad range of horse breeds, while the underlying genetic background is still unknown. Previous studies mapped the roan locus to the KIT gene on equine chromosome 3 (ECA3). However, this association could not be validated across different horse breeds. Performing a genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) in Noriker horses, we identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (ECA3:g.79,543.439 A > G) in the intron 17 of the KIT gene. The G -allele of the top associated SNP was present in other roan horses, namely Quarter Horse, Murgese, Slovenian, and Belgian draught horse, while it was absent in a panel of 15 breeds, including 657 non-roan horses. In further 379 gray Lipizzan horses, eight animals exhibited a heterozygous genotype (A/G). Comparative whole-genome sequence analysis of the KIT region revealed two deletions in the downstream region (ECA3:79,533,217_79,533,224delTCGTCTTC; ECA3:79,533,282_79,533,285delTTCT) and a 3 bp deletion combined with 17 bp insertion in intron 20 of KIT (ECA3:79,588,128_79,588,130delinsTTATCTCTATAGTAGTT). Within the Noriker sample, these loci were in complete linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the identified top SNP. Based upon pedigree information and historical records, we were able to trace back the genetic origin of roan coat color to a baroque gene pool. Furthermore, our data suggest allelic heterogeneity and the existence of additional roan alleles in ponies and breeds related to the English Thoroughbred. In order to study the roan phenotype segregating in those breeds, further association and verification studies are required.  相似文献   

Botulism was believed to be the cause of progressive symmetric myasthenia in 8 horses on a farm in North Carolina. One horse was found dead, 6 were euthanatized after becoming recumbent, and 1 affected horse recovered. Cecal and colonic contents of 2 horses were determined to contain Clostridium botulinum spores. Alfalfa hay that was fed to the horses contained spores and toxin.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Early diagnosis of chronic progressive lymphoedema (CPL) may result in more effective interventions and provide a basis for further investigation of whether early diagnosis could be used as a means of eliminating potential genetic influences by cessation of breeding from affected individuals. HYPOTHESIS: Lymphoscintigraphy may be useful in draught horses to differentiate early lesions of CPL from other conditions in the pastern region. METHODS: Forelimbs of 2 normal and 5 CPL-affected draught horses were evaluated with lymphoscintigraphy. RESULTS: Lymphoscintigraphy showed clearly the presence of interstitial fluid stasis and delayed lymphatic drainage in the affected extremities of diseased animals in contrast to normal animals of these breeds. The rate of decreased clearance of a particulate radiopharmaceutical from the tissues was related positively to the severity of clinical signs. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Our findings support the hypothesis that lymph stasis is probably responsible for the progressive swelling and concurrent skin lesions observed in association with CPL in draught horses. Lymphoscintigraphy should also prove useful in diagnosis of CPL in draught horses, even in the mild stages of the disease; such early diagnosis may result in more effective intervention.  相似文献   

Idiopathic focal eosinophilic enteritis (IFEE) is a rare disease in the horse and few cases have been reported in the literature. The objective of this paper was to describe the clinical, surgical, histological features and post-operative progress of 12 horses with IFEE, a disease that had not been identified in the authors' hospital population prior to 2000. Diagnosis of IFEE was made at laparotomy and confirmed by histological examination of resected abnormal small intestine. In all 12 horses colic was associated with jejunal obstruction involving visibly striking and palpably thickened serosal plaques or circumferential constrictions. Surgical resection of affected intestine was performed in 10 horses, of which seven completely recovered. In one horse, on which surgical resection was not performed, ingesta re-obstructed post-operatively at one of the lesions. Histological examination of resected intestines revealed, in all cases, severe transmural enteritis in which eosinophilic leucocytes were the predominant inflammatory cells. No helminths were identified and the cause of this lesion is not known. IFEE is an uncommon but significant cause of small intestinal obstruction for which surgical resection can be curative. The gross lesions may be under-recognised and histology is essential for diagnosis.  相似文献   

Deep digital flexor tendon transection at the mid-metacarpus was performed in 20 horses with severe acute or chronic laminitis that was not responsive to conventional treatment. Sixteen horses improved within 72 hours, one horse worsened, and two horses were unaffected by the surgery. Eleven horses survived less than 1 month after surgery and six horses survived longer than 6 months. Three horses surviving longer than 6 months have remained lame and no horse has returned to athletic performance. Transection of the deep digital flexor tendon at the mid-metacarpus may decrease the pain associated with the acute refractory stage of laminitis and may be useful as an immediate salvage procedure; however, despite the early clinical improvement observed after tenotomy, the survival rate of affected horses may not be altered.  相似文献   

