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碧香无核葡萄的叶分析营养诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过叶分析方法对碧香无核葡萄进行营养诊断,得出了叶柄内7种矿质营养元素在生长季节内的变化特点及各矿质元素在稳定时期的比例.建议生产中应根据矿质营养元素动态变化特点,不同时期施以不同的肥料.  相似文献   

红壤甜橙园土壤和叶片营养元素相关性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 于2010 年和2011 年在江西省安远县和寻乌县这两大赣南甜橙生产县,共采集181 个红壤枳 砧甜橙园的土壤样品和叶片样品,进行营养元素含量测定,并对土壤和叶片相应营养元素含量进行相关 性分析,为评价测土配方施肥是否适宜红壤甜橙园提供依据。结果表明:土壤碱解氮、交换性钙、交换 性镁、有效铁和有效锌的丰缺状况在甜橙叶片对应营养元素丰缺水平上能得到一定程度的反映;土壤有 效钾、有效磷、有效铜和有效硼的状况则难以在甜橙叶片对应营养元素丰缺水平上得到反映。相关性分 析结果显示,只有2010 年安远县甜橙园土壤有效Zn 含量与叶片Zn 含量呈显著正相关(P < 0.05),其余 土壤有效营养元素含量与叶片对应营养元素含量之间均无显著相关性。表明测土配方施肥不适宜红壤甜 橙园,建议实行以叶片营养诊断为主、土壤诊断为辅的配方施肥策略。  相似文献   

果树营养诊断讲座(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 一、果树营养诊断概述营养元素是果树生长发育、开花结果的物质基础,果树的营养状况直接影响着它的产量、品质和树势.因此,在果树生产上进行合理施肥时,必须首先了解树体的营养状况,以避免盲目性.果树需要的养营元素主要有16种,其中,按需要量的大小可分为常量营养元素和微量营养元素.常量营养元素有氮、磷、钾、钙、镁等,微量营养元素有硼、锌、铁、锰、铜等.这些营养元素在  相似文献   

在蔬菜生产中,营养元素不足会引起蔬菜生长不良;但某些营养元素过剩也同样可引起蔬菜生长不良,导致产量和品质下降.根据长期的生产实践,总结了氨、锰、硼3种营养元素在黄瓜上的过剩症状和诊断方法,并提出合理的防治对策.  相似文献   

氮素是柑桔营养中的重要营养元素。它比其他营养元素对柑桔的生长发育、开花结果的影响更为密切,在很大程度上控制着果树的生长和产量,多数的试验业已证明,为保持柑桔的高产量,氮肥的施用是必需的。随着果树叶分析营养诊断技术的发展,当前  相似文献   

酸性黄壤和石灰质土壤pH值与大红甜橙叶片营养元素含量的相关性解文贵陈家龙周健红管雪梅(贵州省柑桔科学研究所罗甸550100)近年来,土壤分析和叶片营养分析已普遍用于柑桔营养诊断。本文对贵州较成片的柑桔园土壤pH值与大红甜橙叶片营养元素含量的相关性进行...  相似文献   

果树生长发育所需要的各种营养元素,除氮、磷、钾外,还有多种微量元素,如铁、硼、锌、锰、镁等。诊断果树缺少哪种营养元素,一般多从“树相”判断,但正如你所说,有时不很准确。下面介绍两种诊断果树缺素症的简易方法,供你参考。1叶面施入法通过果树生长表现初步诊...  相似文献   

苹果梨叶分析营养诊断研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶分析结果表明,供试地区苹果梨树富含钙、锰,缺乏氮、磷、钾、铜和锌,而镁和铁含量正常。苹果梨叶片中各种营养元素的含量随季节的推移而呈现出有节奏的消长变化,7月下旬至8月中旬为营养元素变化的相对稳定期,可作为该地区苹果梨树叶分析营养诊断的最佳采样时期。依据偏相关分析结果,苹果梨叶片中营养元素间存在着复杂的相互作用。  相似文献   

