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Zusammenfassung Die Nachkommenzahl von einem Weibchen vonSitophilus oryzae oderSitotroga cerealella in Sorghum-Körnern nahm mit dem Ansteigen der ursprünglichen Elterndichte ab. Jedoch nahm die Gesamtzahl an Nachkommen beiS. oryzae bis zu einem Maximalwert zu und danach bei weiterem Anstieg der Elterndichte wieder ab (Crowding-Konkurrenz). BeiS. cerealella dagegen tendierte die Nachkommenzahl dazu, von einem Grenzwert ab—unabhängig von der Elterndichte—konstant zu bleiben (Wettkampf-Konkurrenz).
Intraspezific competition and progeny production inSitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleopt.) andSitotroga cerealella (Oliv.) (Lepid.) in Sorghum grain
The number of progeny produced per femaleSitophilus oryzae (L.) orSitotroga cerealella (Oliv.), on sorghum grain, decreased as the initial parental density increased. However, the total number of progeny (off-springs) produced inS. oryzae increased to a peak then declined with further increases in parental density (Scramble competition). InS. cerealella the progeny produced tended to be fairly constant once a certain parental density was passed (Contest competition).

Mit einer Tabelle  相似文献   

Root elongation of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings was inhibited in the presence of 5 microM Cd, but was unaffected by a Cd concentration at 0.05 microM. Nutrient solutions labeled with (109)Cd were used to investigate the influence of pH, cations and the metabolic inhibitor 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) on the uptake of Cd by roots of intact spruce seedlings. Extracellular Cd was removed by washing the roots, and the relative amounts of Cd in the root apoplast and symplast estimated. In the presence of DNP, Cd uptake was reduced at 0.05 microM (non-toxic) but not at 5 microM Cd (toxic). At 0.05 microM Cd, the uptake of Cd into both the apoplast and symplast was dependent on the pH of the nutrient solution. Lower pH decreased Cd accumulation. Aluminum supplied at 100 or 500 microM lowered the Cd concentrations of both the apoplast and symplast. An increase in Ca or Mg supply reduced the Cd concentration of the apoplast but not of the symplast. In the presence of 5 microM Mn, the concentration of Cd in the symplast decreased by 44% compared to the control (1 microM Mn). High concentrations of Zn or Hg did not affect the Cd concentration of the roots.  相似文献   

陈定如 《广东园林》2007,29(3):79-80
水翁(水泱)桃金娘科常绿乔木,高10~16m。枝下高2~4m,树皮厚,灰褐色,嫩枝压扁或近四棱形;树冠圆形。叶对生,薄革质,长圆形至椭圆形,长8~12cm,宽4~8cm,  相似文献   


After the severe storm Gudrun in southern Sweden in 2005, a quantitative study was done in order to investigate the presence of lengthwise crack on planks taken from storm-felled trees in southern Sweden, compared to planks from standing trees not subjected to this storm (central Sweden). The main yield from each log was examined. In total, 1087 pine (Pinus sylvestris) planks and 3626 spruce (Picea abies) planks from the storm-struck area were investigated and compared to 1953 spruce and 2000 pine planks from trees outside the storm-struck area. The examination of cracks was done visually on dried planks. For pine, 51.7% of the planks from storm-felled trees had a total length longer than 0.5 m, compared to 7.3% for the reference material. As for spruce, 11.0% of the planks from storm-felled trees had a total crack length of more than 0.5 m, compared to the reference material where 2.2% had cracks longer than 0.5 m. The results show that the storm-felled trees had more longitudinal cracks than the reference material and that pine was more likely to develop storm-related cracks than spruce.  相似文献   

The aim of the presented research project is to fit a site index model capable for predicting changes in site-productivity in a changing climate. A generalized additive model is used to predict site index as a function of soil and climate variables. The climate parameter values are estimated using the regional climate model WETTREG, based on global climate simulations with the global circulation model ECHAM5/MPI-OM for the reference period from 1961 to 1990. The climate values are further regionalized on a 200 m × 200 m grid. The generalized additive model quantifies the partial linear and non-linear effects of the predictor variables on site index. The model is parameterized for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Lower Saxony, Germany. Two case studies investigate the model's ability to generate information in order to support forest management planning decisions under a changing climate. One example analyzes the possible shift in site index of spruce along a precipitation gradient under the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission scenario A1B in the period from 2041 to 2050. The other case study shows possible future changes in site index of beech along a temperature gradient.  相似文献   

In East Germany, there are a lot of areas covered by old pine stands. They are growing on soils, on which under natural conditions without anthropogenic impact mixed stands of oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) and pine (Pinus silvestris L.), would form a natural forest. An important objective of ecological silviculture in these areas is to convert the pure pine stands into mixed oak–pine stands by using natural regeneration methods. A highly appreciated assistant in this connection is the European jay (Garrulus glandarius L.). The remarkable results of its work have been found by analyzing the natural regeneration in a few old pine stands in the forest district of Weißwasser in Saxony. Although mother trees of oak are very scarce there, natural regeneration of oak was found everywhere in the research area. The oak regeneration, undoubtedly created by the jay, amounted to at least 2000 oaks/ha. They were mainly distributed at random, while pine regeneration was aggregated in places where gaps in the pine canopy occurred. Oak regeneration was established much earlier than pine regeneration. Thus, oaks exceeded pines in age, height and diameter. The oaks were also superior to pines concerning height increment for the last three years. Thus, there is a good chance for oak to defend its prevailing role in the regeneration in the future. Probably, the next forest generation will be composed of oak and pine trees. The analysis of the quality of the oak regeneration shows that there is no substantial difference to artificially sown oak stands. This indicates that the European jay creates oak stands sufficiently both in number and quality.  相似文献   

