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废弃渔具(ALDFG)像幽灵一样长期在海洋中飘荡,导致一些海洋生物被网具缠绕而死,对渔业资源造成持续危害,形成“幽灵捕捞”现象。废弃渔具类型主要包括陷阱、刺网、拖网等。通过探讨造成幽灵捕捞的原因,总结了幽灵捕捞的现状和国内外研究进展;针对容易形成幽灵捕捞的渔具种类,介绍了ALDFG的结构与捕捞作业机理,阐述了陷阱、刺网、拖网等的幽灵捕捞过程,并对各种渔具造成的幽灵捕捞的影响进行了评估。最后总结目前对幽灵捕捞渔具的预防和应对措施,提出了减少幽灵捕捞的方法和建议。  相似文献   

本文探讨了中国渔船在印度尼西亚海域使用的拖网渔具,从渔具使用规格、缩结状态和结构等方面进行了分析,指出这类渔具在浅水渔场捕捞带鱼时有良好适应性,但局部配纲不当,网具贴底程度未达到最佳状态。由于网目大,有些局部改革可能导致敏感的负面反应。作者认为,这类网具今后的改革应着眼于提高拖速,以增加对某些优质鱼的兼捕比例。  相似文献   

王鲁民  王忠秋 《水产学报》2023,47(11):119716-119716
综合应用船舶、机械、信息、新材料等技术,从海洋中捕捞经济渔获物并综合利用,是现代海洋捕捞业的主要特征。海洋捕捞技术的发展和创新,对保障我国食物安全、保护近海生态与资源、实现渔民增收和新渔村建设、推动渔业产业结构调整和转型、维护我国海洋权益等方面具有非常重要的作用。本文通过简析海洋捕捞渔场探测、渔具渔法与高效自动化辅渔助渔技术等方面的研究进展,提出海洋捕捞技术的重点发展方向,以期为我国海洋捕捞实现节能高效、生态友好和资源可持续利用,海洋捕捞技术升级和产业高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

金枪鱼延绳钓渔获性能主要按目标鱼种和兼捕物种渔获效率进行评价。对其研究有助于改进延绳钓渔具渔法, 提高目标鱼种捕捞效率和减少兼捕。本文以时间顺序为主对国内外关于金枪鱼延绳钓渔获性能研究的文献进行梳理, 从钓具选择性、钓钩深度、饵料选择性、环境因素以及钓具浸泡时长等方面概括了金枪鱼延绳钓渔获性能的研究进展, 并提出存在的不足和建议, 为金枪鱼延绳钓渔获性能的研究提供参考。前人研究取得的成果有: (1)不同鱼种最佳作业深度和钓具浸泡时长不同; (2)较大尺寸的圆形钩能减少兼捕; (3)拟饵也具有选择性, 鱼类饵料和蓝色染色饵料有利于减少兼捕; (4)具体水层的环境因素对延绳钓渔获性能影响较大。建议今后金枪鱼延绳钓渔获性能研究应: (1)确定钓钩最佳沉降速度和深度; (2)分水层建立不同物种渔获性能预测模型; (3)针对不同的目标鱼种探索最佳尺寸和钩形; (4)研究不同气味和颜色的饵料或拟饵对物种选择性的影响; (5)考虑诱饵、钓钩类型和尺寸和钓具浸泡时长对渔获率、死亡率、兼捕率和兼捕物种释放后存活率的潜在协同效应。  相似文献   

渔具渔法对底栖群落及其栖息地的影响,国外研究比较多。作者从互联网上收集了大量资料,给予编译整理。本文着重概述捕捞干扰与自然干扰、底拖网捕捞、桁拖网捕捞、耙网、底层旋曳网、底刺网捕捞、底层延绳钓以及笼壶渔业等6种渔具渔法对底栖群落的影响。  相似文献   

<正> 随着养殖渔业的大力发展和人们对优质鱼需要量的迅速增加,淡水底层鱼类的捕捞已成为研究的重要课题之一。笔者在研究了鲤等鱼类的行动习性和淡水捕捞常用渔具的渔捞特点之后,设计并试验的底层鱼兜型拉网(简称底兜网或底兜拉网),获得单网鲤鱼的起捕率在50%以上,同时兼捕的中上层鱼类起捕率达90%的效果。现将设计与试验报告如下: 一、网具设计及其特点 (一) 鱼类行动习性的观察研究鱼类受到渔具惊吓要向水底方向潜游,这是一般规律。鲤鱼等底层鱼类,也要逃向坑洼处或隐蔽物下躲藏。由于底层鱼一般都具有拱泥觅食和打窝栖息的习性,加之水底不平坦,给它们躲避渔具捕捞创造了有利条  相似文献   