同其它高等植物一样 ,蔬菜正常生长发育需要按一定比例吸收利用 16种必需营养元素 ,这些必需营养元素在植物体内具有各自独特的无可替代的生理功能 ,当土壤中缺乏某种必需元素或土壤本身不缺乏 ,但植物吸收不足时 ,会造成植物体内一系列物质代谢和运转的障碍 ,严重时可在外观形态上表现出一些特殊症状。同样 ,某种元素过量 ,造成植物体中毒时 ,也会出现形态异样症状。一般也把营养缺乏和过量造成的植物生长发育异常叫生理性病害。营养诊断是生理病害防治的前提 ,而在诸多的营养诊断方法如土壤分析、植株诊断、组织诊断、代谢诊断和外观形态…  相似文献   

<正>1诊断方法蔬菜正常生长发育需要吸收各种必需的营养元素。任何一种营养元素的缺乏,都会导致其生理代谢功能发生障碍,使根、茎、叶、花或果实在外形上表现出一定的症状。依据不同的症状,可以识别出蔬菜缺乏何种营养素。  相似文献   

果树根构型及其与营养和激素的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
范伟国  杨洪强 《果树学报》2006,23(4):587-592
不仅树型(株型)影响果树产量和质量,根构型对果树生产也有重要意义。介绍了根构型的特点、根构型对环境营养状况的反应及其对养分吸收的影响,以及营养因素和激素对根构型的影响。指出果树根构型比1年生作物更加多样化,骨干根与毛细根的发生和生长状况是影响根构型的主要因素,果树可以通过根系变长、变细以及数量和密度的增加等方式改变根构型;生长素、细胞分裂素、乙烯和赤霉素等植物激素对根构型构建起主要调节作用,营养元素可以通过内源激素调控果树的根构型。根构型与养分吸收有很大的关联,通过构型的改变,可以增加根系与介质的接触表面积,促进营养元素的吸收利用。加强果树根构型研究,揭示果树根构型与营养的关系,构建理想根构型,对于果树根系管理和养分的高效利用有重要价值。  相似文献   

阿月浑子叶片矿质营养质量分数的季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对引自美国、以色列和伊朗的3个阿月浑子品种的成年树在生长过程中的叶片营养元素(N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Mn、Cu、Fe)质量分数进行测定分析,结果表明,3个阿月浑子品种叶片矿质营养元素质量分数季节变化规律一致,从5月到9月,随叶龄的增加,N质量分数逐渐下降,Ca、Mg、Mn、K质量分数逐渐递增,其中Ca增加3倍,最为明显,而P、Cu、Fe质量分数变化不显著;7月中下旬营养元素质量分数相对稳定,为阿月浑子营养诊断的最佳采样时期;试验地总盐量在0~20cm和20~40cm土层分别为666.6mg·kg-1和900mg·kg-1,为强碱性土壤,导致阿月浑子P、Fe亏缺,叶片缺素症状明显,由于灌溉水含盐量高达2670mg·kg-1,到坚果成熟期部分叶片盐害症状明显,叶片中的Cu质量分数相对较高,但未发现明显的Cu害症状;阿月浑子叶片各营养元素质量分数的相关分析表明,不同元素间存在一定的相关性,其中N和Ca质量分数存在极显著的负相关关系,Mg和Cu质量分数存在极显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

This research was carried out to determine the effects of different nutrient solution formulations on the growth of nursery fig trees in substrate culture, which is one of the soil-less culture techniques. The hardwood cuttings of Ficus carica L. cv. “Sar?lop” (Calimyrna) were planted into pots filled with 13 L of perlite. Five different nutrient solution formulations were tested on the quality and growth progress of nursery fig trees. The trials were conducted in two different growing conditions, namely, high-tunnel and open-field conditions in substrate culture. To observe the effect of different nutrient solution formulations on nursery fig trees, some morphological and biochemical characteristics were determined. It was concluded that the use of Hewitt's and Hoagland's nutrient solution formulations led to increased growth of nursery fig trees in high-tunnel and open-field conditions, respectively.  相似文献   

