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在尖峰岭热带山地雨林,对食叶昆虫食叶量测试,供试验种计有27科50种。所得结果表明:昆虫食叶面积或重量百分率,各树种变动幅度在0.45%-28.01%之间,平均为7.71%,这种食叶量水平,对林木生长并无影响。但食叶昆虫的存在,对热带森生态系统来说,在维持生物群落动态平均方面,起着积极作用。  相似文献   

湖南桃江黄脊竹蝗食叶量与危害叶量观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以黄脊竹蝗为观察对象,通过套笼,每日套换新叶饲养黄脊竹蝗,测定出雌蝗食叶量、雄蝗食叶量、各龄期食叶量,以及黄脊竹蝗逐日食叶量与危害叶量。  相似文献   

本文采用室内与林间饲养幼虫的方法,对赤松毛虫Dendrolimus spectabilisButier幼虫的食叶量进行了研究。结果表明,幼虫的食叶量随着龄期的增加而增大。1头幼虫-生取食油松针叶长度为3794.52厘米,相当于针叶湿重22.97878克,折算成干重为10.52003克,其中以老熟幼虫食叶量最大,占一生食叶总量的75%左右。赤松毛虫对油松针叶的残害量为215.51厘米,危害量是4010.03厘米。群体饲养与单体饲养对幼虫的食叶量无显著影响,雄虫的食叶量相当于雌虫食叶量的73.4%。幼虫对2年生和3年生针叶的取食量无显著差异。室内饲养的幼虫由于环境的改变、其食叶量明显低于林间幼虫的食叶量。  相似文献   

通过在辽宁抚顺市大伙房实验林场,对兴安落叶松鞘蛾食叶量的测定研究结果看出,该鞘蛾一头越冬幼虫平均取食针叶长度为184mm,危害针叶数量为25枚;在危害期间不同时间段的食叶量和危害量各异,开始取食后的前10d危害最大,食叶量和危害量分别占整个危害期的86%和94%。针叶被害率与虫口密度密切相关,当虫口密度为2.9、5.8、8.7头/10cm和11.7头/10cm时,针叶被害率分别为25%、50%、7  相似文献   

本文采用单体饲养的方法,测定了赤松毛虫幼虫单体在各龄的食叶鲜重和长度,用指数模型、幂函数模型、复合指数模型对幼虫单体食叶量进行了拟合,并进行了拟合优度比较,得出幼虫单体食叶鲜重(W)和食叶长度(L)的最优拟合数学模型。  相似文献   

目前在栽植杨树新区,食叶害虫十分严重。据调查,杨扇舟蛾、杨尺蠖、杨毒蛾和杨梢叶(虫甲)等食叶害虫,近来经常猖獗成灾,对杨树生长造成了重大损失。为避免任意使用农药,消除害虫产生抗药性和环境污染,我们研究了杨树摘叶量、杨扇舟蛾食叶量与生长关系,找出食叶害虫虫口密度与食叶量多寡与树木生长关系,提出合理的防治指标,为实现综合防治提供依据。  相似文献   

本文提出食叶害虫对树木的影响是多方面的,例如,对树木体内化学物质(碳水化合物、氨基酸、苯酚)和树木生长量(叶量、径生长量和高生长量)均有一定的影响。同时,提出了防治食叶害虫的林业技术措施,例如,抗虫育种、调整林木组成及林分密度和促进纯林异龄化等  相似文献   

黄褐天幕毛虫幼虫食叶量观测及防治指标的测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文探讨了荒漠地区黄褐天幕毛虫Malacosoma neustria testacea Motschulsky幼虫的食叶量。人工模拟不同摘叶强度对胡杨高、径生长量的方差分析及多重比较,F〉F0.01,D〉D。摘叶30%、50%与摘叶100%之间高,径生长量差异极显著。掌握了胡杨100cm标准枝承受的害虫幼虫数及允许受害密度,建立了胡杨对单株材积生长量的一元回归方程:Y=27.68181+25142  相似文献   

