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黄萍  江山 《四川畜牧兽医》2014,(6):25-26,28
磷酸氢钙是一种广泛用于补充畜禽饲料中磷含量不足的饲料添加剂。本文通过两种方法(分光光度法和重量法)测定了磷酸氢钙样品中磷的含量,并对检测结果进行了比较,结果证明用分光光度法可以快速、简便地测定出饲料级磷酸氢钙中磷的含量。  相似文献   

由于在饲料中使用劣质的骨粉和未经脱氟处理的磷酸氢钙作为钙磷补充剂,我国许多地区出现了大量氟中毒病例。河北省玉田县某养鸡户因饲料中添加从当地市场购买的劣质磷酸氢钙引起鸡大批死亡。为确诊其中毒原因,我们特进行了鸡中毒试验,并对饲料中添加的磷酸氢钙中氟含量进行了检测。  相似文献   

由于磷酸氢钙在饲料中的重要作用,近年来要求对磷酸氢钙产品质量进行检测的越来越多。依据“HG2636-94”对市场上的磷酸氢钙进行测定和判定过程中,发现本标准在技术指标、测定方法中存在一些问题,会造成测定结果的偏差和误判。在磷酸氢钙的生产和使用单位之间经常造成纠纷。现将这些问题及我们的修改建议提出,供有关部门修订标准时参考。一、技术要求1、枸溶解标准中枸溶磷限量(≥9%)偏低,而钙、磷指标(Ca≥21.0、P≥16.0)又无上限或钙磷比,给一些掺杂、劣质产品带来可乘之机。经计算,向合格磷酸氢钙中掺…  相似文献   

1996年以来,本检测中心共检测了十几个县市送检的53个钙磷类饲料样品,对其质量评定及杂质鉴别方法进行了试验,并对劣质原料对家禽的危害进行了调查研究,现报告如下:1钙磷类饲料的检验1.1送检样品 1996年~1999年共收到烟台、威海、青岛和潍坊等地。市送检骨粉21份、磷酸氢钙32份。1.2常规检验 钙磷类饲料中钙的测定采用高锰酸钾还原滴定法,磷的测定采用钼黄比色法,氟的测定采用氟离子选择电极法。 合格骨粉和磷酸氢钙的标准:骨粉,P>11.0%,Ca>24%;磷酸氢钙,P>16.0%,Ca>21. …  相似文献   

磷酸氢钙是一种为畜禽提供有效磷和钙的矿物质原料。近年来,随着饲料工业的发展,磷酸氢钙的市场需求量越来越大,货源趋紧,假冒产品随之出现。常见的磷酸氢钙掺杂物有:细石粉、细砂末、高氟磷酸三钙和一钙、农用过磷酸钙、磷矿石粉加硫酸的混合物以及石粉加磷酸的混合物等。这些伪劣产品有的钙磷含量较高,蒙骗性较强,而畜禽对它的利用率较低,有的还含有大量的氟,严重危害畜禽的健康,因此,如何识别磷酸氢钙对畜禽生产非常重要。笔者根据自己几年来的检测实践,得出一些快速、简便的定性鉴别磷酸氢钙的方法,以供参考。1磷酸氢钙的…  相似文献   

韩立明  崔立  李杰 《畜牧与兽医》2006,38(10):21-23
通过灌胃试验和饲养试验研究了纳米磷酸氢钙对大鼠血清生化指标的影响。灌胃试验表明,灌服后0.51.25 h,纳米磷酸氢钙组大鼠血清无机磷浓度较普通磷酸氢钙组升高迅速,说明大鼠对纳米磷酸氢钙的吸收速度较快。4周的饲养试验表明,纳米磷酸氢钙和普通磷酸氢钙在低磷基础饲粮中磷添加水平为0.1%和0.2%时,纳米磷酸氢钙组血清无机磷浓度较普通磷酸氢钙组分别提高了3.8%(P>0.05)和3.3%(P>0.05),在磷添加水平为0.3%时,浓度基本一致。纳米磷酸氢钙磷添加水平为0.1%、0.2%和0.3%组较相应普通磷酸氢钙组血清碱性磷酸酶活性分别降低了5.4%、10.8%和2.9%,但差异均不显著,血钙浓度变化不明显。纳米磷酸氢钙在一定程度上改善了机体在低磷状态下的磷代谢。  相似文献   

