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黄淮麦区小麦就地夏繁加代病虫害综合防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了加快育种进程,缩短育种年限。黄淮麦区常常采取就地夏繁加代或南繁异地加代等方法。但异地加代受费用高、加代材料多偏春性、规模小、管理麻烦等因素限制,影响了育种工作的进程和育种质量:而就地加代则不存在上述问题,在黄淮麦区应用也较为普遍。许多单位对就地夏繁加代技术中的打破休眠。春化和光照处理的优化,移栽时期以及加代性状的选择等开展了较为系统的研究,而且进展显著,但对就地夏繁加代中病虫害综合防治技术研究的较少。  相似文献   

拱圆形塑料大棚温室玉米加代种植技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李平路  付海波 《种子科技》2000,18(2):99-100
:总结了拱圆形塑料大棚温室进行玉米加代种植的技术措施 ,对应用大拱棚温室玉米加代种植的效果进行了评价。采用三层膜加草苫的保温措施使大拱棚具有良好的保温性能 ,温室玉米生长发育的环境温度平均比外界气温高 9℃左右。加代玉米一般 1月上旬播种 ,5月 1 0日左右散粉 ,6月上中旬收获 ,生育期约 1 5 0 d,说明大拱棚温室能够满足玉米种子纯度种植鉴定及玉米加代育种、繁种的要求。在玉米生育前期进一步采取有效措施提高小拱棚内的温度 ,能相应缩短加代玉米的生育期  相似文献   

小麦加代研究进展及其在育种中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵彬 《种子》2004,23(7):43-46
文章综述了小麦加代的研究进展,重点阐述了破除种子休眠技术和根据冬性、半冬性小麦的温光特性进行春化处理、温光调控来缩短世代周期,达到一年多代的目的.简述了小麦加代的必要性、概念、意义、研究历史概况和加代材料的选择方法以及加代技术在育种中的应用.  相似文献   

贵阳市花溪地区油菜夏繁初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对甘蓝型油菜品种早、中晚熟3个材料在花溪夏繁表现性状的观察,分析在花溪地区油菜夏繁加代的必要条件。结果表明,人工春化获得壮苗的条件是春化温度在2~8℃,春化时间为15-20d为宜,移栽大田后,整齐度好,但开花时间长,经济性状较差,不宜加代繁殖。  相似文献   

三峡库区甘蓝型冬油菜人工春化就地夏繁加代技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对春性、半冬性、冬性三种不同感温类型的甘蓝型冬油菜人工春化处理后在三峡库区高海拔地区夏播条件下的性状表现进行观察,分析在本地高海拔区甘蓝型油菜夏繁加代的可行性和必要条件。结果表明,三种不同感温类型的冬油菜材料对人工春化的温度和时间要求有所不同:春性材料要求在人工春化温度为1℃、春化时间为5d时,其夏繁加代的开花效应和结实效果就可达到最好;半冬性和冬性材料则要求在人工春化温度为1℃、春化时间为10d后,其夏繁加代的开花效应和结实效果最好;三种感温类型的开花结实效应最好的处理均可于9月25日前成熟并收获,收获的种子可于当年秋季10月10日前播种,大田生长发育正常。说明三峡库区高海拔区适宜甘蓝型冬油菜人工春化就地夏播加代繁育。  相似文献   

小麦杂交后代就地加代育种技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在江苏省小麦种植一般一年一季的传统加代方法 ,育成一个品种需要 8~ 1 0年左右 ,为了快出品种 ,减缓育种经费不足的制约 ,我所在1 999~ 2 0 0 2年连续 3年进行了秋季播种 ,冬季小麦抽穗灌浆关键阶段 ,在温室内晚上加温 ,不同组合不断成熟。一般第二代露地播种在 1 2月底至 3月 1 0日 ,抽穗期在 4月底至 5月初 ,成熟收获期在 6月初 ,旨在充分利用人工设施条件和不同季节的光热资源 ,为小麦育种就地加代种植探出了一条路子。试验证明 ,上述方法投资少 ,成本低。比去昆明繁殖加代节省经费 ,可缩短育种年限 ,提高育种效益。此项研究和应用对…  相似文献   

在一年只种一季水稻的低温地区,育成一个新品种通常要花费十多年时间。但通过加速早期世代的进程,可以缩短育种年限。早在三十年代初期,日本就开始实行冬季利用温室加代F1。利用温室或异地加速吐代进程,特别是异地加代已在国际上广泛应用。美国把低代材料送到中美洲的哥斯达黎加去加代。南朝鲜在国际水稻所的加代研究,获得一年4代的显  相似文献   

