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我国的山楂资源十分丰富.山楂树的冠幅大,寿命长,抗自然灾害能力强,产量高,是一种很好的环保型果树.但是,由于山楂鲜食味道酸涩,消费者不太喜欢,在过去一直以果丹皮、山楂糕、山楂片和红果罐头做为深加工产品来满足市场的需求.随着零食市场的多样化,各类鲜果常年供应不断,人们的消费观念也在发生改变.近年来,山楂产量逐年增加,而传统山楂制品所占市场份额却越来越小,每年有大量山楂白白烂掉,这不但造成资源的严重浪费,也暴露出山楂深加工技术的严重滞后.为此,我们运用现代科学技术对山楂进行全面的研究分析,研制出符合现代消费时尚的新型山楂制品,为山楂的产业化发展,为国民的饮食健康做一点有益的探索.  相似文献   

正最近网上公开了重庆市石柱土家族自治县人民法院的一份民事判决书,笔者认为,本份判决书中法官因为"被告出售的农药霜脲·锰锌杀菌剂在《农药登记证》以及中国农药信息网的登记信息中作物范围仅仅标识为黄瓜,然其售卖的标识上却有葡萄,两者不一致时应当以《农药登记证》以及中国农药信息网上载明的信息为准,如此应当认定被告出售的农药霜脲·锰锌杀菌剂针对葡萄为假农药"的行为是不当的。该案发生在2016年,应当适用修订前的《农药管理条例》。修订前的《农药管理条例》第三十一条明确规定:"禁  相似文献   

<正>一位老和尚身边聚拢着一帮虔诚的弟子。这一天,他嘱咐弟子每人去南山打一担柴回来。弟子们匆匆行至离山不远的河边,人人目瞪口呆。只见洪水从山上奔泻而下,无论如何也休想渡河打柴了。无功而返,弟子们都有些垂头丧气,唯独一个小和尚与师傅  相似文献   

龙游县种子公司自恢复县制以来,既发生了深刻的变化,也经受了痛苦的磨难和严竣的考验。一、扬长避短,发挥优势作为原来在中国地图上也无法找到的龙游县,  相似文献   

随着我国农业进入新阶段,城乡居民生活水平提高,农业的国际化程度日益增强,农民增收和就业任务更加紧迫,我国农产品加工业越来越受到中央和社会各界的重视。农产品加工业已成为促进农业增效和农民增收的重要领域,成为国民经济中颇具潜力的增长点。2004年,农业部决定实施“农  相似文献   

<正>柑橘黄龙病又叫黄梢病,几乎能危害柑橘类的所有种类是南方柑橘产区的一种毁灭性病害。它不仅使叶片转黄,还能使柑橘产量降低,品质下降,病情严重时会使根系腐烂,甚至会造成柑橘全园被毁,对柑橘生产威胁极大。因此,应高度重  相似文献   

去年,我送花友一盆微型芦荟,株形典雅,小巧可爱,很有观赏价值。当时我告诉他:“芦荟很好养,因为是瓷盆,7~10天浇一次水,水能渗透到根部就行了,千万不能浇多了。每隔15天再施一次0.2%~0.3%的尿素和磷酸二氢钾混合液,如果用腐熟的淘米水(加6倍水)代替也行。照这么养就可以长大开花。”  相似文献   

从前,有两个饥饿的人得到了一位长者的恩赐:一根鱼竿和一篓鲜活硕大的鱼.其中一个人要了一篓鱼,另一个人要了一根鱼竿,然后他们分道扬镳.得到鱼的人原地用干柴搭起篝火煮鱼,转瞬间,连鱼带汤就被他吃了个精光.不久,他便饿死在空空的鱼篓旁.另一个人则提着鱼竿忍饥挨饿,一步步艰难地向海边走去.  相似文献   