本文根据湖区杨树食叶害虫14年的发生情况,分析了杨树林冠层的主要食叶害虫的群落及其一般特征,还总结了主要食叶害虫群落的月演替及年演替状况。杨树林冠层的主要食叶害虫群落是杨树——鳞翅目昆虫群落和杨树——鞘翅目昆虫群落两个类群。林冠层昆虫群落的演替方向是由小虫口密度向大虫口密度演替,即向杨树——舟蛾群落阶段演替。因此,防治杨树食叶害虫关键是控制3种杨树舟蛾的虫口密度。  相似文献   

在云南松人工林中选择9株样株,对文山松毛虫第1代4 500粒卵加以标记,经过幼虫、蛹和成虫不同虫期的存亡状况的跟踪观测,获取不同虫期的存活率,组建自然种群生命表。由生命表得出,文山松毛虫第1代种群数量在很大程度上受外界环境条件制约,整个世代死亡率高达99.87%。通过30头第1代幼虫室外套笼饲养、食叶量测定的结果表明幼虫期单虫的总食叶量为4842cm;不同龄期幼虫的单虫食叶量不同,1-3龄较少(为601cm)、5龄最多(为1 589cm),6龄次之(为1 311cm),5~6龄为暴阶段。生命表组建和食叶量测定,为可持续控制文山松毛虫危害提供了依据。  相似文献   

2000—2012年,通过10余年的观察,对近年来杨树食叶害虫的发生情况进行资料收集汇总,梳理分析影响杨树食叶害虫发生的因子,对杨树食叶害虫的发生与树种、气候、监测、防治、营林等方面的关系进行了分析与对比,找出杨树食叶害虫发生发展规律,总结经验教训,研讨解决办法,保护森林资源不受侵害。  相似文献   

Large-scale inventories of forest biomass and structure are necessary for both understanding carbon dynamics and conserving biodiversity. High-resolution satellite imagery is starting to enable structural analysis of tropical forests over large areas, but we lack an understanding of how tropical forest biomass links to remote sensing. We quantified the spatial distribution of biomass and tree species diversity over 4 ha in a Bolivian lowland moist tropical forest, and then linked our field measurements to high-resolution Quickbird satellite imagery. Our field measurements showed that emergent and canopy dominant trees, being those directly visible from nadir remote sensors, comprised the highest diversity of tree species, represented 86% of all tree species found in our study plots, and contained the majority of forest biomass. Emergent trees obscured 1–15 trees with trunk diameters (at 1.3 m, diameter at breast height (DBH)) ≥20 cm, thus hiding 30–50% of forest biomass from nadir viewing. Allometric equations were developed to link remotely visible crown features to stand parameters, showing that the maximum tree crown length explains 50–70% of the individual tree biomass. We then developed correction equations to derive aboveground forest biomass, basal area, and tree density from tree crowns visible to nadir satellites. We applied an automated tree crown delineation procedure to a high-resolution panchromatic Quickbird image of our study area, which showed promise for identification of forest biomass at community scales, but which also highlighted the difficulties of remotely sensing forest structure at the individual tree level.  相似文献   

经济林害虫发生现状与趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择安徽省28种主栽及名特经济树种为主要对象,经过1988年至1995年8年的调查研究,探明当前各经济树种害虫种类、发生现状与趋势。在28种经济树种上查出害虫1074种,其中危害程度轻微、中等、严重的害虫分别为868种、137种和69种,分别占害虫总数的80.8%、12.8%和6.4%。经济林害虫垂直结构为食叶害虫(626种)>枝梢害虫(290种)>蛀干害虫(78种)>果实害虫(43种)>根部害虫(37种)。害虫总体发生率78.0%,其中危害轻微、中等和严重的发生率分别为41.3%、22.3%和14.4%。分析提出现阶段害虫发生类型。  相似文献   