氟是动物必需的微量元素,但过量的氟对动物有严重危害。本文验对我国部分地区的磷酸氢钙、预混料、浓缩料及配合饲料中氟含量进行了检测。结果表明,磷酸氢钙、鸡配合饲料、猪配合饲料的超标量依次为18.8%、2.8%、5.2%。建议有关部门应及早制定出预混料、浓缩料及鸭等动物配合饲料的国家卫生标准,以便于相关产品的质量控制。  相似文献   

饲料企业为提高产品质量和经济效益,在进行配方优化时多选用磷酸氢钙作为畜禽必不可少的钙、磷来源,致使市场磷酸氢钙货源趋紧。而一些不法厂家和中间商贪图利益,在优质磷酸氢钙中掺入石粉、砂、磷矿石粉、贝壳粉等,以次充好流入市场。为保护饲料生产企业和养殖业的利益,现将一些快速简便检测磷酸氢钙的方法提出来,供鉴别质量时参考。一、掺杂的鉴别1饲料级磷酸氢钙为白色或灰白色粉末,细度均匀,手感柔软。不符合上述性状的磷酸氢钙品质较劣,使用时要仔细注意。2溶解试验称取试样1~2克,加入稀盐酸(1:3)5~10ml。正常试样能全…  相似文献   

磷酸氢钙是饲料中常用的一种物质,磷酸氢钙能够影响机体对营养物质的吸收代谢,主要研究磷酸氢钙对猪生长性能和氮代谢的影响。结果表明饲料中添加磷酸氢钙增加了猪的采食量,平均日增重也有较大的提高,同时降低了饲料报酬。饲料中增加了磷酸氢钙,一部分未被消化吸收的钙、磷随粪排出体外,增加了干物质含量。  相似文献   

选择硫酸法和盐酸法生产的饲料级磷酸氢钙,对不同来源的饲料级磷酸氢钙的质量进行研究,包括颜色、容重、均匀度、pH、钙、总磷、游离水分的测定。结果表明:硫酸法生产的饲料级磷酸氢钙和盐酸法生产的饲料级磷酸氢钙的质量指标之间存在差异,硫酸法产品pH值高于盐酸法,而在钙含量和游离水含量上面则是盐酸法的产品高于硫酸法的产品。  相似文献   

分30~60kg BW、60~100kg BW和30~100kg BW三个阶段研究了降低饲料中磷酸氢钙水平及降低磷酸氢钙的同时添加植酸酶对猪生长性能的影响。结果表明:磷酸氢钙添加水平在生长猪(30~60kg BW)饲料中由对照组的0.920%降低到0.552%、肥育猪(60~100kg BW)饲料中由对照组的0.760%降低到0.380%时都没有显著降低猪的生长性能(P>0.05),降低磷酸氢钙的同时添加植酸酶虽没有显著提高猪的生长速度(P>0.05),但能降低料肉比,其中在全阶段(30~100kg BW)的作用显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

选用200只一日龄AVIAN肉仔鸡随机分成10组,除对照组为38只外,每组为18只,研究不同氟源和不同氟水平对0~3周肉仔鸡脂肪代谢的影响。氟源有3种,分别为氟化钠(NaF),添加水平为350、700、1050mg/kg,氟化钙(CaF2),添加水平为350、700、1050mg/kg,磷酸氢钙(CaHPO4),添加水平为250、350、550mg/kg。对照组则采用低氟磷酸氢钙配制,含氟为60mg/kg。研究结果表明在同一氟源下,随日粮肉仔鸡氟含量的增加,肝氟含量增加(P<0.01),而肝脂降低(P<0.05);血清胆固醇和甘油三脂含量基本呈下降趋势(P<0.05);不同氟源的日粮对肝脂、血清胆固醇和甘油三脂的影响程度存在一定的差别。NaF和CaHPO4使肝脂、血清胆固醇和甘油三脂下降趋势比CaF2更显著些。  相似文献   