鲨鱼作为金枪鱼渔业中主要兼捕种类之一,其兼捕率却较少见报。本文利用印度洋1950~2010年金枪鱼渔业生产统计数据,分析了不同作业渔具的鲨鱼兼捕率。结果表明,印度洋金枪鱼渔业中鲨鱼平均兼捕率为9.30%,其中流刺网、线钓、延绳钓、围网以及其他作业渔具兼捕率分别为22.14%、16.27%、2.59%、0.43%和56.95%,且流刺网的鲨鱼兼捕量为最高。该区域兼捕鲨鱼共计19种(包括未定种),每种作业渔具未定种的捕捞量占比最高。建议在印度洋海域有针对性地发展选择性渔具,加大鲨鱼物种鉴别和数据统计能力,综合利用兼捕物种,增加经济价值。  相似文献   

减少副渔获物的选择性捕捞技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨吝 《现代渔业信息》2005,20(4):6-8,12
近年来,世界许多渔业国家花费了大量的精力来改造各种渔具及其作业方式,成功地研制和应用各种选择性装置和捕捞技术,有效地减少捕捞渔业中不想要的渔获(副渔获)。例如,在虾拖网中使用海龟排除装置(T EDs)大大减少了濒危海龟的死亡率,使用分离栅和方目网片减少副渔获量和鳍鱼抛弃量;改变金枪鱼围网的结构和作业方法大幅度地减少兼捕海豚的死亡率;减少延绳钓渔业兼捕海鸟的技术措施已被成功地开发出来;副渔获考虑和渔具改造在几种主要渔业法规中发挥重要作用;不断提出和测试新的副渔获减少装置和其它革新型渔具改造,以减轻副渔获问题。  相似文献   

为确定三重刺网适用范围,促进《全国海洋捕捞渔具目录》的实施,于2015年在黄渤海区以三重刺网渔业为研究对象,调查了刺网渔船渔业动态和三重刺网渔具种类和作业参数,并追踪调查了代表性渔具的渔获结构、产量和产值,对三重刺网作业渔船的捕捞能力与经济效益加以分析。结果表明,三重刺网渔具对甲壳类和鲆鲽类的选择性较强,捕捞效果好,兼捕幼鱼比例相对较低,是目前近海捕捞渔具中选择性比拖网和张网相对较好的作业渔具。但鉴于目前生产中使用的三重刺网内网衣网线较细,缠绕力强,兼捕现象较为严重,在经济鱼类幼鱼较多的渔场作业,会对渔业资源造成较大的损害。同时从渔民收入角度出发,三重刺网过渡期以后的归属管理应开展进一步调查和研究。  相似文献   

笼壶类渔具是根据捕捞对象习性,设置洞穴状物体或笼具,诱其人内而捕获的专用工具。这类渔具结构简单,操作方便,捕捞对象有甲壳类、贝类、头足类、鱼类等,分布比较广泛。尤其在底拖网、底延绳钓难以作业的底形起伏的海域,笼壶类渔具也可进行作业,而且具有渔具成本低、操作安全、渔获物鲜活等优点。为合理利用湛江市丰富的东风螺资源,我们开展试验推广东风螺笼捕技术工作。由于其主捕东风螺,渔获选择性强,有利于近海渔业资源、种群结构调整以及合理利用、开发、保护鱼类资源,同时东风螺笼捕捞作业因投资省、见效快、效益高、捕捞操作简单易学而深受群众的喜爱,推广获得成功。现将东风螺笼捕技术总结如下。  相似文献   

通过文献研究,对日本资源管理型渔业体系下的典型作业方式管理措施进行梳理,以期对我国典型作业方式准入制度的构建和完善提供参考。对围网、底拖网、刺网和流网、定置网及鱿钓等5种日本渔业主要作业方式的管理措施体系进行了分类和介绍,认为日本的渔业管理通过不同层级的权限许可,根据海洋渔业资源的自然属性差异采取区域化的管理模式,并以恢复渔业资源为目标,逐步推进从总可捕量管理制度向捕捞努力量控制制度的转变。  相似文献   

