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多花垂枝柽柳(Tamarix gallica cv DY-1)是从匈牙利引进的红花多枝柽柳中经单株选择扦插繁育而成的。多花垂枝柽柳适宜在黄河三角洲重度盐渍土种植,可在含盐量1.5%以下的重度盐渍土中正常生长。通过扦插繁殖试验、盆栽试验以及大田栽培试验,掌握了多花垂枝柽柳的耐盐能力,探索出在黄河三角洲滨海盐渍土的育苗和造林绿化技术,并制定相应栽培技术规程。  相似文献   

用不同浓度的ABT、IBA和NAA处理多枝柽柳嫩枝插穗进行其扦插育苗试验,试验结果表明:用浓度500 mg.L-1的ABT溶液浸泡多枝柽柳嫩枝插穗30 min,可以提高多枝柽柳嫩枝扦插育苗的效果;多枝柽柳是皮孔生根型植物。  相似文献   

柽柳扦插育苗试验报告   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对16个柽柳种类进行硬枝扦插育苗试验。通过对扦插成活率的调查和统计分析得出:中国、东柽1号、甘蒙、甘肃、东柽2号、多枝、多花7种柽柳平均扦插成活率都达到80%以上,这7种柽柳有较好的扦插繁殖能力;长穗、山川、刚毛、短穗、短毛、细穗、白花、沙生和紫杆9种柽柳的平均扦插成活率低于60%,这些柽柳种类扦插繁殖能力差,或者对本地的气候、土壤条件适应性差。ABT1号生根粉不能显著提高柽柳的扦插育苗成活率。  相似文献   

多花垂枝柽柳(Tamarix gallica cv.DY-1)是从匈牙利引进的红花多枝柽柳(Tamarix gallica L.)中选择自然变异的单株经扦插繁殖而成的优良无性系。通过扦插繁殖试验、盆栽试验以及大田栽培试验,掌握了多花垂枝柽柳的耐盐能力,探索出在黄河三角洲滨海盐渍土的扦插育苗技术。多花垂枝柽柳耐盐能力强,可在含盐量15 g·kg-1的土壤中正常生长,耐盐极限在24 g·kg-1左右,是重度盐渍土绿化的优良树种;多花垂枝柽柳分枝力强,耐旱、耐瘠薄,病虫害少,适宜在黄河三角洲贫瘠的盐渍土上种植。  相似文献   

以从北京引进的红花多枝柽柳为试验材料,以宁夏本地多枝柽柳为对照,进行育苗试验及生长量、抗逆性观察。经2年的试验观察,引进红花多枝柽柳具有耐旱、耐寒、耐盐碱、叶片无臭蒿味、叶色翠绿、生长量大、繁殖容易、耐修剪;萌芽力、成枝力均强的特点。枝、叶、花观赏价值高、适应性强,在宁夏园林中应用具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

红花多枝柽柳容器扦插育苗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对红花多枝柽柳进行了不同长度、不同粗度插穗容器育苗试验,共设计9种试验处理.结果表明:插穗长8 cm以上,粗0.5 cm以上,扦插平均成活率均达到94%以上;以插穗长12 cm、粗1.0 cm处理的成活率最好.  相似文献   

文冠果枝气培育苗试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决文冠果种源不足及实生后代优良性状难以遗传、稳定的问题,近年来,不少单位采用硬枝、嫩枝(或以激素处理)扦插法繁育文冠果苗木,但都因其难以生根而未见成效。目前,繁育良种多采用插根和嫁接的方法。1978年我们试验用枝气培法培育苗木,获得初步成功。通过试验,初步掌握了文冠果扦插生根的环境条件、生根规律、以及生根对生长激素浓度的需求,使其生根率由原来的5%提高到50%以上。  相似文献   

嫩枝扦插又称软枝扦插、绿枝扦插,是一种苗木繁育的好方法,生产上如桧柏、杨树、黄杨、女贞、银杏,红豆杉等许多树木都可以通过嫩枝扦插来繁育苗木。嫩枝扦插育苗应当注意以下几个技术要点;  相似文献   

柽柳(tamarix chinensis Loar.)因根系发达,生长快,适生性强,是干旱、风沙区贫瘠土壤造林的主要树种。该试验选择4月5日、4月15日、4月25日3个不同育苗时间,对其愈伤组织形成、插穗发芽、幼苗成活率、高生长量、地径生长量进行观测,通过对比试验,结果表明:4月15日扦插的柽柳,因气温和地温的因素,愈伤组织形成、主侧根形成时间与地上发芽时间相一致,使苗木发芽整齐,成活率达到92%、苗木高生长量91.7cm、地径生长量0.9cm;较4月25日、4月5日扦插的柽柳,成活率分别提高3.32和22.66个百分点,高生长量分别提高5.98、13.22cm,地径生长量分别提高0.14、0.24cm,优势明显。因此,在柽柳硬枝扦插育苗时间上要优先选择于4月15日左右进行育苗,才有利于培育壮苗,为造林提供优质苗木。  相似文献   