纳米磷酸氢钙和普通磷酸氢钙分别添加到低磷基础饲粮中,每种磷源的磷添加水平为0·1%,0·2%和0·3%,每处理3重复,每重复4只已断乳的21日龄Wistar雄性大鼠,饲喂4周。结果表明,3个纳米磷酸氢钙处理组与普通磷酸氢钙相同磷添加水平组相比,大鼠胫骨灰分含量和胫骨磷含量显著提高(P<0·05),经斜率比法,以普通磷酸氢钙为参照物、胫骨灰分含量和胫骨磷含量为判据指标计算出纳米磷酸氢钙中磷的相对效价分别为127%和125%。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to eval- uate the effects of inorganic phosphorus source and phytase addition on performance, nutrient digestibility and bone mineralization in broiler chickens. In Exp. 1,150 two-day old, male broiler chicks were fed a corn-soybean meal basal diet supplemented with phos- phorus provided by dicalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate or defluorinated rock phosphate. Five cages containing 10 birds were allotted to each of the three treatments. In Exp. 2,120 three-day old, male broiler chicks were fed the basal diet from Exp. 1 supplemen- ted with 0,250,500 ,or 1,000 P-'rU phytase per kg of diet. Six cages containing five chicks were allotted to each of the four treatments. In Exp. 1, there was no difference in weight gain, feed intake or feed conver- sion as a result of feeding the different sources of in- organic phosphorus. The digestibility of phosphorus was significantly lower (P =0.01 ) for chicks fed di- ets supplemented with tricalcium phosphate than for chicks fed the other two diets. However, despite the lower digestibility, serum phosphorus levels did not differ among the three treatments. For Exp. 2, feedconversion showed a linear improvement (P = 0.03 ) with increasing levels of phytase inclusion ( days 0 to 33 ). Phytase supplementation resulted in linear increa- ses in the digestibility of dry matter (P = 0.02 ), crude protein ( P --- 0.04 ) and energy ( P 〈 0.01 ). Chicks fed 1,000 FTU/kg phytase had significantly higher bone calcium ( P = 0.05 ) and bone breaking strength (P = 0.04 ) than chicks fed the basal diet on day 33. In conclusion, the results of the current study indicated that the performance of birds fed diets sup- plemented with dicalcium phosphate, tricalcium phos- phate or defluorinated phosphate was similar and therefore production costs could be lowered by choo- sing the cheapest inorganic phosphorus source when formulating diets for poultry. When diets were formu- lated to meet dietary phosphorus requirements, the growth of broilers was not enhanced with phytase sup- plementation. However, increases in feed conversion and bone breaking strength and its potential to impact culling and mortality in broiler operations may be suf- ficient justification for the routine inclusion of phytase in diets fed to broilers.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of inorganic phosphorus source and phytase addition on performance, nutrient digestibility and bone mineralization in broiler chickens. In Exp. 1, 150 two-day old, male broiler chicks were fed a corn-soybean meal basal diet supplemented with phosphorus provided by dicalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate or defluorinated rock phosphate. Five cages containing 10 birds were allotted to each of the three treatments. In Exp. 2, 120 three-day old, male broiler chicks were fed the basal diet from Exp. 1 supplemented with 0, 250, 500, or 1,000 FTU phytase per kg of diet. Six cages containing five chicks were allotted to each of the four treatments. In Exp. 1, there was no difference in weight gain, feed intake or feed conversion as a result of feeding the different sources of inorganic phosphorus. The digestibility of phosphorus was significantly lower (P = 0.01) for chicks fed diets supplemented with tricalcium phosphate than for chicks fed the other two diets.  However, despite the lower digestibility, serum phosphorus levels did not differ among the three treatments. For Exp. 2, feed conversion showed a linear improvement (P = 0.03) with increasing levels of phytase inclusion (days 0 to 33).  Phytase supplementation resulted in linear increases in the digestibility of dry matter (P = 0.02), crude protein (P = 0.04) and energy (P < 0.01).  Chicks fed 1,000 FTU/kg phytase had significantly higher bone calcium (P = 0.05) and bone breaking strength (P = 0.04) than chicks fed the basal diet on day 33. In conclusion, the results of the current study indicated that the performance of birds fed diets supplemented with dicalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate or defluorinated phosphate was similar and therefore production costs could be lowered by choosing the cheapest inorganic phosphorus source when formulating diets for poultry. When diets were formulated to meet dietary phosphorus requirements, the growth of broilers was not enhanced with phytase supplementation.  However, increases in feed conversion and bone breaking strength and its potential to impact culling and mortality in broiler operations may be sufficient justification for the routine inclusion of phytase in diets fed to broilers.  相似文献   