Mid-summer leaf analyses are commonly used as the standard method worldwide to assess the nutritional status of fruit trees. However, the analyses performed at this period yield information only about current nutritional status of the trees. Several physiological processes influencing yield and quality take place early in spring. It was reported in previous studies that dormant-season shoot analyses for some nutrients may reliably be used to assess early-season nutritional status of peach trees.The present study was conducted with the shoot samples taken in dormant-season of 150 apple orchards from Isparta region during the years 2010 and 2011. Shoot samples were taken 15 days before full bloom stage and samples were subjected to nutrient analyses. Reference values for each nutrient were indicated as 25 and 75% of the resultant values. The shoot reference values for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and B were respectively observed as 0.66–0.82%, 0.12–0.15%, 0.37–0.45%, 0.84–1.24%, 0.11–0.16%, 24.55–32.24?ppm, 11.12–17.55?ppm, 12.96–21.90?ppm and 13.33–16.00?ppm. To check the reliability of shoot analyses, leaf samples were taken from the same orchards in 7 different periods until mid-vegetation season and correlations between nutrient contents of shoots and nutrient contents of leaves taken in all periods were investigated. Significant correlations were observed between N, P, K, Mg, Mn and B contents of shoots and leaves. Therefore, it was concluded that early-season shoot N, P, K, Mg, Mn and B analyses could reliably be used to assess nutritional status of apple trees.  相似文献   

袋控缓释肥对桃幼树生长发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
袋控缓释肥根据果树树体较大的特性,结合果树养分需求特性,采用纸塑材料做成的控释袋包裹掺混肥料,袋上针刺微孔,利用微孔控制养分释放,达到供肥和养分需求相一致。大田试验结果表明,施肥后袋控缓释处理土壤Nmin比撒施稳定,土壤Nmin含量维持在60mg/kg左右,养分释放缓慢、平稳,能满足幼树生长发育需要;1次撒施处理施肥2周后土壤Nmin含量达100mg/kg,随后急剧下降,8周后降至不施肥水平;2次撒施处理每次施肥2周后土壤Nmin含量达80mg/kg,即2个高峰。袋控缓释处理桃树根系含有大量的毛细根,与其它处理差异显著,但不施肥处理根系分布范围最广。袋控缓释处理桃树地上部树势中庸,不旺长;撒施处理在第2次施肥前以1次撒施地上部长势最旺,第2次施肥后以2次撒施地上部长势最旺。袋控缓释处理2007年开花观察时,开花数和坐果量均最高;2008年休眠期观察时,单位枝条长度花芽数量最多。  相似文献   

毛叶枣的矿质营养特性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
陈菁  谢江辉 《果树学报》2003,20(3):202-205
以2~3年龄毛叶枣(ZizyphusmauritianaLam.)品种高朗一号为试材,采用大田调查分析和数理统计方法,研究毛叶枣矿质营养特性,结果表明,3年龄毛叶枣在整个生长季节每株树需要纯N156.6g,P14.3g,K194.5g,Ca102.1g,Mg29.0g,B0.25g;不同物候期毛叶枣叶片养分含量存在着差异,N、P以营养缓慢生长期、硬核期含量较高,K含量一直在下降,Ca以采果前后期较高,Mg变化不大;毛叶枣果实养分积累为双S型;高产区叶片N、P含量在营养生长旺盛期、花芽分化初期显著高于低产区。  相似文献   

