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结合实施浙江省“九五”课题“丛生竹笋与观测竹开发研究”,从浙南丰富的竹类资源和发达的社会经济之实际出发,对我国盆栽观赏竹种的筛选、母株选择处理、挖掘、生长管理、成景管理以及盆土和竹盆选择等系列环节做了配套研究,为开发浙南丛生观赏竹资料提供技术措施和母竹种质。  相似文献   

浙南生境与丛生竹资源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为开发浙南丛生竹资源,作者对本区丛生竹资源数量、分布及经营水平作了调查分析,揭示了浙南优越的气候条件是浙江省发展丛生竹种及其它热性竹种理想的试验推广场所,并指出科研生产部门应把浙南丛生竹列入重点开发计划。  相似文献   

观赏竹在沿海地区的开发实践与拓展思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文在论述观赏竹审美特征、开发价值、功能以及沿海地区发展观赏竹环境条件的基础上,以温州为立论对象,分析了开发现状和拓展领域,提出需突破的技术重点和发展对策,以期进一步提高浙南的观赏竹开发水平。  相似文献   

关于云南大型丛生竹产业化开发的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南是世界上竹类资源最丰富的地区之一,其资源的最大特色是具有我国其他产竹省区所缺乏的大型优良丛生竹种。通过分析论述云南大型丛生竹资源的价值和意义,现状和特点,提出了大型丛生竹产业化开发必须走现代竹产业之路“选择优良竹种,培植优质资源;立足较高起点,开发高新产品;依靠科技进步,坚持集约经营;三种效益兼顾,保证持续发展”,并对种苗基地,示范样板,特色产品和依靠科技四个方面的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

根据竹类植物的特点,对观赏竹盆景制作过程中竹种选择、矮化处理、盆土选择、上盆技术及养护管理等技术逐一进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

我国丛生竹研究进展与问题探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于大量国内丛生竹研究资料,对丛生竹的竹材结构与物理力学性能、竹化学、遗传和育种、引种驯化、营林技术、丛生竹林生态学及病虫害防治、竹笋和观赏丛生竹应用等方面研究进展进行了综合分析,并就我国丛生竹研究中的一些问题提出了一些探讨性建议。  相似文献   

云南省热带大型丛生竹林景观、珍稀特有竹种资源均为国内外之首 ,民族竹文化资源丰富多彩 ,但与省外相比在长期以来产业开发却明显滞后。近年来 ,云南竹类研究取得了丰硕成果 ,全社会对竹产业开发认识不断提高 ,竹产业综合开发取得了明显进展。本文系统总结了云南竹类研究和竹产业开发的成果和存在问题 ,提出并探讨了切实保护竹类多样性、大力开发民族竹文化资源、推进大型丛生竹产业化、发展特色竹产业的明确目标和具体措施。  相似文献   

安吉良种竹苗基地安吉良种竹苗基地位于安吉县高禹镇四庄,面积3000余亩,开发品种100余种。品种以散生、混生茎竹种为主,丛生竹为补充;产品以观赏竹苗为主,笋用、材用竹苗为次的产品结构,利用竹类的多样性,达到不同造景要求目的。2004年被国家林业局命名为“全国特色种苗基地”。安吉良种竹苗基地专业从事园林观赏竹种苗和造林竹种苗的开发生产,承接园林观赏竹子工程、绿化工程、以竹文化为主题的生态园林、观赏竹子公园、竹海旅游、农庄荒地开发利用等项目的设计和施工。地址:浙江省湖州市安吉县城南郊法人:易国文邮编:313302电话:0572-5118…  相似文献   

丛生竹生长特性及管理技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丛生竹生长特性是丛生竹林结构调整和林地管理的依据.当前有关丛生竹生长特性和经营技术的研究取得了较大进展,该文对丛生竹种群基株、分株克隆生长特性进行概述,并对基于丛立竹数与根盘面积比的丛生竹林分结构调整、丛生竹散生化栽培、林地管理等技术进行了总结.指出了丛生竹发展过程中还存在着可利用的丛生竹种较少、优良丛生竹种资源扩展缓慢、丛生竹生长特性与经营管理技术互动关系研究缺乏等问题,在今后应加强研究.  相似文献   

本文论述了在云南以大型丛生竹为特色的竹类资源开发中贯彻的主导思想,即走现代竹产业之路。其核心是选择优良竹种、培植优质资源,立足较高起点、开发高新产品,依靠科技进步、坚持集约经营,三种效益兼顾、保证持续发展  相似文献   