利用植酸酶可以水解植物性饲料中植酸的原理,探讨在产蛋鸡饲料中添加商品植酸酶替代不同水平磷酸氢钙的效果.选用50~54周海兰褐产蛋鸡为试验对象,在每千克饲料申添加400 FYT植酸酶分别替代8 g、16 g的磷酸氢钙,观测植酸酶对产蛋鸡生产性能的影响.结果显示,用400 FYT植酸酶替代16 g磷酸氢钙可以保持产蛋鸡生产性能不变,而替代8 g磷酸氢钙可以提高产蛋鸡的生产性能,只日产量、产蛋率、料蛋比分别提高3.4%、3.6%、3.7%.因此,在产蛋鸡饲料中用400FYT植酸酶替代8 g磷酸氢钙可以提高产蛋鸡生产性能,同时也可以降低饲料配方中的总磷.  相似文献   

采用线性规划设计雉鸡最低成本饲料配方,利用Excel 2003中的规划求解功能,以雉鸡的营养需要量和饲料营养价值为基础,为9~17周龄雉鸡优化饲料配方。结果表明:9~17周龄雉鸡最低成本饲料配方组成为玉米60.33%,豆粕21.32%,米糠5.00%,麸皮9.00%,进口鱼粉1.00%,磷酸氢钙1.52%,石粉0.55%,食盐0.28%,合计99%,预留1%为饲料添加剂,配方成本为2.47元/kg。  相似文献   

张洁  姚祖碧  杨台芳 《中国家禽》2005,9(Z1):115-117
为研究植酸酶在双低菜籽饼型肉鸡日粮中的应用效果,本试验在含8%的双低菜籽饼的肉鸡日粮中,添加600U/kg的植酸酶替代不同比例的磷酸氢钙进行代谢试验.结果表明以植酸酶替代1/2、4/5的磷酸氢钙,可显著提高钙、磷的利用率(P<0.05),并且明显地降低了磷的排泄量(P<0.05),在蛋白质的利用率上虽有提高的趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05).以植酸酶替代日粮中4/5的磷酸氢钙是完全可行的.  相似文献   

Twenty-four yearling 11-month old Nellore steers initially weighing 180 kg were assigned to three treatments in a randomised complete block experiment lasting 392 days. Animals grazed continuously either Yaragua grass (Hyparrhenia rufa) or Yaragua/Stylo legume (Stylosanthes guianensis) and received the following treatments: A) Control, Yaragua plus common salt, B) Yaragua/Stylo plus common salt, and C) Yaragua/Stylo plus dicalcium phosphate/common salt (1:1). Mineral consumption in the three groups averaged 52 g per animal day-1. At 13 months daily liveweight gains/steer were 0.182, 0.409 and 0.483 kg for treatments of Yaragua, Yaragua/Stylo, and Yaragua/Stylo plus dicalcium phosphate/common salt mixture. Daily liveweight gains per ha were 0.488, 1.289, and 1.522 kg steer-1 for Yaragua, Yaragua/Stylo plus common salt and Yaragua/Stylo plus dicalcium phosphate/common salt. Steers receiving a legume (stylo) in the diet more than doubled weight gains (P less than 0.05) compared to controls with dicalcium phosphate further (P less than 0.05) increasing these gains.  相似文献   

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