不同树种种质耐苏打盐碱土的苗木试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用完全随机区组试验,对38份植物种质进行耐苏打盐碱能力试验,结果表明:白刺种质不适合在弱盐碱地块下生长。在低、中含盐碱地块下试验的苗木,其保存率差异极显著,但成活率差异都不显著。选出白榆57、72、212、216、8033,沙枣、白蜡、杜梨、西伯利亚白刺、齿叶白刺、甘肃柽柳、甘蒙柽柳和多枝柽柳为耐中度苏打盐碱土的植物。在高浓度土壤含盐量地块下,不同种质苗木成活率与保存率差异显著,筛选出西伯利亚白刺(通榆种源)、齿叶白刺、甘肃柽柳、甘蒙柽柳和多枝柽柳为耐重度苏打盐碱土的植物。  相似文献   

12个树种耐盐性田间比较试验   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
通过对沙枣、沙棘、胡杨、杜梨、新疆杨、多花柽柳、甘蒙柽柳、细穗柽柳、沙柳、旱柳、枸杞和白榆 12个耐盐树种的田间对比试验表明 :沙枣、沙棘、多花柽柳、细穗柽柳和甘蒙柽柳是粗放型管理模式下适宜在盐碱地造林推广树种  相似文献   

针对景泰县部分区域原有稀疏柽柳林及生长不良的老龄柽柳林,采用封育和人工平茬2种技术措施对其进行更新、复壮,调查其盖度和枝条当年生长量,结果表明,采取封育措施的柽柳林,在短期内其生长状况无明显效果;而采取人工平茬技术措施的柽柳林,其盖度和枝条当年生长量较对照都有所提高,盖度比对照区提高7个百分点,枝条生长量较对照区增加了481%,且采用平茬技术后,较好的水分条件,将更有利于其枝条的萌发。  相似文献   

Cuttings of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) from three open-pollinated families were rooted in two types of tray, and then grown for 1.5 years in a bareroot nursery. During their second winter they were sampled periodically and tested for cold hardiness, dormancy status, root growth potential and various morphological characteristics. Two-year-old seedlings and transplants were tested concurrently for comparison. Rooted cuttings, seedlings and transplants cold hardened at similar rates during early winter, achieving the same level of midwinter hardiness (LT(50) = -18 degrees C) in early January. However, rooted cuttings remained hardier later into the spring than did seedlings or transplants. Rooted cuttings exhibited deeper dormancy in early winter than seedlings or transplants but these differences disappeared after January. Root growth potentials of all three stock types remained above threshold values established for transplants throughout winter. Rooted cuttings had greater stem diameter, higher stem diameter to height ratio, and greater root weight than either seedlings or transplants. This may reflect lower growing densities for the rooted cuttings. Root/shoot ratios of rooted cuttings were greater than for seedlings and similar to those of transplants. Rooted cuttings also had deeper and coarser root systems, which probably reflects lack of wrenching at the nursery.  相似文献   


A field trial of cuttings and seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was measured after 1, 2, 9 and 10 years. Growth-related and stem form characteristics of rooted cuttings were compared with those of seedlings of the same origin. The cuttings were shorter than the seedlings throughout the experiment, but the difference became smaller with age. The ranking of cuttings and seedlings by average height was already the same after one growing season regardless of the differences in planting heights of the cuttings, indicating that the genetic origin affected the height more than the initial planting height. The growth patterns of the cuttings were similar to those of the seedlings. The bole straightness and stem taper after 10 years in the field were similar in both plant types, but not stable, indicating that the use of cuttings for stem quality selection at an early age has no advantages over the use of seedlings. In conclusion, the consistent performance of cuttings compared with seedlings of the same origin indicates that performance of cuttings is a valid measure of their genetic potential and that cuttings can be used to speed up selection in breeding programmes with Scots pine.  相似文献   

The effects of flooding on Gmelina arborea Roxb. seedlings and cuttings of the same parent stock were compared to determine their suitability as transplanting stock. Flooding caused reductions in stomatal conductance, xylem pressure potential and dry matter accumulation in both groups of plants. In seedlings, flooding induced formation of hypertrophied lenticels, stem hypertrophy and production of short, thick, adventitious roots in seedlings, whereas in cuttings, only thin roots and numerous smaller lenticels were induced. For 8 days after the flooding treatment ended, the flooded seedlings grew faster than control seedlings, whereas in cuttings, post-flooding growth was similar to that of control plants. It is suggested that seedlings may perform better than cuttings in very wet or saturated soil.  相似文献   

本试验采用5种不同扦插基质及4种不同规格的盆栽龙胆插穗进行微体扦插繁殖试验。结果表明,70%泥炭 30%珍珠岩较适宜龙胆扦插、生根,插穗长度以3节插穗为好。  相似文献   

以沙拐枣(Calligonum mongolicunl)和梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)为对照树种,在东沙窝荒漠区进行了柽柳造林对比试验,从生长和抗逆性上进行了观测。苗期试验表明,柽柳苗期在东沙窝丘间地造林适应性强,苗期保存率高于沙拐枣和梭梭,2年生苗木平均地径0.6cm,平均苗高15.6cm。沙丘和丘间地造林试验表明,柽柳适宜在丘间低地造林,沙拐枣、梭梭适宜沙丘造林。  相似文献   

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