上岸渔获调查是调查渔业资源的主要方法之一。通过2010年9月至2011年8月监测海南岛主要渔港渔情,统计分析渔获上岸量、渔获组成和作业类型,评估南海渔业资源开发现状并提出建议。结果表明,1)低值幼鱼渔获比例超过40%,经济渔获蓝圆鲹(Decapterusmaruadsi)、带鱼(Trichiurushaumela)、马鲛(Scomber-morus)、眼镜鱼(Menemaculata)、金线鱼(Nemipterus)和头足类(Cephalopoda)的总和不足25%;2)蓝圆骖和带鱼是海南岛上岸渔获的优势种;3)拖网是海南岛近海渔获量最高的作业类型;4)海南岛近海底层渔业资源已严重衰退,远海中上层渔业资源具有巨大开发潜力。建议禁止海南岛近海拖网生产,允许南海休渔期间灯光围网和灯光罩网生产,通过增加远海作业船只的柴油补贴等途径扶持灯光围网和灯光罩网生产,构建“养护近海渔业、开发远海渔业”的新捕捞格局。  相似文献   

唐议  盛燕燕  陈园园 《水产学报》2014,38(5):759-768
以底拖网为代表的深海底层渔业对深海脆弱海洋生态系统的危害受到国际社会的热切关注。2003年以来联合国大会多次通过决议,呼吁各国各自并通过RFMO/As采取行动,根据预防性原则,采用基于生态系统的管理方法,评估深海底层渔业对脆弱海洋生态系统的影响,若评估表明确有重大不利影响,则应采取有效措施限制深海底层渔业以降低这种影响;FAO主要从技术角度制定了《公海深海渔业管理国际指南》,为管理公海深海渔业和保护脆弱海洋生态系统提出了技术标准和管理框架;RFMO承担着具体执行深海底层渔业管理措施和监督管理的责任,在北大西洋、地中海、南太平洋的公海和南极水域,相关RFMO已采取了暂停部分区域底拖网渔业活动、收集数据、评估底拖网对脆弱海洋生态系统的影响等措施,在北太平洋,新成立的北太平洋渔业管理委员会将公海底层渔业管理作为首要目标。环保非政府组织和部分科学家呼吁禁止公海深海底层渔业,但各国对此的立场尚不一致,产业界大多持反对立场。近期来看,尚难以全面禁止公海的深海底层渔业。中国正在发展公海大洋渔业,需对此密切关注,加强跟踪研究以支撑决策,并应发展和使用选择性渔具和对生态环境无害的作业方式,防止对脆弱海洋生态系统产生损害性影响。  相似文献   

福建省近期捕捞力量和捕捞作业结构的调整   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别对福建省在福建近海捕捞渔业及其五种主要捕捞作业的最大持续产量和最大持续捕捞力量进行估算,并在估算值的基础上,结合目前渔业资源结构变化趋势及福建近海渔业的实际情况,确定2005年之前福建省近海的捕捞力量和捕捞作业结构的调整方案,调整结果为:总捕捞力量由1998年的标准机施总功率3084460kW削减至1668940kW;其中定置渔业自然功率由1998年的202860kW削减到100136kW;拖网渔业由1474764kW削减到801091kW;灯围61645kW提高到100136kW,刺网渔业由449680kW削减到442269kW;钓渔业由67423kW提高到83447kW;其它作业由35126kW提高到141861kW。  相似文献   

  1. Fisheries bycatch of non-target species in the commercial fleet is a major source of anthropogenic injury and mortality for sea turtles and marine megafauna.
  2. The Río de la Plata maritime front (RLPMF) and its adjacent international waters – comprising part of the Argentine and Uruguayan exclusive economic zones, is a highly important fishing ground in the south-western Atlantic Ocean as well as feeding and development grounds for sea turtles.
  3. This paper analyses the distribution of the bottom and pelagic trawling fishery within the RLPMF using information from Vessel Satellite Monitoring System. With this information, areas of highest trawling intensity were defined and further evaluated their overlap with sea turtle habitat-use areas from available sea turtle satellite tracking information.
  4. Results besides identifying high-susceptibility areas for sea turtle bycatch by the commercial trawler fleet along the RLPMF, provide predictive tools to identify vulnerable areas to interaction of sea turtles and the commercial fishing fleet.
  5. Implementation of bycatch mitigation measures, such as reduced fishing effort areas by the Argentine and Uruguayan fisheries management agencies has the potential to benefit the fisheries as well as marine megafauna. Furthermore, there is a need for additional research on the impact that this fleet can have on sea turtles present in the area.