We present a new approach for selecting seed sources of Eucalyptus to be grown on saline land. We evaluated our method using 22 seed sources, 11 tree-form species and 11 mallee-form species. We found that the commonly used strategy of selecting seed sources on the basis of average productivity was inappropriate, as average productivity was poorly correlated with the relationship between productivity and salinity that was actually observed. Using our new approach, we categorized seed sources as salt-sensitive or salt-tolerant based on the strength of the observed relationship between salinity and productivity. Seed sources defined as sensitive were associated with relatively large (−24.8 to −64.2%) productivity losses, while the changes in productivity for tolerant seed sources ranged from −17.1 to 10.5%. On average, reductions in height due to increased salinity were about 30% greater for sensitive seed sources than tolerant ones, although the effect was smaller for mallee-form and greater for tree-form seed sources. The difference between sensitive and tolerant seed sources was similar after 1, 2 and 4 years of growth.  相似文献   

关于中国木制品市场的观点。刚刚在大连参加了2004年中国木制品进出口贸易洽谈会,我对中国作为一个多种木制产品的来源地有了更加崭新的认识随着我们对于把中国当作一个潜在的木制产品原材料产地的兴趣的增长,我很高兴的看到会议谈到了关于木制产品认证的话题.为了保护濒临灭绝的森林和保证将来的木材需要,Home Depot首先于1999年发表了它的木材购买政策你可以在HomeDepot的主页:  相似文献   

“民以食为天”,“人命关天”,这两句古话阐明了食品安全无以复加的重要性。实际上,食品安全的重要性还远不止于此,这个问题不仅关系到人的健康和生命,而且关系到经济发展、社会稳定,乃至公民对整个社会和政府的信心。  相似文献   

“民以食为天”,“人命关天”,这两句古话阐明了食品安全无以复加的重要性。实际上,食品安全的重要性还远不止于此,这个问题不仅关系到人的健康和生命,而且关系到经济发展、社会稳定,乃至公民对整个社会和政府的信心。[编者按]  相似文献   

Concerns for maintaining biodiversity have led to the adoption of ecosystem management as the paradigm for federal land management. This approach will identify desired future conditions as the goal for management, based on ecological objectives for a given landscape. Some management efforts attempt to identify desired future conditions based on existing successional stages as defined by a classification of overstory vegetation types. Such an approach ignores most of the underlying ecological parameters of the landscape, and is inadequate for identifying past disturbance regimes and future successional pathways. An assessment of desired future conditions based on an ecological classification system is essential to overcome these inadequacies. The strategy proposed in this paper uses an appropriate ecological land classification, based on either ecological land types or habitat types, included in a broader hierarchical classification system. It also uses a vegetation map of existing overstory vegetation. These two maps are overlaid to generate polygons of ecological units that can then be used to create an ecosystem diversity matrix. Each polygon (stand) can be evaluated as to its composition and structure relative to its possible placement within the ecosystem diversity matrix through comparisons with historical ranges of variability. The overall ecosystem diversity matrix can then be examined in terms of the distribution of successional stages within each habitat type or ecological land type. The goal should be to maintain at least adequate ecological representation of all successional stages within each habitat type that occurred historically, based on past disturbance regimes. Adequate ecological representation is defined as sufficient size and distribution of inherent ecosystems to maintain viable populations of all endemic species dependent on these ecosystems. This approach can maintain and enhance regional biodiversity, but also maintain flexibility in land management options.  相似文献   

文章对植物组织培养中的内生菌污染和外生菌污染的区别和内生菌在植物体内的分布种类进行阐述,对组培内生菌污染的危害特点、发生原因及防治措施等进行归纳综述,以期为植物组培内生细菌污染的预防和控制提供参考。  相似文献   

12个桃品种的花芽休眠需冷量和开花需热量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在浙西南地区研究12个桃品种花芽休眠需冷量和开花需热量生态指标.犹他模型测定结果显示:12个桃品种中,花芽休眠需冷量低的品种为春蜜、超红、中油11号、中油7号、中油4号,约为550~650 cu;其次是丽油5号、仓方早生、燕红、丽油3号、早凤凰,约为650~ 800 cu;需冷量高的品种为新川中岛和赤月,约为900~ 950cu.同一地区不同品种需热量差异较大,同一品种年际间差异相对较小.以生长度天模型试验结果表明:开花需热量低的品种为赤月和丽油3号,大约400 ~ 500 d·℃;其次是新川中岛,大约500~600 d·℃;春蜜、丽油5号、早凤凰、中油4号、中油7号、仓方早生和燕红大约600 ~ 700 d·℃;需热量较高的是中油11号和超红,约为700~800 d·℃.12个桃品种花芽休眠需冷量与开花需热量之间呈乘幂函数曲线显著负相关.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of moisture content on bending strength and section capacity have been studied assuming that strength properties are linearly related to moisture content below the fiber saturation point. The models developed using the linear strength vs. moisture content relationships are compared with quadratic models developed earlier. The linear representation of strength variation with moisture content leads to predicted member bending capacity relationships which show that increases in member bending strength with moisture content will compensate for section property decreases at all bending strength property levels. Comparisons of bending strength and bending capacity models show that the two modelling approaches lead to similar predicted member performance. Simplified procedures are provided for adjusting member bending strength for moisture content which are suitable for materials properties codes or standards.  相似文献   

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