ORYZA1 is an explanatory model to simulate rice growth, development and leaf area index (LAI) under potential production. The present study aims at testing the performance of ORYZA1 for Mediterranean conditions (farming practices, cultivars, weather) for fully irrigated direct-seeded rice. ORYZA1 was calibrated and validated with field data of two cultivars, a short-grain (Tebre) and a long-grain cultivar ( -202), grown in various years in the Ebro Delta of Spain. Phenological development of the rice crop, daily dry matter production and leaf area development were calibrated. Tebre and L-202 had no significant differences in the total length of the development period. The pre-heading period, however, was longer and the post-heading period shorter in L-202 than in Tebre. This induced differences in translocation characteristics, spikelet number per unit area, weight of the grains and harvest index. The following crop characteristics were similar between cultivars: extinction coefficient (increased with development stage), dynamics of nitrogen distribution, partitioning of assimilates, relative death rate of leaves, relative growth rate of leaf area during exponential growth, specific leaf area and a strongly decreasing specific stem green area. The simulated curve fitted much better the observations, which was clear from a strongly reduced value of RMSE, when considering that LAI comprises the leaf blade area only, without a photosynthetic contribution by stem green area. The model simulated rice growth very accurately until flowering. After flowering, however, divergences appeared and increased especially at the yellow ripe stage. From then on the crop did not grow much more, whereas it continued in the simulation. This reduction of growth rate was usually accompanied by an increase in the relative death rate of leaves and the drying of the grains. The main source of error may be a limited understanding of the ripening and sink limitation processes. A considerable yield gap between potential and observed yield remained. A climatic variability assessment over 10 years, from 1987 to 1996, showed a small but correlated variation (r=0.7) in both simulated and measured rice yields.  相似文献   

Summary The ability to recover embryos from achenes resulting from two sexual crosses of English rose varieties was investigated. Functional germination of recovered (rescued) embryos was considerably higher than for seed material when germinated conventionally. This technique also enabled the germination process to be fully controlled, and the aseptic techniques employed, avoided death of the germinating embryo due to fungal or bacterial infection. Seedlings, produced from recovered embryos, were successfully transferred to glasshouse conditions and matured to flowering plants. Many such plants exhibited combined floral characteristics of the two parent lines. The effects of media type, carbohydrate source and specifically the growth regulator BAP on the germination of recovered embryos was also assessed. The low percentage germination observed for achenes as used in this study, was due to both physical and chemical restrictions on the embryo. It is now therefore possible, to use embryo rescue techniques on English roses to recover flowering plants, of potential commercial value, that would normally be lost after sexual crossing.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

中棚番茄产量的氮磷钾效应模式及最优施肥参数的确定   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采用三因素二次饱和D-最优设计方案,对中棚番茄氮磷钾最优化施肥问题进行了定量研究,建立了中棚番茄产量形成的肥料反应模式,利用回归模型对最优化施肥量,各种肥料要素的单独产量的效应规律及其互作效应的进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Using data from a survey of directors of not-for-profit industrial development groups in the United States and from a variety of secondary sources, we test the hypothesis that the presence of an active industrial development group was a significant factor in the economic growth of its service area over the 1977-to-1982 period. The data permit us to control for different levels of organizational resources among growth promotion groups as well as other traditional factors of local economic change in a regression analysis. While growth promotion groups are judged to be effective in terms of the number of jobs that are created or preserved relative to their direct expenditures of resources, neither their presence nor the levels of their organizational resources are significantly related to service area net employment change. The efforts of growth promotion groups are simply overwhelmed in importance by factors such as population size, metropolitan accessibility, location in a growth region, and manufacturing wage rates that characterize the respective service areas.  相似文献   

Summary Until recently, temperate fruit trees and woody ornamentals have been regarded as recalcitrant to biotechnological breeding approaches based on protoplasts. This however should no longer be the case, as procedures are now available, not only for the regeneration of complete plants from protoplasts of various tissues of such species, but also for the exploitation of protoplast technology for their genetic manipulation. This paper will examine the recent advances and state of the art in this domain, with particular attention to the use of protoplast technology as a novel tool in the breeding of rosaceous top-fruit tree species and woody ornamentals. Problems and their solutions within the context of regenerating plants from isolated protoplasts of stone (Prunus spp.), pome (Pyrus spp., Malus spp.) and small (Rubus spp.) fruits, and of several shrubby ornamental genotypes (Lonicera spp., Weigela spp., Forsythia spp., Cotoneaster spp.) will be addressed. Interspecific (Prunus spinosa + Prunus cerasifera) and intergeneric (Forsythia spp. + Syringa spp.) somatic hybridization within this group of species, as well as the use of protoplasts for host/pathogen interaction studies (Pyrus/Erwinia amylovora) will also be discussed.  相似文献   

