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沙松扦插繁殖技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以沙松硬枝和嫩枝插穗为材料进行正交扦插试验,研究穗条母株年龄大小、药品种类、质量浓度、处理时间以及基质不同种类、穗条不同类型与不同着生部位对生根的影响,结果表明:影响硬枝和嫩枝扦插生根的主要因素均为穗条母树年龄大小,年龄越小,生根率越高,最优处理组合均为4~10 a母树穗条,用200 mg·L-1ABT1号生根粉浸泡12 h,生根率分别为21.4%、63.9%;嫩枝扦插生根率高于硬枝扦插,差异达到极显著水平。采用1/2珍珠岩+1/2河沙混合基质生根效果最好。穗条不同类型扦插生根存在差异,一级侧枝截制的穗条生根性状优于二级侧枝穗条和顶芽穗条,下部枝条截制的插穗生根率和根系效果均高于上部枝条。  相似文献   

以建始县高岩子林场日本落叶松优良无性系采穗圃为材料,对穗条产量和质量进行比较,并对不同基质、不同激素处理扦插效果进行分析。结果表明:不同无性系之间穗条数量和粗度存在极显著差异,穗条长度不存在显著差异;不同无性系之间扦插生根率差异不显著;不同基质、不同激素处理扦插效果差异显著,IBA50mg/L处理穗条的轻基质容器扦插方式生根效果最好。  相似文献   

邓恩桉扦插繁殖试验   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过不同生根剂、基质、穗条木质化程度以及扦插时间等因素对邓恩桉扦插繁殖生根影响进行试验研究,结果表明:不同生根剂、不同基质、不同穗条木质化程度以及不同扦插时间对插穗生根率影响达显著或极显著差异水平,其中生根剂和基质以ABT1#600mg·L-1+红心土组合处理为最好,其生根率、生根条数和生根长度分别达93 6%、6 3条和11 3cm;采自采穗圃的半木质化穗条的生根率明显高于优树的木质化穗条,达93 6%,它们的生根率大小依次为采穗圃的半木质化穗条>优树基部穗条>优树中部穗条>优树上部穗条;扦插时间以3~5月份即春季的扦插效果最好,9-11月份即秋季的扦插效果次之,生根率分别可达90%以上和85%左右,且生根时间短,仅20d左右。  相似文献   

辐射松采穗圃建立和扦插繁殖技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过十多年对辐射松采穗圃的建立管理及对穗条的不同药剂、不同扦插时间处理和对穗条松针的不同处理试验研究 ,结果表明 :(1)从苗圃中选择优树建立的采穗圃第三年的株采穗量达 5 0~ 70条 ,在野外 3~5年生幼树平顶建立的采穗圃 ,第三年株采穗量达 10 0条 ;(2 ) 5 0mg·L-1ABT1号生根粉 +1g·L-1多菌灵水溶液浸 12h的插穗生根率达 72 4 % ,1g·L-1多菌灵水溶液处理的穗条生根率达 71 2 % ,1g·L-1食盐水处理的穗条生根率达 71 6 % ,清水处理的穗条生根率达 6 8 7% ;(3)插穗 9月初扦插生根率达 6 8% ,10月初扦插生根率达 76 2 % ,3月初扦插生根率达 6 1 2 % ;(4 )插穗带全松针扦插生根率达 74 2 % ,摘去松针 1/3生根率达 5 4 3% ,摘去 1/2松针生根率为 4 8 1%。  相似文献   

采用完全随机区组设计,研究了不同单株间穗条的生根效应、不同浓度GGR处理对穗条生根的影响和不同扦插基质对穗条生根的影响。结果表明:(1)南方红豆杉不同单株间的生根效应显著不同。单株TC3、TC7和TC8的穗条扦插生根率高,分别达到了84.44%、82.59%和80.74%。(2)不同浓度GGR处理对穗条的生根产生了极显著的影响。以0mg/kg的效果最差,平均生根率仅为41.1%;而100mg/kg、200mg/kg和300mg/kg之间的差异不显著,生根率分别为84.44%、85.56%和86.67%。(3)不同扦插基质对穗条的生根产生了极显著的影响。以纯水稻田土的效果最差,平均生根率仅为18.89%;而纯黄心土和河沙与黄心土各占50%之间的差异不显著,生根率分别为74.44%和75.56%。综上所述,单株TC3、TC7和TC8宜用作扦插育苗和建采穗圃;在确保扦插成活率的同时,考虑到成本因素,在生产中宜采用浓度为100mg/kg的GGR处理穗条基部,用纯黄心土作扦插基质。  相似文献   

为提高日本落叶松良种无性繁殖系数,以采穗圃半木质化嫩枝为试验材料,开展不同扦插时间、不同无性系与采条部位、不同扦插基质、不同扦插激素与浓度处理及母株年龄等因素的试验研究,结果表明:以6月26日~7月5日,2.5 a生母株主干上的半木质化萌条,以泥炭20%+锯末50%+谷壳30%或锯末作基质,采用激素IBA200 mg/L浸泡0.5 h效果最好,其扦插成活率达到85%以上,平均生根量达到13.8根,平均根长达到11.6 cm。  相似文献   