近春性小麦品种在广东陆丰冬繁收获的种子,比在新疆春繁收获的种子长出的植株提前抽穗。这是由于在陆丰冬繁的种子形成期间,处于较低的气温条件下,种子收获前就进行了一定春化作用。新疆冬季就地加代的近春性品种,在13~15℃室温条件下形成的种子,也有类似的幼胚春化现象。这种幼胚春化是种子春化的一种特殊形式,它在新疆室温  相似文献   

利用温室大棚进行北方超甜玉米加代技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光温室、春秋大棚等设施,对8个甜玉米自交系进行春、夏两季的加代研究.结果表明:北方地区利用光温室、春秋大棚,实现了对超甜玉米春夏播加代,缩短了育种年限,加快了育种进程,提高了育种效率.  相似文献   

邢麦2号是由河北省邢台市农科院同中国科学院遗传所协作攻关,利用生物工程措施和常规育种技术相结合,以山羊草D2型细胞质和普通小麦细胞核相组配,通过远缘杂交,离体培养,温室加代,春化处理,多点鉴定选育成的核质杂种冬小麦新品种,2005年通过河北省农作物审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

利用叶绿素仪SPAD值筛选耐低氮水稻种质   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在低氮限制条件下,对低氮的反应存在明显的基因型差异,这种差异可以通过SPAD值来很好地反映。本文以农业部948项目全球水稻分子育种计划采用的151余份国内外代表性种质为供体亲本、云南省育成的优质品种滇粳优1号为轮回亲本、通过连续回交形成的5500个株行为材料,在田间自然缺氮条件下,以水稻植株叶绿素计SPAD值作为耐低氮能力评价指标,以不同试验地点SPAD值的相对值为参考评价指标。最终筛选出Madhukar、UPR191-66为耐低氮基因型种质。  相似文献   

山东野生果树种质资源研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张毅 《中国农学通报》2006,22(7):516-520
明确了山东境内原始分布的野生果树种质资源的种类为20科34属81种(变种)。在81个种和变种中,除极少数种(变种)仅做栽培种的砧木外,绝大多数兼具鲜食、加工用途,包括加工罐头、饮料、酒类、食用油、调味品、食品添加剂等。多数具有药用和保健价值。有些种(变种)兼具观赏应用价值,有些种可作为繁殖材料应用。分析了山东野生果树种质资源研究、保护与开发利用的现状。提出了资源保护与开发利用的建议。  相似文献   

为了避免加工中使用亚硝酸盐作为发色剂而带来的危害,生产出无硝板鸡,实验分别以亚硝基血红蛋白、天然色素红曲红色素、柠檬酸铁作为发色剂,以VC作为抗氧化剂和助色剂制作板鸡,先采用单因素实验和感官评定,然后以3种发色剂为因素,进行正交实验。结果得出,当亚硝基血红蛋白0.6%,红曲红色素0.001%,柠檬酸铁0.05%制作的板鸡,产品外观和口感都最佳。用3种发色剂综合使用,代替亚硝酸盐用于板鸡生产是可行的。  相似文献   

《Soil Technology》1992,5(2):177-184
We investigated effects of electrical conductivity (EC) of water used on determinations of wet aggregate stability by wet sieving. For a cracking clay and a sendy clay loam, deionised water of low EC and tap water of “high” EC (900 μS cm−1) were used to pre-wet air dry aggregates, either by slow wetting at 5 cm tension or by immersion wetting, and aggregates were then wet sieved, again in water of low and high EC. Aggregate stability to immersion wetting was not affected by the EC of the water used in wetting and/or sieving samples.The EC of water used to tension wet aggregates caused significant differences in wet aggregate stability, with, for example, the percentages of 10-5 mm aggregates being 31.5 and 24.4 for the Wallumbilla soil wet by tap and deionised water respectively. For the Pittsworth soil, the corresponding percentages of 10-5 mm water stable aggregates were 35.4 and 25.0. For tension wet samples, wetting rates were not affected in a consistent way by EC of the water used, and we conclude that the differences in aggregate stability were due to effects of the EC of the water on clay swelling.The EC of water used in wet sieving tension wet aggregates affected aggregate stability of one soil, but only when that soil was wetted with water of high EC.We conclude that, for ECs up to 900 μS cm−1, the EC of the water used for wetting samples will be important only when samples are wet slowly, and that the EC of water used for wet seiving will be important only when samples are wet slowly in water of high EC.  相似文献   

Inheritance of Partial Resistance to Net Blotch in Barley   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reciprocal crosses were made between 9 different barley genotypes with high genetic variability for net blotch resistance. Parents and 72 F1 plants were used to determine the inheritance of partial resistance to net blotch. Four experiments, one in a growth chamber on seedlings and 3 others in the field on adult plants, were undertaken using a randomised complete block design. An isolate of net blotch from local cultivars was used for inoculation. Non-inoculated plants of one of the field experiments were used for the detached leaf test in petri dishes. Results show that the cultivars ‘Banteng’, and ‘Arrivate’, the Ethiopian line CI 5791, and the Syrian line 79 SIO-10, had a high partial resistance in all experiments. Diallel analysis showed high significant general and specific combining ability when maternal and reciprocal effects were not significant. As the resistance genotypes have a high additive genetic effect, they could be successfully used for breeding purposes.  相似文献   