The lipid composition of the two closely related birches Betula pubescens and Betula tortuosa was investigated. The total amount of lipids and the lipid composition was strikingly similar. The glycolipid content on a chlorophyll basis was high in both birches. A comparison of the. acyl groups revealed a small difference in 16:3 in monogalactosyl diacylglycerol, but the total amount of trienoic acids was similar. The acyl group composition in the nonplastid lipid phosphatidyl choline differed between the birches and B. tortuosa had a higher average number of double bonds. The observations on galactolipid and phospholipid could not explain the earlier stated higher tolerance of B. tortuosa to the freezing of its leaves  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In Fichtenbest?nden (Picea abies) tritt der Hallimasch (Armillaria mellea) h?ufig als Erreger einer Kernf?ule im Stamm lebender B?ume auf. Die F?ule geht von der Basis des Wurzelstockes aus. Im Vergleich zu einer durchFomes annosus verursachten F?ule breitet sich die Hallimaschf?ule in radialer Richtung etwas langsamer, in axialer Richtung aber erheblich langsamer aus, so da? sie meist nur eine sehr geringe H?he erreicht. Die Bedingungen für das Auftreten der Hallimaschf?ule sind noch nicht bekannt.
Summary In spruce forestsArmillaria mellea frequently is the cause of a butt rot in living stems. The decay starts in the center of the stem base. Compared toFomes annosus theArmillaria rot does grow in the radial direction slightly more slowly, but in the axial direction much more slowly. Corresponding theArmillaria rot reaches only a slight high in the stem. The conditions which promote theArmillaria rot are not yet known.

Gef?rdert mit Hilfe von Forschungsmitteln des Landes Niedersachsen.—Dr.L. Dimitri, Dr.R. Siepmann undR. Kliefoth danke ich für ihre Mithilfe bei den Au?enarbeiten und bei den Pilzdiagnosen.  相似文献   

The morphological data for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees published by Burger (1953) were reanalyzed to examine the relationships between crown shape, needle and branch mass density of crown volume, needle efficiency in stemwood production, harvest index and stemwood production efficiency per unit of crown projected area. Production of stemwood per unit of crown projected area was higher in narrow-crowned trees than in broad-crowned trees because the narrow-crowned trees had (i) smaller horizontal space requirements for equal crown volumes, (ii) higher leaf area index due to both the geometrical crown shape and higher needle density per unit of crown volume, and (iii) higher harvest index indicating high allocation of dry matter production to stem.  相似文献   

Results of branch measurings in unthinned stands of Sitka spruce in Denmark are presented. Three different measures of branch thickness are discussed in relation to visual grading of structural timber. On basis of the average thickest branch 5.0 m above ground it is recommended not to let spacing exceed 1.8x1.8 m‐2.0x2.0 m at establishment. Since Sitka spruce branches react profusely when spacing widens, this is the upper limit, presupposing a no‐thinning regime. With reference to the literature, the same recommendation can be given on basis of machine stress gradings.  相似文献   

Different aspects of the pharmacology of Schisandra chinensis fruit and dibenzo[a,c]cyclooctene lignans from this plant are reviewed focusing in particular on the antihepatotoxic, antioxidant and antitumoural activities, and on the effects on physical performance and on the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Due to large reserves of second-growth cypress (Taxodium distichum and T. distichum var. nutans) in the southeastern United States, logging of cypress is once again becoming attractive. This increased activity has led to the question of whether adequate natural regeneration will be established after logging. Four logged cypress stands in the Barataria Basin region of Louisiana were sampled to determine vegetation characteristics and survival and growth of baldcypress seedlings and stump sprouts. Coppice regeneration was prolific during the first year after cutting, however, most of the sprouts died in the following years. In addition, even though observations were made during a particularly dry year, no seedling establishment occurred.  相似文献   

陈定如 《广东园林》2007,29(6):77-78
常绿乔木,高15~40 m.树干耸直,树皮粗糙,灰褐色至褐色,具明显凸起皮孔及片状剥落;单轴分枝,大枝(第一次分枝)轮生,平展或略斜举,层次分明;小枝(第二或第三次分枝)整齐排成二列平展或下垂,并与叶构成圆条状,长5~30 cm,直径约1 cm.  相似文献   

Field studies carried out in a forest transition site on a tropical Alfisol in southwestern Nigeria, show that shading by gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud) and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit) hedgerow species reduced density of speargrass (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel) by 67% and 51%, respectively. Shoot biomass of speargrass decreased by 81% and 78% in gliricidia and leucaena hedgerows, respectively. Reduction in speargrass rhizome biomass in gliricidia plots was 96% while rhizome reduction in the leucaena plots was nearly 90%. Rhizome mortality was significantly higher in gliricidia plots than in leucaena and control plots. The bulk of rhizomes was found between 10 cm and 20 cm of soil depth but rhizome did not penetrate further than 30 cm depth in the Alfisol in which this study was carried out. Gliricidia was better than leucaena hedgerow species in suppressing speargrass.  相似文献   

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