Chronic granulomatous enteritis associated with weight loss and hypoproteinemia was identified in 2 horses. Both horses continued to have normally formed feces. Malabsorption of carbohydrate and lipid, with concomitant gastrointestinal protein loss was demonstrated in 1 case. One horse was treated symptomatically and gained 108 kg. In both cases, principal gastrointestinal lesions were partial to total villus atrophy and transmural mononuclear leukocytosis, with lymphocytes and histiocytes predominating. The cause of the condition was not identified in either case.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: To describe the clinical symptoms, treatment, and outcome of meniscal cysts in horses. These structures have not been previously described in the literature as a potential cause of lameness in the horse. Hypothesis: Meniscal cysts are an uncommon condition of the femorotibial joint but can be a significant cause of lameness. Symptoms can be resolved by arthroscopic excision. Methods: Records of horses diagnosed with meniscal cysts and treated by cyst excision and meniscal debridement at 2 surgical practices were reviewed. Clinical outcome was determined by repeat veterinary examination and contact with owner. Results: Seven cases of meniscal cyst were treated with arthroscopic cyst excision and meniscal debridement. Five of 7 horses had lameness attributable to femorotibial joint pathology, while the remaining 2 horses had meniscal cysts found incidentally during diagnostic arthroscopy for the treatment of osteochondritis dissecans of the lateral trochlear ridge of the femur. Five of 6 horses with long‐term follow‐up were sound and a 7th horse was improved 11 months after surgery. Conclusions and potential relevance: Meniscal cysts, while uncommon, can be associated with progressive lameness in the horse. Surgical excision of the cysts results in resolution or improvement of symptoms, without evidence of recurrence on follow‐up examination.  相似文献   

Polysaccharide storage myopathy is an equine neuromuscular disorder characterized by accumulation of glycogen-related polysaccharide inclusions within skeletal muscle fibers. The pathologic criteria for diagnosis of this disorder are somewhat controversial; however, periodic acid-Schiff-positive, amylase-resistant inclusions are considered pathognomonic. Although these inclusions are most often found in affected horses related to the Quarter Horse, draft horse, and Warmblood breeds, this report describes these characteristic inclusions in muscle of five horses from nonrelated breeds (two Morgans, one Arabian, one Arabian x Thoroughbred, and one Standardbred) and two Welsh cross ponies. Affected horses had histories of recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis, and one developed progressive weakness leading to increased recumbency. The affected ponies were part of an unrelated research project and had no apparent clinical signs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine incidence, effect on performance, and management practices associated with exertional rhabdomyolysis (ER) in Thoroughbreds. SAMPLE POPULATION: Medical records for 984 Thoroughbreds and a survey of trainers of horses with and without ER. PROCEDURES: Medical records for 984 Thoroughbreds stabled at a midwestern racetrack were examined to determine the incidence of ER during the 1995 racing season. A retrospective questionnaire was administered to trainers to determine management practices associated with ER in 59 Thoroughbreds with ER and 47 control Thoroughbreds in training. Multiple logistic regression was used to determine management factors associated with ER. RESULTS: ER affected 48 of 984 (4.9%) Thoroughbreds. Two-year-old females were most frequently affected, and 36 of 96 (37.5%) trainers had > or = 1 horse with ER. Horses with ER were more likely not to race during the racing season, compared with control horses. For horses that raced, differences were not found with respect to racing performance between ER and control horses. Exertional rhabdomyolysis developed frequently in susceptible horses that had > or = 1 day of rest prior to exercise and that galloped during exercise. Horses with ER were commonly fed > 4.5 kg of grain daily. Nervous and extremely nervous horses were 5.4 times more likely, and horses with some form of lameness were 4.2 times more likely, to have ER. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Exertional rhabdomyolysis is common in Thoroughbreds, and ER can be affected by temperament, sex, age, diet, exercise routines, and lameness. Management that minimizes excitability, particularly when tailored to each horse, may be most effective for controlling ER.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cervical vertebral compressive myelopathy (CVCM) is a common cause of myelopathy in horses aged 6 months to 4 years. Little information is available regarding the types of lesions, treatment, and outcomes in horses with CVCM that are > or =4 years old. ANIMALS: Twenty-two affected horses (10 with a confirmed diagnosis of CVCM and 12 presumptive cases) and 210 contemporaneous control horses. METHODS: Horses > or =4 years old that were diagnosed with CVCM between January 1992 and January 2004 were identified from medical records at Texas A&M University and the University of Florida. Data analyzed included history, signalment, neurologic examination findings, lesion location, treatment, and outcome. Signalment was also recorded in a population of contemporaneous controls. RESULTS: Horses identified had a median age of 8.4 years, and there was a greater percentage of male horses among the cases than among the controls. The most common breeds represented were warmblood (n=6) and quarter horse (n=5) types; warmbloods were significantly (P < .05) overrepresented relative to control horses. The caudal cervical vertebral column was the most common site of CVCM lesions, and the C5-C6 (4/9) and C6-C7 (3/9) articulations were most often identified as abnormal via myelography. The most common lesions seen with radiography and myelography were articular process osteophytes. Of the 22 affected horses, 8 were euthanized and a diagnosis of CVCM was confirmed by necropsy for all; 5 of 8 of these horses had spinal cord compression caused, entirely or in part, by articular process osteophytes. Medical management was the therapy chosen in all horses, and administration of corticosteroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs resulted in improvement in the greatest number of horses. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: CVCM should be a differential diagnosis in older horses with cervical myelopathy. Articular process osteophytes are the most frequently identified cause of spinal cord compression in this group. Male horses and horses of warmblood or Tennessee Walking Horse breeds may be predisposed to this condition.  相似文献   