构树无性系嫩枝扦插育苗试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究表明,构树无性系间其穗条扦插生根率有显著差异,参试无性系穗条扦插生根率变幅为91.8%~43.8%。本试验筛选出了扦插生根率高的5个无性系即湘构P 02、湘构P 04、湘构P 05、湘构P 09、湘构P 12;穗条带1~2片叶可显著提高穗条的生根率;多菌灵不同浓度、GGR生根剂不同浓度处理对穗条生根率没有显著影响;不同基质对穗条扦插生根率有显著影响,以纯黄心土作为扦插基质效果最佳。  相似文献   

经过2年来对野牡丹采穗圃的建立和管理及穗条的不同药剂浓度、不同扦插时间、穗条所处不同部位、不同的修剪方式试验研究,结果表明:(1)苗圃中选择的优树建立的采穗圃当年每株母树采穗量达18条~54条,丛生性母株留低桩1 cm~2 cm采穗量最大,达到54条/株;(2)穗条用200 mg.L-1GGR6生根粉处理后的扦插效果最好,生根率达到88.5%,清水处理的穗条扦插效果最差,生根率为68.5%;10月中旬是扦插野牡丹的最佳时间,成活率可达90.5%;枝条上部的穗条扦插成活率最高,可达91.5%;穗条的不同修剪方式对扦插成活率影响不明显,平均成活率80.4%。  相似文献   

以川黔紫薇嫩枝为试验材料,采用15个川黔紫薇无性系扦插繁殖试验筛选出的扦插生根率高的无性系5个,即湘紫L01、湘紫L02、湘紫L06、湘紫L07、湘紫L11进行川黔紫薇嫩枝扦插繁殖效应研究。结果表明:参试无性系穗条扦插生根率变幅为42.2%~89.8%;带2~4个半片叶的穗条可显著提高穗条的生根率;多菌灵不同浓度处理对穗条生根率有显著影响;GGR生根剂不同浓度处理对穗条生根率没有显著影响;不同扦插基质对穗条扦插生根率有显著影响,考虑成本因素,纯黄心土是最经济有效的扦插基质。  相似文献   

试验表明运用红叶石楠组培苗建立采穗圃,剪取的穗条品质最佳,‘鲁宾斯’红叶石楠穗条扦插发根率达到95.83%,‘红罗宾’红叶石楠达到97.22%。在当年1月份,对‘红罗宾’4年生母株上年度的侧枝进行强修剪,6月份剪下的主枝当作穗条,扦插生根率达到91.67%。采穗圃建立1~4年后,通过适宜措施仍可继续采集优质穗条。采取平刈措施对‘红罗宾’6年生地栽母本进行采穗圃的改造,可促进母本基部萌蘖,剪下的‘红罗宾’枝条发根率可达90.21%,幼化复壮的效果十分明显。扦插过程中,当年6月上旬剪取的穗条以春梢品质最好,夏梢其次,侧枝最差;扦插前进行穗条分级有利于提高成苗率和苗木品质。  相似文献   

对杉木无性系扦插繁殖的生根及生长能力与扦插基质、原株年龄、采穗部位、穗条长度、扦插深度和时间等相关因素进行研究,结果表明,在不同杉木无性系之间,扦插生根及生长能力存在极显著差异.扦插基质、原株年龄、采穗部位和穗长、扦插深度和时间,对杉木扦插成活有显著或极显著的影响:①蛭石插床有利于插穗生根,但苗高生长以混合土为基质的插床为好;②无性系的生根能力、苗高和根径的生长量与原株年龄的关系表现为1年生>3~5年生>15~20年生;③根径处插穗的生根率、侧根生长量及苗高,分别比苗高1/3处的插穗大11.8%~18.6%,3.4%~9.8%和14.7%~25.7%;④穗长以10~12cm为宜,扦插深度为穗长1/2为好,扦插时间选择在12月份为佳.  相似文献   

将尾叶桉(Eucalyptusurophylla)的播种苗萌条嫩梢分别用不同药物1,2,3,4,5号处理,并以清水作对照,进行扦插育苗试验.结果表明,用药物处理可提高扦插生根率.同时,可降低扦插苗的死亡率.用2,3,4,5号药物处理的插穗生根率比对照高10%左右,药物对降低扦插苗死亡率的效果以2号,5号药物最佳.根据对桉树组培苗嫩梢扦插试验,11月和3月是扦插育苗的最佳季节,5月~8月不宜扦插;桉树的不同种和不同无性系,其扦插生根率是不同的,以雷林1号8501和刚果12号W5生根率高,而巨尾桉Cu1较难生根.  相似文献   

北美红杉扦插育苗试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为获取北美红杉大量的扦插苗木,通过不同扦插条来源、不同育苗基质、不同生长激素及不同生长激素浓度处理插条4因素3水平的正交试验,研究不同处理其对扦插苗生根率、根长、根数的影响.试验结果表明影响北美红杉插条生根的主要因素是扦插条,选用母树年龄小的枝条或采用树根基部1年生半木质化萌生条,用作扦插条的生根性能较好.以树根基部1年生半木质化萌生条用插条、蛭石作育苗基质、用200mg/L的ABT1号生根粉浸泡插条6h处理组合为最佳组合.  相似文献   