【目的】随着不同棉种序列数据库的逐步完善以及高通量测序技术的发展,棉花单核苷酸多态性(Single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)标记开发可利用的公共数据资源逐步增加。【方法】本研究基于陆地棉祖先基因组的现代种亚洲棉表达序列标签(Expressed sequence tag,EST)数据库,利用CAP3对亚洲棉EST数据库进行拼接。拼接获得7 187个重叠群(Contig),再利用Quality SNP软件进行SNP位点分析。【结果】在807条含有4条以上EST序列的Contig中查找到2 690个SNP位点。通过筛选次要等位基因频率大于30%的位点,获得953个可靠度较高的候选SNP,通过电子筛选,最终获得可用于陆地棉分析的SNP 149个,利用位点特异性聚合酶链式反应以及酶切扩增多态序列验证了EST-SNP的准确性。【结论】本研究证实基于亚洲棉EST数据库挖掘用于陆地棉研究的EST-SNP切实可行,并有望将EST-SNP用于陆地棉遗传图谱构建、重要性状的基因定位以及分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

鲜切甜瓜由于受到机械损伤,易被真菌污染。本研究以西州蜜25号鲜切甜瓜为试材,使用稀释涂布平板法、三点法对其腐败真菌进行分离纯化并测定其致腐能力,使用形态学及rDNA-ITS序列分析相结合的方法进行鉴定。结果表明:鲜切甜瓜主要腐败真菌共有8种,其中腐败霉菌有6种,按其致腐能力由大到小排列,分别为赭曲霉(Aspergillus ochraceus)、球状枝孢霉(Cladosporium sphaerospermum)、葡萄茎枯病霉(Didymella glomerata)、萨氏曲霉(Aspergillus sydowii)、核生枝顶孢霉(Acremonium sclerotigenum)、褶皱曲霉(Aspergillus rugulosus),腐败酵母有2种,分别为大隐球酵母(Cryptococcus magnus)和粘质红酵母(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa)。  相似文献   

Due to their enhanced cost-effectiveness and efficiency over traditional borehole exchangers, energy piles are increasingly used in Ground Sourced Heat Pump (GSHP) projects. In this paper, the structural characteristics of these two types of heat exchangers and their heat transfer mechanism were discussed firstly. The thermal response tests (TRT) were performed on two testing energy piles in one GSHP project in Nanjing, China. The TRT results were then used to verify the numerical simulations, which suggests that the heat exchange performance of energy piles is superior to that of the traditional borehole exchangers. Meanwhile, the numerical simulation method used in this paper was considered applicable to the optimization design of ground heat exchangers in GSHP system.  相似文献   

In an experiment involving 24 single-cross progenies of oil palm conducted at the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research, 9-year data of fresh-fruit yield and its two components, annual bunch number and single-bunch weight, were recorded. Means of progenies of each of the three traits obtained from 1–9-year records were used in analyses of variance according to a repeated-measures design. The results were then used to estimate variance components due to progenies and progeny × year interactions. These estimates were then used to estimate heritability for yield and yield components based on progeny means, which were assumed to be calculated from 1–9 years of harvests. The results revealed that heritability estimates of fresh-fruit yield and its two yield components were not reliable based on the first-year harvest data. The single-bunch weight had a slower rate of improvement than the other two traits when more years were used for the estimation. Heritability can be expected to be over 80% for fresh-fruit yield and bunch number based on 1-, 3-, and 4-year means, respectively. Six-year data are required for single-bunch weight to reach the same heritability measure.  相似文献   

Tamyb10-D1基因与穗发芽抗性相关,已报道的该基因分子标记扩增产物大,对DNA模板质量要求较高,PCR反应耗时长。为了使该基因在小麦分子育种中得到高效和快速利用,本研究设计了多个引物组合,经检测可特异性地扩增3D基因组上的Tamyb10基因,引物组合380s/703a、380s/1182a、652s/1182a、872s/1182a和872s/1419a扩增效果较好,而且含有652s或703a的引物组合可区分小麦属和粗山羊草属的myb10-D1基因型。鉴于这些分子标记为显性标记,通过多重PCR反应,可确保PCR检测结果的准确性。其中用引物组合380s/652s/872s/1182a进行三重PCR检测Tamyb10-D1基因型结果较好。因此,本研究开发的分子标记可应用于Tamyb10-D1基因的基因型检测和分子辅助育种,对于小麦穗发芽抗性育种工作具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

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