An unusual form of strangulation of mesentery only by pedunculated lipoma was identified as the cause of moderate to severe colic in four horses. The small intestinal mesentery was involved in three horses and the small colon mesentery in the fourth horse, but the associated intestine was not strangulated, haemorrhagic, nor obviously obstructed in any horse. In all horses, a patch of haemorrhagic mesentery of variable size was evident around the origin of a mesenteric lipoma and a major mesenteric vessel. One horse was subjected to euthanasia at the owner's request and the remaining three had surgery from which they made a complete recovery after the removal of the lipoma. Intestinal resection was not performed in any of the three horses undergoing surgery. An isolated mesenteric strangulation by lipoma is an uncommon cause of colic in older horses that have the typical presentation of a strangulating lipoma. The removal of the involved lipoma without mesenteric or intestinal resection can be associated with complete recovery.  相似文献   



Equine neuroaxonal dystrophy/equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy (NAD/EDM) is a neurodegenerative disorder affecting young horses of various breeds that resembles ataxia with vitamin E deficiency in humans, an inherited disorder caused by mutations in the alpha‐tocopherol transfer protein gene (TTPA). To evaluate variants found upon sequencing TTPA in the horse, the mode of inheritance for NAD/EDM had to be established.


NAD/EDM in the American Quarter Horse (QH) is caused by a mutation in TTPA.


88 clinically phenotyped (35 affected [ataxia score ≥2], 53 unaffected) QHs with a diagnosis of NAD/EDM with 6 affected and 4 unaffected cases confirmed at postmortem examination.


Pedigrees and genotypes across 54,000 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were assessed to determine heritability and mode of inheritance of NAD/EDM. TTPA sequence of exon/intron boundaries was evaluated in 2 affected and 2 control horses. An association analysis was performed by 71 SNPs surrounding TTPA and 8 SNPs within TTPA that were discovered by sequencing. RT‐PCR for TTPA was performed on mRNA from the liver of 4 affected and 4 control horses.


Equine NAD/EDM appears to be inherited as a polygenic trait and, within this family of QHs, demonstrates high heritability. Sequencing of TTPA identified 12 variants. No significant association was found using the 79 available variants in and surrounding TTPA. RT‐PCR yielded PCR products of equivalent sizes between affected cases and controls.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

NAD/EDM demonstrates heritability in this family of QHs. Variants in TTPA are not responsible for NAD/EDM in this study population.  相似文献   

Investigation of hereditary multiple exostoses in horses under controlled research conditions for 10 years and epidemiologic studies that have spanned up to five generations of human families contain notable similarities. The present study demonstrated that a single dominant autosomal gene is responsible for hereditary multiple exostoses in horses and man. Affected individuals transmit this trait to approximately 50% of their progeny, whereas nonaffected individuals do not transmit the condition to their offspring. The tumors in affected horses are most often present at birth. They tend to be bilaterally symmetrical and vary in size, shape, and texture. Those on the legs generally do not appear to enlarge as the animal matures, but others, notably those on the ribs and scapulae, enlarge until skeletal maturity, Histologically, the tumors appear as typical ostosteochondromas in both horse and man. Sarcomatous transformations have not yet been detected after 10 years in horses, although such changes are occasionally reported in the similar disease condition in man. The remarkable similarities of hereditary multiple exostoses in the horse to that in man provide an opportunity for comparative biomedical study.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical history, structures involved, treatment, and outcome of lacerations of the heel bulb and proximal phalangeal region (pastern) in horses. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 101 horses. PROCEDURES: Medical records of horses with lacerations of the heel bulb and pastern were reviewed, and follow-up information was obtained. RESULTS: 75 horses were Quarter Horses. Most horses were not treated with antimicrobial drugs prior to referral. Mean +/- SD time from injury to referral was 24 +/- 45 hours (range, 1 to 168 hours). Lacerations were most frequently caused by contact with wire or metal objects. In 17 horses, lacerations involved synovial structures; the distal interphalangeal joint was most commonly affected. One horse was euthanatized after initial examination. Wound treatment consisted of cleansing, lavage, debridement, lavage of affected synovial structures, suturing of fresh wounds, and application of a foot bandage or cast. Fifty-six horses were treated with systemically administered antimicrobial drugs. Follow-up information was collected for 61 horses. Fifty-one horses returned to their intended use and had no further complications; 10 horses had complications associated with the wound, and of those horses, 5 were euthanatized and 1 horse died from an unrelated cause. Horses with lacerations that involved synovial structures had worse outcomes than horses with lacerations that did not involve synovial structures. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Horses that sustain heel bulb lacerations can successfully return to their intended use. Involvement of the distal interphalangeal joint is associated with poor prognosis.  相似文献   

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