Tests were conducted to assess rootability of red alder softwood cuttings from shoots of young trees and epicormic sprouts of mature individuals. Ortets were 3 to 34 years old, and treatments with and without indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were compared. The extent of rooting and root vigor on the cuttings varied greatly among ortets and treatments. Among nonterminal cuttings, the best overall rooting success, with and without IBA, was obtained with cuttings of the youngest ortet. Average rooting of terminal and nonterminal cuttings of one clone were 100% and 64%, respectively. Although cuttings of some trees rooted well without IBA, the IBA treatment appeared to be generally beneficial. For all nonterminal cuttings of all clones, best results (80.0%/x) were obtained with a 10-sec dip in 2,000 or 4,000 ppm IBA. Vigorous planting stock was obtained from the rooted cuttings of all clones. Using epicormic sprouts from mature trees of proven performance will presumably allow propagation of superior trees and establishment of new plantations with improved stock.  相似文献   

By propagating lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) cuttings in vivo, we obtained after 7 growing cycles (ca 3.5 years) in a greenhouse, sufficient number of cuttings from most families to establish clonal progeny tests. Twenty-one full-sib families with approximately 20 clones per family were studied for five years. Years when cuttings were set, families within latitude and clones within families differed significantly in rooting percentages, with the variance components 4.2%, 8.2% and 9.5%, respectively. One way to get a frequent and uniform rooting is to take cuttings from non-leading shoots since they have higher rooting percentage than leading shoots. Neither total length of the cuttings nor length of the primary needles were significantly correlated to rooting percentage. With appropriate management of the ortets and the cuttings during rooting, most clones could be included in a cutting propagation program.  相似文献   

Basal shoots of five clones of mature chestnut tree (Castanea sativa Mill. and C. sativa x C. crenata Siebold & Zucc.) had a greater capacity for in vitro establishment, multiplication and rooting than crown branches of the same trees. Cultures from basal shoots were more responsive than crown-derived cultures in terms of in vitro reactivity (proportion of the explants with shoot development), the mean number of shoots formed per explant, the length of the tallest shoot in each culture, and the multiplication coefficient (defined as the product of the reactivity and the mean number of shoots per explant). Multiplication coefficients were greatest between subcultures 6 and 12, but subculturing failed to increase the rooting potential of shoots of crown origin. Multiplication and rooting rates were also determined for clones derived from seeds of mature trees. Genotype influenced the in vitro performance of clones of both adult and seedling origins.  相似文献   

Cameron AD  Sani H 《Tree physiology》1994,14(4):427-436
Patterns of shoot growth and branching were studied over two growing seasons in rooted cuttings collected from both epicormic shoots and seedlings of Betula pendula Roth. Epicormic shoots were induced to sprout on stumps and small logs of 5-, 10- and 30-year-old trees. The use of epicormic shoots enhanced the rooting capacity of stem cuttings collected from these shoots but did not appear to reverse the process of maturation. In this study, maturation was based on characteristics typical of mature trees but not necessarily those of the mother plant, because it was not possible to root cuttings, for comparison, from 5-, 10- and 30-year-old ortets, other than from epicormic shoots. There was evidence of the persistence of mature characteristics through an increase in shoot plagiotropism with increasing ortet age. Rooted cuttings from both seedlings and epicormic shoots, however, assumed an increasingly orthotropic habit with a smaller shoot angle at the end of the first growing season than at the beginning and this continued into the second growing season. Other indications of maturation, such as delayed bud flushing and the incidence of flowering with increasing ortet age, were also evident in rooted cuttings from epicormic shoots. There was a clear difference in branching habit depending on cutting source. Rooted cuttings derived from epicormic shoots produced nearly twice as many lateral branches compared with rooted cuttings collected from seedlings, but this was not an effect of maturation. There was some evidence that rooted cuttings derived from seedlings grew taller than rooted cuttings from epicormic shoots.  相似文献   

以紫叶稠李半木质化枝条为材料进行嫩枝扦插试验,从插穗部位、激素浓度、基质种类、插穗叶片留量4个方面进行了研究,结果表明,这4个因素均对插穗生根率影响显著,其中以枝条基部的插穗,保留1/2叶片,用500×10-6的NAA浸泡4 h,在蛭石+珍珠岩的基质上扦插生根率最高,本次试验的生根率最高是71%。  相似文献   

用5年生红枫的嫩枝作插条,吲哚丁酸800μg.mL-1浸泡插条15 min,铺13 cm厚的河沙为扦插基质,进行全光喷雾给水保湿降温,试验结果显示:带2个顶芽和4个侧芽的插条愈伤株数和侧根数量均比对照好,插条愈伤株数达到95%,大于0.15 cm的侧根3.5条。试验证明,采用全光喷雾和吲哚丁酸处理能使红枫扦插获得较高的生根率。  相似文献   

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