Secondary successional vegetation represents one-third of the 7% of the original area covered with tropical dry forest that remains in central Veracruz, Mexico. In this region, fallow periods are short, in general, no longer than 7–10 years, and old secondary successional sites are not available. Therefore we evaluated the potential of very early successional stages of tropical dry forest with different land use histories for recovering the structure and composition of regional forest. We compared five early successional sites (7–72 months) with five nearby forest remnants. Successional sites had reached 38 and 30%, respectively, of the average basal area and density recorded for the forest understories, but only 5 and 10%, respectively, of the basal area and density of forest overstories. A total of 132 tree species were recorded, 45 at successional and 107 at forest sites. Individuals of tree species with animal-dispersed seeds (57%) were significantly better represented than wind-dispersed (22%) and self-dispersing (21%) species in both successional and forest sites. Successional sites had already recruited 10% of the intermediate and shade-tolerant species that grow in forest remnants. However, only 20 species occurred in both early successional and forest sites, several showing resprouting ability. We conclude that the entry of forest species to the successional process at very early stages and the recruitment of individuals from resprouting may facilitate the recovery of the dry forest in Veracruz.  相似文献   

稠李巢蛾是我国北部林区稠李等灌木林的重要食叶害虫之一。通过试验结果论述了稠李巢蛾的特征及其防治方法。  相似文献   

海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林林隙更新生态位的研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
通过对海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林林隙更新生态位的研究表明:同一树种在不同大小和年龄级林隙内的优势度不同,不同树种在同一大小和年龄级林隙内的优势度不同。根据树种在不同大小级林隙内的生态位宽度的变化,可分为生态位幅度宽、中等、较小和狭小4类;根据树种在不同年龄级林隙内的生态位宽度的变化,可分为对林隙时间生态资源利用充分、利用较充分、利用不充分和利用很少的4类树种。不同的树种或树种组对不同大小和年龄阶段林隙生态资源利用的不一致性,表明热带山地雨林中不同树种的林隙大小级生态位和林隙时间段生态位是相对分离的。分析表明,海南岛热带山地雨林中有很大一部分树种是属于低密度、狭生态位的树种。从物种多样性的角度来看,大量低密度、狭生态位树种的存在表明热带山地雨林是一种较为脆弱的生态系统类型。  相似文献   

In tropical regions where agricultural activities are limited, agroforestry is an alternative for both economic development and for the management and conservation of biodiversity. The potential role of different types of land use as reservoirs of dung beetle diversity in the wet tropical forest of the Pacific lowlands of Colombia is evaluated in three agroforestry systems that differ in canopy cover and the sowing density of Borojoa patinoi crops associated with timber forest. Although total species richness was similar among land use types, differences related to the decrease in the abundance and biomass of the species were remarkable, and reflected in turn by the diversity and structure of the guilds. The general pattern observed was one in which the structure of the dung beetle assemblage of B. patinoi growing below a diversified and permanent tree cover was similar to that of the primary and secondary forest. Beetle diversity in management systems with less tree cover or a high sowing density of B. patinoi was lower and very similar to that of abandoned agricultural fields. This suggests that B. patinoi agroforestry systems can be viewed as valuable instruments for biodiversity management and conservation in the wet tropical forests of the Pacific lowlands and not just as substitutes for forest, though we must be aware that structural changes in the beetle community may in turn affect the ecological processes regulated by these insects in the agrosystems under study.  相似文献   

近50年来,通过树种调查、繁殖技术研究、造林试验,在西双版纳普文林场,成功地培育出8种热带雨林标志树种的人工林及7种热带山地雨林标志性树种的人工林,并散生培育热带雨林树种12个。还在热区退化地造林中评选出了2个造林先锋树种。它们既形成了高大整齐的林分外貌,也逐步形成了多层次多物种的森林复层结构。在这些人工林下出现了众多的雨林标志树种的天然更新幼苗幼树,说明这些人工林所形成的雨林环境具有可持续经营性。实践表明,西双版纳的热带雨林是可人工恢复的。  相似文献   

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