抗除草剂棉花LLCOTTON25的多重PCR检测方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了建立1种抗除草剂棉花LLCOTTON25多重PCR检测方法,根据抗除草剂棉花LLCOTTON25分子特征,同时选择棉花内源参照基因(SADI)、花椰菜花叶病毒启动子(P-Ca MV 35S)、根癌农杆菌终止子(T-NOS)和目的基因(bar)4个基因作为多重PCR(Polymerase chain reaction)检测基因,参照国家相关标准中的特异性引物序列,通过对反应条件的优化以及方法特异性和灵敏度测试,建立了可同时检测除内源基因外的3种外源目的基因的多重PCR检测体系。利用已知样品对本体系验证,抗除草剂棉花LLCOTTON25能被同时检出SADI、P-Ca MV 35S、T-NOS、bar等4个基因,而其他样品均不能被同时检出这4个基因。结果表明此体系可运用于抗除草剂棉花LLCOTTON25检测。  相似文献   

Yasuo Ohta 《Euphytica》1991,55(1):91-99
Summary In our previous report of a series of experiments involving ordinary grafting, virus-inoculated grafting and DNA treatment in Capsicum annuum L., we described the variants as well as gene analyses of individual variants, together with the characteristics of the graft-induced genetic changes obtained.Microhistological analysis of the stock stems revealed that chromatin masses, stained to greenish blue and in various sizes and shapes, were moving through cell wall and intercellular space from the lignifying and dying cells, stained to lighter purplish brown, towards the vascular bundles (Fig. 1). I discussed the mechanisms of chromatin transfer from the stock dying cells through the vascular system across the graft-union to the growing point(s) of the scion (Fig. 3), and how that process causes transformation in the fast dividing scion flower primordia (Fig. 4).The significance of chromatin translocation can be understood in the following way: Genetic information is never transmitted from the stock to the scion, unless a DNA molecule larger than a functional unit such as a gene translocates from the stock, and unless the DNA molecules per se are integrated into new cell nuclei of the scion. In other words, no transmission of genetic information will take place, if DNA molecules of the stock disintegrated to nucleotides, as when a protein molecule is digested into amino acids, and are utilized by the scion simply as raw material in the formation of new cell nuclei with its own DNA strand as template.Also discussed were the significance of mentor methods, and the importance of distinguishing between horticultural graft and genetical graft (Fig. 2).  相似文献   

Marc De Block 《Euphytica》1993,71(1-2):1-14
Summary The DNA delivery systems which are routinely used to introduce genes into crop plants are Agrobacterium tumefaciens, electroporation and particle bombardment. The differences and similarities between these different transformation techniques are outlined. The influence of the cell biological approach, and more specifically the impact of the state of the plant cell at the moment of transformation, on the genotype and phenotype of the regenerated transgenic plant is analysed. In this respect phenomena such as position effects, gene silencing, co-suppression, epistasis, co-transformation and somaclonal variation are discussed. The relevance of these factors for plant breeders is discussed.  相似文献   

亚洲栽培稻籼粳亚种间杂种优势的利用是水稻超高产育种的一项很重要的手段,直接利用籼粳间杂种优势已成为杂交育种的主攻方向。要进行籼粳亚种间杂种优势的超高产育种,首先是正确判别籼粳。籼粳中间型或非典型籼粳可能来源于籼粳的自然杂交或人工杂交,也可能来源于分化前的原始型过渡品种。这些品种中有很多是广亲和材料,如果能够正确认识其在分类系统中的地位,利用这些品种作为籼粳杂交的中间桥梁,运用科学的育种方法,减少或避免亚种间产生不育或育性较差的问题,对籼粳稻杂种优势的利用、广亲和材料的选育、分子标记及基因工程的顺利进行都…  相似文献   

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