  1. Small‐scale fisheries may pose a serious threat to the conservation of marine mammals. At the same time various factors have led to the decline of small‐scale fisheries, often making them unsustainable. Current rates of biodiversity loss and the reduction of fish stocks and fisheries dictate a thorough understanding of fisheries‐related issues and the implementation of effective management actions.
  2. The Mediterranean monk seal is one of the most endangered marine mammals on Earth; its survival in the eastern Mediterranean Sea is threatened by negative interactions with fisheries. A nationwide questionnaire survey among fishers and port police authorities was carried out in Greece to describe the main characteristics of small‐scale fisheries, and to understand the nature and assess the magnitude of negative interactions between the monk seal and these fisheries. Questionnaire information was verified by a second round of interviews during landings.
  3. The main attributes of the fishers, their fishing boats, and their practices were characteristic of the small‐scale fisheries sector. Overfishing was considered the main reason for fish‐stock reduction, and negative interactions with marine mammals was considered the main issue for the fishing sector.
  4. Monk seals were present, caused damage, and got accidentally entangled in fishing gear throughout Greece. Damage to fishing gear was recorded mainly during spring and summer, and on average affected 21% of all fishing trips and 1% of nets deployed during a fishing trip.
  5. Based on these results, the implementation of general and specific nationwide fishery management and conservation actions are proposed. These actions are mainly aimed at improving fish stock status, changing the behaviour of the fishers, and mitigating seal–fishery interactions in Greece, while promoting the recovery of the Mediterranean monk seal in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

Ecosystem‐based management is an emerging paradigm influencing the management of commercial fisheries. Increasingly, developed nations are adopting explicit legislation and policy governing the assessment and management of their fisheries against criteria of ecological sustainability. Yet the ability to evaluate ecosystem impacts of fisheries is compromised by a general lack of understanding of marine ecosystem function (beyond the population level) and a lack of robust and practical indicators for ecosystem health and management. Recent technological advances can assist in developing criteria, including structural analyses of seafloor communities potentially impacted by fishing gears (e.g. demersal trawling). Similarly, advances in fishing gear technology, including improved selectivity and the development of gears which have a more benign environmental impact, can mitigate some of the ecological impacts of fishing. Such technological advances are summarized in the context of contemporary fisheries management.  相似文献   

One quarter of marine fish production is caught with bottom trawls and dredges on continental shelves around the world. Towed bottom‐fishing gears typically kill 20–50 per cent of the benthic invertebrates in their path, depending on gear type, substrate and vulnerability of particular taxa. Particularly vulnerable are epifaunal species, which stabilize the sediment and provide habitat for benthic invertebrates. To identify the habitats, fisheries or target species most likely to be affected, we review evidence of the indirect effects of bottom fishing on fish production. Recent studies have found differences in the diets of certain species in relation to bottom fishing intensity, thereby linking demersal fish to their benthic habitats at spatial scales of ~10 km. Bottom fishing affects diet composition and prey quality rather than the amount of prey consumed; scavenging of discarded by‐catch makes only a small contribution to yearly food intake. Flatfish may benefit from light trawling levels on sandy seabeds, while higher‐intensity trawling on more vulnerable habitats has a negative effect. Models suggest that reduction in the carrying capacity of habitats by bottom fishing could lead to lower equilibrium yield and a lower level of fishing mortality to obtain maximum yield. Trawling effort is patchily distributed – small fractions of fishing grounds are heavily fished, while large fractions are lightly fished or unfished. This patchiness, coupled with the foraging behaviour of demersal fish, may mitigate the indirect effects of bottom fishing on fish productivity. Current research attempts to scale up these localized effects to the population level.  相似文献   

Discards from five of the most important fisheries (crustacean trawling, fish trawling, demersal purse seining, pelagic purse seining and trammel netting) in southern Portugal were studied and compared. A total of 236 species of all taxa were discarded, with fish and cephalopods accounting for more than 90% of the discarded biomass, except trammel nets (81%). Although there was some overlapping of species, multivariate analysis using cluster analysis for classification and multidimensional scaling (MDS) for ordination, showed that there were significant differences between the five gears in terms of species composition and biomasses discarded, with the least similarity between crustacean trawling and all other fishing operations. The differences between fisheries were probably as a result of a combination of gear selectivity and depth fished. The results suggest that discarding practices are likely to have different, yet significant impacts on the marine ecosystem, warranting further studies on the fate of discards, the factors influencing discarding and mitigation.  相似文献   

本文根据近海渔业资源衰退的实际,有针对性地提出渔业和渔业资源管理具体措施和建议,主要是:(1)削减捕捞力量,优化捕捞作业结构;(2)实施TAC制度;(3)渔获量配额管理和提高渔获物附加值;(4)伏季休渔和产卵场保护;(5)种群最小可捕标准和渔具最小尺寸;(6)重点保护生活史k选择的种群;(7)增殖放流明显衰退的经济种类;(8)杜绝毒、炸、电违规捕捞;(9)控制对沿岸海域的污染,保护渔业生态环境;(10)加强资源监测和预测,开展渔情预报;(11)完善渔业统计,建立渔捞记录制度;(12)强化渔业法和水产资源繁殖保护条例的宣传教育力度;(13)开展渔业资源普查工作等等。  相似文献   

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