We conducted two experiments to evaluate the impact of cultural treatments on growth and establishment of container-grown London planetrees (Platanus × acerifolia’ Bloodgood’). In both experiments, 48 trees grown in 100 l (#25) black plastic containers were assigned at random to one of three root-ball treatments prior to planting; no treatment (Control), outer 3 cm of roots removed around entire root-ball (Shave), or outer circling roots disentangled from the root-ball (Tease). In Experiment 1, half of the trees were fertilized with 400 g of controlled release fertilizer (15-9-12; N-P2O5-K2O) at planting and the remainder of the trees were not fertilized. In Experiment 2, half of the trees were mulched with an 8 cm deep × 2 m diameter ring of coarse ground pine bark at planting and the remainder of the trees were not mulched. In Experiment 1, fertilization at planting increased SPAD chlorophyll content on two of four measurement dates but did not affect cumulative height or caliper growth after two years. After two growing seasons, root-ball treatments (shaving or teasing) increased root growth outside the original root-ball compared to control trees. Both root-ball treatments also reduced circling roots. In Experiment 2, mulching at planting increased soil moisture and cumulative tree height and diameter growth. Shaving increased new root growth and both root-ball treatments improved root architecture and reduced circling roots. Overall, the study demonstrates that root-ball manipulations can stimulate new root growth and reduce circling roots. Mulch is a valuable aid to conserve soil moisture and increase tree growth. Fertilization at planting provided little benefit in this experiment, which may have been related to a high level of soil fertility at the site or nutrient loading of the trees from nursery culture prior to transplanting.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out with newly planted peach trees to determine the influence of both rate and method of application of superphosphate on tree growth and nutrient status during the first growing season. Superphosphate was applied at planting at rates ranging from ¼ to 9 lb per tree, and applications were made either to the soil surface, in the planting hole, under tree roots, or in a band around the tree at a depth of 6 inches. Trees were grown under straw mulch and were irrigated as required.

Results showed that, in this soil of low initial ? content, trees receiving 9 lb superphosphate on the soil surface or in a ring band grew significantly larger than trees receiving ¼ lb superphosphate per tree (this applied for butt circumference only on surface-treated trees), but high rates of superphosphate in the planting hole or under tree roots resulted in tree death. No significant differences in growth were recorded at harvest between surface and ring-banded treatments at any phosphate rate, but leaf analysis in midsummer and tree analysis at harvest showed that the phosphate status of surface-treated trees was significantly higher than that of ring-banded trees.

At low rates of superphosphate (¼ and 1 lb per tree), surface treatment tended to give larger trees at the end of the growing season than band treatment, but differences were not significant. It is thought that this differential response occurred because the phosphate-fixing potential of the soil increased sharply with depth and hence band applications were inefficient unless very high rates of superphosphate were used.

The tree damage observed when high rates of superphosphate were applied in the planting hole or under tree roots was probably due to a combination of osmotic stress, acidity damage to the roots and possibly toxic nutrient levels in tree tissues. Hence high rates of superphosphate should not be placed close to tree roots at planting.

Leaf analysis in midsummer and tree analysis at harvest showed that the main effect of superphosphate application was on the ? status of the trees, and maximum tree growth in the surface and band treatments corresponded to a value of approximately 0.28% ? (dry weight basis) in the leaves. The efficiency of uptake of applied superphosphate was very low at all rates of application and was especially so at high rates. However, positive growth responses were recorded to 9 lb superphosphate per tree in surface and banding treatments. It is suggested that, although most of the applied superphosphate could not be utilized, tree growth rate was proportional to the concentration of ? in the soil zone which could be exploited by the roots.  相似文献   

主干加压注射法可有效地补充树体矿质元素.苹果主干注射 Fe、Ca、B、P 元素显著地提高了树体叶片中所注元素的含量;注射 FeSO_4可矫治因土壤缺 Fe 造成的山楂黄叶病;试验分析了不同处理对树体某些生物、生理指标的影响.主干加压注射法快速、高效、经济,是补充与调节果树矿质营养的一条新途径.  相似文献   

测定、分析广东省肇庆地区五和镇新建贡柑果园土壤养分、树体矿质元素含量及分布特征和相关性。结果表明:供试果园土壤pH值偏低,有机质含量中等偏低,土壤缺乏交换性钙、交换性镁和有效硼等元素。叶片中矿质元素含量与土壤养分之间有一定的相关性,春梢和秋梢叶片中不同矿质元素含量分布规律不同,并受土壤相关元素丰缺度、矿质元素在树体内的分配与再分配特性等因素的影响。  相似文献   

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